Search in sources :

Example 96 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project groovy by apache.

the class GPathResult method getBody.

 * Creates a Closure representing the body of this GPathResult.
 * @return the body of this GPathResult, converted to a <code>Closure</code>
public Closure getBody() {
    return new Closure(this.parent, this) {

        public void doCall(Object[] args) {
            final GroovyObject delegate = (GroovyObject) getDelegate();
            final GPathResult thisObject = (GPathResult) getThisObject();
            Node node = (Node) thisObject.getAt(0);
            List children = node.children();
            for (Object child : children) {
                if (child instanceof Node) {
                    delegate.invokeMethod("yield", new Object[] { new NodeChild((Node) child, thisObject, "*", null) });
                } else {
                    delegate.invokeMethod("yield", new Object[] { child });
Also used : Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List) GroovyObject(groovy.lang.GroovyObject) GroovyObject(groovy.lang.GroovyObject)

Example 97 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project groovy by apache.

the class Builder method fettleMethodMap.

private static Map fettleMethodMap(final Closure defaultGenerator, final Map methodMap) {
    final Map newMethodMap = new HashMap();
    for (Object o : methodMap.keySet()) {
        final Object key = o;
        final Object value = methodMap.get(key);
        if ((value instanceof Closure)) {
            newMethodMap.put(key, value);
        } else {
            newMethodMap.put(key, defaultGenerator.curry((Object[]) value));
    return newMethodMap;
Also used : Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 98 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project groovy by apache.

the class ObjectGraphBuilder method setReferenceResolver.

 * Sets the current ReferenceResolver.<br>
 * It will assign DefaultReferenceResolver if null.<br>
 * It accepts a ReferenceResolver instance, a String or a Closure.
public void setReferenceResolver(final Object referenceResolver) {
    if (referenceResolver instanceof ReferenceResolver) {
        this.referenceResolver = (ReferenceResolver) referenceResolver;
    } else if (referenceResolver instanceof String) {
        this.referenceResolver = nodeName -> (String) referenceResolver;
    } else if (referenceResolver instanceof Closure) {
        final ObjectGraphBuilder self = this;
        this.referenceResolver = nodeName -> {
            Closure cls = (Closure) referenceResolver;
            return (String) Object[] { nodeName });
    } else {
        this.referenceResolver = new DefaultReferenceResolver();
Also used : InvokerHelper(org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper) Collection(java.util.Collection) Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GString(groovy.lang.GString) List(java.util.List) ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Type(java.lang.reflect.Type) Map(java.util.Map) MetaProperty(groovy.lang.MetaProperty) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) MissingPropertyException(groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException) Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) GString(groovy.lang.GString)

Example 99 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project groovy by apache.

the class ResourceGroovyMethods method traverse.

private static FileVisitResult traverse(final File self, final Map<String, ?> options, final Closure closure, final int maxDepth) throws FileNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException {
    final Closure pre = (Closure) options.get("preDir");
    final Closure post = (Closure) options.get("postDir");
    final FileType type = (FileType) options.get("type");
    final Object filter = options.get("filter");
    final Object nameFilter = options.get("nameFilter");
    final Object excludeFilter = options.get("excludeFilter");
    final Object excludeNameFilter = options.get("excludeNameFilter");
    final Closure sort = (Closure) options.get("sort");
    final File[] origFiles = self.listFiles();
    // null check because of
    if (origFiles != null) {
        List<File> files = Arrays.asList(origFiles);
        if (sort != null)
            files = DefaultGroovyMethods.sort((Iterable<File>) files, sort);
        for (File file : files) {
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
                if (type != FileType.FILES) {
                    if (closure != null && notFiltered(file, filter, nameFilter, excludeFilter, excludeNameFilter)) {
                        Object closureResult =;
                        if (closureResult == FileVisitResult.SKIP_SIBLINGS)
                        if (closureResult == FileVisitResult.TERMINATE)
                            return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
                if (maxDepth != 0) {
                    Object preResult = null;
                    if (pre != null) {
                        preResult =;
                    if (preResult == FileVisitResult.SKIP_SIBLINGS)
                    if (preResult == FileVisitResult.TERMINATE)
                        return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
                    if (preResult != FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE) {
                        FileVisitResult terminated = traverse(file, options, closure, maxDepth - 1);
                        if (terminated == FileVisitResult.TERMINATE)
                            return terminated;
                    Object postResult = null;
                    if (post != null) {
                        postResult =;
                    if (postResult == FileVisitResult.SKIP_SIBLINGS)
                    if (postResult == FileVisitResult.TERMINATE)
                        return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
            } else if (type != FileType.DIRECTORIES) {
                if (closure != null && notFiltered(file, filter, nameFilter, excludeFilter, excludeNameFilter)) {
                    Object closureResult =;
                    if (closureResult == FileVisitResult.SKIP_SIBLINGS)
                    if (closureResult == FileVisitResult.TERMINATE)
                        return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
Also used : Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) FileType( FileVisitResult( File(

