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Example 96 with Set

use of java.util.Set in project kafka by apache.

the class TopologyBuilder method topicGroups.

     * Returns the map of topic groups keyed by the group id.
     * A topic group is a group of topics in the same task.
     * @return groups of topic names
public synchronized Map<Integer, TopicsInfo> topicGroups() {
    Map<Integer, TopicsInfo> topicGroups = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    if (nodeGroups == null)
        nodeGroups = makeNodeGroups();
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<String>> entry : nodeGroups.entrySet()) {
        Set<String> sinkTopics = new HashSet<>();
        Set<String> sourceTopics = new HashSet<>();
        Map<String, InternalTopicConfig> internalSourceTopics = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, InternalTopicConfig> stateChangelogTopics = new HashMap<>();
        for (String node : entry.getValue()) {
            // if the node is a source node, add to the source topics
            List<String> topics = nodeToSourceTopics.get(node);
            if (topics != null) {
                // if some of the topics are internal, add them to the internal topics
                for (String topic : topics) {
                    // skip global topic as they don't need partition assignment
                    if (globalTopics.contains(topic)) {
                    if (this.internalTopicNames.contains(topic)) {
                        // prefix the internal topic name with the application id
                        String internalTopic = decorateTopic(topic);
                        internalSourceTopics.put(internalTopic, new InternalTopicConfig(internalTopic, Collections.singleton(InternalTopicConfig.CleanupPolicy.delete), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()));
                    } else {
            // if the node is a sink node, add to the sink topics
            String topic = nodeToSinkTopic.get(node);
            if (topic != null) {
                if (internalTopicNames.contains(topic)) {
                    // prefix the change log topic name with the application id
                } else {
            // if the node is connected to a state, add to the state topics
            for (StateStoreFactory stateFactory : stateFactories.values()) {
                final StateStoreSupplier supplier = stateFactory.supplier;
                if (supplier.loggingEnabled() && stateFactory.users.contains(node)) {
                    final String name = ProcessorStateManager.storeChangelogTopic(applicationId,;
                    final InternalTopicConfig internalTopicConfig = createInternalTopicConfig(supplier, name);
                    stateChangelogTopics.put(name, internalTopicConfig);
        if (!sourceTopics.isEmpty()) {
            topicGroups.put(entry.getKey(), new TopicsInfo(Collections.unmodifiableSet(sinkTopics), Collections.unmodifiableSet(sourceTopics), Collections.unmodifiableMap(internalSourceTopics), Collections.unmodifiableMap(stateChangelogTopics)));
    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(topicGroups);
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) InternalTopicConfig(org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.InternalTopicConfig) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 97 with Set

use of java.util.Set in project kafka by apache.

the class StreamPartitionAssignor method onAssignment.

     * @throws TaskAssignmentException if there is no task id for one of the partitions specified
public void onAssignment(Assignment assignment) {
    List<TopicPartition> partitions = new ArrayList<>(assignment.partitions());
    Collections.sort(partitions, PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
    AssignmentInfo info = AssignmentInfo.decode(assignment.userData());
    this.standbyTasks = info.standbyTasks;
    this.activeTasks = new HashMap<>();
    // could be duplicated if one task has more than one assigned partitions
    if (partitions.size() != info.activeTasks.size()) {
        throw new TaskAssignmentException(String.format("stream-thread [%s] Number of assigned partitions %d is not equal to the number of active taskIds %d" + ", assignmentInfo=%s", streamThread.getName(), partitions.size(), info.activeTasks.size(), info.toString()));
    for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) {
        TopicPartition partition = partitions.get(i);
        TaskId id = info.activeTasks.get(i);
        Set<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions = activeTasks.get(id);
        if (assignedPartitions == null) {
            assignedPartitions = new HashSet<>();
            activeTasks.put(id, assignedPartitions);
    this.partitionsByHostState = info.partitionsByHost;
    final Collection<Set<TopicPartition>> values = partitionsByHostState.values();
    final Map<TopicPartition, PartitionInfo> topicToPartitionInfo = new HashMap<>();
    for (Set<TopicPartition> value : values) {
        for (TopicPartition topicPartition : value) {
            topicToPartitionInfo.put(topicPartition, new PartitionInfo(topicPartition.topic(), topicPartition.partition(), null, new Node[0], new Node[0]));
    metadataWithInternalTopics = Cluster.empty().withPartitions(topicToPartitionInfo);
Also used : TaskAssignmentException(org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.TaskAssignmentException) TaskId(org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.TaskId) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Node(org.apache.kafka.common.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AssignmentInfo(org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.assignment.AssignmentInfo) TopicPartition(org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition) PartitionInfo(org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo)

