Search in sources :

Example 21 with Mountpoint

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ImapHandler method accumulatePaths.

private void accumulatePaths(Object mboxobj, String owner, ImapPath relativeTo, Map<ImapPath, ItemId> paths) throws ServiceException {
    String root = relativeTo == null ? "" : "/" + relativeTo.asResolvedPath();
    if (mboxobj instanceof Mailbox) {
        Mailbox mbox = (Mailbox) mboxobj;
        Collection<Folder> folders = mbox.getVisibleFolders(getContext());
        if (folders == null) {
            folders = mbox.getFolderById(getContext(), relativeTo == null ? Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT : relativeTo.asItemId().getId()).getSubfolderHierarchy();
        boolean isMailFolders = Provisioning.getInstance().getLocalServer().isImapDisplayMailFoldersOnly();
        for (Folder folder : folders) {
            if (!folder.getPath().startsWith(root) || folder.getPath().equals(root)) {
            //bug 6418 ..filter out folders which are contacts and chat for LIST command.
            if (isMailFolders) {
                //  chat has item type of message.hence ignoring the chat folder by name.
                MailItem.Type view = folder.getDefaultView();
                if ((view == MailItem.Type.CHAT) || (folder.getName().equals("Chats"))) {
            ImapPath path = relativeTo == null ? new ImapPath(owner, folder, credentials) : new ImapPath(owner, folder, relativeTo);
            if (path.isVisible()) {
                if (userAgent != null && userAgent.startsWith(IDInfo.DATASOURCE_IMAP_CLIENT_NAME) && folder.isTagged(Flag.FlagInfo.SYNCFOLDER)) {
                    //bug 72577 - do not display folders synced with IMAP datasource to downstream IMAP datasource connections
                boolean alreadyTraversed = paths.put(path, path.asItemId()) != null;
                if (folder instanceof Mountpoint && !alreadyTraversed) {
                    accumulatePaths(path.getOwnerMailbox(), owner, path, paths);
    } else if (mboxobj instanceof ZMailbox) {
        ZMailbox zmbx = (ZMailbox) mboxobj;
        for (ZFolder zfolder : zmbx.getAllFolders()) {
            if (!zfolder.getPath().startsWith(root) || zfolder.getPath().equals(root)) {
            ImapPath path = relativeTo == null ? new ImapPath(owner, zfolder, credentials) : new ImapPath(owner, zfolder, relativeTo);
            if (path.isVisible()) {
                paths.put(path, path.asItemId());
Also used : MailItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem) ZMailbox(com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox) Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) ZMailbox(com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox) ZFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZFolder) SearchFolder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder) Folder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder) ZFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZFolder) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint)

Example 22 with Mountpoint

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ImapPath method isValidImapPath.

