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Example 51 with GregorianCalendar

use of java.util.GregorianCalendar in project j2objc by google.

the class Support_MessageFormat method t_format_with_FieldPosition.

public void t_format_with_FieldPosition() {
    // This test assumes a default DateFormat.is24Hour setting.
    /* J2ObjC: DateFormat.is24Hour is Android-specific.
		DateFormat.is24Hour = null;*/
    String pattern = "On {4,date} at {3,time}, he ate {2,number, integer} hamburger{2,choice,1#|1<s} and drank {1, number} liters of coke. That was {0,choice,1#just enough|1<more than enough} food!";
    MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(pattern, Locale.US);
    Date date = new GregorianCalendar(2005, 1, 28, 14, 20, 16).getTime();
    Integer hamburgers = new Integer(8);
    Object[] objects = new Object[] { hamburgers, new Double(3.5), hamburgers, date, date };
    super.text = "On Feb 28, 2005 at 2:20:16 PM, he ate 8 hamburgers and drank 3.5 liters of coke. That was more than enough food!";
    // test with MessageFormat.Field.ARGUMENT
    t_FormatWithField(1, format, objects, null, Field.ARGUMENT, 3, 15);
    // test other format fields that are included in the formatted text
    t_FormatWithField(2, format, objects, null, DateFormat.Field.AM_PM, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(3, format, objects, null, NumberFormat.Field.FRACTION, 0, 0);
    // test fields that are not included in the formatted text
    t_FormatWithField(4, format, objects, null, DateFormat.Field.ERA, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(5, format, objects, null, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT_SIGN, 0, 0);
Also used : MessageFormat(java.text.MessageFormat) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 52 with GregorianCalendar

use of java.util.GregorianCalendar in project j2objc by google.

the class Support_SimpleDateFormat method t_format_with_FieldPosition.

public void t_format_with_FieldPosition() {
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST");
    Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
    cal.set(1999, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 13, 17, 19, 01);
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    Date date = cal.getTime();
    SimpleDateFormat format = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, Locale.US);
    // test with all pattern chars, and multiple occurences
    format.applyPattern("G GGGG y yy yyyy M MM MMM MMMM d dd ddd " + "k kk kkk H HH HHH h hh hhh m mmm s ss sss S SS SSS EE EEEE " + "D DD DDD F FF w www W WWW " + "a  aaa  K KKK z zzzz Z ZZZZ");
    StringBuffer textBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    // Really, GGGG should be "Anno Domini", but the RI doesn't support that and no one cares.
    textBuffer.append("AD AD 1999 99 1999 9 09 Sep September 13 13 013 ");
    textBuffer.append("17 17 017 17 17 017 5 05 005 19 019 1 01 001 0 00 000 Mon Monday ");
    textBuffer.append("256 256 256 2 02 38 038 3 003 ");
    textBuffer.append("PM  PM  5 005 GMT-5 GMT-05:00 -0500 GMT-05:00");
    // to avoid passing the huge StringBuffer each time.
    super.text = textBuffer.toString();
    // test if field positions are set correctly for these fields occurring
    // multiple times.
    t_FormatWithField(0, format, date, null, Field.ERA, 0, 2);
    t_FormatWithField(1, format, date, null, Field.YEAR, 6, 10);
    t_FormatWithField(2, format, date, null, Field.MONTH, 19, 20);
    t_FormatWithField(3, format, date, null, Field.DAY_OF_MONTH, 38, 40);
    t_FormatWithField(4, format, date, null, Field.HOUR_OF_DAY1, 48, 50);
    t_FormatWithField(5, format, date, null, Field.HOUR_OF_DAY0, 58, 60);
    t_FormatWithField(6, format, date, null, Field.HOUR1, 68, 69);
    t_FormatWithField(7, format, date, null, Field.MINUTE, 77, 79);
    t_FormatWithField(8, format, date, null, Field.SECOND, 84, 85);
    t_FormatWithField(9, format, date, null, Field.MILLISECOND, 93, 94);
    t_FormatWithField(10, format, date, null, Field.DAY_OF_WEEK, 102, 105);
    t_FormatWithField(11, format, date, null, Field.DAY_OF_YEAR, 113, 116);
    t_FormatWithField(12, format, date, null, Field.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, 125, 126);
    t_FormatWithField(13, format, date, null, Field.WEEK_OF_YEAR, 130, 132);
    t_FormatWithField(14, format, date, null, Field.WEEK_OF_MONTH, 137, 138);
    t_FormatWithField(15, format, date, null, Field.AM_PM, 143, 145);
    t_FormatWithField(16, format, date, null, Field.HOUR0, 151, 152);
    t_FormatWithField(17, format, date, null, Field.TIME_ZONE, 157, 162);
    // test fields that are not included in the formatted text
    t_FormatWithField(18, format, date, null, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT_SIGN, 0, 0);
    // test with simple example
    format.applyPattern("h:m z");
    super.text = "5:19 GMT-5";
    t_FormatWithField(21, format, date, null, Field.HOUR1, 0, 1);
    t_FormatWithField(22, format, date, null, Field.MINUTE, 2, 4);
    t_FormatWithField(23, format, date, null, Field.TIME_ZONE, 5, 10);
    // test fields that are not included in the formatted text
    t_FormatWithField(24, format, date, null, Field.ERA, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(25, format, date, null, Field.YEAR, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(26, format, date, null, Field.MONTH, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(27, format, date, null, Field.DAY_OF_MONTH, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(28, format, date, null, Field.HOUR_OF_DAY1, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(29, format, date, null, Field.HOUR_OF_DAY0, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(30, format, date, null, Field.SECOND, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(31, format, date, null, Field.MILLISECOND, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(32, format, date, null, Field.DAY_OF_WEEK, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(33, format, date, null, Field.DAY_OF_YEAR, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(34, format, date, null, Field.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(35, format, date, null, Field.WEEK_OF_YEAR, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(36, format, date, null, Field.WEEK_OF_MONTH, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(37, format, date, null, Field.AM_PM, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(38, format, date, null, Field.HOUR0, 0, 0);
    t_FormatWithField(39, format, date, null, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT, 0, 0);
    // test with simple example with pattern char Z
    format.applyPattern("h:m Z z");
    super.text = "5:19 -0500 GMT-5";
    t_FormatWithField(40, format, date, null, Field.HOUR1, 0, 1);
    t_FormatWithField(41, format, date, null, Field.MINUTE, 2, 4);
    t_FormatWithField(42, format, date, null, Field.TIME_ZONE, 5, 10);
Also used : TimeZone(java.util.TimeZone) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 53 with GregorianCalendar

