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Example 26 with BigDecimal

use of java.math.BigDecimal in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestTextSplitter method testStringConvertEmpty.

public void testStringConvertEmpty() {
    TextSplitter splitter = new TextSplitter();
    BigDecimal emptyBigDec = splitter.stringToBigDecimal("");
    assertEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, emptyBigDec);
Also used : BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with BigDecimal

use of java.math.BigDecimal in project hadoop by apache.

the class TextSplitter method stringToBigDecimal.

   * Return a BigDecimal representation of string 'str' suitable for use
   * in a numerically-sorting order.
BigDecimal stringToBigDecimal(String str) {
    BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    // start with 1/65536 to compute the first digit.
    BigDecimal curPlace = ONE_PLACE;
    int len = Math.min(str.length(), MAX_CHARS);
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        int codePoint = str.codePointAt(i);
        result = result.add(tryDivide(new BigDecimal(codePoint), curPlace));
        // advance to the next less significant place. e.g., 1/(65536^2) for the second char.
        curPlace = curPlace.multiply(ONE_PLACE);
    return result;
Also used : BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 28 with BigDecimal

use of java.math.BigDecimal in project hadoop by apache.

the class TextSplitter method split.

List<String> split(int numSplits, String minString, String maxString, String commonPrefix) throws SQLException {
    BigDecimal minVal = stringToBigDecimal(minString);
    BigDecimal maxVal = stringToBigDecimal(maxString);
    List<BigDecimal> splitPoints = split(new BigDecimal(numSplits), minVal, maxVal);
    List<String> splitStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Convert the BigDecimal splitPoints into their string representations.
    for (BigDecimal bd : splitPoints) {
        splitStrings.add(commonPrefix + bigDecimalToString(bd));
    // in the array.
    if (splitStrings.size() == 0 || !splitStrings.get(0).equals(commonPrefix + minString)) {
        splitStrings.add(0, commonPrefix + minString);
    if (splitStrings.size() == 1 || !splitStrings.get(splitStrings.size() - 1).equals(commonPrefix + maxString)) {
        splitStrings.add(commonPrefix + maxString);
    return splitStrings;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 29 with BigDecimal

use of java.math.BigDecimal in project hbase by apache.

the class PerformanceEvaluation method calculateMbps.

   * Compute a throughput rate in MB/s.
   * @param rows Number of records consumed.
   * @param timeMs Time taken in milliseconds.
   * @return String value with label, ie '123.76 MB/s'
private static String calculateMbps(int rows, long timeMs, final int valueSize, int columns) {
    BigDecimal rowSize = BigDecimal.valueOf(ROW_LENGTH + ((valueSize + FAMILY_NAME.length + COLUMN_ZERO.length) * columns));
    BigDecimal mbps = BigDecimal.valueOf(rows).multiply(rowSize, CXT).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(timeMs), CXT).multiply(MS_PER_SEC, CXT).divide(BYTES_PER_MB, CXT);
    return FMT.format(mbps) + " MB/s";
Also used : BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 30 with BigDecimal

use of java.math.BigDecimal in project hbase by apache.

the class TestOrderedBytes method testEncodedValueCheck.

   * Test encoded value check
public void testEncodedValueCheck() {
    BigDecimal longMax = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
    double negInf = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    BigDecimal negLarge = longMax.multiply(longMax).negate();
    BigDecimal negMed = new BigDecimal("-10.0");
    BigDecimal negSmall = new BigDecimal("-0.0010");
    long zero = 0l;
    BigDecimal posSmall = negSmall.negate();
    BigDecimal posMed = negMed.negate();
    BigDecimal posLarge = negLarge.negate();
    double posInf = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double nan = Double.NaN;
    byte int8 = 100;
    short int16 = 100;
    int int32 = 100;
    long int64 = 100l;
    float float32 = 100.0f;
    double float64 = 100.0d;
    String text = "hello world.";
    byte[] blobVar = Bytes.toBytes("foo");
    int cnt = 0;
    PositionedByteRange buff = new SimplePositionedMutableByteRange(1024);
    for (Order ord : new Order[] { Order.ASCENDING, Order.DESCENDING }) {
        int o;
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNull(buff, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, negInf, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, negLarge, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, negMed, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, negSmall, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, zero, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, posSmall, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, posMed, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, posLarge, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, posInf, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeNumeric(buff, nan, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeInt8(buff, int8, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeInt16(buff, int16, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeInt32(buff, int32, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeInt64(buff, int64, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeFloat32(buff, float32, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeFloat64(buff, float64, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeString(buff, text, ord);
        o = OrderedBytes.encodeBlobVar(buff, blobVar, ord);
    assertEquals(OrderedBytes.length(buff), cnt);
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        assertEquals(OrderedBytes.isEncodedValue(buff), true);
Also used : BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) Test(org.junit.Test)


BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)4643 Test (org.junit.Test)634 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)624 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)573 LocalDate (org.joda.time.LocalDate)409 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)351 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)222 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)205 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)201 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)159 Invoice (org.killbill.billing.invoice.api.Invoice)148 Date (java.util.Date)146 UUID (java.util.UUID)144 MathContext (java.math.MathContext)140 DateTime (org.joda.time.DateTime)132 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)130 RoundingMode (java.math.RoundingMode)128 List (java.util.List)113 InvoiceItem (org.killbill.billing.invoice.api.InvoiceItem)104 Session (org.hibernate.Session)96