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Example 11 with ByteArrayInputStream

use of in project camel by apache.

the class SftpOperations method doStoreFile.

private boolean doStoreFile(String name, String targetName, Exchange exchange) throws GenericFileOperationFailedException {
    LOG.trace("doStoreFile({})", targetName);
    // if an existing file already exists what should we do?
    if (endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Ignore || endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Fail || endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Move) {
        boolean existFile = existsFile(targetName);
        if (existFile && endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Ignore) {
            // ignore but indicate that the file was written
            LOG.trace("An existing file already exists: {}. Ignore and do not override it.", name);
            return true;
        } else if (existFile && endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Fail) {
            throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException("File already exist: " + name + ". Cannot write new file.");
        } else if (existFile && endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Move) {
            // move any existing file first
            doMoveExistingFile(name, targetName);
    InputStream is = null;
    if (exchange.getIn().getBody() == null) {
        // Do an explicit test for a null body and decide what to do
        if (endpoint.isAllowNullBody()) {
            LOG.trace("Writing empty file.");
            is = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {});
        } else {
            throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException("Cannot write null body to file: " + name);
    try {
        if (is == null) {
            String charset = endpoint.getCharset();
            if (charset != null) {
                // charset configured so we must convert to the desired
                // charset so we can write with encoding
                is = new ByteArrayInputStream(exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(String.class).getBytes(charset));
                LOG.trace("Using InputStream {} with charset {}.", is, charset);
            } else {
                is = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(InputStream.class);
        final StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
        LOG.debug("About to store file: {} using stream: {}", targetName, is);
        if (endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Append) {
            LOG.trace("Client appendFile: {}", targetName);
            channel.put(is, targetName, ChannelSftp.APPEND);
        } else {
            LOG.trace("Client storeFile: {}", targetName);
            // override is default
            channel.put(is, targetName);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Took {} ({} millis) to store file: {} and FTP client returned: true", new Object[] { TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken()), watch.taken(), targetName });
        // after storing file, we may set chmod on the file
        String mode = endpoint.getConfiguration().getChmod();
        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(mode)) {
            // parse to int using 8bit mode
            int permissions = Integer.parseInt(mode, 8);
            LOG.trace("Setting chmod: {} on file: {}", mode, targetName);
            channel.chmod(permissions, targetName);
        return true;
    } catch (SftpException e) {
        throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException("Cannot store file: " + name, e);
    } catch (InvalidPayloadException e) {
        throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException("Cannot store file: " + name, e);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException("Cannot store file: " + name, e);
    } finally {
        IOHelper.close(is, "store: " + name, LOG);
Also used : GenericFileOperationFailedException(org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException) ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( SftpException(com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException) UnsupportedEncodingException( InvalidPayloadException(org.apache.camel.InvalidPayloadException) GenericFileEndpoint(org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileEndpoint) StopWatch(org.apache.camel.util.StopWatch)

Example 12 with ByteArrayInputStream

use of in project camel by apache.

the class FtpOperations method doStoreFile.

