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Example 21 with AMException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class ComplianceServicesImpl method verifyAndLinkRoleToGroup.

     * Method which verifies if the <code>roleDN</code> corresponds to an
     * admin role. If true the <code>memberOf</code> and
     * <code>adminRole</code> attributes of each member/user are set to the
     * corresponding administration <code>groupDN</code> and administration
     * <code>groupRDN</code> respectively. Each of the members/users are also
     * added to the corresponding admin group.
     * @param token
     *            single sign on token.
     * @param membersGuid
     *            Guid array of members to be operated on.
     * @param roleDN
     *            distinguished name of the role.
     * @exception AMException
     *                if unsuccessful in adding the members to the corresponding
     *                admin group. As a result of which the memberOf and
     *                adminRole attributes are also not updated.
protected void verifyAndLinkRoleToGroup(SSOToken token, Guid[] membersGuid, String roleDN) throws AMException {
    // Obtain the group corresponding to roleDN
    DN dn = DN.valueOf(roleDN);
    String groupName = getGroupFromRoleDN(dn);
    if (groupName != null) {
        // roleDN corresponds to an admin role
        String orgDN = dn.parent().toString();
        String groupDN = NamingAttributeManager.getNamingAttribute(AMObject.GROUP) + "=" + groupName + ",ou=Groups," + orgDN;
        String groupRDN = NamingAttributeManager.getNamingAttribute(AMObject.GROUP) + "=" + groupName;
        try {
            // Add the members to corresponding group.
            AssignableDynamicGroup group = (AssignableDynamicGroup) UMSObject.getObject(token, new Guid(groupDN));
            Attr[] attrs = new Attr[1];
            attrs[0] = new Attr("adminrole", groupRDN);
            AttrSet attrSet = new AttrSet(attrs);
            int numMembers = membersGuid.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++) {
                addAttributesToEntry(token, membersGuid[i].getDn(), attrSet);
        } catch (EntryNotFoundException ex) {
            debug.error("Compliance.verifyAndLinkRoleToGroup: " + "Admin groups are missing");
        } catch (UMSException ue) {
            debug.error("Compliance." + "verifyAndLinkRoleToGroup(): ", ue);
            throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("771"), "771");
Also used : UMSException(com.iplanet.ums.UMSException) EntryNotFoundException(com.iplanet.ums.EntryNotFoundException) AMException( DN(org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DN) Guid(com.iplanet.ums.Guid) AssignableDynamicGroup(com.iplanet.ums.AssignableDynamicGroup) Attr( AttrSet(

Example 22 with AMException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class ComplianceServicesImpl method isComplianceUserDeletionEnabled.

     * Method which checks if Compliance User Deletion is enabled
     * @return true if Compliance User Deletion is enabled
     * @exception AMException
     *                if an error is encountered
public static boolean isComplianceUserDeletionEnabled() throws AMException {
    try {
        if (gsc == null) {
            ServiceSchemaManager scm = new ServiceSchemaManager(ADMINISTRATION_SERVICE, internalToken);
            gsc = scm.getGlobalSchema();
        Map attrMap = gsc.getReadOnlyAttributeDefaults();
        Set values = (Set) attrMap.get(COMPLIANCE_USER_DELETION_ATTR);
        boolean enabled = false;
        if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) {
            enabled = false;
        } else {
            String val = (String) values.iterator().next();
            enabled = (val.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
            debug.message("Compliance.isComplianceUserDeletionEnabled = " + enabled);
        return enabled;
    } catch (SMSException ex) {
        debug.error(AMSDKBundle.getString("359"), ex);
        throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("359"), "359");
    } catch (SSOException ex) {
        debug.error(AMSDKBundle.getString("359"), ex);
        throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("359"), "359");
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) AttrSet( Set(java.util.Set) SMSException( AMException( SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) ServiceSchemaManager(

Example 23 with AMException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class RemoteServicesImpl method unRegisterService.

     * Un register service for a AMro profile.
     * @param token
     *            SSOToken
     * @param entryDN
     *            DN of the profile whose service is to be removed
     * @param objectType
     *            profile type
     * @param serviceName
     *            Service Name
     * @param type
     *            Template type
public void unRegisterService(SSOToken token, String entryDN, int objectType, String serviceName, int type) throws AMException {
    try {
        String tokenID = token.getTokenID().toString();
        Object[] objs = { tokenID, entryDN, new Integer(objectType), serviceName, new Integer(type) };
        client.send(client.encodeMessage("unRegisterService", objs), sessionCookies.getLBCookie(tokenID), null);
    } catch (AMRemoteException amrex) {
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
            getDebug().message("RemoteServicesImpl.unRegisterService : entryDN=" + entryDN + ";  AMRemoteException caught exception=", amrex);
        throw convertException(amrex);
    } catch (RemoteException rex) {
        getDebug().error("RemoteServicesImpl.unRegisterService: caught exception=", rex);
        throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("1000"), "1000");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
            getDebug().message("RemoteServicesImpl.unRegisterService : entryDN=" + entryDN + ";  caught exception=", ex);
        throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("1000"), "1000");
Also used : AMException( RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) AMEntryExistsException( AMEventManagerException( RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) AMException( SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)

Example 24 with AMException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class RemoteServicesImpl method getGroupFilterAndScope.