Example 100 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project groovy by apache.

the class ResourceGroovyMethods method traverse.

 * Processes each descendant file in this directory and any sub-directories.
 * Processing consists of potentially calling <code>closure</code> passing it the current
 * file (which may be a normal file or subdirectory) and then if a subdirectory was encountered,
 * recursively processing the subdirectory.
 * <p>
 * The traversal can be adapted by providing various options in the <code>options</code> Map according
 * to the following keys:<dl>
 * <dt>type</dt><dd>A {@link} enum to determine if normal files or directories or both are processed</dd>
 * <dt>preDir</dt><dd>A {@link groovy.lang.Closure} run before each directory is processed and optionally returning a {@link} value
 * which can be used to control subsequent processing.</dd>
 * <dt>preRoot</dt><dd>A boolean indicating that the 'preDir' closure should be applied at the root level</dd>
 * <dt>postDir</dt><dd>A {@link groovy.lang.Closure} run after each directory is processed and optionally returning a {@link} value
 * which can be used to control subsequent processing. Particularly useful when strict depth-first traversal is required.</dd>
 * <dt>postRoot</dt><dd>A boolean indicating that the 'postDir' closure should be applied at the root level</dd>
 * <dt>visitRoot</dt><dd>A boolean indicating that the given closure should be applied for the root dir
 * (not applicable if the 'type' is set to {@link})</dd>
 * <dt>maxDepth</dt><dd>The maximum number of directory levels when recursing
 * (default is -1 which means infinite, set to 0 for no recursion)</dd>
 * <dt>filter</dt><dd>A filter to perform on traversed files/directories (using the {@link DefaultGroovyMethods#isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)} method). If set,
 * only files/dirs which match are candidates for visiting.</dd>
 * <dt>nameFilter</dt><dd>A filter to perform on the name of traversed files/directories (using the {@link DefaultGroovyMethods#isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)} method). If set,
 * only files/dirs which match are candidates for visiting. (Must not be set if 'filter' is set)</dd>
 * <dt>excludeFilter</dt><dd>A filter to perform on traversed files/directories (using the {@link DefaultGroovyMethods#isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)} method).
 * If set, any candidates which match won't be visited.</dd>
 * <dt>excludeNameFilter</dt><dd>A filter to perform on the names of traversed files/directories (using the {@link DefaultGroovyMethods#isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)} method).
 * If set, any candidates which match won't be visited. (Must not be set if 'excludeFilter' is set)</dd>
 * <dt>sort</dt><dd>A {@link groovy.lang.Closure} which if set causes the files and subdirectories for each directory to be processed in sorted order.
 * Note that even when processing only files, the order of visited subdirectories will be affected by this parameter.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * This example prints out file counts and size aggregates for groovy source files within a directory tree:
 * <pre>
 * def totalSize = 0
 * def count = 0
 * def sortByTypeThenName = { a, b {@code ->}
 *     a.isFile() != b.isFile() ? a.isFile() {@code <=>} b.isFile() : {@code <=>}
 * }
 * rootDir.traverse(
 *         type         : FILES,
 *         nameFilter   : ~/.*\.groovy/,
 *         preDir       : { if ( == '.svn') return SKIP_SUBTREE },
 *         postDir      : { println "Found $count files in $ totalling $totalSize bytes"
 *                         totalSize = 0; count = 0 },
 *         postRoot     : true
 *         sort         : sortByTypeThenName
 * ) {it {@code ->} totalSize += it.size(); count++ }
 * </pre>
 * @param self    a File (that happens to be a folder/directory)
 * @param options a Map of options to alter the traversal behavior
