use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence in project xipki by xipki.
the class IdentifiedX509Certprofile method getExtensions.
* @param requestedSubject
* Subject requested subject. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param grantedSubject
* Granted subject. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param requestedExtensions
* Extensions requested by the requestor. Could be {@code null}.
* @param publicKeyInfo
* Subject public key. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param publicCaInfo
* CA information. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param crlSignerCert
* CRL signer certificate. Could be {@code null}.
* @param notBefore
* NotBefore. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param notAfter
* NotAfter. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param caInfo
* CA information.
* @return the extensions of the certificate to be issued.
public ExtensionValues getExtensions(X500Name requestedSubject, X500Name grantedSubject, Extensions requestedExtensions, SubjectPublicKeyInfo publicKeyInfo, PublicCaInfo publicCaInfo, X509Certificate crlSignerCert, Date notBefore, Date notAfter) throws CertprofileException, BadCertTemplateException {
ParamUtil.requireNonNull("publicKeyInfo", publicKeyInfo);
ExtensionValues values = new ExtensionValues();
Map<ASN1ObjectIdentifier, ExtensionControl> controls = new HashMap<>(certprofile.getExtensionControls());
Set<ASN1ObjectIdentifier> neededExtTypes = new HashSet<>();
Set<ASN1ObjectIdentifier> wantedExtTypes = new HashSet<>();
if (requestedExtensions != null) {
Extension reqExtension = requestedExtensions.getExtension(ObjectIdentifiers.id_xipki_ext_cmpRequestExtensions);
if (reqExtension != null) {
ExtensionExistence ee = ExtensionExistence.getInstance(reqExtension.getParsedValue());
for (ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid : neededExtTypes) {
if (wantedExtTypes.contains(oid)) {
if (!controls.containsKey(oid)) {
throw new BadCertTemplateException("could not add needed extension " + oid.getId());
// SubjectKeyIdentifier
ASN1ObjectIdentifier extType = Extension.subjectKeyIdentifier;
ExtensionControl extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
byte[] encodedSpki = publicKeyInfo.getPublicKeyData().getBytes();
byte[] skiValue = HashAlgo.SHA1.hash(encodedSpki);
SubjectKeyIdentifier value = new SubjectKeyIdentifier(skiValue);
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// Authority key identifier
extType = Extension.authorityKeyIdentifier;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
byte[] ikiValue = publicCaInfo.getSubjectKeyIdentifer();
AuthorityKeyIdentifier value = null;
if (ikiValue != null) {
if (certprofile.includesIssuerAndSerialInAki()) {
GeneralNames x509CaSubject = new GeneralNames(new GeneralName(publicCaInfo.getX500Subject()));
value = new AuthorityKeyIdentifier(ikiValue, x509CaSubject, publicCaInfo.getSerialNumber());
} else {
value = new AuthorityKeyIdentifier(ikiValue);
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// IssuerAltName
extType = Extension.issuerAlternativeName;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
GeneralNames value = publicCaInfo.getSubjectAltName();
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// AuthorityInfoAccess
extType = Extension.authorityInfoAccess;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
AuthorityInfoAccessControl aiaControl = certprofile.getAiaControl();
List<String> caIssuers = null;
if (aiaControl == null || aiaControl.isIncludesCaIssuers()) {
caIssuers = publicCaInfo.getCaCertUris();
List<String> ocspUris = null;
if (aiaControl == null || aiaControl.isIncludesOcsp()) {
ocspUris = publicCaInfo.getOcspUris();
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(caIssuers) || CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(ocspUris)) {
AuthorityInformationAccess value = CaUtil.createAuthorityInformationAccess(caIssuers, ocspUris);
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
if (controls.containsKey(Extension.cRLDistributionPoints) || controls.containsKey(Extension.freshestCRL)) {
X500Name crlSignerSubject = (crlSignerCert == null) ? null : X500Name.getInstance(crlSignerCert.getSubjectX500Principal().getEncoded());
X500Name x500CaPrincipal = publicCaInfo.getX500Subject();
// CRLDistributionPoints
extType = Extension.cRLDistributionPoints;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(publicCaInfo.getCrlUris())) {
CRLDistPoint value = CaUtil.createCrlDistributionPoints(publicCaInfo.getCrlUris(), x500CaPrincipal, crlSignerSubject);
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// FreshestCRL
