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Example 71 with NetworkAgentInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class ConnectivityService method reportInetCondition.

// 100 percent is full good, 0 is full bad.
public void reportInetCondition(int networkType, int percentage) {
    NetworkAgentInfo nai = mLegacyTypeTracker.getNetworkForType(networkType);
    if (nai == null)
    reportNetworkConnectivity(, percentage > 50);
Also used : NetworkAgentInfo(

Example 72 with NetworkAgentInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class ConnectivityService method handleSetAvoidUnvalidated.

private void handleSetAvoidUnvalidated(Network network) {
    NetworkAgentInfo nai = getNetworkAgentInfoForNetwork(network);
    if (nai == null || nai.lastValidated) {
        // Nothing to do. The network either disconnected or revalidated.
    if (!nai.avoidUnvalidated) {
        int oldScore = nai.getCurrentScore();
        nai.avoidUnvalidated = true;
        rematchAllNetworksAndRequests(nai, oldScore);
Also used : NetworkAgentInfo(

Example 73 with NetworkAgentInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.

the class ConnectivityServiceMock method handleAsyncChannelDisconnected.

private void handleAsyncChannelDisconnected(Message msg) {
    NetworkAgentInfo nai = mNetworkAgentInfos.get(msg.replyTo);
    if (nai != null) {
        if (DBG) {
            log( + " got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying " + nai.numNetworkRequests());
        // A network agent has disconnected.
        // TODO - if we move the logic to the network agent (have them disconnect
        // because they lost all their requests or because their score isn't good)
        // then they would disconnect organically, report their new state and then
        // disconnect the channel.
        // if (nai.networkInfo.isConnected()) {
        // nai.networkInfo.setDetailedState(NetworkInfo.DetailedState.DISCONNECTED,
        // null, null);
        // }
        // final boolean wasDefault = isDefaultNetwork(nai);
        // if (wasDefault) {
        // mDefaultInetConditionPublished = 0;
        // }
        // notifyIfacesChanged();
        // TODO - we shouldn't send CALLBACK_LOST to requests that can be satisfied
        // by other networks that are already connected. Perhaps that can be done by
        // sending all CALLBACK_LOST messages (for requests, not listens) at the end
        // of rematchAllNetworksAndRequests
        // notifyNetworkCallbacks(nai, ConnectivityManager.CALLBACK_LOST);
        // mKeepaliveTracker.handleStopAllKeepalives(nai,
        // ConnectivityManager.PacketKeepalive.ERROR_INVALID_NETWORK);
    // updateClat(null, nai.linkProperties, nai);
    // synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
    // // Remove the NetworkAgent, but don't mark the netId as
    // // available until we've told netd to delete it below.
    // mNetworkForNetId.remove(;
    // }
    // Remove all previously satisfied requests.
    // for (int i = 0; i < nai.networkRequests.size(); i++) {
    // NetworkRequest request = nai.networkRequests.valueAt(i);
    // NetworkAgentInfo currentNetwork = mNetworkForRequestId.get(request.requestId);
    // if (currentNetwork != null && == {
    // mNetworkForRequestId.remove(request.requestId);
    // sendUpdatedScoreToFactories(request, 0);
    // }
    // }
    // if (nai.networkRequests.get(mDefaultRequest.requestId) != null) {
    // removeDataActivityTracking(nai);
    // notifyLockdownVpn(nai);
    // requestNetworkTransitionWakelock(;
    // }
    // mLegacyTypeTracker.remove(nai, wasDefault);
    // rematchAllNetworksAndRequests(null, 0);
    // if (nai.created) {
    // // Tell netd to clean up the configuration for this network
    // // (routing rules, DNS, etc).
    // // This may be slow as it requires a lot of netd shelling out to ip and
    // // ip[6]tables to flush routes and remove the incoming packet mark rule, so do it
    // // after we've rematched networks with requests which should make a potential
    // // fallback network the default or requested a new network from the
    // // NetworkFactories, so network traffic isn't interrupted for an unnecessarily
    // // long time.
    // try {
    // mNetd.removeNetwork(;
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    // loge("Exception removing network: " + e);
    // }
    // }
    // synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
    // mNetIdInUse.delete(;
    // }
    } else {
        NetworkFactoryInfo nfi = mNetworkFactoryInfos.remove(msg.replyTo);
        if (DBG && nfi != null)
            log("unregisterNetworkFactory for " +;
Also used : NetworkAgentInfo(

Example 74 with NetworkAgentInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.

the class ConnectivityServiceMock method handleAsyncChannelHalfConnect.

private void handleAsyncChannelHalfConnect(Message msg) {
    AsyncChannel ac = (AsyncChannel) msg.obj;
    if (mNetworkFactoryInfos.containsKey(msg.replyTo)) {
        if (msg.arg1 == AsyncChannel.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) {
            if (VDBG)
                log("NetworkFactory connected");
            // A network factory has connected.  Send it all current NetworkRequests.
            for (NetworkRequestInfo nri : mNetworkRequests.values()) {
                if (nri.isRequest == false)
                // NetworkAgentInfo nai = mNetworkForRequestId.get(nri.request.requestId);
                NetworkAgentInfo nai = null;
                ac.sendMessage(, (nai != null ? nai.getCurrentScore() : 0), 0, nri.request);
        } else {
            loge("Error connecting NetworkFactory");
    } else if (mNetworkAgentInfos.containsKey(msg.replyTo)) {
        if (msg.arg1 == AsyncChannel.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) {
            if (VDBG)
                log("NetworkAgent connected");
            // A network agent has requested a connection.  Establish the connection.
        } else {
            loge("Error connecting NetworkAgent");
            NetworkAgentInfo nai = mNetworkAgentInfos.remove(msg.replyTo);
        // if (nai != null) {
        // final boolean wasDefault = isDefaultNetwork(nai);
        // synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
        // mNetworkForNetId.remove(;
        // mNetIdInUse.delete(;
        // }
        // // Just in case.
        // mLegacyTypeTracker.remove(nai, wasDefault);
        // }
Also used : NetworkAgentInfo( AsyncChannel(

Example 75 with NetworkAgentInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.

the class ConnectivityServiceMock method handleRegisterNetworkRequest.

private void handleRegisterNetworkRequest(NetworkRequestInfo nri) {
    mNetworkRequests.put(nri.request, nri);
    if (!nri.isRequest) {
        for (NetworkAgentInfo network : mNetworkAgentInfos.values()) {
            if (nri.request.networkCapabilities.hasSignalStrength() && network.satisfiesImmutableCapabilitiesOf(nri.request)) {
    rematchAllNetworksAndRequests(null, 0);
    if (nri.isRequest) {
        sendUpdatedScoreToFactories(nri.request, 0);
Also used : NetworkAgentInfo(


NetworkAgentInfo ( LinkProperties ( Network ( NetworkPolicyManager.uidRulesToString ( NetworkCapabilities ( NetworkInfo ( NetworkRequest ( NetworkState ( RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)14 UnknownHostException ( AsyncChannel ( Vpn ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 FileNotFoundException ( IOException ( InetAddress ( XmlPullParserException (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException)9 Nullable (android.annotation.Nullable)5 PendingIntent ( Intent (android.content.Intent)5