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Example 36 with Change

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeRebuilderImpl method rebuildReviewDb.

public void rebuildReviewDb(ReviewDb db, Project.NameKey project, Change.Id changeId) throws OrmException {
    // TODO(dborowitz): Fail fast if changes tables are disabled in ReviewDb.
    ChangeNotes notes = notesFactory.create(db, project, changeId);
    ChangeBundle bundle = ChangeBundle.fromNotes(commentsUtil, notes);
    db = ReviewDbUtil.unwrapDb(db);
    try {
        Change c = db.changes().get(changeId);
        PrimaryStorage ps = PrimaryStorage.of(c);
        if (ps != PrimaryStorage.NOTE_DB) {
            throw new OrmException("primary storage of " + changeId + " is " + ps);
        putExactlyEntities(db.changeMessages(), db.changeMessages().byChange(c.getId()), bundle.getChangeMessages());
        putExactlyEntities(db.patchSets(), db.patchSets().byChange(c.getId()), bundle.getPatchSets());
        putExactlyEntities(db.patchSetApprovals(), db.patchSetApprovals().byChange(c.getId()), bundle.getPatchSetApprovals());
        putExactlyEntities(db.patchComments(), db.patchComments().byChange(c.getId()), bundle.getPatchLineComments());
    } finally {
Also used : PrimaryStorage( OrmException( ChangeBundle( ChangeNotes( Change(

Example 37 with Change

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeRebuilderImpl method buildUpdates.

public void buildUpdates(NoteDbUpdateManager manager, ChangeBundle bundle) throws IOException, OrmException {
    manager.setCheckExpectedState(false).setRefLogMessage("Rebuilding change");
    Change change = new Change(bundle.getChange());
    if (bundle.getPatchSets().isEmpty()) {
        throw new NoPatchSetsException(change.getId());
    // We will rebuild all events, except for draft comments, in buckets based
    // on author and timestamp.
    List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
    ListMultimap<Account.Id, DraftCommentEvent> draftCommentEvents = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().arrayListValues().build();
    events.addAll(getHashtagsEvents(change, manager));
    // Delete ref only after hashtags have been read
    deleteChangeMetaRef(change, manager.getChangeRepo().cmds);
    deleteDraftRefs(change, manager.getAllUsersRepo());
    Integer minPsNum = getMinPatchSetNum(bundle);
    TreeMap<PatchSet.Id, PatchSetEvent> patchSetEvents = new TreeMap<>(ReviewDbUtil.intKeyOrdering());
    for (PatchSet ps : bundle.getPatchSets()) {
        PatchSetEvent pse = new PatchSetEvent(change, ps, manager.getChangeRepo().rw);
        patchSetEvents.put(ps.getId(), pse);
        for (Comment c : getComments(bundle, serverId, Status.PUBLISHED, ps)) {
            CommentEvent e = new CommentEvent(c, change, ps, patchListCache);
        for (Comment c : getComments(bundle, serverId, Status.DRAFT, ps)) {
            DraftCommentEvent e = new DraftCommentEvent(c, change, ps, patchListCache);
            draftCommentEvents.put(, e);
    for (PatchSetApproval psa : bundle.getPatchSetApprovals()) {
        PatchSetEvent pse = patchSetEvents.get(psa.getPatchSetId());
        if (pse != null) {
            events.add(new ApprovalEvent(psa, change.getCreatedOn()).addDep(pse));
    for (Table.Cell<ReviewerStateInternal, Account.Id, Timestamp> r : bundle.getReviewers().asTable().cellSet()) {
        events.add(new ReviewerEvent(r, change.getCreatedOn()));
    Change noteDbChange = new Change(null, null, null, null, null);
    for (ChangeMessage msg : bundle.getChangeMessages()) {
        Event msgEvent = new ChangeMessageEvent(change, noteDbChange, msg, change.getCreatedOn());
        if (msg.getPatchSetId() != null) {
            PatchSetEvent pse = patchSetEvents.get(msg.getPatchSetId());
            if (pse == null) {
                // Ignore events for missing patch sets.
    sortAndFillEvents(change, noteDbChange, bundle.getPatchSets(), events, minPsNum);
    EventList<Event> el = new EventList<>();
    for (Event e : events) {
        if (!el.canAdd(e)) {
            flushEventsToUpdate(manager, el, change);
    flushEventsToUpdate(manager, el, change);
    EventList<DraftCommentEvent> plcel = new EventList<>();
    for (Account.Id author : draftCommentEvents.keys()) {
        for (DraftCommentEvent e : Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(draftCommentEvents.get(author))) {
            if (!plcel.canAdd(e)) {
                flushEventsToDraftUpdate(manager, plcel, change);
        flushEventsToDraftUpdate(manager, plcel, change);
Also used : Account( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PatchSetApproval( Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) PatchLineComment( Comment( Table( ReviewerStateInternal( PatchSet( Change( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) ChangeMessage( GerritServerId( ObjectId(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId)

