use of org.teiid.query.util.Options in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testSubqueryRewriteToJoinWithAggregate.
public void testSubqueryRewriteToJoinWithAggregate() throws Exception {
CommandContext cc = new CommandContext();
cc.setOptions(new Options().subqueryUnnestDefault(true));
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm3.g1 where pm3.g1.e2 < (select max(e2) FROM pm1.g1 where pm3.g1.e1 = e1)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm3.g1, (SELECT MAX(e2) AS expr1, e1 FROM pm1.g1 GROUP BY e1) AS X__1 WHERE (pm3.g1.e2 < X__1.expr1) AND (pm3.g1.e1 = X__1.e1)", RealMetadataFactory.example4(), cc);
use of org.teiid.query.util.Options in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testSubqueryDoNotRewriteToJoin3.
public void testSubqueryDoNotRewriteToJoin3() throws Exception {
CommandContext cc = new CommandContext();
cc.setOptions(new Options().subqueryUnnestDefault(true));
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm3.g1 where e2 < some (select pm1.g1.e2 FROM pm1.g1 where pm3.g1.e3 <> e3)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm3.g1 WHERE e2 < SOME (SELECT MAX(pm1.g1.e2) FROM pm1.g1 WHERE e3 <> pm3.g1.e3)", RealMetadataFactory.example4(), cc);
// should rewrite as we have an equi join predicate
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm3.g1 where e2 < some (select pm1.g1.e2 FROM pm1.g1 where pm3.g1.e3 = e3)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm3.g1, (SELECT MAX(pm1.g1.e2) AS expr1, e3 FROM pm1.g1 GROUP BY e3) AS X__1 WHERE (e2 < X__1.expr1) AND (pm3.g1.e3 = X__1.e3)", RealMetadataFactory.example4(), cc);
use of org.teiid.query.util.Options in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testSubqueryRewriteToJoinWithAggregate2.
public void testSubqueryRewriteToJoinWithAggregate2() throws Exception {
CommandContext cc = new CommandContext();
cc.setOptions(new Options().subqueryUnnestDefault(true));
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm3.g1 where pm3.g1.e2 < (select max(e2) FROM pm1.g1 WHERE pm3.g1.e1 = e1 HAVING min(e3) < pm3.g1.e3)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm3.g1, (SELECT MAX(e2) AS expr1, e1, MIN(e3) AS expr3 FROM pm1.g1 GROUP BY e1) AS X__1 WHERE (X__1.expr3 < pm3.g1.e3) AND (pm3.g1.e2 < X__1.expr1) AND (pm3.g1.e1 = X__1.e1)", RealMetadataFactory.example4(), cc);
use of org.teiid.query.util.Options in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testSubqueryDoNotRewriteToJoin.
public void testSubqueryDoNotRewriteToJoin() throws Exception {
CommandContext cc = new CommandContext();
cc.setOptions(new Options().subqueryUnnestDefault(true));
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm3.g1 where not exists (select pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 where e1 = pm3.g1.e1)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm3.g1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 WHERE e1 = pm3.g1.e1 LIMIT 1)", RealMetadataFactory.example4(), cc);
use of org.teiid.query.util.Options in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestSubqueryPushdown method testSubqueryRewriteToJoinDistinct1.
// won't rewrite since we need distinct and don't have all equi join predicates
public void testSubqueryRewriteToJoinDistinct1() throws Exception {
CommandContext cc = new CommandContext();
cc.setOptions(new Options().subqueryUnnestDefault(true));
TestQueryRewriter.helpTestRewriteCommand("Select e1 from pm1.g1 as x where exists (select pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 where e1 = x.e1 and e2 < x.e2)", "SELECT e1 FROM pm1.g1 AS x WHERE EXISTS (SELECT pm1.g1.e1 FROM pm1.g1 WHERE (e1 = x.e1) AND (e2 < x.e2) LIMIT 1)", RealMetadataFactory.example1Cached(), cc);