extType = Extension.freshestCRL;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(publicCaInfo.getDeltaCrlUris())) {
CRLDistPoint value = CaUtil.createCrlDistributionPoints(publicCaInfo.getDeltaCrlUris(), x500CaPrincipal, crlSignerSubject);
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// BasicConstraints
extType = Extension.basicConstraints;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
BasicConstraints value = CaUtil.createBasicConstraints(certprofile.getCertLevel(), certprofile.getPathLenBasicConstraint());
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// KeyUsage
extType = Extension.keyUsage;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
Set<KeyUsage> usages = new HashSet<>();
Set<KeyUsageControl> usageOccs = certprofile.getKeyUsage();
for (KeyUsageControl k : usageOccs) {
if (k.isRequired()) {
// the optional KeyUsage will only be set if requested explicitly
if (requestedExtensions != null && extControl.isRequest()) {
addRequestedKeyusage(usages, requestedExtensions, usageOccs);
org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.KeyUsage value = X509Util.createKeyUsage(usages);
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// ExtendedKeyUsage
extType = Extension.extendedKeyUsage;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
List<ASN1ObjectIdentifier> usages = new LinkedList<>();
Set<ExtKeyUsageControl> usageOccs = certprofile.getExtendedKeyUsages();
for (ExtKeyUsageControl k : usageOccs) {
if (k.isRequired()) {
// the optional ExtKeyUsage will only be set if requested explicitly
if (requestedExtensions != null && extControl.isRequest()) {
addRequestedExtKeyusage(usages, requestedExtensions, usageOccs);
if (extControl.isCritical() && usages.contains(ObjectIdentifiers.id_anyExtendedKeyUsage)) {
extControl = new ExtensionControl(false, extControl.isRequired(), extControl.isRequest());
ExtendedKeyUsage value = X509Util.createExtendedUsage(usages);
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// ocsp-nocheck
extType = ObjectIdentifiers.id_extension_pkix_ocsp_nocheck;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
// the extension ocsp-nocheck will only be set if requested explicitly
DERNull value = DERNull.INSTANCE;
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// SubjectInfoAccess
extType = Extension.subjectInfoAccess;
extControl = controls.remove(extType);
if (extControl != null && addMe(extType, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes)) {
ASN1Sequence value = null;
if (requestedExtensions != null && extControl.isRequest()) {
value = createSubjectInfoAccess(requestedExtensions, certprofile.getSubjectInfoAccessModes());
addExtension(values, extType, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
// remove extensions that are not required frrom the list
List<ASN1ObjectIdentifier> listToRm = null;
for (ASN1ObjectIdentifier extnType : controls.keySet()) {
ExtensionControl ctrl = controls.get(extnType);
if (ctrl.isRequired()) {
if (neededExtTypes.contains(extnType) || wantedExtTypes.contains(extnType)) {
if (listToRm == null) {
listToRm = new LinkedList<>();
if (listToRm != null) {
for (ASN1ObjectIdentifier extnType : listToRm) {
ExtensionValues subvalues = certprofile.getExtensions(Collections.unmodifiableMap(controls), requestedSubject, grantedSubject, requestedExtensions, notBefore, notAfter, publicCaInfo);
Set<ASN1ObjectIdentifier> extTypes = new HashSet<>(controls.keySet());
for (ASN1ObjectIdentifier type : extTypes) {
extControl = controls.remove(type);
boolean addMe = addMe(type, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
if (addMe) {
ExtensionValue value = null;
if (requestedExtensions != null && extControl.isRequest()) {
Extension reqExt = requestedExtensions.getExtension(type);
if (reqExt != null) {
value = new ExtensionValue(reqExt.isCritical(), reqExt.getParsedValue());
if (value == null) {
value = subvalues.getExtensionValue(type);
addExtension(values, type, value, extControl, neededExtTypes, wantedExtTypes);
Set<ASN1ObjectIdentifier> unprocessedExtTypes = new HashSet<>();
for (ASN1ObjectIdentifier type : controls.keySet()) {
if (controls.get(type).isRequired()) {
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(unprocessedExtTypes)) {
throw new CertprofileException("could not add required extensions " + toString(unprocessedExtTypes));
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(neededExtTypes)) {
throw new BadCertTemplateException("could not add requested extensions " + toString(neededExtTypes));
return values;
use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence in project xipki by xipki.
the class P12ComplexCsrGenCmd method getSubject.
