use of ij.ImageStack in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class YeastMask method createNucleusSphere.
* Create a sphere using the given pixel width and stack depth using a fraction of the original cell radius
* @param width
* @param depth
* @return A sphere
private ImageStack createNucleusSphere(int width, int depth) {
// Create a sphere. This could be done exploiting symmetry to be more efficient
// but is left as a simple implementation
final double centreX = width * 0.5;
final double centreZ = depth * 0.5;
// Precompute squares for the width
double[] s = new double[width];
for (int iy = 0; iy < width; iy++) {
final double y = (centreX - (iy + 0.5)) * nmPerPixel;
s[iy] = y * y;
ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, width, depth);
final byte on = (byte) 255;
final double r = radius * 1000 * nucleus;
final double r2 = r * r;
for (int iz = 0; iz < depth; iz++) {
final double z = (centreZ - (iz + 0.5)) * nmPerSlice;
final double z2 = z * z;
byte[] mask = new byte[width * width];
for (int iy = 0, i = 0; iy < width; iy++) {
final double y2z2 = s[iy] + z2;
for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++, i++) {
final double d2 = s[ix] + y2z2;
if (d2 < r2)
mask[i] = on;
stack.setPixels(mask, iz + 1);
return stack;
use of ij.ImageStack in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkSpotFit method run.
private void run() {
// Extract all the results in memory into a list per frame. This can be cached
boolean refresh = false;
if (lastId != {
// Do not get integer coordinates
// The Coordinate objects will be PeakResultPoint objects that store the original PeakResult
// from the MemoryPeakResults
actualCoordinates = ResultsMatchCalculator.getCoordinates(results.getResults(), false);
lastId =;
refresh = true;
// Extract all the candidates into a list per frame. This can be cached if the settings have not changed
final int width = (config.isIncludeNeighbours()) ? config.getRelativeFitting() : 0;
final Settings settings = new Settings(, fractionPositives, fractionNegativesAfterAllPositives, negativesAfterAllPositives, width);
if (refresh || !settings.equals(lastSettings)) {
filterCandidates = subsetFilterResults(BenchmarkSpotFilter.filterResult.filterResults, width);
lastSettings = settings;
lastFilterId =;
stopWatch = StopWatch.createStarted();
final ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack();
// Save results to memory
MemoryPeakResults peakResults = new MemoryPeakResults();
// Create a pool of workers
final int nThreads = Prefs.getThreads();
BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(nThreads * 2);
List<Worker> workers = new LinkedList<Worker>();
List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>();
for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
Worker worker = new Worker(jobs, stack, actualCoordinates, filterCandidates, peakResults);
Thread t = new Thread(worker);
// Fit the frames
long runTime = System.nanoTime();
totalProgress = stack.getSize();
stepProgress = Utils.getProgressInterval(totalProgress);
progress = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= totalProgress; i++) {
put(jobs, i);
// Finish all the worker threads by passing in a null job
for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) {
put(jobs, -1);
// Wait for all to finish
for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
runTime = System.nanoTime() - runTime;
if (Utils.isInterrupted()) {
final String timeString = stopWatch.toString();
IJ.log("Spot fit time : " + timeString);
IJ.showStatus("Collecting results ...");
fitResults = new TIntObjectHashMap<FilterCandidates>();
for (Worker w : workers) {
// Assign a unique ID to each result
int count = 0;
// Materialise into an array since we use it twice
FilterCandidates[] candidates = fitResults.values(new FilterCandidates[fitResults.size()]);
for (FilterCandidates result : candidates) {
for (int i = 0; i < result.fitResult.length; i++) {
final MultiPathFitResult fitResult = result.fitResult[i];
count += count(fitResult.getSingleFitResult());
count += count(fitResult.getMultiFitResult());
count += count(fitResult.getDoubletFitResult());
count += count(fitResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult());
PreprocessedPeakResult[] preprocessedPeakResults = new PreprocessedPeakResult[count];
count = 0;
for (FilterCandidates result : candidates) {
for (int i = 0; i < result.fitResult.length; i++) {
final MultiPathFitResult fitResult = result.fitResult[i];
count = store(fitResult.getSingleFitResult(), count, preprocessedPeakResults);
count = store(fitResult.getMultiFitResult(), count, preprocessedPeakResults);
count = store(fitResult.getDoubletFitResult(), count, preprocessedPeakResults);
count = store(fitResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult(), count, preprocessedPeakResults);
summariseResults(fitResults, runTime, preprocessedPeakResults, count);
use of ij.ImageStack in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method saveTemplate.