 * @param closure the Closure to invoke on each file/directory and optionally returning a {@link} value
 *                which can be used to control subsequent processing
 * @throws FileNotFoundException    if the given directory does not exist
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided File object does not represent a directory or illegal filter combinations are supplied
 * @see DefaultGroovyMethods#sort(Iterable, groovy.lang.Closure)
 * @see
 * @see
 * @since 1.7.1
public static void traverse(final File self, @NamedParam(value = "type", type = FileType.class) @NamedParam(value = "preDir", type = Closure.class) @NamedParam(value = "preRoot", type = Boolean.class) @NamedParam(value = "postDir", type = Closure.class) @NamedParam(value = "postRoot", type = Boolean.class) @NamedParam(value = "visitRoot", type = Boolean.class) @NamedParam(value = "maxDepth", type = Integer.class) @NamedParam(value = "filter") @NamedParam(value = "nameFilter") @NamedParam(value = "excludeFilter") @NamedParam(value = "excludeNameFilter") @NamedParam(value = "sort", type = Closure.class) final Map<String, ?> options, @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = "") final Closure closure) throws FileNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException {
    final int maxDepth;
    final boolean preRoot;
    final boolean postRoot;
    final boolean visitRoot;
        Object maxDepthValue = options.remove("maxDepth");
        maxDepth = maxDepthValue == null ? -1 : DefaultGroovyMethods.asType(maxDepthValue, Number.class).intValue();
        Object preRootValue = options.get("preRoot");
        preRoot = preRootValue == null ? false : DefaultGroovyMethods.asType(preRootValue, Boolean.class).booleanValue();
        Object postRootValue = options.get("postRoot");
        postRoot = postRootValue == null ? false : DefaultGroovyMethods.asType(postRootValue, Boolean.class).booleanValue();
        Object visitRootValue = options.get("visitRoot");
        visitRoot = visitRootValue == null ? false : DefaultGroovyMethods.asType(visitRootValue, Boolean.class).booleanValue();
    final Closure pre = (Closure) options.get("preDir");
    final Closure post = (Closure) options.get("postDir");
    final FileType type = (FileType) options.get("type");
    final Object filter = options.get("filter");
    final Object nameFilter = options.get("nameFilter");
    final Object excludeFilter = options.get("excludeFilter");
    final Object excludeNameFilter = options.get("excludeNameFilter");
    Object preResult = null;
    if (preRoot && pre != null) {
        preResult =;
    if (preResult == FileVisitResult.TERMINATE || preResult == FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE)
    FileVisitResult terminated = traverse(self, options, closure, maxDepth);
    if (type != FileType.FILES && visitRoot) {
        if (closure != null && notFiltered(self, filter, nameFilter, excludeFilter, excludeNameFilter)) {
            Object closureResult =;
            if (closureResult == FileVisitResult.TERMINATE)
    if (postRoot && post != null && terminated != FileVisitResult.TERMINATE);
Also used : Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) FileType( FileVisitResult(


Closure (groovy.lang.Closure)251 Map (java.util.Map)55 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)38 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)37 GroovyObject (groovy.lang.GroovyObject)33 List (java.util.List)33 Binding (groovy.lang.Binding)22 GString (groovy.lang.GString)21 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)20 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)19 Collection (java.util.Collection)17 GroovyShell (groovy.lang.GroovyShell)14 Test (org.junit.Test)14 MethodClosure (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure)13 FileType ( FileVisitResult ( File ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)10 GroovyBugError (org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyBugError)10 IOException (