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Example 61 with RuntimeOperationsException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ModelMBeanAttributeInfo method validDescriptor.

         * Clones the passed in Descriptor, sets default values, and checks for validity.
         * If the Descriptor is invalid (for instance by having the wrong "name"),
         * this indicates programming error and a RuntimeOperationsException will be thrown.
         * The following fields will be defaulted if they are not already set:
         * displayName=this.getName(),name=this.getName(),descriptorType = "attribute"
         * @param in Descriptor to be checked, or null which is equivalent to
         * an empty Descriptor.
         * @exception RuntimeOperationsException if Descriptor is invalid
private Descriptor validDescriptor(final Descriptor in) throws RuntimeOperationsException {
    Descriptor clone;
    boolean defaulted = (in == null);
    if (defaulted) {
        clone = new DescriptorSupport();
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Null Descriptor, creating new.");
    } else {
        clone = (Descriptor) in.clone();
    //Setting defaults.
    if (defaulted && clone.getFieldValue("name") == null) {
        clone.setField("name", this.getName());
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor name to " + this.getName());
    if (defaulted && clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType") == null) {
        clone.setField("descriptorType", "attribute");
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting descriptorType to \"attribute\"");
    if (clone.getFieldValue("displayName") == null) {
        clone.setField("displayName", this.getName());
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor displayName to " + this.getName());
    //Checking validity
    if (!clone.isValid()) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The isValid() method of the Descriptor object itself returned false," + "one or more required fields are invalid. Descriptor:" + clone.toString());
    if (!getName().equalsIgnoreCase((String) clone.getFieldValue("name"))) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The Descriptor \"name\" field does not match the object described. " + " Expected: " + this.getName() + " , was: " + clone.getFieldValue("name"));
    if (!"attribute".equalsIgnoreCase((String) clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType"))) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The Descriptor \"descriptorType\" field does not match the object described. " + " Expected: \"attribute\" ," + " was: " + clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType"));
    return clone;
Also used : Descriptor( RuntimeOperationsException(

Example 62 with RuntimeOperationsException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ModelMBeanConstructorInfo method validDescriptor.

         * Clones the passed in Descriptor, sets default values, and checks for validity.
         * If the Descriptor is invalid (for instance by having the wrong "name"),
         * this indicates programming error and a RuntimeOperationsException will be thrown.
         * The following fields will be defaulted if they are not already set:
         * displayName=this.getName(), name=this.getName(), descriptorType="operation",
         * role="constructor"
         * @param in Descriptor to be checked, or null which is equivalent to
         * an empty Descriptor.
         * @exception RuntimeOperationsException if Descriptor is invalid
private Descriptor validDescriptor(final Descriptor in) throws RuntimeOperationsException {
    Descriptor clone;
    boolean defaulted = (in == null);
    if (defaulted) {
        clone = new DescriptorSupport();
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Null Descriptor, creating new.");
    } else {
        clone = (Descriptor) in.clone();
    //Setting defaults.
    if (defaulted && clone.getFieldValue("name") == null) {
        clone.setField("name", this.getName());
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor name to " + this.getName());
    if (defaulted && clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType") == null) {
        clone.setField("descriptorType", "operation");
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting descriptorType to \"operation\"");
    if (clone.getFieldValue("displayName") == null) {
        clone.setField("displayName", this.getName());
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor displayName to " + this.getName());
    if (clone.getFieldValue("role") == null) {
        clone.setField("role", "constructor");
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor role field to \"constructor\"");
    //Checking validity
    if (!clone.isValid()) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The isValid() method of the Descriptor object itself returned false," + "one or more required fields are invalid. Descriptor:" + clone.toString());
    if (!getName().equalsIgnoreCase((String) clone.getFieldValue("name"))) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The Descriptor \"name\" field does not match the object described. " + " Expected: " + this.getName() + " , was: " + clone.getFieldValue("name"));
    if (!"operation".equalsIgnoreCase((String) clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType"))) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The Descriptor \"descriptorType\" field does not match the object described. " + " Expected: \"operation\" ," + " was: " + clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType"));
    if (!((String) clone.getFieldValue("role")).equalsIgnoreCase("constructor")) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The Descriptor \"role\" field does not match the object described. " + " Expected: \"constructor\" ," + " was: " + clone.getFieldValue("role"));
    return clone;
Also used : Descriptor( RuntimeOperationsException(

Example 63 with RuntimeOperationsException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ModelMBeanInfoSupport method validDescriptor.