     * Mostly checking that the path doesn't clash with any paths we don't want to expose via IMAP.
     * Separated out from isVisible() to aid IMAP LSUB command support.
boolean isValidImapPath() throws ServiceException {
    if (mCredentials != null) {
        if (mCredentials.isHackEnabled(ImapCredentials.EnabledHack.WM5)) {
            String lcname = mPath.toLowerCase();
            if (lcname.startsWith("sent items") && (lcname.length() == 10 || lcname.charAt(10) == '/'))
                return false;
    try {
        // you cannot access your own mailbox via the /home/username mechanism
        if (mOwner != null && belongsTo(mCredentials))
            return false;
        if (mFolder instanceof Folder) {
            Folder folder = (Folder) mFolder;
            // hide all system folders and the user root folder
            if (folder.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT && mScope != Scope.REFERENCE) {
                return false;
            // hide spam folder unless anti-spam feature is enabled.
            if (folder.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_SPAM && !getOwnerAccount().isFeatureAntispamEnabled()) {
                return false;
            boolean isMailFolders = Provisioning.getInstance().getLocalServer().isImapDisplayMailFoldersOnly();
            if (!isVisible(folder.getDefaultView(), isMailFolders)) {
                return false;
            // hide subfolders of trashed mountpoints
            if (mReferent != this && folder.inTrash() && !((Mountpoint) folder).getTarget().equals(mReferent.asItemId())) {
                return false;
            // hide other users' mountpoints and mountpoints that point to the same mailbox
            if (folder instanceof Mountpoint && mReferent == this && mScope != Scope.UNPARSED) {
                return false;
            // search folder visibility depends on an account setting
            if (folder instanceof SearchFolder) {
                return ((SearchFolder) folder).isImapVisible() && ImapFolder.getTypeConstraint((SearchFolder) folder).size() > 0;
        } else {
            ZFolder zfolder = (ZFolder) mFolder;
            int folderId = asItemId().getId();
            // the mailbox root folder is not visible
            if (folderId == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT && mScope != Scope.REFERENCE) {
                return false;
            // hide spam folder unless anti-spam feature is enabled.
            if (folderId == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_SPAM && !getOwnerAccount().isFeatureAntispamEnabled()) {
                return false;
            // calendars, briefcases, etc. are not surfaced in IMAP
            ZFolder.View view = zfolder.getDefaultView();
            if (view == ZFolder.View.appointment || view == ZFolder.View.task || view == || view == ZFolder.View.document) {
                return false;
            // hide other users' mountpoints and mountpoints that point to the same mailbox
            if (zfolder instanceof ZMountpoint && mReferent == this && mScope != Scope.UNPARSED) {
                return false;
            // hide all remote searchfolders
            if (zfolder instanceof ZSearchFolder) {
                return false;
    } catch (NoSuchItemException ignore) {
    // 6.3.9.  LSUB Command
    //   The server MUST NOT unilaterally remove an existing mailbox name from the subscription list even if a
    //   mailbox by that name no longer exists.
    } catch (AccountServiceException ase) {
        if (!AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT.equals(ase.getCode())) {
            throw ase;
    } catch (ServiceException se) {
        if (ServiceException.PERM_DENIED.equals(se.getCode())) {
            // Path probably OK.  For subscriptions, don't disallow path for possibly temporary permissions issue
            return true;
        throw se;
    return mReferent == this ? true : mReferent.isValidImapPath();
Also used : ZMountpoint(com.zimbra.client.ZMountpoint) ZSearchFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZSearchFolder) SearchFolder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder) ZSearchFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZSearchFolder) ZFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZFolder) SearchFolder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder) Folder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder) NoSuchItemException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException) ZMountpoint(com.zimbra.client.ZMountpoint) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) AccountServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException) AccountServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) ZFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZFolder) ZMountpoint(com.zimbra.client.ZMountpoint) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) ZSearchFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZSearchFolder)

Example 23 with Mountpoint

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class TestTags method cleanUp.

private void cleanUp() throws Exception {
    Set<Integer> messageIds = search("subject:\"Test tags\"", MailItem.Type.MESSAGE);
    for (int id : messageIds) {
        mMbox.delete(null, id, MailItem.Type.MESSAGE);
    List<Tag> tags = mMbox.getTagList(null);
    if (tags == null) {
    for (Tag tag : tags) {
        if (tag.getName().startsWith(TAG_PREFIX)) {
            mMbox.delete(null, tag.getId(), tag.getType());
    if (mountpoint != null) {
        try {
            mMbox.delete(null, mountpoint.getId(), MailItem.Type.MOUNTPOINT);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        mountpoint = null;
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Tag(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Tag) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException)

Example 24 with Mountpoint

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class DavServlet method isProxyRequest.