protected X500Name getSubject(String subject) {
X500Name name = new X500Name(subject);
List<RDN> list = new LinkedList<>();
RDN[] rs = name.getRDNs();
for (RDN m : rs) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier id;
// dateOfBirth
if (complexSubject.booleanValue()) {
id = ObjectIdentifiers.DN_DATE_OF_BIRTH;
RDN[] rdns = name.getRDNs(id);
if (rdns == null || rdns.length == 0) {
ASN1Encodable atvValue = new DERGeneralizedTime("19950102120000Z");
RDN rdn = new RDN(id, atvValue);
// postalAddress
if (complexSubject.booleanValue()) {
id = ObjectIdentifiers.DN_POSTAL_ADDRESS;
RDN[] rdns = name.getRDNs(id);
if (rdns == null || rdns.length == 0) {
ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();
vec.add(new DERUTF8String("my street 1"));
vec.add(new DERUTF8String("12345 Germany"));
ASN1Sequence atvValue = new DERSequence(vec);
RDN rdn = new RDN(id, atvValue);
id = ObjectIdentifiers.DN_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER;
RDN[] rdns = name.getRDNs(id);
if (rdns == null || rdns.length == 0) {
DERUTF8String atvValue = new DERUTF8String("abc-def-ghi");
RDN rdn = new RDN(id, atvValue);
return new X500Name(list.toArray(new RDN[0]));
use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence in project xipki by xipki.
the class ExtractCertFromCrlCmd method execute0.
protected Object execute0() throws Exception {
X509CRL crl = X509Util.parseCrl(crlFile);
String oidExtnCerts = ObjectIdentifiers.id_xipki_ext_crlCertset.getId();
byte[] extnValue = crl.getExtensionValue(oidExtnCerts);
if (extnValue == null) {
throw new IllegalCmdParamException("no certificate is contained in " + crlFile);
extnValue = removingTagAndLenFromExtensionValue(extnValue);
ASN1Set asn1Set = DERSet.getInstance(extnValue);
final int n = asn1Set.size();
if (n == 0) {
throw new CmdFailure("no certificate is contained in " + crlFile);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(out);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ASN1Encodable asn1 = asn1Set.getObjectAt(i);
Certificate cert;
try {
ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(asn1);
cert = Certificate.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(0));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// backwards compatibility
cert = Certificate.getInstance(asn1);
byte[] certBytes = cert.getEncoded();
String sha1FpCert = HashAlgo.SHA1.hexHash(certBytes);
ZipEntry certZipEntry = new ZipEntry(sha1FpCert + ".der");
try {
} finally {
saveVerbose("extracted " + n + " certificates to", new File(outFile), out.toByteArray());
return null;
use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence in project android_packages_apps_Settings by DirtyUnicorns.
the class CertInstallerHelper method isCa.
private boolean isCa(X509Certificate cert) {
try {
byte[] asn1EncodedBytes = cert.getExtensionValue("");
if (asn1EncodedBytes == null) {
return false;
DEROctetString derOctetString = (DEROctetString) new ASN1InputStream(asn1EncodedBytes).readObject();
byte[] octets = derOctetString.getOctets();
ASN1Sequence sequence = (ASN1Sequence) new ASN1InputStream(octets).readObject();
return BasicConstraints.getInstance(sequence).isCA();
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence in project keepass2android by PhilippC.
the class ASN1Dump method _dumpAsString.
* dump a DER object as a formatted string with indentation
* @param obj the DERObject to be dumped out.
static void _dumpAsString(String indent, boolean verbose, DERObject obj, StringBuffer buf) {
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
if (obj instanceof ASN1Sequence) {
Enumeration e = ((ASN1Sequence) obj).getObjects();
String tab = indent + TAB;
if (obj instanceof BERConstructedSequence) {
buf.append("BER ConstructedSequence");
} else if (obj instanceof DERConstructedSequence) {
buf.append("DER ConstructedSequence");
} else if (obj instanceof BERSequence) {
buf.append("BER Sequence");
} else if (obj instanceof DERSequence) {
buf.append("DER Sequence");
} else {
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Object o = e.nextElement();
if (o == null || o.equals(new DERNull())) {
} else if (o instanceof DERObject) {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, (DERObject) o, buf);
} else {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, ((DEREncodable) o).getDERObject(), buf);
} else if (obj instanceof DERTaggedObject) {
String tab = indent + TAB;
if (obj instanceof BERTaggedObject) {
buf.append("BER Tagged [");
} else {
buf.append("Tagged [");
DERTaggedObject o = (DERTaggedObject) obj;
if (!o.isExplicit()) {
buf.append(" IMPLICIT ");
if (o.isEmpty()) {
} else {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, o.getObject(), buf);
} else if (obj instanceof DERConstructedSet) {
Enumeration e = ((ASN1Set) obj).getObjects();
String tab = indent + TAB;
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Object o = e.nextElement();
