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Example 21 with Bitmap

use of in project cw-omnibus by commonsguy.

the class TextIconGenerator method makeIcon.

     * Creates an icon with the current content and style.
     * <p/>
     * This method is useful if a custom view has previously been set, or if text content is not
     * applicable.
public Bitmap makeIcon() {
    ViewGroup container = getContainer();
    int measureSpec = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
    container.measure(measureSpec, measureSpec);
    int measuredWidth = container.getMeasuredWidth();
    int measuredHeight = container.getMeasuredHeight();
    container.layout(0, 0, measuredWidth, measuredHeight);
    if (mRotation == 1 || mRotation == 3) {
        measuredHeight = container.getMeasuredWidth();
        measuredWidth = container.getMeasuredHeight();
    Bitmap r = Bitmap.createBitmap(measuredWidth, measuredHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(r);
    if (mRotation == 0) {
    // do nothing
    } else if (mRotation == 1) {
        canvas.translate(measuredWidth, 0);
    } else if (mRotation == 2) {
        canvas.rotate(180, measuredWidth / 2, measuredHeight / 2);
    } else {
        canvas.translate(0, measuredHeight);
    return r;
Also used : Bitmap( ViewGroup(android.view.ViewGroup) Canvas(

Example 22 with Bitmap

use of in project Launcher3 by chislon.

the class BitmapUtils method resizeAndCropCenter.

public static Bitmap resizeAndCropCenter(Bitmap bitmap, int size, boolean recycle) {
    int w = bitmap.getWidth();
    int h = bitmap.getHeight();
    if (w == size && h == size)
        return bitmap;
    // scale the image so that the shorter side equals to the target;
    // the longer side will be center-cropped.
    float scale = (float) size / Math.min(w, h);
    Bitmap target = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, getConfig(bitmap));
    int width = Math.round(scale * bitmap.getWidth());
    int height = Math.round(scale * bitmap.getHeight());
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(target);
    canvas.translate((size - width) / 2f, (size - height) / 2f);
    canvas.scale(scale, scale);
    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG);
    canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint);
    if (recycle)
    return target;
Also used : Bitmap( Canvas( Paint( Paint(

Example 23 with Bitmap

use of in project Launcher3 by chislon.

the class BitmapUtils method createVideoThumbnail.

public static Bitmap createVideoThumbnail(String filePath) {
    // MediaMetadataRetriever is available on API Level 8
    // but is hidden until API Level 10
    Class<?> clazz = null;
    Object instance = null;
    try {
        clazz = Class.forName("");
        instance = clazz.newInstance();
        Method method = clazz.getMethod("setDataSource", String.class);
        method.invoke(instance, filePath);
        // The method name changes between API Level 9 and 10.
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 9) {
            return (Bitmap) clazz.getMethod("captureFrame").invoke(instance);
        } else {
            byte[] data = (byte[]) clazz.getMethod("getEmbeddedPicture").invoke(instance);
            if (data != null) {
                Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length);
                if (bitmap != null)
                    return bitmap;
            return (Bitmap) clazz.getMethod("getFrameAtTime").invoke(instance);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // Assume this is a corrupt video file
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
    // Assume this is a corrupt video file.
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (instance != null) {
        } catch (Exception ignored) {
    return null;
Also used : Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) Bitmap(

Example 24 with Bitmap

use of in project philm by chrisbanes.

the class PinnedSectionListView method createPinnedShadow.

     * Create shadow wrapper with a pinned view for a view at given position
void createPinnedShadow(int position) {
    // try to recycle shadow
    PinnedSection pinnedShadow = mRecycleSection;
    mRecycleSection = null;
    // create new shadow, if needed
    if (pinnedShadow == null) {
        pinnedShadow = new PinnedSection();
    // request new view using recycled view, if such
    View pinnedView;
    final int childIndex = position - getFirstVisiblePosition();
    final View sectionView = getChildAt(childIndex);
    if (sectionView != null) {
        Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(sectionView.getWidth(), sectionView.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas c = new Canvas(b);
        pinnedView = new ImageView(getContext());
        ((ImageView) pinnedView).setImageBitmap(b);
    } else {
        pinnedView = getAdapter().getView(position, null, PinnedSectionListView.this);
    // read layout parameters
    LayoutParams layoutParams = (LayoutParams) pinnedView.getLayoutParams();
    if (layoutParams == null) {
        // create default layout params
        layoutParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
    int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(layoutParams.height);
    int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(layoutParams.height);
    if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED) {
        heightMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
    int maxHeight = getHeight() - getListPaddingTop() - getListPaddingBottom();
    if (heightSize > maxHeight) {
        heightSize = maxHeight;
    // measure & layout
    int ws = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getWidth() - getListPaddingLeft() - getListPaddingRight(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
    int hs = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(heightSize, heightMode);
    pinnedView.measure(ws, hs);
    pinnedView.layout(0, 0, pinnedView.getMeasuredWidth(), pinnedView.getMeasuredHeight());
    mTranslateY = 0;
    // initialize pinned shadow
    pinnedShadow.view = pinnedView;
    pinnedShadow.position = position; = getAdapter().getItemId(position);
    // store pinned shadow
    mPinnedSection = pinnedShadow;
Also used : Bitmap( Canvas( ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) AbsListView(android.widget.AbsListView) View(android.view.View) ListView(android.widget.ListView) Paint(

Example 25 with Bitmap

use of in project SimplifyReader by chentao0707.

the class CaptureActivity method onActivityResult.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (resultCode != RESULT_OK) {
    if (requestCode == IMAGE_PICKER_REQUEST_CODE) {
        String imagePath = data.getStringExtra(CommonImagePickerDetailActivity.KEY_BUNDLE_RESULT_IMAGE_PATH);
        if (!CommonUtils.isEmpty(imagePath)) {
            ImageLoader.getInstance().loadImage("file://" + imagePath, new ImageLoadingListener() {

                public void onLoadingStarted(String imageUri, View view) {

                public void onLoadingFailed(String imageUri, View view, FailReason failReason) {

                public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage) {
                    String resultZxing = new DecodeUtils(DecodeUtils.DECODE_DATA_MODE_ALL).decodeWithZxing(loadedImage);
                    String resultZbar = new DecodeUtils(DecodeUtils.DECODE_DATA_MODE_ALL).decodeWithZbar(loadedImage);
                    if (!CommonUtils.isEmpty(resultZbar)) {
                        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
                        extras.putInt(DecodeThread.DECODE_MODE, DecodeUtils.DECODE_MODE_ZBAR);
                        handleDecode(resultZbar, extras);
                    } else if (!CommonUtils.isEmpty(resultZxing)) {
                        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
                        extras.putInt(DecodeThread.DECODE_MODE, DecodeUtils.DECODE_MODE_ZXING);
                        handleDecode(resultZxing, extras);
                    } else {

                public void onLoadingCancelled(String imageUri, View view) {
Also used : Bitmap( ImageLoadingListener(com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.listener.ImageLoadingListener) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) FailReason(com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist.FailReason) DecodeUtils(com.github.obsessive.simplifyreader.ui.activity.qrcode.decode.DecodeUtils) SurfaceView(android.view.SurfaceView) ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) InjectView(butterknife.InjectView) View(android.view.View)


Bitmap ( Canvas ( Paint ( BitmapDrawable ( IOException ( Rect ( Test (org.junit.Test)255 File ( Matrix ( Drawable ( BitmapFactory ( View (android.view.View)220 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)205 FileOutputStream ( Intent (android.content.Intent)177 InputStream ( FileNotFoundException ( RectF ( Point ( Uri (