use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.PlannerSettings in project drill by apache.
the class HivePushPartitionFilterIntoScan method getFilterOnProject.
public static final StoragePluginOptimizerRule getFilterOnProject(OptimizerRulesContext optimizerRulesContext, final String defaultPartitionValue) {
return new PruneScanRule(RelOptHelper.some(DrillFilterRel.class, RelOptHelper.some(DrillProjectRel.class, RelOptHelper.any(DrillScanRel.class))), "HivePushPartitionFilterIntoScan:Filter_On_Project_Hive", optimizerRulesContext) {
public PartitionDescriptor getPartitionDescriptor(PlannerSettings settings, TableScan scanRel) {
return new HivePartitionDescriptor(settings, (DrillScanRel) scanRel, getOptimizerRulesContext().getManagedBuffer(), defaultPartitionValue);
public boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final DrillScanRel scan = (DrillScanRel) call.rel(2);
GroupScan groupScan = scan.getGroupScan();
// this rule is applicable only for Hive based partition pruning
if (PrelUtil.getPlannerSettings(scan.getCluster().getPlanner()).isHepPartitionPruningEnabled()) {
return groupScan instanceof HiveScan && groupScan.supportsPartitionFilterPushdown() && !scan.partitionFilterPushdown();
} else {
return groupScan instanceof HiveScan && groupScan.supportsPartitionFilterPushdown();
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final DrillFilterRel filterRel = call.rel(0);
final DrillProjectRel projectRel = call.rel(1);
final DrillScanRel scanRel = call.rel(2);
doOnMatch(call, filterRel, projectRel, scanRel);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.PlannerSettings in project drill by apache.
the class HivePushPartitionFilterIntoScan method getFilterOnScan.
public static final StoragePluginOptimizerRule getFilterOnScan(OptimizerRulesContext optimizerRulesContext, final String defaultPartitionValue) {
return new PruneScanRule(RelOptHelper.some(DrillFilterRel.class, RelOptHelper.any(DrillScanRel.class)), "HivePushPartitionFilterIntoScan:Filter_On_Scan_Hive", optimizerRulesContext) {
public PartitionDescriptor getPartitionDescriptor(PlannerSettings settings, TableScan scanRel) {
return new HivePartitionDescriptor(settings, (DrillScanRel) scanRel, getOptimizerRulesContext().getManagedBuffer(), defaultPartitionValue);
public boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final DrillScanRel scan = (DrillScanRel) call.rel(1);
GroupScan groupScan = scan.getGroupScan();
// this rule is applicable only for Hive based partition pruning
if (PrelUtil.getPlannerSettings(scan.getCluster().getPlanner()).isHepPartitionPruningEnabled()) {
return groupScan instanceof HiveScan && groupScan.supportsPartitionFilterPushdown() && !scan.partitionFilterPushdown();
} else {
return groupScan instanceof HiveScan && groupScan.supportsPartitionFilterPushdown();
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final DrillFilterRel filterRel = call.rel(0);
final DrillScanRel scanRel = call.rel(1);
doOnMatch(call, filterRel, null, scanRel);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.PlannerSettings in project drill by apache.
the class DrillRelMdDistinctRowCount method getDistinctRowCountInternal.