private boolean isProxyRequest(DavContext ctxt, DavMethod m) throws IOException, DavException, ServiceException, HttpException {
    Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
    ItemId target = null;
    String extraPath = null;
    String requestPath = ctxt.getPath();
    try {
        if (ctxt.getUser() == null) {
            return false;
        if (requestPath == null || requestPath.length() < 2) {
            return false;
        Account account = prov.getAccountByName(ctxt.getUser());
        if (account == null) {
            return false;
        Mailbox mbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(account);
        Pair<Folder, String> match = mbox.getFolderByPathLongestMatch(ctxt.getOperationContext(), Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT, requestPath);
        Folder targetFolder = match.getFirst();
        if (!(targetFolder instanceof Mountpoint)) {
            return false;
        Mountpoint mp = (Mountpoint) targetFolder;
        target = new ItemId(mp.getOwnerId(), mp.getRemoteId());
        extraPath = match.getSecond();
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        ZimbraLog.dav.debug("can't get path", e);
        return false;
    // we also don't proxy DELETE on a mountpoint.
    if (extraPath == null && (m.getName().equals(PropFind.PROPFIND) && ctxt.getDepth() == || m.getName().equals(PropPatch.PROPPATCH) || m.getName().equals(Delete.DELETE))) {
        return false;
    String prefix = ctxt.getPath();
    if (extraPath != null) {
        prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.indexOf(extraPath));
    prefix = HttpUtil.urlEscape(DAV_PATH + "/" + ctxt.getUser() + prefix);
    if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) {
        prefix += "/";
    // make sure the target account exists.
    Account acct = prov.getAccountById(target.getAccountId());
    if (acct == null) {
        return false;
    Server server = prov.getServer(acct);
    if (server == null) {
        return false;
    // get the path to the target mail item
    AuthToken authToken = AuthProvider.getAuthToken(ctxt.getAuthAccount());
    ZMailbox.Options zoptions = new ZMailbox.Options(authToken.toZAuthToken(), AccountUtil.getSoapUri(acct));
    ZMailbox zmbx = ZMailbox.getMailbox(zoptions);
    ZFolder f = zmbx.getFolderById("" + target.toString());
    if (f == null) {
        return false;
    String path = f.getPath();
    String newPrefix = HttpUtil.urlEscape(DAV_PATH + "/" + acct.getName() + f.getPath());
    if (ctxt.hasRequestMessage()) {
        // replace the path in <href> of the request with the path to the target mail item.
        Document req = ctxt.getRequestMessage();
        for (Object hrefObj : req.getRootElement().elements(DavElements.E_HREF)) {
            if (!(hrefObj instanceof Element)) {
            Element href = (Element) hrefObj;
            String v = href.getText();
            // prefix matching is not as straightforward as we have jetty redirect from /dav to /home/dav.
            href.setText(newPrefix + "/" + v.substring(v.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
    // build proxy request
    String url = getProxyUrl(ctxt.getRequest(), server, DAV_PATH) + HttpUtil.urlEscape("/" + acct.getName() + path + "/" + (extraPath == null ? "" : extraPath));
    BasicCookieStore state = new BasicCookieStore();
    authToken.encode(state, false, server.getAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraServiceHostname));
    HttpClientBuilder clientBuilder = ZimbraHttpConnectionManager.getInternalHttpConnMgr().newHttpClient();
    HttpClient client =;
    HttpRequestBase method = m.toHttpMethod(ctxt, url);
    method.addHeader(new BasicHeader(DavProtocol.HEADER_USER_AGENT, "Zimbra-DAV/" + BuildInfo.VERSION));
    if (ZimbraLog.dav.isDebugEnabled()) {
        Enumeration<String> headers = ctxt.getRequest().getHeaderNames();
        while (headers.hasMoreElements()) {
            String hdr = headers.nextElement();
            if (!PROXY_REQUEST_HEADERS.contains(hdr) && !IGNORABLE_PROXY_REQUEST_HEADERS.contains(hdr)) {
                ZimbraLog.dav.debug("Dropping header(s) with name [%s] from proxy request (not in PROXY_REQUEST_HEADERS)", hdr);
    for (String h : PROXY_REQUEST_HEADERS) {
        String hval = ctxt.getRequest().getHeader(h);
        if (hval != null) {
            method.addHeader(h, hval);
    HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpClientUtil.executeMethod(client, method);
    int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    if (ZimbraLog.dav.isDebugEnabled()) {
        for (Header hval : httpResponse.getAllHeaders()) {
            String hdrName = hval.getName();
            if (!PROXY_RESPONSE_HEADERS.contains(hdrName) && !IGNORABLE_PROXY_RESPONSE_HEADERS.contains(hdrName)) {
                ZimbraLog.dav.debug("Dropping header [%s] from proxy response (not in PROXY_RESPONSE_HEADERS)", hval);
    for (String h : PROXY_RESPONSE_HEADERS) {
        for (Header hval : httpResponse.getHeaders(h)) {
            String hdrValue = hval.getValue();
            if (DavProtocol.HEADER_LOCATION.equals(h)) {
                int pfxLastSlashPos = prefix.lastIndexOf('/');
                int lastSlashPos = hdrValue.lastIndexOf('/');
                if ((lastSlashPos > 0) && (pfxLastSlashPos > 0)) {
                    hdrValue = prefix.substring(0, pfxLastSlashPos) + hdrValue.substring(lastSlashPos);
                    ZimbraLog.dav.debug("Original [%s] from proxy response new value '%s'", hval, hdrValue);
            ctxt.getResponse().addHeader(h, hdrValue);
    if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null && httpResponse.getEntity().getContent() != null) {
        try (InputStream in = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent()) {
            switch(statusCode) {
                case DavProtocol.STATUS_MULTI_STATUS:
                    // rewrite the <href> element in the response to point to local mountpoint.
                    try {
                        Document response = W3cDomUtil.parseXMLToDom4jDocUsingSecureProcessing(in);
                        Element top = response.getRootElement();
                        for (Object responseObj : top.elements(DavElements.E_RESPONSE)) {
                            if (!(responseObj instanceof Element)) {
                            Element href = ((Element) responseObj).element(DavElements.E_HREF);
                            String v = href.getText();
                            v = URLDecoder.decode(v);
                            // Bug:106438, because v contains URL encoded value(%40) for '@' the comparison fails
                            if (v.startsWith(newPrefix)) {
                                href.setText(prefix + v.substring(newPrefix.length() + 1));
                        if (ZimbraLog.dav.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            ZimbraLog.dav.debug("PROXY RESPONSE:\n%s", new String(DomUtil.getBytes(response), "UTF-8"));
                        DomUtil.writeDocumentToStream(response, ctxt.getResponse().getOutputStream());
                    } catch (XmlParseException e) {
                        ZimbraLog.dav.warn("proxy request failed", e);
                        return false;
                    if (in != null) {
                        ByteUtil.copy(in, true, ctxt.getResponse().getOutputStream(), false);
            return true;
    return true;
Also used : Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) Options(com.zimbra.cs.dav.service.method.Options) HttpRequestBase(org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase) Server(com.zimbra.cs.account.Server) Element(org.dom4j.Element) HttpClientBuilder(org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder) Folder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder) ZFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZFolder) Document(org.dom4j.Document) ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId) Provisioning(com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning) ZMailbox(com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox) Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) ZMailbox(com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox) ZFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZFolder) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) GZIPInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( HttpResponse(org.apache.http.HttpResponse) XmlParseException(com.zimbra.common.soap.XmlParseException) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) BasicCookieStore(org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) Header(org.apache.http.Header) BasicHeader(org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader) HttpClient(org.apache.http.client.HttpClient) AuthToken(com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthToken) BasicHeader(org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader)