use of java.util.GregorianCalendar in project j2objc by google.

the class SimpleDateFormatTest method test_get2DigitYearStart.

public void test_get2DigitYearStart() {
    // Test for method java.util.Date
    // java.text.SimpleDateFormat.get2DigitYearStart()
    SimpleDateFormat f1 = new SimpleDateFormat("y");
    Date date = f1.get2DigitYearStart();
    Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
    int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    assertTrue("Wrong default year start", cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == (year - 80));
Also used : Calendar(java.util.Calendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 54 with GregorianCalendar

use of java.util.GregorianCalendar in project j2objc by google.

the class Support_MessageFormat method t_formatToCharacterIterator.

public void t_formatToCharacterIterator() {
    // This test assumes a default DateFormat.is24Hour setting.
    /* J2ObjC: DateFormat.is24Hour is Android-specific.
		DateFormat.is24Hour = null;*/
    String pattern = "On {4,date} at {3,time}, he ate {2,number, integer} hamburger{2,choice,1#|1<s} and drank {1, number} liters of coke. That was {0,choice,1#just enough|1<more than enough} food!";
    MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(pattern, Locale.US);
    Date date = new GregorianCalendar(2005, 1, 28, 14, 20, 16).getTime();
    Integer hamburgers = new Integer(8);
    Object[] objects = new Object[] { hamburgers, new Double(3.5), hamburgers, date, date };
    t_Format(1, objects, format, getMessageVector1());
Also used : MessageFormat(java.text.MessageFormat) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 55 with GregorianCalendar

use of java.util.GregorianCalendar in project j2objc by google.

the class SimpleDateFormatTest method test_parseLjava_lang_StringLjava_text_ParsePosition.

public void test_parseLjava_lang_StringLjava_text_ParsePosition() throws Exception {
    // Test for method java.util.Date
    // java.text.SimpleDateFormat.parse(java.lang.String,
    // java.text.ParsePosition)
    Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
    Date time = cal.getTime();
    assertParse("h", " 12", time, 1, 3);
    assertParse("H", " 0", time, 1, 2);
    assertParse("k", " 24", time, 1, 3);
    assertParse("K", " 0", time, 1, 2);
    cal = new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 1, 0);
    time = cal.getTime();
    assertParse("h", "1", time, 0, 1);
    assertParse("H", "1 ", time, 0, 1);
    assertParse("k", "1", time, 0, 1);
    assertParse("K", "1", time, 0, 1);
    cal = new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 11, 0);
    time = cal.getTime();
    assertParse("h", "0011 ", time, 0, 4);
    assertParse("K", "11", time, 0, 2);
    cal = new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 23, 0);
    time = cal.getTime();
    assertParse("H", "23", time, 0, 2);
    assertParse("k", "23", time, 0, 2);
    assertParse("h a", " 3 AM", new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 3, 0).getTime(), 1, 5);
    assertParse("K a", " 3 pm ", new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 15, 0).getTime(), 1, 5);
    assertParse("m:s", "0:59 ", new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 59).getTime(), 0, 4);
    assertParse("m:s", "59:0", new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0, 59, 0).getTime(), 0, 4);
    assertParse("ms", "059", new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 59).getTime(), 0, 3);
    cal = new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
    assertParse("S", "0", cal.getTime(), 0, 1);
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);
    assertParse("S z", "999 HST", cal.getTime(), 0, 7);
    cal = new GregorianCalendar(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
    cal.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.BC);
    assertParse("G", "Bc ", cal.getTime(), 0, 2);
Also used : Calendar(java.util.Calendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) Date(java.util.Date)


GregorianCalendar (java.util.GregorianCalendar)1278 Calendar (java.util.Calendar)603 Date (java.util.Date)377 Test (org.junit.Test)247 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)104 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)54 ScheduleExpression (javax.ejb.ScheduleExpression)51 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)48 EJBCronTrigger (org.apache.openejb.core.timer.EJBCronTrigger)42 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)41 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)39 TimeZone (java.util.TimeZone)38 SimpleTimeZone (java.util.SimpleTimeZone)35 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)32 Date (java.sql.Date)30 XMLGregorianCalendar (javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar)28 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)20 DateFormat (java.text.DateFormat)18 IOException ( Map (java.util.Map)16