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Example 81 with UserInfo

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class DevicePolicyManagerService method getMaximumTimeToLockForUserAndProfiles.

public long getMaximumTimeToLockForUserAndProfiles(int userHandle) {
    if (!mHasFeature) {
        return 0;
    synchronized (this) {
        // All admins for this user.
        ArrayList<ActiveAdmin> admins = new ArrayList<ActiveAdmin>();
        for (UserInfo userInfo : mUserManager.getProfiles(userHandle)) {
            DevicePolicyData policy = getUserData(;
            // If it is a managed profile, it may have parent active admins
            if (userInfo.isManagedProfile()) {
                for (ActiveAdmin admin : policy.mAdminList) {
                    if (admin.hasParentActiveAdmin()) {
        return getMaximumTimeToLockPolicyFromAdmins(admins);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UserInfo(

Example 82 with UserInfo

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class DevicePolicyManagerService method getActiveAdminsForLockscreenPoliciesLocked.

private List<ActiveAdmin> getActiveAdminsForLockscreenPoliciesLocked(int userHandle, boolean parent) {
    if (!parent && isSeparateProfileChallengeEnabled(userHandle)) {
        // If this user has a separate challenge, only return its restrictions.
        return getUserDataUnchecked(userHandle).mAdminList;
    } else {
        // Return all admins for this user and the profiles that are visible from this
        // user that do not use a separate work challenge.
        ArrayList<ActiveAdmin> admins = new ArrayList<ActiveAdmin>();
        for (UserInfo userInfo : mUserManager.getProfiles(userHandle)) {
            DevicePolicyData policy = getUserData(;
            if (!userInfo.isManagedProfile()) {
            } else {
                // For managed profiles, we always include the policies set on the parent
                // profile. Additionally, we include the ones set on the managed profile
                // if no separate challenge is in place.
                boolean hasSeparateChallenge = isSeparateProfileChallengeEnabled(;
                final int N = policy.mAdminList.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                    ActiveAdmin admin = policy.mAdminList.get(i);
                    if (admin.hasParentActiveAdmin()) {
                    if (!hasSeparateChallenge) {
        return admins;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UserInfo(

Example 83 with UserInfo

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class DevicePolicyManagerService method migrateUserRestrictionsIfNecessaryLocked.

     * We didn't use to persist user restrictions for each owners but only persisted in user
     * manager.
private void migrateUserRestrictionsIfNecessaryLocked() {
    boolean migrated = false;
    // except for the "system controlled" ones.
    if (mOwners.getDeviceOwnerUserRestrictionsNeedsMigration()) {
        if (VERBOSE_LOG) {
            Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Migrating DO user restrictions");
        migrated = true;
        // Migrate user 0 restrictions to DO.
        final ActiveAdmin deviceOwnerAdmin = getDeviceOwnerAdminLocked();
        migrateUserRestrictionsForUser(UserHandle.SYSTEM, deviceOwnerAdmin, /* exceptionList =*/
        null, /* isDeviceOwner =*/
        // Push DO user restrictions to user manager.
    // Migrate for POs.
    // The following restrictions can be set on secondary users by the device owner, so we
    // assume they're not from the PO.
    final Set<String> secondaryUserExceptionList = Sets.newArraySet(UserManager.DISALLOW_OUTGOING_CALLS, UserManager.DISALLOW_SMS);
    for (UserInfo ui : mUserManager.getUsers()) {
        final int userId =;
        if (mOwners.getProfileOwnerUserRestrictionsNeedsMigration(userId)) {
            if (VERBOSE_LOG) {
                Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Migrating PO user restrictions for user " + userId);
            migrated = true;
            final ActiveAdmin profileOwnerAdmin = getProfileOwnerAdminLocked(userId);
            final Set<String> exceptionList = (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) ? null : secondaryUserExceptionList;
            migrateUserRestrictionsForUser(ui.getUserHandle(), profileOwnerAdmin, exceptionList, /* isDeviceOwner =*/
            // Note if a secondary user has no PO but has a DA that disables camera, we
            // don't get here and won't push the camera user restriction to UserManager
            // here.  That's okay because we'll push user restrictions anyway when a user
            // starts.  But we still do it because we want to let user manager persist
            // upon migration.
    if (VERBOSE_LOG && migrated) {
        Log.v(LOG_TAG, "User restrictions migrated.");
Also used : UserInfo( ParcelableString(

Example 84 with UserInfo

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class UserManagerServiceTest method testAddUserWithAccount.

public void testAddUserWithAccount() {
    UserManager um = UserManager.get(mContext);
    UserInfo user = um.createUser("Test User", 0);
    tempUserId =;
    String accountName = "Test Account";
    um.setUserAccount(tempUserId, accountName);
    assertEquals(accountName, um.getUserAccount(tempUserId));
Also used : UserManager(android.os.UserManager) UserInfo(

Example 85 with UserInfo

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class LockSettingsStorageTests method setUp.

protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    mStorageDir = new File(getContext().getFilesDir(), "locksettings");
    mDb = getContext().getDatabasePath("locksettings.db");
    assertTrue(mStorageDir.exists() || mStorageDir.mkdirs());
    assertTrue(!mDb.exists() || mDb.delete());
    final Context ctx = getContext();
    setContext(new ContextWrapper(ctx) {

        public Object getSystemService(String name) {
            if (USER_SERVICE.equals(name)) {
                return new UserManager(ctx, null) {

                    public UserInfo getProfileParent(int userHandle) {
                        if (userHandle == 2) {
                            // User 2 is a profile of user 1.
                            return new UserInfo(1, "name", 0);
                        if (userHandle == 3) {
                            // User 3 is a profile of user 0.
                            return new UserInfo(0, "name", 0);
                        return null;
            return super.getSystemService(name);
    mStorage = new LockSettingsStorage(getContext(), new LockSettingsStorage.Callback() {

        public void initialize(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            mStorage.writeKeyValue(db, "initializedKey", "initialValue", 0);
    }) {

        String getLockPatternFilename(int userId) {
            return new File(mStorageDir, super.getLockPatternFilename(userId).replace('/', '-')).getAbsolutePath();

        String getLockPasswordFilename(int userId) {
            return new File(mStorageDir, super.getLockPasswordFilename(userId).replace('/', '-')).getAbsolutePath();

        String getChildProfileLockFile(int userId) {
            return new File(mStorageDir, super.getChildProfileLockFile(userId).replace('/', '-')).getAbsolutePath();
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) SQLiteDatabase(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase) UserManager(android.os.UserManager) UserInfo( File( ContextWrapper(android.content.ContextWrapper)


UserInfo ( UserManager (android.os.UserManager)156 RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)144 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)73 UserHandle (android.os.UserHandle)66 Intent (android.content.Intent)58 IOException ( File ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)43 ApplicationInfo ( PackageManager ( ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)32 NameNotFoundException ( AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)30 XmlPullParserException (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException)29 AtomicFile (android.util.AtomicFile)28 PackageInfo ( DevicePolicyManager ( LockPatternUtils ( PendingIntent (