if (o == null) {
} else if (o instanceof DERObject) {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, (DERObject) o, buf);
} else {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, ((DEREncodable) o).getDERObject(), buf);
} else if (obj instanceof BERSet) {
Enumeration e = ((ASN1Set) obj).getObjects();
String tab = indent + TAB;
buf.append("BER Set");
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Object o = e.nextElement();
if (o == null) {
} else if (o instanceof DERObject) {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, (DERObject) o, buf);
} else {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, ((DEREncodable) o).getDERObject(), buf);
} else if (obj instanceof DERSet) {
Enumeration e = ((ASN1Set) obj).getObjects();
String tab = indent + TAB;
buf.append("DER Set");
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Object o = e.nextElement();
if (o == null) {
} else if (o instanceof DERObject) {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, (DERObject) o, buf);
} else {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, ((DEREncodable) o).getDERObject(), buf);
} else if (obj instanceof DERObjectIdentifier) {
buf.append(indent + "ObjectIdentifier(" + ((DERObjectIdentifier) obj).getId() + ")" + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERBoolean) {
buf.append(indent + "Boolean(" + ((DERBoolean) obj).isTrue() + ")" + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERInteger) {
buf.append(indent + "Integer(" + ((DERInteger) obj).getValue() + ")" + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof BERConstructedOctetString) {
ASN1OctetString oct = (ASN1OctetString) obj;
buf.append(indent + "BER Constructed Octet String" + "[" + oct.getOctets().length + "] ");
if (verbose) {
buf.append(dumpBinaryDataAsString(indent, oct.getOctets()));
} else {
} else if (obj instanceof DEROctetString) {
ASN1OctetString oct = (ASN1OctetString) obj;
buf.append(indent + "DER Octet String" + "[" + oct.getOctets().length + "] ");
if (verbose) {
buf.append(dumpBinaryDataAsString(indent, oct.getOctets()));
} else {
} else if (obj instanceof DERBitString) {
DERBitString bt = (DERBitString) obj;
buf.append(indent + "DER Bit String" + "[" + bt.getBytes().length + ", " + bt.getPadBits() + "] ");
if (verbose) {
buf.append(dumpBinaryDataAsString(indent, bt.getBytes()));
} else {
} else if (obj instanceof DERIA5String) {
buf.append(indent + "IA5String(" + ((DERIA5String) obj).getString() + ") " + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERUTF8String) {
buf.append(indent + "UTF8String(" + ((DERUTF8String) obj).getString() + ") " + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERPrintableString) {
buf.append(indent + "PrintableString(" + ((DERPrintableString) obj).getString() + ") " + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERVisibleString) {
buf.append(indent + "VisibleString(" + ((DERVisibleString) obj).getString() + ") " + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERBMPString) {
buf.append(indent + "BMPString(" + ((DERBMPString) obj).getString() + ") " + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERT61String) {
buf.append(indent + "T61String(" + ((DERT61String) obj).getString() + ") " + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERUTCTime) {
buf.append(indent + "UTCTime(" + ((DERUTCTime) obj).getTime() + ") " + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERGeneralizedTime) {
buf.append(indent + "GeneralizedTime(" + ((DERGeneralizedTime) obj).getTime() + ") " + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERUnknownTag) {
buf.append(indent + "Unknown " + Integer.toString(((DERUnknownTag) obj).getTag(), 16) + " " + new String(Hex.encode(((DERUnknownTag) obj).getData())) + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof BERApplicationSpecific) {
buf.append(outputApplicationSpecific("BER", indent, verbose, obj, nl));
} else if (obj instanceof DERApplicationSpecific) {
buf.append(outputApplicationSpecific("DER", indent, verbose, obj, nl));
} else if (obj instanceof DEREnumerated) {
DEREnumerated en = (DEREnumerated) obj;
buf.append(indent + "DER Enumerated(" + en.getValue() + ")" + nl);
} else if (obj instanceof DERExternal) {
DERExternal ext = (DERExternal) obj;
buf.append(indent + "External " + nl);
String tab = indent + TAB;
if (ext.getDirectReference() != null) {
buf.append(tab + "Direct Reference: " + ext.getDirectReference().getId() + nl);
if (ext.getIndirectReference() != null) {
buf.append(tab + "Indirect Reference: " + ext.getIndirectReference().toString() + nl);
if (ext.getDataValueDescriptor() != null) {
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, ext.getDataValueDescriptor(), buf);
buf.append(tab + "Encoding: " + ext.getEncoding() + nl);
_dumpAsString(tab, verbose, ext.getExternalContent(), buf);
} else {
buf.append(indent + obj.toString() + nl);