private Double getDistinctRowCountInternal(DrillJoinRelBase joinRel, RelMetadataQuery mq, ImmutableBitSet groupKey, RexNode predicate) {
if (DrillRelOptUtil.guessRows(joinRel)) {
return super.getDistinctRowCount(joinRel, mq, groupKey, predicate);
// Assume NDV is unaffected by the join when groupKey comes from one side of the join
// Alleviates NDV over-estimates
ImmutableBitSet.Builder leftMask = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
ImmutableBitSet.Builder rightMask = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
JoinRelType joinType = joinRel.getJoinType();
RelNode left = joinRel.getInputs().get(0);
RelNode right = joinRel.getInputs().get(1);
RelMdUtil.setLeftRightBitmaps(groupKey, leftMask, rightMask, left.getRowType().getFieldCount());
RexNode leftPred = null;
RexNode rightPred = null;
// Identify predicates which can be pushed onto the left and right sides of the join
if (predicate != null) {
List<RexNode> leftFilters = new ArrayList<>();
List<RexNode> rightFilters = new ArrayList<>();
List<RexNode> joinFilters = new ArrayList();
List<RexNode> predList = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(predicate);
RelOptUtil.classifyFilters(joinRel, predList, joinType, joinType == JoinRelType.INNER, !joinType.generatesNullsOnLeft(), !joinType.generatesNullsOnRight(), joinFilters, leftFilters, rightFilters);
RexBuilder rexBuilder = joinRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
leftPred = RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, leftFilters, true);
rightPred = RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, rightFilters, true);
double distRowCount = 1;
int gbyCols = 0;
PlannerSettings plannerSettings = PrelUtil.getPlannerSettings(joinRel.getCluster().getPlanner());
* The NDV for a multi-column GBY key past a join is determined as follows:
* GBY(s1, s2, s3) = CNDV(s1)*CNDV(s2)*CNDV(s3)
* where CNDV is determined as follows:
* A) If sX is present as a join column (sX = tX) CNDV(sX) = MIN(NDV(sX), NDV(tX)) where X =1, 2, 3, etc
* B) Otherwise, based on independence assumption CNDV(sX) = NDV(sX)
Set<ImmutableBitSet> joinFiltersSet = new HashSet<>();
for (RexNode filter : RelOptUtil.conjunctions(joinRel.getCondition())) {
final RelOptUtil.InputFinder inputFinder = RelOptUtil.InputFinder.analyze(filter);
for (int idx = 0; idx < groupKey.length(); idx++) {
if (groupKey.get(idx)) {
// GBY key is present in some filter - now try options A) and B) as described above
double ndvSGby = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Double ndv;
boolean presentInFilter = false;
ImmutableBitSet sGby = getSingleGbyKey(groupKey, idx);
if (sGby != null) {
// If we see any NULL ndv i.e. cant process ..we bail out!
for (ImmutableBitSet jFilter : joinFiltersSet) {
if (jFilter.contains(sGby)) {
presentInFilter = true;
// Found join condition containing this GBY key. Pick min NDV across all columns in this join
for (int fidx : jFilter) {
if (fidx < left.getRowType().getFieldCount()) {
ndv = mq.getDistinctRowCount(left, ImmutableBitSet.of(fidx), leftPred);
if (ndv == null) {
return super.getDistinctRowCount(joinRel, mq, groupKey, predicate);
ndvSGby = Math.min(ndvSGby, ndv);
} else {
ndv = mq.getDistinctRowCount(right, ImmutableBitSet.of(fidx - left.getRowType().getFieldCount()), rightPred);
if (ndv == null) {
return super.getDistinctRowCount(joinRel, mq, groupKey, predicate);
ndvSGby = Math.min(ndvSGby, ndv);
// Did not find it in any join condition(s)
if (!presentInFilter) {
for (int sidx : sGby) {
if (sidx < left.getRowType().getFieldCount()) {
ndv = mq.getDistinctRowCount(left, ImmutableBitSet.of(sidx), leftPred);
if (ndv == null) {
return super.getDistinctRowCount(joinRel, mq, groupKey, predicate);
ndvSGby = ndv;
} else {
ndv = mq.getDistinctRowCount(right, ImmutableBitSet.of(sidx - left.getRowType().getFieldCount()), rightPred);
if (ndv == null) {
return super.getDistinctRowCount(joinRel, mq, groupKey, predicate);
ndvSGby = ndv;
// Multiply NDV(s) of different GBY cols to determine the overall NDV
distRowCount *= ndvSGby;
if (gbyCols > 1) {
// Scale with multi-col NDV factor if more than one GBY cols were found
distRowCount *= plannerSettings.getStatisticsMultiColNdvAdjustmentFactor();
double joinRowCount = mq.getRowCount(joinRel);
// Cap NDV to join row count
distRowCount = Math.min(distRowCount, joinRowCount);
return RelMdUtil.numDistinctVals(distRowCount, joinRowCount);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.PlannerSettings in project drill by apache.
the class DrillRelMdSelectivity method getScanSelectivity.
private Double getScanSelectivity(RelNode rel, RelMetadataQuery mq, RexNode predicate) {
double ROWCOUNT_UNKNOWN = -1.0;
GroupScan scan = null;
PlannerSettings settings = PrelUtil.getPlannerSettings(rel.getCluster().getPlanner());
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = rel.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
if (rel instanceof DrillScanRel) {
scan = ((DrillScanRel) rel).getGroupScan();
} else if (rel instanceof ScanPrel) {
scan = ((ScanPrel) rel).getGroupScan();
if (scan != null) {
if (settings.isStatisticsEnabled() && scan instanceof DbGroupScan) {
double filterRows = ((DbGroupScan) scan).getRowCount(predicate, rel);
double totalRows = ((DbGroupScan) scan).getRowCount(null, rel);
if (filterRows != ROWCOUNT_UNKNOWN && totalRows != ROWCOUNT_UNKNOWN && totalRows > 0) {
return Math.min(1.0, filterRows / totalRows);
// Do not mess with statistics used for DBGroupScans.