* Save PeakFit configuration template using the current benchmark settings.
* @param topFilterSummary
private void saveTemplate(String topFilterSummary) {
FitEngineConfiguration config = new FitEngineConfiguration(new FitConfiguration());
if (!updateAllConfiguration(config, true)) {
IJ.log("Unable to create the template configuration");
// Remove the PSF width to make the template generic
String filename = getFilename("Template_File", templateFilename);
if (filename != null) {
templateFilename = filename;
Prefs.set(KEY_TEMPLATE_FILENAME, filename);
GlobalSettings settings = new GlobalSettings();
if (!SettingsManager.saveSettings(settings, filename, true)) {
IJ.log("Unable to save the template configuration");
// Save some random frames from the test image data
ImagePlus imp = CreateData.getImage();
if (imp == null)
// Get the number of frames
final ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack();
if (sampler == null || sampler.getResults() != results) {
sampler = new ResultsImageSampler(results, stack, 32);
if (!sampler.isValid())
// Iteratively show the example until the user is happy.
// Yes = OK, No = Repeat, Cancel = Do not save
String keyNo = "nNo";
String keyLow = "nLower";
String keyHigh = "nHigher";
if (Utils.isMacro()) {
// Collect the options if running in a macro
String options = Macro.getOptions();
nNo = Integer.parseInt(Macro.getValue(options, keyNo, Integer.toString(nNo)));
nLow = Integer.parseInt(Macro.getValue(options, keyLow, Integer.toString(nLow)));
nHigh = Integer.parseInt(Macro.getValue(options, keyHigh, Integer.toString(nHigh)));
} else {
if (nLow + nHigh == 0)
nLow = nHigh = 1;
final ImagePlus[] out = new ImagePlus[1];
out[0] = sampler.getSample(nNo, nLow, nHigh);
if (!Utils.isMacro()) {
// Show the template results
final ConfigurationTemplate configTemplate = new ConfigurationTemplate();
// Interactively show the sample image data
final boolean[] close = new boolean[1];
final ImagePlus[] outImp = new ImagePlus[1];
if (out[0] != null) {
outImp[0] = display(out[0]);
if (Utils.isNewWindow()) {
close[0] = true;
// Zoom a bit
ImageWindow iw = outImp[0].getWindow();
for (int i = 7; i-- > 0 && Math.max(iw.getWidth(), iw.getHeight()) < 512; ) {
iw.getCanvas().zoomIn(0, 0);
// TODO - fix this when a second sample is made as the results are not updated.
ImageListener listener = new ImageListener() {
public void imageOpened(ImagePlus imp) {
public void imageClosed(ImagePlus imp) {
public void imageUpdated(ImagePlus imp) {
if (imp != null && imp == outImp[0]) {
// For the dialog
String msg = String.format("Showing image data for the template example.\n \nSample Frames:\nEmpty = %d\nLower density = %d\nHigher density = %d\n", sampler.getNumberOfEmptySamples(), sampler.getNumberOfLowDensitySamples(), sampler.getNumberOfHighDensitySamples());
// Turn off the recorder when the dialog is showing
boolean record = Recorder.record;
Recorder.record = false;
NonBlockingGenericDialog gd = new NonBlockingGenericDialog(TITLE);
//gd.enableYesNoCancel(" Save ", " Resample ");
gd.addSlider(keyNo, 0, 10, nNo);
gd.addSlider(keyLow, 0, 10, nLow);
gd.addSlider(keyHigh, 0, 10, nHigh);
gd.addDialogListener(new DialogListener() {
public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) {
// image the user has not seen.
if (e == null)
return true;
nNo = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
nLow = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
nHigh = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
out[0] = sampler.getSample(nNo, nLow, nHigh);
if (out[0] != null) {
outImp[0] = display(out[0]);
if (Utils.isNewWindow()) {
close[0] = true;
// Zoom a bit
ImageWindow iw = outImp[0].getWindow();
for (int i = 7; i-- > 0 && Math.max(iw.getWidth(), iw.getHeight()) < 512; ) {
iw.getCanvas().zoomIn(0, 0);
return true;
if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
out[0] = null;
// For the recorder
nNo = nLow = nHigh = 0;
if (close[0]) {
// Because closing the image sets the stack pixels array to null
if (out[0] != null)
out[0] = out[0].duplicate();
if (record) {
Recorder.record = true;
Recorder.recordOption(keyNo, Integer.toString(nNo));
Recorder.recordOption(keyLow, Integer.toString(nLow));
Recorder.recordOption(keyHigh, Integer.toString(nHigh));
if (out[0] == null)
ImagePlus example = out[0];
filename = Utils.replaceExtension(filename, ".tif");, filename);
use of ij.ImageStack in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PSFCombiner method combineImages.