private boolean doStoreFile(String name, String targetName, Exchange exchange) throws GenericFileOperationFailedException {
    log.trace("doStoreFile({})", targetName);
    // if an existing file already exists what should we do?
    if (endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Ignore || endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Fail || endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Move) {
        boolean existFile = existsFile(targetName);
        if (existFile && endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Ignore) {
            // ignore but indicate that the file was written
            log.trace("An existing file already exists: {}. Ignore and do not override it.", name);
            return true;
        } else if (existFile && endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Fail) {
            throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException("File already exist: " + name + ". Cannot write new file.");
        } else if (existFile && endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Move) {
            // move any existing file first
            doMoveExistingFile(name, targetName);
    InputStream is = null;
    if (exchange.getIn().getBody() == null) {
        // Do an explicit test for a null body and decide what to do
        if (endpoint.isAllowNullBody()) {
            log.trace("Writing empty file.");
            is = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {});
        } else {
            throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException("Cannot write null body to file: " + name);
    try {
        if (is == null) {
            String charset = endpoint.getCharset();
            if (charset != null) {
                // charset configured so we must convert to the desired
                // charset so we can write with encoding
                is = new ByteArrayInputStream(exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(String.class).getBytes(charset));
                log.trace("Using InputStream {} with charset {}.", is, charset);
            } else {
                is = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(InputStream.class);
        final StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
        boolean answer;
        log.debug("About to store file: {} using stream: {}", targetName, is);
        if (endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Append) {
            log.trace("Client appendFile: {}", targetName);
            answer = client.appendFile(targetName, is);
        } else {
            log.trace("Client storeFile: {}", targetName);
            answer = client.storeFile(targetName, is);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Took {} ({} millis) to store file: {} and FTP client returned: {}", new Object[] { TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken()), watch.taken(), targetName, answer });
        // store client reply information after the operation
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(FtpConstants.FTP_REPLY_CODE, client.getReplyCode());
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(FtpConstants.FTP_REPLY_STRING, client.getReplyString());
        // after storing file, we may set chmod on the file
        String chmod = ((FtpConfiguration) endpoint.getConfiguration()).getChmod();
        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(chmod)) {
            log.debug("Setting chmod: {} on file: {}", chmod, targetName);
            String command = "chmod " + chmod + " " + targetName;
            log.trace("Client sendSiteCommand: {}", command);
            boolean success = client.sendSiteCommand(command);
            log.trace("Client sendSiteCommand successful: {}", success);
        return answer;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException(client.getReplyCode(), client.getReplyString(), e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (InvalidPayloadException e) {
        throw new GenericFileOperationFailedException("Cannot store file: " + name, e);
    } finally {
        IOHelper.close(is, "store: " + name, log);
Also used : GenericFileOperationFailedException(org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException) ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( IOException( InvalidPayloadException(org.apache.camel.InvalidPayloadException) StopWatch(org.apache.camel.util.StopWatch)

Example 13 with ByteArrayInputStream

use of in project camel by apache.

the class StreamCacheConverterTest method testConvertToStreamCache.

public void testConvertToStreamCache() throws Exception {
    ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(MESSAGE.getBytes());
    StreamCache streamCache = StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(new SAXSource(new InputSource(inputStream)), exchange);
    String message = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(String.class, streamCache);
    assertEquals("The converted message is wrong", MESSAGE, message);
Also used : InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) SAXSource(javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource) ByteArrayInputStream( StreamCache(org.apache.camel.StreamCache)

Example 14 with ByteArrayInputStream

use of in project camel by apache.

the class CacheInputStreamInDeadLetterIssue520Test method testSendingInputStream.

public void testSendingInputStream() throws Exception {
    InputStream message = new ByteArrayInputStream("<hello>Willem</hello>".getBytes());
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream(

Example 15 with ByteArrayInputStream

use of in project camel by apache.

the class RecordableInputStreamTest method testReadAndGetTextsAutoStopRecord.

public void testReadAndGetTextsAutoStopRecord() throws Exception {
    RecordableInputStream ris = new RecordableInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(DATA), "utf-8");
    assertEquals(0, ris.size());
    byte[] buf = new byte[64];
    // read 64 bytes
    int n =, 0, buf.length);
    assertEquals(64, n);
    assertEquals(64, ris.size());
    // consume the 64 bytes
    String text = ris.getText(64);
    assertEquals(new String(DATA, 0, 64, "utf-8"), text);
    assertEquals(0, ris.size());
    // read the next 64 bytes
    n =, 0, buf.length);
    assertEquals(64, n);
    assertEquals(0, ris.size());
    // turn back on the recording and read the next 64 bytes
    n =, 0, buf.length);
    assertEquals(64, n);
    assertEquals(64, ris.size());
    // consume the 64 bytes
    text = ris.getText(64);
    // 64 * 2 = 128
    assertEquals(new String(DATA, 128, 64, "utf-8"), text);
    assertEquals(0, ris.size());
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream(


ByteArrayInputStream ( Test (org.junit.Test)2274 ByteArrayOutputStream ( InputStream ( IOException ( DataInputStream ( ObjectInputStream ( X509Certificate ( CertificateFactory ( ObjectOutputStream ( File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)270 Certificate ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)212 DataOutputStream ( FileInputStream ( InputStreamReader ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)171 Document (org.w3c.dom.Document)143 Map (java.util.Map)138