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Example 26 with FileNotFoundException

use of in project flink by apache.

the class DataSinkTaskTest method testUnionDataSinkTask.

public void testUnionDataSinkTask() {
    int keyCnt = 10;
    int valCnt = 20;
    final IteratorWrappingTestSingleInputGate<?>[] readers = new IteratorWrappingTestSingleInputGate[4];
    readers[0] = super.addInput(new UniformRecordGenerator(keyCnt, valCnt, 0, 0, false), 0, false);
    readers[1] = super.addInput(new UniformRecordGenerator(keyCnt, valCnt, keyCnt, 0, false), 0, false);
    readers[2] = super.addInput(new UniformRecordGenerator(keyCnt, valCnt, keyCnt * 2, 0, false), 0, false);
    readers[3] = super.addInput(new UniformRecordGenerator(keyCnt, valCnt, keyCnt * 3, 0, false), 0, false);
    DataSinkTask<Record> testTask = new DataSinkTask<>();
    super.registerFileOutputTask(testTask, MockOutputFormat.class, new File(tempTestPath).toURI().toString());
    try {
        // which checks forwards existing notifications on registerListener calls.
        for (IteratorWrappingTestSingleInputGate<?> reader : readers) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.debug("Exception while invoking the test task.", e);"Invoke method caused exception.");
    File tempTestFile = new File(this.tempTestPath);
    Assert.assertTrue("Temp output file does not exist", tempTestFile.exists());
    FileReader fr = null;
    BufferedReader br = null;
    try {
        fr = new FileReader(tempTestFile);
        br = new BufferedReader(fr);
        HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> keyValueCountMap = new HashMap<>(keyCnt);
        while (br.ready()) {
            String line = br.readLine();
            Integer key = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(0, line.indexOf("_")));
            Integer val = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(line.indexOf("_") + 1, line.length()));
            if (!keyValueCountMap.containsKey(key)) {
                keyValueCountMap.put(key, new HashSet<Integer>());
        Assert.assertTrue("Invalid key count in out file. Expected: " + keyCnt + " Actual: " + keyValueCountMap.keySet().size(), keyValueCountMap.keySet().size() == keyCnt * 4);
        for (Integer key : keyValueCountMap.keySet()) {
            Assert.assertTrue("Invalid value count for key: " + key + ". Expected: " + valCnt + " Actual: " + keyValueCountMap.get(key).size(), keyValueCountMap.get(key).size() == valCnt);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"Out file got lost...");
    } catch (IOException ioe) {"Caught IOE while reading out file");
    } finally {
        if (br != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (fr != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) FileNotFoundException( IOException( IOException( FileNotFoundException( IteratorWrappingTestSingleInputGate( BufferedReader( Record(org.apache.flink.types.Record) FileReader( UniformRecordGenerator(org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.testutils.UniformRecordGenerator) File( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with FileNotFoundException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class FileSystem method rename.

   * Renames Path src to Path dst
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Fails if src is a file and dst is a directory.</li>
   *   <li>Fails if src is a directory and dst is a file.</li>
   *   <li>Fails if the parent of dst does not exist or is a file.</li>
   * </ul>
   * <p>
   * If OVERWRITE option is not passed as an argument, rename fails
   * if the dst already exists.
   * <p>
   * If OVERWRITE option is passed as an argument, rename overwrites
   * the dst if it is a file or an empty directory. Rename fails if dst is
   * a non-empty directory.
   * <p>
   * Note that atomicity of rename is dependent on the file system
   * implementation. Please refer to the file system documentation for
   * details. This default implementation is non atomic.
   * <p>
   * This method is deprecated since it is a temporary method added to
   * support the transition from FileSystem to FileContext for user
   * applications.
   * @param src path to be renamed
   * @param dst new path after rename
   * @throws FileNotFoundException src path does not exist, or the parent
   * path of dst does not exist.
   * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException dest path exists and is a file
   * @throws ParentNotDirectoryException if the parent path of dest is not
   * a directory
   * @throws IOException on failure
protected void rename(final Path src, final Path dst, final Rename... options) throws IOException {
    // Default implementation
    final FileStatus srcStatus = getFileLinkStatus(src);
    if (srcStatus == null) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("rename source " + src + " not found.");
    boolean overwrite = false;
    if (null != options) {
        for (Rename option : options) {
            if (option == Rename.OVERWRITE) {
                overwrite = true;
    FileStatus dstStatus;
    try {
        dstStatus = getFileLinkStatus(dst);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        dstStatus = null;
    if (dstStatus != null) {
        if (srcStatus.isDirectory() != dstStatus.isDirectory()) {
            throw new IOException("Source " + src + " Destination " + dst + " both should be either file or directory");
        if (!overwrite) {
            throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("rename destination " + dst + " already exists.");
        // Delete the destination that is a file or an empty directory
        if (dstStatus.isDirectory()) {
            FileStatus[] list = listStatus(dst);
            if (list != null && list.length != 0) {
                throw new IOException("rename cannot overwrite non empty destination directory " + dst);
        delete(dst, false);
    } else {
        final Path parent = dst.getParent();
        final FileStatus parentStatus = getFileStatus(parent);
        if (parentStatus == null) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("rename destination parent " + parent + " not found.");
        if (!parentStatus.isDirectory()) {
            throw new ParentNotDirectoryException("rename destination parent " + parent + " is a file.");
    if (!rename(src, dst)) {
        throw new IOException("rename from " + src + " to " + dst + " failed.");
Also used : FileNotFoundException( IOException( MultipleIOException( Rename(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options.Rename)