     * Returns an array containing the dynamic group's scope, base dn, and
     * filter.
public String[] getGroupFilterAndScope(SSOToken token, String entryDN, int profileType) throws SSOException, AMException {
    try {
        String tokenID = token.getTokenID().toString();
        Object[] objs = { tokenID, entryDN, new Integer(profileType) };
        LinkedList list = (LinkedList) client.send(client.encodeMessage("getGroupFilterAndScope", objs), sessionCookies.getLBCookie(tokenID), null);
        String[] array = new String[list.size()];
        return array;
    } catch (AMRemoteException amrex) {
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
            getDebug().message("RemoteServicesImpl.getGroupFilterAndScope : entryDN" + entryDN + ";  AMRemoteException caught exception=", amrex);
        throw convertException(amrex);
    } catch (RemoteException rex) {
        getDebug().error("RemoteServicesImpl.getGroupFilterAndScope: " + "caught exception=", rex);
        throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("1000"), "1000");
    } catch (SSOException ssoe) {
        getDebug().error("RemoteServicesImpl.getGroupFilterAndScope: caught " + "SSOException=", ssoe);
        throw ssoe;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
            getDebug().message("RemoteServicesImpl.getGroupFilterAndScope : entryDN=" + entryDN + ";  caught exception=", ex);
        throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("1000"), "1000");
Also used : AMException( SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException) RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) AMEntryExistsException( AMEventManagerException( RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) AMException( SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)

Example 25 with AMException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class RemoteServicesImpl method getAttributes.

     * Gets all attributes corresponding to the entryDN. This method obtains the
     * DC Tree node attributes and also performs compliance related verification
     * checks in compliance mode. Note: In compliance mode you can skip the
     * compliance checks by setting ignoreCompliance to "false".
     * @param token
     *            a valid SSOToken
     * @param entryDN
     *            the DN of the entry whose attributes need to retrieved
     * @param ignoreCompliance
     *            a boolean value specificying if compliance related entries
     *            need to ignored or not. Ignored if true.
     * @return a Map containing attribute names as keys and Set of values
     *         corresponding to each key.
     * @throws AMException
     *             if an error is encountered in fetching the attributes
public Map getAttributes(SSOToken token, String entryDN, boolean ignoreCompliance, boolean byteValues, int profileType) throws AMException, SSOException {
    try {
        String tokenID = token.getTokenID().toString();
        Object[] objs = { tokenID, entryDN, Boolean.valueOf(ignoreCompliance), Boolean.valueOf(byteValues), new Integer(profileType) };
        Map map = (Map) client.send(client.encodeMessage("getAttributes3", objs), sessionCookies.getLBCookie(tokenID), null);
        AMHashMap res = new AMHashMap();
        return res;
    } catch (AMRemoteException amrex) {
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
            getDebug().message("RemoteServicesImpl.getAttributes 3: entryDN=" + entryDN + ";  AMRemoteException caught exception=", amrex);
        throw convertException(amrex);
    } catch (RemoteException rex) {
        getDebug().error("RemoteServicesImpl.getAttributes: caught exception=", rex);
        throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("1000"), "1000");
    } catch (SSOException ssoe) {
        getDebug().error("RemoteServicesImpl.getAttributes: caught SSOException=", ssoe);
        throw ssoe;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
            getDebug().message("RemoteServicesImpl.getAttributes3: entryDN=" + entryDN + ";  caught exception=", ex);
        throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("1000"), "1000");
Also used : AMHashMap( AMException( SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException) RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) AMHashMap( Map(java.util.Map) AMEntryExistsException( AMEventManagerException( RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) AMException( SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)


AMException ( SSOException (com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)56 Set (java.util.Set)35 AMEntryExistsException ( Guid (com.iplanet.ums.Guid)33 UMSException (com.iplanet.ums.UMSException)33 Map (java.util.Map)33 AMEventManagerException ( RemoteException (java.rmi.RemoteException)31 AttrSet ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)28 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)26 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)22 PersistentObject (com.iplanet.ums.PersistentObject)20 SSOToken (com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken)14 EntryNotFoundException (com.iplanet.ums.EntryNotFoundException)13 AMHashMap ( AccessRightsException (com.iplanet.ums.AccessRightsException)12 SMSException ( DN (org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DN)12