     * Clones the passed in Descriptor, sets default values, and checks for validity.
     * If the Descriptor is invalid (for instance by having the wrong "name"),
     * this indicates programming error and a RuntimeOperationsException will be thrown.
     * The following fields will be defaulted if they are not already set:
     * displayName=className,name=className,descriptorType="mbean",
     * persistPolicy="never", log="F", visibility="1"
     * @param in Descriptor to be checked, or null which is equivalent to
     * an empty Descriptor.
     * @exception RuntimeOperationsException if Descriptor is invalid
private Descriptor validDescriptor(final Descriptor in) throws RuntimeOperationsException {
    Descriptor clone;
    boolean defaulted = (in == null);
    if (defaulted) {
        clone = new DescriptorSupport();
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Null Descriptor, creating new.");
    } else {
        clone = (Descriptor) in.clone();
    //Setting defaults.
    if (defaulted && clone.getFieldValue("name") == null) {
        clone.setField("name", this.getClassName());
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor name to " + this.getClassName());
    if (defaulted && clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType") == null) {
        clone.setField("descriptorType", MMB);
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting descriptorType to \"" + MMB + "\"");
    if (clone.getFieldValue("displayName") == null) {
        clone.setField("displayName", this.getClassName());
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor displayName to " + this.getClassName());
    if (clone.getFieldValue("persistPolicy") == null) {
        clone.setField("persistPolicy", "never");
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor persistPolicy to \"never\"");
    if (clone.getFieldValue("log") == null) {
        clone.setField("log", "F");
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor \"log\" field to \"F\"");
    if (clone.getFieldValue("visibility") == null) {
        clone.setField("visibility", "1");
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor visibility to 1");
    //Checking validity
    if (!clone.isValid()) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The isValid() method of the Descriptor object itself returned false," + "one or more required fields are invalid. Descriptor:" + clone.toString());
    if (!((String) clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType")).equalsIgnoreCase(MMB)) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The Descriptor \"descriptorType\" field does not match the object described. " + " Expected: " + MMB + " , was: " + clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType"));
    return clone;
Also used : Descriptor( RuntimeOperationsException(

Example 64 with RuntimeOperationsException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ModelMBeanNotificationInfo method validDescriptor.

     * Clones the passed in Descriptor, sets default values, and checks for validity.
     * If the Descriptor is invalid (for instance by having the wrong "name"),
     * this indicates programming error and a RuntimeOperationsException will be thrown.
     * The following fields will be defaulted if they are not already set:
     * descriptorType="notification",displayName=this.getName(),
     * name=this.getName(),severity="6"
     * @param in Descriptor to be checked, or null which is equivalent to an
     * empty Descriptor.
     * @exception RuntimeOperationsException if Descriptor is invalid
private Descriptor validDescriptor(final Descriptor in) throws RuntimeOperationsException {
    Descriptor clone;
    boolean defaulted = (in == null);
    if (defaulted) {
        clone = new DescriptorSupport();
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Null Descriptor, creating new.");
    } else {
        clone = (Descriptor) in.clone();
    //Setting defaults.
    if (defaulted && clone.getFieldValue("name") == null) {
        clone.setField("name", this.getName());
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor name to " + this.getName());
    if (defaulted && clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType") == null) {
        clone.setField("descriptorType", "notification");
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting descriptorType to \"notification\"");
    if (clone.getFieldValue("displayName") == null) {
        clone.setField("displayName", this.getName());
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor displayName to " + this.getName());
    if (clone.getFieldValue("severity") == null) {
        clone.setField("severity", "6");
        MODELMBEAN_LOGGER.finer("Defaulting Descriptor severity field to 6");
    //Checking validity
    if (!clone.isValid()) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The isValid() method of the Descriptor object itself returned false," + "one or more required fields are invalid. Descriptor:" + clone.toString());
    if (!getName().equalsIgnoreCase((String) clone.getFieldValue("name"))) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The Descriptor \"name\" field does not match the object described. " + " Expected: " + this.getName() + " , was: " + clone.getFieldValue("name"));
    if (!"notification".equalsIgnoreCase((String) clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType"))) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Descriptor argument"), "The Descriptor \"descriptorType\" field does not match the object described. " + " Expected: \"notification\" ," + " was: " + clone.getFieldValue("descriptorType"));
    return clone;
Also used : Descriptor( RuntimeOperationsException(