private void combineImages() {
double nmPerPixel = getNmPerPixel();
if (nmPerPixel <= 0)
double nmPerSlice = getNmPerSlice();
if (nmPerPixel <= 0)
// Find the lowest start point
int min = 0;
for (PSF psf : input) {
if (min > psf.start)
min = psf.start;
// Shift all stacks and find the dimensions
final int shift = -min;
int max = 0, size = 0;
int totalImages = 0;
for (PSF psf : input) {
psf.start += shift;
totalImages += psf.psfSettings.nImages;
if (max < psf.getEnd())
max = psf.getEnd();
if (size < psf.getSize())
size = psf.getSize();
// Create a stack to hold all the images
ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(size, size, max);
for (int n = 1; n <= max; n++) stack.setPixels(new float[size * size], n);
// Insert all the PSFs
IJ.showStatus("Creating combined image ...");
int imageNo = 0;
double fraction = 1.0 / input.size();
for (PSF psf : input) {
double progress = imageNo * fraction;
ImageStack psfStack = psf.psfStack;
final int offsetXY = (psf.getSize() - size) / 2;
final int offsetZ = psf.start;
final int w = psf.getSize();
final double weight = (1.0 * psf.psfSettings.nImages) / totalImages;
final double increment = fraction / psfStack.getSize();
for (int n = 1; n <= psfStack.getSize(); n++) {
IJ.showProgress(progress += increment);
// Get the data and adjust using the weight
float[] psfData = ImageConverter.getData(psfStack.getProcessor(n));
for (int i = 0; i < psfData.length; i++) psfData[i] *= weight;
// Insert into the combined PSF
ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(n + offsetZ);
ip.copyBits(new FloatProcessor(w, w, psfData, null), offsetXY, offsetXY, Blitter.ADD);
// IJ.showStatus("Normalising ...");
// PSFCreator.normalise(stack, 1 + shift);
ImagePlus imp = Utils.display("Combined PSF", stack);
imp.setSlice(1 + shift);
final double fwhm = getFWHM();
imp.setProperty("Info", XmlUtils.toXML(new PSFSettings(imp.getSlice(), nmPerPixel, nmPerSlice, totalImages, fwhm)));
Utils.log("%s : z-centre = %d, nm/Pixel = %s, nm/Slice = %s, %d images, FWHM = %s\n", imp.getTitle(), imp.getSlice(), Utils.rounded(nmPerPixel), Utils.rounded(nmPerSlice), totalImages, Utils.rounded(fwhm));
use of ij.ImageStack in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class MedianFilter method run.
public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack();
final int width = stack.getWidth();
final int height = stack.getHeight();
size = width * height;
float[][] imageStack = new float[stack.getSize()][];
float[] mean = new float[imageStack.length];
// Get the mean for each frame and normalise the data using the mean
ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Prefs.getThreads());
List<Future<?>> futures = new LinkedList<Future<?>>();
counter = 0;
IJ.showStatus("Calculating means...");
for (int n = 1; n <= stack.getSize(); n++) {
futures.add(threadPool.submit(new ImageNormaliser(stack, imageStack, mean, n)));
// Finish processing data
futures = new LinkedList<Future<?>>();
counter = 0;
IJ.showStatus("Calculating medians...");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i += blockSize) {
futures.add(threadPool.submit(new ImageGenerator(imageStack, mean, i, FastMath.min(i + blockSize, size))));
// Finish processing data
if (Utils.isInterrupted())
if (subtract) {
counter = 0;
IJ.showStatus("Subtracting medians...");
for (int n = 1; n <= stack.getSize(); n++) {
futures.add(threadPool.submit(new ImageFilter(stack, imageStack, n)));
// Finish processing data
// Update the image
ImageStack outputStack = new ImageStack(stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight(), stack.getSize());
for (int n = 1; n <= stack.getSize(); n++) {
outputStack.setPixels(imageStack[n - 1], n);
IJ.showTime(imp, start, "Completed");
long milliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
Utils.log(TITLE + " : Radius %d, Interval %d, Block size %d = %s, %s / frame", radius, interval, blockSize, Utils.timeToString(milliseconds), Utils.timeToString((double) milliseconds / imp.getStackSize()));