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Example 31 with ProfileObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class PixelHandler method rank.

public static long rank(GuildUsers guildUsers, IGuild guild, long userID) {
    if (isUnRanked(userID, guildUsers, guild)) {
        return -1;
    ProfileObject user = guildUsers.getUserByID(userID);
    // rank calc
    long rank = 0;
    ArrayList<ProfileObject> users = (ArrayList<ProfileObject>) guildUsers.getProfiles().clone();
    // sort so that can accurately check rank
    Utility.sortUserObjects(users, false);
    // for all the users
    for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) {
        if (users.get(i).getUserID() == userID) {
            return rank + 1;
        } else {
            boolean hideRank = isUnRanked(users.get(i).getUserID(), guildUsers, guild);
            if (!hideRank && user.getXP() != users.get(i).getXP()) {
    // this should never occur
    return rank;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProfileObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject)

Example 32 with ProfileObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class SpamHandler method checkForInvites.

public static boolean checkForInvites(CommandObject command) {
    GuildConfig guildconfig = command.guild.config;
    if (!guildconfig.denyInvites) {
        return false;
    IMessage message = command.message.get();
    IGuild guild = command.guild.get();
    IUser author = command.user.get();
    List<String> inviteformats = new ArrayList<String>() {

    if (GuildHandler.testForPerms(command, Permissions.MANAGE_MESSAGES))
        return false;
    boolean inviteFound = false;
    boolean shouldDelete = false;
    ProfileObject object = command.user.getProfile(command.guild);
    boolean userSettingDenied = false;
    if (object != null) {
        userSettingDenied = object.getSettings().contains(UserSetting.DENY_INVITES);
    for (String s : inviteformats) {
        if (message.toString().toLowerCase().contains(s.toLowerCase())) {
            inviteFound = true;
    boolean isTrusted = guildconfig.testIsTrusted(author, guild);
    if (userSettingDenied || !isTrusted) {
        shouldDelete = true;
    if (inviteFound && shouldDelete) {
        String response;
        if (userSettingDenied) {
            response = "> " + command.user.mention() + ", you do not have permission to post Instant Invites.";
        } else {
            response = "> " + command.user.mention() + ", please do not post Instant Invites.";
        command.guild.sendDebugLog(command, "INVITE_REMOVAL", "REMOVED", message.getContent());
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : GuildConfig(com.github.vaerys.pogos.GuildConfig) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProfileObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject)

Example 33 with ProfileObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class EditCC method execute.

public String execute(String args, CommandObject command) {
    ProfileObject object = command.guild.users.getUserByID(command.user.longID);
    if (object != null && object.getSettings().contains(UserSetting.DENY_MAKE_CC)) {
        return "> " + command.user.mention() + ", You have been denied the modification of custom commands.";
    SplitFirstObject getName = new SplitFirstObject(args);
    String rest = getName.getRest();
    if (rest == null) {
        rest = "";
    if (command.message.get().getAttachments().size() != 0) {
        String testLink = command.message.get().getAttachments().get(0).getUrl();
        if (Utility.isImageLink(testLink)) {
            if (rest.length() > 0) {
                rest += " ";
            rest += "<embedImage>{" + testLink + "}";
        } else {
            return "> Custom command attachment must be a valid Image.";
    SplitFirstObject getMode = new SplitFirstObject(rest);
    String mode = getMode.getFirstWord();
    String content = getMode.getRest();
    CCommandObject customCommand = command.guild.customCommands.getCommand(getName.getFirstWord());
    if (customCommand == null) {
        return "> Command Not found.";
    boolean canBypass = GuildHandler.testForPerms(command, Permissions.MANAGE_MESSAGES);
    boolean isAuthor = command.user.longID == customCommand.getUserID();
    // test if can edit
    if ((customCommand.isLocked() && !canBypass) || (!canBypass && !isAuthor)) {
        return "> You do not have permission to edit this command.";
    if (command.guild.customCommands.checkblackList(args) != null) {
        return command.guild.customCommands.checkblackList(args);
    if (customCommand.isLocked() && !canBypass) {
        return "> This command is locked and cannot be edited.";
    switch(mode.toLowerCase()) {
        case "replace":
            return CCEditModes.replace(customCommand, content, command);
        case "toembed":
            return CCEditModes.toEmbed(customCommand);
        case "append":
            return CCEditModes.append(customCommand, content, command);
        case "delet":
        case "delcall":
            return CCEditModes.deleteTag(customCommand);
        case "shitpost":
            return CCEditModes.shitPost(customCommand, command, command.user.get(), command.guild.get());
        case "lock":
            return CCEditModes.lock(customCommand, command, command.user.get(), command.guild.get());
        case "addsearch":
            return CCEditModes.addSearchTag(customCommand, content);
        case "removesearch":
            return CCEditModes.removeSearchTag(customCommand, content);
            if (content == null || content.isEmpty()) {
                return CCEditModes.replace(customCommand, mode, command);
            } else {
                return CCEditModes.replace(customCommand, mode + " " + content, command);
Also used : CCommandObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.CCommandObject) ProfileObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject) SplitFirstObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.SplitFirstObject)

