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Example 51 with BookieSocketAddress

use of in project bookkeeper by apache.

the class BookieRecoveryTest method testBookieRecoveryOnOpenedLedgers.

public void testBookieRecoveryOnOpenedLedgers() throws Exception {
    // Create the ledgers
    int numLedgers = 3;
    List<LedgerHandle> lhs = createLedgers(numLedgers, numBookies, 2);
    // Write the entries for the ledgers with dummy values
    int numMsgs = 10;
    writeEntriestoLedgers(numMsgs, 0, lhs);
    // Shutdown the first bookie server
    ArrayList<BookieSocketAddress> lastEnsemble = lhs.get(0).getLedgerMetadata().getEnsembles().entrySet().iterator().next().getValue();
    BookieSocketAddress bookieToKill = lastEnsemble.get(lastEnsemble.size() - 1);
    // start a new bookie
    startNewBookie();"Now recover the data on the killed bookie (" + bookieToKill + ") and replicate it to a random available one");
    for (LedgerHandle lh : lhs) {
        assertTrue("Not fully replicated", verifyFullyReplicated(lh, numMsgs));
    try {
        // we can't write entries
        writeEntriestoLedgers(numMsgs, 0, lhs);
        fail("should not reach here");
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : BookieSocketAddress( IOException( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 52 with BookieSocketAddress

use of in project bookkeeper by apache.

the class LedgerRecoveryTest method testLedgerRecoveryWithRollingRestart.

 * {@link}
 * A recovery during a rolling restart shouldn't affect the ability
 * to recovery the ledger later.
 * We have a ledger on ensemble B1,B2,B3.
 * The sequence of events is
 * 1. B1 brought down for maintenance
 * 2. Ledger recovery started
 * 3. B2 answers read last confirmed.
 * 4. B1 replaced in ensemble by B4
 * 5. Write to B4 fails for some reason
 * 6. B1 comes back up.
 * 7. B2 goes down for maintenance.
 * 8. Ledger recovery starts (ledger is now unavailable)
public void testLedgerRecoveryWithRollingRestart() throws Exception {
    LedgerHandle lhbefore = bkc.createLedger(numBookies, 2, digestType, "".getBytes());
    for (int i = 0; i < (numBookies * 3) + 1; i++) {
    // Add a dead bookie to the cluster
    ServerConfiguration conf = newServerConfiguration();
    Bookie deadBookie1 = new Bookie(conf) {

        public void recoveryAddEntry(ByteBuf entry, WriteCallback cb, Object ctx, byte[] masterKey) throws IOException, BookieException {
            // drop request to simulate a slow and failed bookie
            throw new IOException("Couldn't write for some reason");
    bs.add(startBookie(conf, deadBookie1));
    // kill first bookie server
    BookieSocketAddress bookie1 = lhbefore.getLedgerMetadata().currentEnsemble.get(0);
    ServerConfiguration conf1 = killBookie(bookie1);
    // ensemble in the ensemble, and another bookie is available in zk, but not writtable
    try {
        bkc.openLedger(lhbefore.getId(), digestType, "".getBytes());
        fail("Shouldn't be able to open ledger, there should be entries missing");
    } catch (BKException.BKLedgerRecoveryException e) {
    // expected
    // restart the first server, kill the second
    BookieSocketAddress bookie2 = lhbefore.getLedgerMetadata().currentEnsemble.get(1);
    ServerConfiguration conf2 = killBookie(bookie2);
    // using async, because this could trigger an assertion
    final AtomicInteger returnCode = new AtomicInteger(0);
    final CountDownLatch openLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    bkc.asyncOpenLedger(lhbefore.getId(), digestType, "".getBytes(), new AsyncCallback.OpenCallback() {

        public void openComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Object ctx) {
            if (rc == BKException.Code.OK) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.error("Exception closing ledger handle", e);
    }, null);
    assertTrue("Open call should have completed", openLatch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
    assertFalse("Open should not have succeeded", returnCode.get() == BKException.Code.OK);
    LedgerHandle lhafter = bkc.openLedger(lhbefore.getId(), digestType, "".getBytes());
    assertEquals("Fenced ledger should have correct lastAddConfirmed", lhbefore.getLastAddConfirmed(), lhafter.getLastAddConfirmed());
Also used : ServerConfiguration(org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration) WriteCallback(org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.WriteCallback) IOException( ByteBuf(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf) CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) BookieException(org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookieException) IOException( Bookie(org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.Bookie) BookieSocketAddress( AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 53 with BookieSocketAddress

use of in project bookkeeper by apache.

the class TestDelayEnsembleChange method verifyEntriesRange.

private void verifyEntriesRange(LedgerHandle lh, long startEntry, long untilEntry, long expectedSuccess, long expectedMissing) throws Exception {
    LedgerMetadata md = lh.getLedgerMetadata();
    for (long eid = startEntry; eid < untilEntry; eid++) {
        ArrayList<BookieSocketAddress> addresses = md.getEnsemble(eid);
        VerificationCallback callback = new VerificationCallback(addresses.size());
        for (BookieSocketAddress addr : addresses) {
            bkc.getBookieClient().readEntry(addr, lh.getId(), eid, callback, addr, 0, null);
        assertTrue(expectedSuccess >= callback.numSuccess.get());
        assertTrue(expectedMissing <= callback.numMissing.get());
        assertEquals(0, callback.numFailure.get());
Also used : BookieSocketAddress(

Example 54 with BookieSocketAddress

use of in project bookkeeper by apache.

the class TestDelayEnsembleChange method testChangeEnsembleSecondBookieReadOnly.