if (rel instanceof TableScan) {
if (DrillRelOptUtil.guessRows(rel)) {
return super.getSelectivity(rel, mq, predicate);
DrillTable table = Utilities.getDrillTable(rel.getTable());
try {
TableMetadata tableMetadata;
if (table != null && (tableMetadata = table.getGroupScan().getTableMetadata()) != null && TableStatisticsKind.HAS_DESCRIPTIVE_STATISTICS.getValue(tableMetadata)) {
List<SchemaPath> fieldNames;
if (rel instanceof DrillScanRelBase) {
fieldNames = ((DrillScanRelBase) rel).getGroupScan().getColumns();
} else {
fieldNames = rel.getRowType().getFieldNames().stream().map(SchemaPath::getSimplePath).collect(Collectors.toList());
return getScanSelectivityInternal(tableMetadata, predicate, fieldNames, rexBuilder);
} catch (IOException e) {
super.getSelectivity(rel, mq, predicate);
return super.getSelectivity(rel, mq, predicate);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.PlannerSettings in project drill by apache.
the class DbScanSortRemovalRule method doOnMatch.
private void doOnMatch(IndexPhysicalPlanCallContext indexContext) {
Stopwatch indexPlanTimer = Stopwatch.createStarted();
final PlannerSettings settings = PrelUtil.getPlannerSettings(;
DbGroupScan groupScan = (DbGroupScan) indexContext.scan.getGroupScan();
boolean isIndexScan = groupScan.isIndexScan();
if (!isIndexScan) {
// This case generates the index scan and removes the sort if possible.
final IndexCollection indexCollection = groupScan.getSecondaryIndexCollection(indexContext.scan);
if (indexCollection == null) {
if (settings.isStatisticsEnabled()) {
groupScan.getStatistics().initialize(null, indexContext.scan, indexContext);
IndexPlanUtils.updateSortExpression(indexContext, indexContext.getSort() != null ? indexContext.getCollation().getFieldCollations() : null);
IndexSelector selector = new IndexSelector(indexContext);
for (IndexDescriptor indexDesc : indexCollection) {
FunctionalIndexInfo functionInfo = indexDesc.getFunctionalInfo();
if (IndexPlanUtils.isCoveringIndex(indexContext, functionInfo)) {
selector.addIndex(indexDesc, true, indexContext.lowerProject != null ? indexContext.lowerProject.getRowType().getFieldCount() : indexContext.scan.getRowType().getFieldCount());
IndexProperties idxProp = selector.getBestIndexNoFilter();
if (idxProp != null) {
try {
// generate a covering plan
CoveringPlanNoFilterGenerator planGen = new CoveringPlanNoFilterGenerator(indexContext, idxProp.getIndexDesc().getFunctionalInfo(), false, settings);
if (planGen.convertChild() != null) {
} else {
logger.debug("Not able to generate index plan in {}", this.getClass().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Exception while trying to generate indexscan to remove sort", e);
} else {
// This case tries to use the already generated index to see if a sort can be removed.
if (indexContext.scan.getTraitSet().getTrait(RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE).getFieldCollations().size() == 0) {
try {
RelNode finalRel = indexContext.scan.copy(indexContext.scan.getTraitSet(), indexContext.scan.getInputs());
if (indexContext.lowerProject != null) {
List<RelNode> inputs = Lists.newArrayList();
finalRel = indexContext.lowerProject.copy(indexContext.lowerProject.getTraitSet(), inputs);
finalRel = AbstractIndexPlanGenerator.getSortNode(indexContext, finalRel, true, false, indexContext.exch != null);
if (finalRel == null) {
logger.debug("Not able to generate index plan in {}", this.getClass().toString());
finalRel = Prule.convert(finalRel, finalRel.getTraitSet().plus(Prel.DRILL_PHYSICAL));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Exception while trying to use the indexscan to remove the sort", e);
logger.debug("Index Planning took {} ms", indexPlanTimer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));