Example 25 with Mountpoint

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class AbstractProxyProperty method getMountpoints.

protected ArrayList<Pair<Mountpoint, ZFolder>> getMountpoints(DavContext ctxt) {
    ArrayList<Pair<Mountpoint, ZFolder>> mps = new ArrayList<Pair<Mountpoint, ZFolder>>();
    try {
        Mailbox mbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(account);
        for (MailItem item : mbox.getItemList(ctxt.getOperationContext(), MailItem.Type.MOUNTPOINT)) {
            Mountpoint mp = (Mountpoint) item;
            // skip non-calendar mountpoints
            if (mp.getDefaultView() != MailItem.Type.APPOINTMENT && mp.getDefaultView() != MailItem.Type.TASK) {
            ZAuthToken zat = AuthProvider.getAuthToken(ctxt.getAuthAccount()).toZAuthToken();
            ZMailbox zmbx = RemoteCollection.getRemoteMailbox(zat, mp.getOwnerId());
            // skip dangling mountpoints
            if (zmbx == null) {
            try {
                ZFolder folder = zmbx.getFolderById(mp.getTarget().toString(account));
                // skip dangling mountpoints
                if (folder == null) {
                mps.add(new Pair<Mountpoint, ZFolder>(mp, folder));
            } catch (ServiceException se) {
                ZimbraLog.dav.warn("can't get remote folder", se);
    } catch (ServiceException se) {
        ZimbraLog.dav.warn("can't get mailbox", se);
    return mps;
Also used : MailItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem) ZMailbox(com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox) Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) ZMailbox(com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ZFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZFolder) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) ZAuthToken(com.zimbra.common.auth.ZAuthToken) Pair(com.zimbra.common.util.Pair)


Mountpoint (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint)43 Folder (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder)30 ServiceException (com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException)23 Mailbox (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox)18 Account (com.zimbra.cs.account.Account)17 MailItem (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem)14 MailServiceException (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException)14 ZFolder (com.zimbra.client.ZFolder)11 ItemId (com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId)11 ZMailbox (com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox)8 Element (com.zimbra.common.soap.Element)8 OperationContext (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.OperationContext)8 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)8 Provisioning (com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning)6 SearchFolder (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder)6 ZMountpoint (com.zimbra.client.ZMountpoint)5 Pair (com.zimbra.common.util.Pair)5 NoSuchItemException (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException)5 ItemIdFormatter (com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemIdFormatter)5