Example 98 with Set

use of java.util.Set in project kafka by apache.

the class KStreamBuilderTest method shouldAddGlobalTablesToEachGroup.

public void shouldAddGlobalTablesToEachGroup() throws Exception {
    final String one = "globalTable";
    final String two = "globalTable2";
    final GlobalKTable<String, String> globalTable = builder.globalTable("table", one);
    final GlobalKTable<String, String> globalTable2 = builder.globalTable("table2", two);
    builder.table("not-global", "not-global");
    final KeyValueMapper<String, String, String> kvMapper = new KeyValueMapper<String, String, String>() {

        public String apply(final String key, final String value) {
            return value;
    final KStream<String, String> stream ="t1");
    stream.leftJoin(globalTable, kvMapper, MockValueJoiner.TOSTRING_JOINER);
    final KStream<String, String> stream2 ="t2");
    stream2.leftJoin(globalTable2, kvMapper, MockValueJoiner.TOSTRING_JOINER);
    final Map<Integer, Set<String>> nodeGroups = builder.nodeGroups();
    for (Integer groupId : nodeGroups.keySet()) {
        final ProcessorTopology topology =;
        final List<StateStore> stateStores = topology.globalStateStores();
        final Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
        for (StateStore stateStore : stateStores) {
        assertEquals(2, stateStores.size());
Also used : ProcessorTopology(org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.ProcessorTopology) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) StateStore(org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.StateStore) MockKeyValueMapper(org.apache.kafka.test.MockKeyValueMapper) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 99 with Set

use of java.util.Set in project kafka by apache.

the class KStreamKStreamJoinTest method testAsymetricWindowingBefore.

public void testAsymetricWindowingBefore() throws Exception {
    long time = 1000L;
    KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
    final int[] expectedKeys = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
    KStream<Integer, String> stream1;
    KStream<Integer, String> stream2;
    KStream<Integer, String> joined;
    MockProcessorSupplier<Integer, String> processor;
    processor = new MockProcessorSupplier<>();
    stream1 =, stringSerde, topic1);
    stream2 =, stringSerde, topic2);
    joined = stream1.join(stream2, MockValueJoiner.TOSTRING_JOINER, JoinWindows.of(0).before(100), intSerde, stringSerde, stringSerde);
    Collection<Set<String>> copartitionGroups = builder.copartitionGroups();
    assertEquals(1, copartitionGroups.size());
    assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(topic1, topic2)), copartitionGroups.iterator().next());
    driver = new KStreamTestDriver(builder, stateDir);
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedKeys.length; i++) {
        setRecordContext(time + i, topic1);
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKeys[i], "X" + expectedKeys[i]);
    time = 1000L - 100L - 1L;
    setRecordContext(time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+YY0", "1:X1+YY1");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+YY0", "1:X1+YY1", "2:X2+YY2");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+YY0", "1:X1+YY1", "2:X2+YY2", "3:X3+YY3");
    time = 1000L;
    setRecordContext(time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+YY0", "1:X1+YY1", "2:X2+YY2", "3:X3+YY3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("1:X1+YY1", "2:X2+YY2", "3:X3+YY3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("2:X2+YY2", "3:X3+YY3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
Also used : KStreamBuilder(org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.KStreamBuilder) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) KStreamTestDriver(org.apache.kafka.test.KStreamTestDriver) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 100 with Set

use of java.util.Set in project kafka by apache.

the class KStreamKStreamJoinTest method testWindowing.

