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Example 6 with BooleanProperty

use of in project swagger-core by swagger-api.

the class AbstractSerializableParameterTest method testGettersAndSetters.

     * Tests getters and setters methods on {@link
     * AbstractSerializableParameter} It was not possible to cove it with {@link
     * io.swagger.PojosTest} so a manual implementation is provided for now TODO
     * improve PojosTest to test getters and setters for abstracts classes
public void testGettersAndSetters() {
    // given
    String type = "type";
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getType(), type, "The get type must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    String format = "format";
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getFormat(), format, "The get format must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    String collectionFormat = "collectionFormat";
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getCollectionFormat(), collectionFormat, "The get collectionFormat must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Property items = new BooleanProperty();
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getItems(), items, "The get items must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    List<String> _enum = Arrays.asList("_enum");
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getEnum(), _enum, "The get _enum must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Boolean exclusiveMaximum = true;
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.isExclusiveMaximum(), exclusiveMaximum, "The get exclusiveMaximum must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Double maximum = 1.0;
    // when
    instance.setMaximum(new BigDecimal(maximum));
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getMaximum(), new BigDecimal(maximum), "The get maximum must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Boolean exclusiveMinimum = true;
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.isExclusiveMinimum(), exclusiveMinimum, "The get exclusiveMinimum must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Double minimum = 0.1;
    // when
    instance.setMinimum(new BigDecimal(minimum));
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getMinimum(), new BigDecimal(minimum), "The get minimum must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    String example = "example";
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getExample(), example, "The get example must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Integer maxItems = 100;
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getMaxItems(), maxItems, "The get maxItems must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Integer minItems = 10;
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getMinItems(), minItems, "The get minItems must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Integer maxLength = 500;
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getMaxLength(), maxLength, "The get maxLength must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Integer minLength = 25;
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getMinLength(), minLength, "The get minLength must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    String pattern = "String pattern";
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getPattern(), pattern, "The get pattern must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Boolean uniqueItems = true;
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.isUniqueItems(), uniqueItems, "The get uniqueItems must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    Number multipleOf = 5;
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getMultipleOf(), multipleOf, "The get multipleOf must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    String defaultValue = "defaultValue";
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getDefaultValue(), defaultValue, "The get defaultValue must be the same as the set one");
    // when
    // then
    assertTrue(instance.getRequired(), "The get required must be the same as the set one");
    // given
    StringProperty property = new StringProperty();
    // when;
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getEnum(), _enum, "The get _enum must be the same as the set one");
    assertEquals(instance.getType(), property.getType(), "The get type must be the same as the set property type");
    // given
    ArrayProperty arrayProperty = new ArrayProperty();
    // when
    // then
    assertEquals(instance.getItems(), items, "The get items must be the same as the set one");
    assertEquals(instance.getType(), arrayProperty.getType(), "The get type must be the same as the set property type");
    assertEquals(instance.getDefaultCollectionFormat(), "csv", "The get collection format must be csv");
Also used : ArrayProperty( BooleanProperty( StringProperty( BaseIntegerProperty( StringProperty( ArrayProperty( BooleanProperty( DecimalProperty( Property( BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 7 with BooleanProperty

use of in project swagger-core by swagger-api.

the class PropertySerializationTest method serializeBooleanProperty.

@Test(description = "it should serialize a BooleanProperty")
public void serializeBooleanProperty() throws IOException {
    final BooleanProperty p = new BooleanProperty()._default(true);
    final String json = "{\"type\":\"boolean\",\"default\":true}";
    assertEquals(m.writeValueAsString(p), json);
Also used : BooleanProperty( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 8 with BooleanProperty

use of in project swagger-core by swagger-api.

the class PropertySerializationTest method deserializeBooleanProperty.

@Test(description = "it should deserialize a BooleanProperty")
public void deserializeBooleanProperty() throws IOException {
    final String json = "{\"type\":\"boolean\",\"default\":false}";
    final Property p = m.readValue(json, Property.class);
    assertEquals(p.getType(), "boolean");
    assertEquals(p.getClass(), BooleanProperty.class);
    assertEquals(((BooleanProperty) p).getDefault(), Boolean.FALSE);
    assertEquals(m.writeValueAsString(p), json);
Also used : DoubleProperty( MapProperty( FloatProperty( DateProperty( StringProperty( ArrayProperty( DateTimeProperty( ObjectProperty( IntegerProperty( BooleanProperty( LongProperty( RefProperty( FileProperty( Property( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 9 with BooleanProperty

use of in project swagger-core by swagger-api.

the class BooleanPropertyTest method testEquals.

public void testEquals() {
    final BooleanProperty prop1 = new BooleanProperty();
    final BooleanProperty prop2 = new BooleanProperty();
    assertNotEquals(prop1, prop2);
    assertEquals(prop1, prop2);
Also used : BooleanProperty( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 10 with BooleanProperty

use of in project swagger-core by swagger-api.

the class ModelPropertyTest method testIssue1743.

public void testIssue1743() {
    final Map<String, Model> models = ModelConverters.getInstance().readAll(ModelWithBooleanProperty.class);
    final Model model = models.get("ModelWithBooleanProperty");
    BooleanProperty bp = (BooleanProperty) model.getProperties().get("isGreat");
    assertTrue(bp.getEnum().size() == 1);
    assertEquals(bp.getEnum().get(0), Boolean.TRUE);
Also used : ModelWithBooleanProperty(io.swagger.models.ModelWithBooleanProperty) BooleanProperty( Model(io.swagger.models.Model) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


BooleanProperty ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)8 Property ( ArrayProperty ( StringProperty ( DoubleProperty ( FloatProperty ( IntegerProperty ( LongProperty ( RefProperty ( Response (io.swagger.models.Response)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 ArrayModel (io.swagger.models.ArrayModel)1 Model (io.swagger.models.Model)1 ModelWithBooleanProperty (io.swagger.models.ModelWithBooleanProperty)1 Operation (io.swagger.models.Operation)1 Path (io.swagger.models.Path)1 RefModel (io.swagger.models.RefModel)1 AbstractSerializableParameter (io.swagger.models.parameters.AbstractSerializableParameter)1 BodyParameter (io.swagger.models.parameters.BodyParameter)1