Example 65 with RuntimeOperationsException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RequiredModelMBean method invokeMethod.

     * Invoke the given method, and throw the somewhat unpredictable
     * appropriate exception if the method itself gets an exception.
private Object invokeMethod(String opName, final Method method, final Object targetObject, final Object[] opArgs) throws MBeanException, ReflectionException {
    try {
        final Throwable[] caughtException = new Throwable[1];
        AccessControlContext stack = AccessController.getContext();
        Object rslt = javaSecurityAccess.doIntersectionPrivilege(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {

            public Object run() {
                try {
                    return MethodUtil.invoke(method, targetObject, opArgs);
                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                    caughtException[0] = e;
                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    caughtException[0] = e;
                return null;
        }, stack, acc);
        if (caughtException[0] != null) {
            if (caughtException[0] instanceof Exception) {
                throw (Exception) caughtException[0];
            } else if (caughtException[0] instanceof Error) {
                throw (Error) caughtException[0];
        return rslt;
    } catch (RuntimeErrorException ree) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(ree, "RuntimeException occurred in RequiredModelMBean " + "while trying to invoke operation " + opName);
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(re, "RuntimeException occurred in RequiredModelMBean " + "while trying to invoke operation " + opName);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
        throw new ReflectionException(iae, "IllegalAccessException occurred in " + "RequiredModelMBean while trying to " + "invoke operation " + opName);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
        Throwable mmbTargEx = ite.getTargetException();
        if (mmbTargEx instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw new MBeanException((RuntimeException) mmbTargEx, "RuntimeException thrown in RequiredModelMBean " + "while trying to invoke operation " + opName);
        } else if (mmbTargEx instanceof Error) {
            throw new RuntimeErrorException((Error) mmbTargEx, "Error occurred in RequiredModelMBean while trying " + "to invoke operation " + opName);
        } else if (mmbTargEx instanceof ReflectionException) {
            throw (ReflectionException) mmbTargEx;
        } else {
            throw new MBeanException((Exception) mmbTargEx, "Exception thrown in RequiredModelMBean " + "while trying to invoke operation " + opName);
    } catch (Error err) {
        throw new RuntimeErrorException(err, "Error occurred in RequiredModelMBean while trying " + "to invoke operation " + opName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ReflectionException(e, "Exception occurred in RequiredModelMBean while " + "trying to invoke operation " + opName);
Also used : ReflectionException( RuntimeErrorException( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) AttributeNotFoundException( ServiceNotFoundException( InstanceNotFoundException( ReflectionException( RuntimeErrorException( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) InvalidAttributeValueException( MBeanException( ListenerNotFoundException( RuntimeOperationsException( AccessControlContext( MBeanException( RuntimeOperationsException(


RuntimeOperationsException ( AttributeNotFoundException ( InstanceNotFoundException ( ReflectionException ( MBeanException ( Descriptor ( InvalidAttributeValueException ( ListenerNotFoundException ( RuntimeErrorException ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)13 ServiceNotFoundException ( DynamicMBean ( FileLogger (mx4j.log.FileLogger)10 Logger (mx4j.log.Logger)10 MBeanLogger (mx4j.log.MBeanLogger)10 MBeanRegistrationException ( InvalidTargetObjectTypeException ( JMRuntimeException ( Attribute ( MalformedObjectNameException (