Simple Springboot JPA Eclipeslink Example

Now we will try to run the same example Springboot JPA Example with eclipselink :

1. We need to exclude hibernate library and add eclipselink dependency:


2. add two new methods for Eclipselink JPA vendor in @SpringBootApplication (ExampleApplication) class:

    protected AbstractJpaVendorAdapter createJpaVendorAdapter() {
        return new EclipseLinkJpaVendorAdapter();

    protected Map<String, Object> getVendorProperties() {
        // Turn off dynamic weaving to disable LTW lookup in static weaving mode
        return Collections.singletonMap("eclipselink.weaving", "false");

new we should be ready to test it , so we will create same bean as command line runner :

    public CommandLineRunner exampleRunner(CustomerRepository customerRepository) {
        return (args) -> {
            Customer customer = new Customer("Customer 1", new ArrayList<>());
            customer.getOrders().add(new Order(customer, "order 1"));
            customer.getOrders().add(new Order(customer, "order 2"));

            customerRepository.findAll().forEach(c -> {

            final Iterable<Customer> customers = customerRepository.findAll();
            customers.forEach(c -> {
                c.getOrders().forEach(order -> {
                    order.setOrderName(order.getOrderName() + "1");

            customerRepository.findAll().forEach(c -> {
            customer = customerRepository.findOne(customer.getId());
            customer.setName(customer.getName() + "1");
            customerRepository.findAll().forEach(c -> {


the optup will be almost the same as Springboot JPA Example , except the version , in Eclipselink the version will start with 1.

Thanks for reading this .

source code : sources

Category: Java Tutorials