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Example 96 with CookieManager

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class CookiesTest method testResponseWithMultipleCookieHeaderLines.

public void testResponseWithMultipleCookieHeaderLines() throws Exception {
    TestCookieStore cookieStore = new TestCookieStore();
    CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager(cookieStore, ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER);
    cookieManager.put(new URI(""), cookieHeaders("a=android", "b=banana"));
    List<HttpCookie> cookies = sortedCopy(cookieStore.cookies);
    assertEquals(2, cookies.size());
    HttpCookie cookieA = cookies.get(0);
    assertEquals("a", cookieA.getName());
    assertEquals("android", cookieA.getValue());
    HttpCookie cookieB = cookies.get(1);
    assertEquals("b", cookieB.getName());
    assertEquals("banana", cookieB.getValue());
Also used : URI( HttpCookie( CookieManager(

Example 97 with CookieManager

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class CookiesTest method testCookieStoreGet.

public void testCookieStoreGet() throws Exception {
    CookieStore cookieStore = new CookieManager().getCookieStore();
    HttpCookie cookiePort1 = createCookie("a1", "android", "", "/path1");
    HttpCookie cookiePort2 = createCookie("a2", "android", "", "/path2");
    HttpCookie secureCookie = createCookie("a3", "android", "", "/path3");
    HttpCookie notSecureCookie = createCookie("a4", "android", "", "/path4");
    HttpCookie bCookie = createCookie("b1", "android", "", "/path5");
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), cookiePort1);
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), cookiePort2);
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), secureCookie);
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), notSecureCookie);
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), bCookie);
    List<HttpCookie> expectedStoreCookies = new ArrayList<>();
    // The default CookieStore implementation on Android is currently responsible for matching
    // the host/domain but not handling other cookie rules: it ignores the scheme (e.g. "secure"
    // checks), port and path.
    // The tests below fail on the RI. It looks like in the RI it is CookieStoreImpl that is
    // enforcing "secure" checks.
    assertEquals(expectedStoreCookies, cookieStore.get(new URI("")));
    assertEquals(expectedStoreCookies, cookieStore.get(new URI("")));
    assertEquals(expectedStoreCookies, cookieStore.get(new URI("")));
    assertEquals(expectedStoreCookies, cookieStore.get(new URI("")));
Also used : CookieStore( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HttpCookie( URI( CookieManager(

Example 98 with CookieManager

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class CookiesTest method testCookieStoreGetWithSecure.

// TODO(tball): enable when libcore is updated with latest fixes.
     * Regression test for http://b/25682357 /
     * CookieStoreImpl.get(URI) not handling ports properly in the absence of an explicit cookie
     * Domain.
    public void testCookieStoreGetWithPort() throws Exception {
        CookieStore cookieStore = new CookieManager().getCookieStore();
        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("theme", "light");
        // Deliberately not setting the cookie domain or path.
        cookieStore.add(new URI(""), cookie);

        // CookieStoreImpl must ignore the port during retrieval when domain is not set.
        assertEquals(1, cookieStore.get(new URI("")).size());
        assertEquals(1, cookieStore.get(new URI("")).size());
public void testCookieStoreGetWithSecure() throws Exception {
    CookieStore cookieStore = new CookieManager().getCookieStore();
    HttpCookie cookie = createCookie("theme", "light", "", "/path");
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), cookie);
    // CookieStoreImpl on Android ignores the "Secure" attribute. The RI implements the secure
    // check in CookieStoreImpl. For safety / app compatibility, if this is changed Android
    // should probably implement it in both places.
    assertEquals(1, cookieStore.get(new URI("")).size());
    assertEquals(1, cookieStore.get(new URI("")).size());
Also used : CookieStore( HttpCookie( URI( CookieManager(

Example 99 with CookieManager

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class CookiesTest method testCookieStoreEviction.

public void testCookieStoreEviction() throws Exception {
    CookieStore cookieStore = new CookieManager().getCookieStore();
    HttpCookie themeCookie = createCookie("theme", "light", "", "/");
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), themeCookie);
    HttpCookie sidCookie = createCookie("sid", "mysid", "", "/");
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), sidCookie);
    HttpCookie replacementThemeCookie = createCookie("theme", "dark", "", "/");
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), replacementThemeCookie);
    // toString() is used below to avoid confusion with assertEquals():
    // HttpCookie.equals() is implemented so that it only checks name, path and domain
    // attributes but we also want to check the value.
    assertEquals("[sid=\"mysid\";$Path=\"/\";$Domain=\"\", " + "theme=\"dark\";$Path=\"/\";$Domain=\"\"]", cookieStore.get(new URI("")).toString());
    HttpCookie replacementSidCookie = createCookie("sid", "mynewsid", "A.cOm", "/");
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), replacementSidCookie);
    assertEquals("[theme=\"dark\";$Path=\"/\";$Domain=\"\", " + "sid=\"mynewsid\";$Path=\"/\";$Domain=\"\"]", cookieStore.get(new URI("")).toString());
Also used : CookieStore( HttpCookie( URI( CookieManager(

Example 100 with CookieManager

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class CookiesTest method testCookieStoreRemoveRequiresUri.

public void testCookieStoreRemoveRequiresUri() throws URISyntaxException {
    CookieStore cookieStore = new CookieManager().getCookieStore();
    HttpCookie cookieA = new HttpCookie("a", "android");
    cookieStore.add(new URI(""), cookieA);
    assertFalse(// RI6 fails this
    "Expected remove() to take the cookie URI into account.", cookieStore.remove(new URI(""), cookieA));
    assertEquals(Arrays.asList(cookieA), cookieStore.getCookies());
Also used : CookieStore( HttpCookie( URI( CookieManager(


CookieManager ( URI ( HttpCookie ( CookieStore ( MockResponse ( List (java.util.List)20 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)18 MockWebServer ( IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)12 Test (org.junit.Test)12 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)12 RecordedRequest ( URL ( MockResponse (mockwebserver3.MockResponse)8 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)7 Map (java.util.Map)7 HttpURLConnection ( RecordedRequest (mockwebserver3.RecordedRequest)5 JavaNetCookieJar (okhttp3.JavaNetCookieJar)5