Example 28 with FileNotFoundException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class JavaKeyStoreProvider method flush.

public void flush() throws IOException {
    Path newPath = constructNewPath(path);
    Path oldPath = constructOldPath(path);
    Path resetPath = path;
    try {
        if (!changed) {
        // Might exist if a backup has been restored etc.
        try {
            renameOrFail(newPath, new Path(newPath.toString() + "_ORPHANED_" + System.currentTimeMillis()));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
        try {
            renameOrFail(oldPath, new Path(oldPath.toString() + "_ORPHANED_" + System.currentTimeMillis()));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
        // put all of the updates into the keystore
        for (Map.Entry<String, Metadata> entry : cache.entrySet()) {
            try {
                keyStore.setKeyEntry(entry.getKey(), new KeyMetadata(entry.getValue()), password, null);
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't set metadata key " + entry.getKey(), e);
        // Save old File first
        boolean fileExisted = backupToOld(oldPath);
        if (fileExisted) {
            resetPath = oldPath;
        // Write to _NEW path first :
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // rename _OLD back to curent and throw Exception
            revertFromOld(oldPath, fileExisted);
            resetPath = path;
            throw ioe;
        // Rename _NEW to CURRENT and delete _OLD
        cleanupNewAndOld(newPath, oldPath);
        changed = false;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw ioe;
    } finally {
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) FileNotFoundException( KeyStoreException( IOException( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 29 with FileNotFoundException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class RawLocalFileSystem method setTimes.

   * Sets the {@link Path}'s last modified time and last access time to
   * the given valid times.
   * @param mtime the modification time to set (only if no less than zero).
   * @param atime the access time to set (only if no less than zero).
   * @throws IOException if setting the times fails.
public void setTimes(Path p, long mtime, long atime) throws IOException {
    try {
        BasicFileAttributeView view = Files.getFileAttributeView(pathToFile(p).toPath(), BasicFileAttributeView.class);
        FileTime fmtime = (mtime >= 0) ? FileTime.fromMillis(mtime) : null;
        FileTime fatime = (atime >= 0) ? FileTime.fromMillis(atime) : null;
        view.setTimes(fmtime, fatime, null);
    } catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + p + " does not exist");
Also used : BasicFileAttributeView(java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView) NoSuchFileException(java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException) FileNotFoundException( FileTime(java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime)

Example 30 with FileNotFoundException

use of in project groovy by apache.

the class JavaStubGenerator method generateClass.

public void generateClass(ClassNode classNode) throws FileNotFoundException {
    // Only attempt to render our self if our super-class is resolved, else wait for it
    if (requireSuperResolved && !classNode.getSuperClass().isResolved()) {
    // owner should take care for us
    if (classNode instanceof InnerClassNode)
    // don't generate stubs for private classes, as they are only visible in the same file
    if ((classNode.getModifiers() & Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0)
    String fileName = classNode.getName().replace('.', '/');
    mkdirs(outputPath, fileName);
    File file = new File(outputPath, fileName + ".java");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
    Charset charset = Charset.forName(encoding);
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, charset));
    try {
        String packageName = classNode.getPackageName();
        if (packageName != null) {
            out.println("package " + packageName + ";\n");
        printImports(out, classNode);
        printClassContents(out, classNode);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // ignore
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        // ignore
Also used : FileOutputStream( Charset(java.nio.charset.Charset) OutputStreamWriter( IOException( File( IOException( FileNotFoundException( PrintWriter(


FileNotFoundException ( IOException ( File ( FileInputStream ( FileOutputStream ( InputStream ( BufferedReader ( FileReader ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)205 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)202 XmlPullParserException (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException)189 InputStreamReader ( Test (org.junit.Test)171 XmlPullParser (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser)166 BufferedInputStream ( ParcelFileDescriptor (android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor)131 Properties (java.util.Properties)120 URL ( FileStatus (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus)119 RandomAccessFile (