public void testChangeEnsembleSecondBookieReadOnly() throws Exception {
    LedgerHandle lh = bkc.createLedger(3, 3, 2, digestType, testPasswd);
    byte[] data = "foobar".getBytes();
    int numEntries = 10;
    for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
    BookieSocketAddress failedBookie = lh.getLedgerMetadata().currentEnsemble.get(0);
    BookieSocketAddress readOnlyBookie = lh.getLedgerMetadata().currentEnsemble.get(1);
    ServerConfiguration conf0 = killBookie(failedBookie);
    for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
    assertEquals("There should be ensemble change if delaying ensemble change is enabled.", 1, lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsembles().size());
    // kill two bookies, but we still have 3 bookies for the ack quorum.
    for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
    // ensure there is no ensemble changed
    assertEquals("The ensemble should change when a bookie is readonly even if we delay ensemble change.", 2, lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsembles().size());
    assertEquals(3, lh.getLedgerMetadata().currentEnsemble.size());
Also used : BookieSocketAddress( ServerConfiguration(org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 55 with BookieSocketAddress

use of in project bookkeeper by apache.

the class TestDelayEnsembleChange method testChangeEnsembleIfBrokenAckQuorum.

public void testChangeEnsembleIfBrokenAckQuorum() throws Exception {
    LedgerHandle lh = bkc.createLedger(5, 5, 3, digestType, testPasswd);
    byte[] data = "foobar".getBytes();
    int numEntries = 5;
    for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
    for (BookieSocketAddress addr : lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsembles().get(0L)) {
        assertTrue(LEDGER_ENSEMBLE_BOOKIE_DISTRIBUTION + " should be > 0 for " + addr, bkc.getTestStatsProvider().getCounter(CLIENT_SCOPE + "." + LEDGER_ENSEMBLE_BOOKIE_DISTRIBUTION + "-" + addr).get() > 0);
    assertTrue("Stats should have captured a new ensemble", bkc.getTestStatsProvider().getOpStatsLogger(CLIENT_SCOPE + "." + WATCHER_SCOPE + "." + NEW_ENSEMBLE_TIME).getSuccessCount() > 0);
    assertTrue("Stats should not have captured an ensemble change", bkc.getTestStatsProvider().getOpStatsLogger(CLIENT_SCOPE + "." + WATCHER_SCOPE + "." + REPLACE_BOOKIE_TIME).getSuccessCount() == 0);"Kill bookie 0 and write {} entries.", numEntries);
    // kill two bookies, but we still have 3 bookies for the ack quorum.
    ServerConfiguration conf0 = killBookie(lh.getLedgerMetadata().currentEnsemble.get(0));
    for (int i = numEntries; i < 2 * numEntries; i++) {
    // ensure there is no ensemble changed
    assertEquals("There should be no ensemble change if delaying ensemble change is enabled.", 1, lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsembles().size());
    assertTrue("Stats should not have captured an ensemble change", bkc.getTestStatsProvider().getOpStatsLogger(CLIENT_SCOPE + "." + WATCHER_SCOPE + "." + REPLACE_BOOKIE_TIME).getSuccessCount() == 0);"Kill bookie 1 and write another {} entries.", numEntries);
    ServerConfiguration conf1 = killBookie(lh.getLedgerMetadata().currentEnsemble.get(1));
    for (int i = 2 * numEntries; i < 3 * numEntries; i++) {
    // ensure there is no ensemble changed
    assertEquals("There should be no ensemble change if delaying ensemble change is enabled.", 1, lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsembles().size());"Kill bookie 2 and write another {} entries.", numEntries);
    ServerConfiguration conf2 = killBookie(lh.getLedgerMetadata().currentEnsemble.get(2));
    for (int i = 3 * numEntries; i < 4 * numEntries; i++) {
    // ensemble change should kick in
    assertEquals("There should be ensemble change if ack quorum couldn't be formed.", 2, lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsembles().size());
    assertTrue("Stats should have captured an ensemble change", bkc.getTestStatsProvider().getOpStatsLogger(CLIENT_SCOPE + "." + WATCHER_SCOPE + "." + REPLACE_BOOKIE_TIME).getSuccessCount() > 0);
    ArrayList<BookieSocketAddress> firstFragment = lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsemble(0);
    ArrayList<BookieSocketAddress> secondFragment = lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsemble(3 * numEntries);
    assertEquals(firstFragment.get(3), secondFragment.get(3));
    assertEquals(firstFragment.get(4), secondFragment.get(4));
    for (int i = 4 * numEntries; i < 5 * numEntries; i++) {
    // ensure there is no ensemble changed
    assertEquals("There should be no ensemble change if delaying ensemble change is enabled.", 2, lh.getLedgerMetadata().getEnsembles().size());
    // check entries
    verifyEntries(lh, 0, numEntries, 5, 0);
    verifyEntries(lh, numEntries, 2 * numEntries, 4, 1);
    verifyEntries(lh, 2 * numEntries, 3 * numEntries, 3, 2);
    verifyEntries(lh, 3 * numEntries, 4 * numEntries, 5, 0);
    verifyEntries(lh, 4 * numEntries, 5 * numEntries, 5, 0);
Also used : BookieSocketAddress( ServerConfiguration(org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration) Test(org.junit.Test)


BookieSocketAddress ( Test (org.junit.Test)140 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)67 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)42 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)40 ServerConfiguration (org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration)38 ClientConfiguration (org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ClientConfiguration)37 BKNotEnoughBookiesException (org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BKException.BKNotEnoughBookiesException)29 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)28 Map (java.util.Map)24 LedgerHandle (org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle)23 IOException ( AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)19 BookieServer (org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookieServer)14 WriteCallback (org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.WriteCallback)13 Set (java.util.Set)11 ByteBuf (io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf)10 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)10 LedgerMetadata (org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerMetadata)10 PrepareForTest (org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest)10