Example 38 with Change

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class PrimaryStorageMigrator method setPrimaryStorageReviewDb.

private void setPrimaryStorageReviewDb(Change.Id id, ObjectId newMetaId) throws OrmException, IOException {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<Account.Id, ObjectId> draftIds = ImmutableMap.builder();
    try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(allUsers)) {
        for (Ref draftRef : repo.getRefDatabase().getRefs(RefNames.refsDraftCommentsPrefix(id)).values()) {
            Account.Id accountId = Account.Id.fromRef(draftRef.getName());
            if (accountId != null) {
                draftIds.put(accountId, draftRef.getObjectId().copy());
    NoteDbChangeState newState = new NoteDbChangeState(id, PrimaryStorage.REVIEW_DB, Optional.of(RefState.create(newMetaId,, Optional.empty());
    db().changes().atomicUpdate(id, new AtomicUpdate<Change>() {

        public Change update(Change change) {
            if (PrimaryStorage.of(change) != PrimaryStorage.NOTE_DB) {
                throw new OrmRuntimeException("change " + id + " is not NoteDb primary: " + change.getNoteDbState());
            return change;
Also used : Account( OrmRuntimeException( ObjectId(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId) Change( ImmutableMap( Repository(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository) Ref(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref) ObjectId(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId)

Example 39 with Change

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeBundleTest method diffChangesSanitizesSubjectsBeforeComparison.

public void diffChangesSanitizesSubjectsBeforeComparison() throws Exception {
    Change c1 = TestChanges.newChange(new Project.NameKey("project"), new Account.Id(100));
    c1.setCurrentPatchSet(c1.currentPatchSetId(), "Subject\r\rbody", "Original");
    Change c2 = clone(c1);
    c2.setCurrentPatchSet(c2.currentPatchSetId(), "Subject  body", "Original");
    // Both ReviewDb, exact match required
    ChangeBundle b1 = new ChangeBundle(c1, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    ChangeBundle b2 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    assertDiffs(b1, b2, "subject differs for Change.Id " + c1.getId() + ":" + " {Subject\r\rbody} != {Subject  body}");
    // Both NoteDb, exact match required (although it should be impossible to
    // create a NoteDb change with '\r' in the subject).
    b1 = new ChangeBundle(c1, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    b2 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    assertDiffs(b1, b2, "subject differs for Change.Id " + c1.getId() + ":" + " {Subject\r\rbody} != {Subject  body}");
    // One ReviewDb, one NoteDb, '\r' is normalized to ' '.
    b1 = new ChangeBundle(c1, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    b2 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    assertNoDiffs(b1, b2);
    assertNoDiffs(b2, b1);
Also used : Project( Account( Change( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 40 with Change

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeBundleTest method diffChangesDoesntTrimLeadingNonSpaceWhitespaceFromSubject.

public void diffChangesDoesntTrimLeadingNonSpaceWhitespaceFromSubject() throws Exception {
    Change c1 = TestChanges.newChange(new Project.NameKey("project"), new Account.Id(100));
    Change c2 = clone(c1);
    c2.setCurrentPatchSet(c1.currentPatchSetId(), "\t" + c1.getSubject(), c1.getOriginalSubject());
    // Both ReviewDb.
    ChangeBundle b1 = new ChangeBundle(c1, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    ChangeBundle b2 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), patchSets(), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    assertDiffs(b1, b2, "subject differs for Change.Id " + c1.getId() + ":" + " {Change subject} != {\tChange subject}");
    // One NoteDb.
    b1 = new ChangeBundle(c1, messages(), latest(c1), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), NOTE_DB);
    b2 = new ChangeBundle(c2, messages(), latest(c2), approvals(), comments(), reviewers(), REVIEW_DB);
    assertDiffs(b1, b2, "subject differs for Change.Id " + c1.getId() + ":" + " {Change subject} != {\tChange subject}");
    assertDiffs(b2, b1, "subject differs for Change.Id " + c1.getId() + ":" + " {\tChange subject} != {Change subject}");
Also used : Project( Account( Change( Test(org.junit.Test)


Change ( Test (org.junit.Test)96 PatchSet ( ObjectId (org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId)32 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)31 Account ( AbstractDaemonTest ( OrmException ( Project ( Repository (org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository)27 RevWalk (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk)24 PushOneCommit ( ChangeNotes ( ReviewDb ( ChangeMessage ( RevCommit (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit)19 ResourceConflictException ( PatchSetApproval ( ChangeData ( RevId (