Example 34 with ProfileObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class NewCC method execute.

public String execute(String args, CommandObject command) {
    ProfileObject object = command.guild.users.getUserByID(command.user.longID);
    if (object != null && object.getSettings().contains(UserSetting.DENY_MAKE_CC)) {
        return "> " + command.user.mention() + ", You have been denied the creation of custom commands.";
    if (command.guild.getChannelsByType(ChannelSetting.CC_DENIED).contains(
        return "> This Channel has CCs Denied, You cannot create ccs here.";
    boolean isShitpost = false;
    boolean isLocked = false;
    SplitFirstObject splitFirst = new SplitFirstObject(args);
    List<IChannel> shitpostChannels = command.guild.getChannelsByType(ChannelSetting.SHITPOST);
    if (shitpostChannels != null) {
        for (IChannel channel : shitpostChannels) {
            if ( == channel.getLongID()) {
                isShitpost = true;
    if (object.getSettings().contains(UserSetting.AUTO_SHITPOST)) {
        isShitpost = true;
    String nameCC = splitFirst.getFirstWord();
    String argsCC = splitFirst.getRest();
    if (handleNameFilter(command, nameCC)) {
        return "> Custom Commands cannot have the same name as built-in commands.";
    if ((argsCC == null || argsCC.isEmpty()) && command.message.get().getAttachments().size() == 0) {
        return "> Custom command contents cannot be blank.";
    if (command.message.get().getAttachments().size() != 0) {
        String testLink = command.message.get().getAttachments().get(0).getUrl();
        if (Utility.isImageLink(testLink)) {
            if (argsCC == null || argsCC.isEmpty()) {
                argsCC = "<embedImage>{" + testLink + "}";
            } else {
                argsCC += "<embedImage>{" + testLink + "}";
        } else {
            return "> Custom command attachment must be a valid Image.";
    if (nameCC.contains("\n")) {
        return "> Command name cannot contain Newlines.";
    if (argsCC.contains("<shitpost>")) {
        argsCC.replace("<shitpost>", "");
        isShitpost = true;
    if (argsCC.contains("<lock>") && GuildHandler.testForPerms(command, Permissions.MANAGE_MESSAGES)) {
        argsCC.replace("<lock>", "");
        isLocked = true;
    return command.guild.customCommands.addCommand(isLocked, nameCC, argsCC, isShitpost, command);
Also used : IChannel(sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IChannel) ProfileObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject) SplitFirstObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.SplitFirstObject)


ProfileObject (com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject)34 UserObject (com.github.vaerys.masterobjects.UserObject)13 SplitFirstObject (com.github.vaerys.objects.SplitFirstObject)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 XEmbedBuilder (com.github.vaerys.objects.XEmbedBuilder)5 IChannel (sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IChannel)5 UserSetting (com.github.vaerys.enums.UserSetting)4 RewardRoleObject (com.github.vaerys.objects.RewardRoleObject)4 IMessage (sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IMessage)4 IUser (sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IUser)4 CCommandObject (com.github.vaerys.objects.CCommandObject)3 ListIterator (java.util.ListIterator)3 IRole (sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IRole)3 CommandObject (com.github.vaerys.commands.CommandObject)2 GuildObject (com.github.vaerys.masterobjects.GuildObject)2 TrackLikes (com.github.vaerys.objects.TrackLikes)2 NumberFormat (java.text.NumberFormat)2 ZonedDateTime (java.time.ZonedDateTime)2 ChannelSetting (com.github.vaerys.enums.ChannelSetting)1 SAILType (com.github.vaerys.enums.SAILType)1