use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.exception.StorageException in project textdb by TextDB.
the class PlanStore method addPlan.
* Adds a Logical Plan JSON to the plan store.
* @param planName, the name of the plan.
* @param description, the description of the plan.
* @param logicalPlanJson, the logical plan JSON string
* @Return IDField, the id field of the plan stored.
* @throws TexeraException, when there are null fields or the given name is invalid or there is an existing plan with same name.
public IDField addPlan(String planName, String description, String logicalPlanJson) throws TexeraException {
if (planName == null || description == null || logicalPlanJson == null) {
throw new TexeraException("Arguments cannot be null when adding a plan");
if (!PlanStoreConstants.VALID_PLAN_NAME.matcher(planName).find()) {
throw new TexeraException("Plan name is not valid. It can only contain alphanumeric characters, " + "underscore, and hyphen.");
if (getPlan(planName) != null) {
throw new TexeraException("A plan with the same name already exists");
try {
// Converting the JSON String to a JSON Node to minimize space usage and to check validity of JSON string
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readValue(logicalPlanJson, JsonNode.class);
logicalPlanJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(jsonNode);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new StorageException("logical plan json is an invalid json string: " + logicalPlanJson);
Tuple tuple = new Tuple(PlanStoreConstants.SCHEMA_PLAN, new StringField(planName), new StringField(description), new StringField(logicalPlanJson));
DataWriter dataWriter = relationManager.getTableDataWriter(PlanStoreConstants.TABLE_NAME);;
IDField id = dataWriter.insertTuple(tuple);
return id;
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.exception.StorageException in project textdb by TextDB.
the class PlanStore method updatePlanInternal.
* Updates both plan description and plan json of a plan with the given plan name.
* If description is null, it will not update plan description.
* If plan json is NULL, it will not update the plan's JSON file.
* @param planName, the name of the plan.
* @param description, the new description of the plan.
* @param logicalPlanJson, the new plan json string.
* @throws TexeraException
private void updatePlanInternal(String planName, String description, String logicalPlanJson) throws TexeraException {
Tuple existingPlan = getPlan(planName);
if (existingPlan == null) {
// Checking if an updated description or logical plan JSON string has been provided
if (description == null && logicalPlanJson == null) {
// Checking if the logical plan JSON string needs to be updated
if (logicalPlanJson != null) {
// Compressing and checking the validity of the logical plan JSON string
try {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readValue(logicalPlanJson, JsonNode.class);
logicalPlanJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(jsonNode);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new StorageException("logical plan json is an invalid json string: " + logicalPlanJson);
// Getting the fields in order for performing the update
IDField idField = (IDField) existingPlan.getField(SchemaConstants._ID);
IField descriptionField = description != null ? new StringField(description) : existingPlan.getField(PlanStoreConstants.DESCRIPTION);
IField logicalPlanJsonField = logicalPlanJson != null ? new StringField(logicalPlanJson) : existingPlan.getField(PlanStoreConstants.LOGICAL_PLAN_JSON);
// Creating a tuple out of all the fields
Tuple newTuple = new Tuple(PlanStoreConstants.SCHEMA_PLAN, new StringField(planName), descriptionField, logicalPlanJsonField);
// Writing the updated tuple
DataWriter dataWriter = relationManager.getTableDataWriter(PlanStoreConstants.TABLE_NAME);;
dataWriter.updateTuple(newTuple, idField);
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.exception.StorageException in project textdb by TextDB.
the class DictionaryManager method writeToFile.
* Write uploaded file at the given location (if the file exists, remove it and write a new one.)
* @param content
* @param fileUploadDirectory
* @param fileName
private void writeToFile(String fileName, String dictionaryContent) throws StorageException {
try {
Path filePath = DictionaryManagerConstants.DICTIONARY_DIR_PATH.resolve(fileName);
Files.write(filePath, dictionaryContent.getBytes());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new StorageException("Error occurred whlie uploading dictionary");
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.exception.StorageException in project textdb by TextDB.
the class DictionaryManager method getDictionary.
public String getDictionary(String dictionaryName) throws StorageException {
DataReader dataReader = relationManager.getTableDataReader(DictionaryManagerConstants.TABLE_NAME, new TermQuery(new Term(DictionaryManagerConstants.NAME, dictionaryName)));;
if (dataReader.getNextTuple() == null) {
throw new StorageException("Dictionary " + dictionaryName + "does not exist");
try {
return Files.lines(DictionaryManagerConstants.DICTIONARY_DIR_PATH.resolve(dictionaryName)).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new StorageException(e);
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.exception.StorageException in project textdb by TextDB.
the class PlanStoreTest method assertCorrectPlanExists.
* This is a helper function that checks whether the plan corresponding to the plan name corresponds to the
* logical plan JSON string that is fed to this function
* @param planName - Name of the plan name to check with
* @param logicalPlanJson - Expected LogicalPlan JSON string
* @throws TexeraException
public static void assertCorrectPlanExists(String planName, String logicalPlanJson) throws TexeraException {
Tuple res = planStore.getPlan(planName);
try {
String returnedPlan = res.getField(PlanStoreConstants.LOGICAL_PLAN_JSON).getValue().toString();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readValue(logicalPlanJson, JsonNode.class);
JsonNode returnedJsonNode = objectMapper.readValue(returnedPlan, JsonNode.class);
Assert.assertEquals(jsonNode, returnedJsonNode);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new StorageException(e);