public void testWindowing() throws Exception {
    long time = 0L;
    KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
    final int[] expectedKeys = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
    KStream<Integer, String> stream1;
    KStream<Integer, String> stream2;
    KStream<Integer, String> joined;
    MockProcessorSupplier<Integer, String> processor;
    processor = new MockProcessorSupplier<>();
    stream1 =, stringSerde, topic1);
    stream2 =, stringSerde, topic2);
    joined = stream1.join(stream2, MockValueJoiner.TOSTRING_JOINER, JoinWindows.of(100), intSerde, stringSerde, stringSerde);
    Collection<Set<String>> copartitionGroups = builder.copartitionGroups();
    assertEquals(1, copartitionGroups.size());
    assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(topic1, topic2)), copartitionGroups.iterator().next());
    driver = new KStreamTestDriver(builder, stateDir);
    // push two items to the primary stream. the other window is empty. this should produce no items.
    // w1 = {}
    // w2 = {}
    // --> w1 = { 0:X0, 1:X1 }
    //     w2 = {}
    setRecordContext(time, topic1);
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKeys[i], "X" + expectedKeys[i]);
    // push two items to the other stream. this should produce two items.
    // w1 = { 0:X0, 1:X1 }
    // w2 = {}
    // --> w1 = { 0:X0, 1:X1 }
    //     w2 = { 0:Y0, 1:Y1 }
    setRecordContext(time, topic2);
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKeys[i], "Y" + expectedKeys[i]);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+Y0", "1:X1+Y1");
    // clear logically
    time = 1000L;
    setRecordContext(time, topic1);
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedKeys.length; i++) {
        setRecordContext(time + i, topic1);
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKeys[i], "X" + expectedKeys[i]);
    // gradually expires items in w1
    // w1 = { 0:X0, 1:X1, 2:X2, 3:X3 }
    time = 1000 + 100L;
    setRecordContext(time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+YY0", "1:X1+YY1", "2:X2+YY2", "3:X3+YY3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("1:X1+YY1", "2:X2+YY2", "3:X3+YY3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("2:X2+YY2", "3:X3+YY3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    // go back to the time before expiration
    time = 1000L - 100L - 1L;
    setRecordContext(time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+YY0", "1:X1+YY1");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+YY0", "1:X1+YY1", "2:X2+YY2");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic2);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKey, "YY" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:X0+YY0", "1:X1+YY1", "2:X2+YY2", "3:X3+YY3");
    // clear (logically)
    time = 2000L;
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedKeys.length; i++) {
        setRecordContext(time + i, topic2);
        driver.process(topic2, expectedKeys[i], "Y" + expectedKeys[i]);
    // gradually expires items in w2
    // w2 = { 0:Y0, 1:Y1, 2:Y2, 3:Y3 }
    time = 2000L + 100L;
    setRecordContext(time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:XX0+Y0", "1:XX1+Y1", "2:XX2+Y2", "3:XX3+Y3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("1:XX1+Y1", "2:XX2+Y2", "3:XX3+Y3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("2:XX2+Y2", "3:XX3+Y3");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    // go back to the time before expiration
    time = 2000L - 100L - 1L;
    setRecordContext(time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    setRecordContext(++time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:XX0+Y0", "1:XX1+Y1");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:XX0+Y0", "1:XX1+Y1", "2:XX2+Y2");
    setRecordContext(++time, topic1);
    for (int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
        driver.process(topic1, expectedKey, "XX" + expectedKey);
    processor.checkAndClearProcessResult("0:XX0+Y0", "1:XX1+Y1", "2:XX2+Y2", "3:XX3+Y3");
Also used : KStreamBuilder(org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.KStreamBuilder) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) KStreamTestDriver(org.apache.kafka.test.KStreamTestDriver) Test(org.junit.Test)


Set (java.util.Set)6789 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4372 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2090 Map (java.util.Map)1865 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1774 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1113 List (java.util.List)980 Test (org.junit.Test)920 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)536 IOException ( SSOException (com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)467 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)418 SMSException ( IdRepoException (com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException)268 Collection (java.util.Collection)259 ImmutableSet ( File ( SSOToken (com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken)226 Collectors ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)209