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Example 26 with SocketChannel

use of java.nio.channels.SocketChannel in project openhab1-addons by openhab.

the class CULNetworkHandlerImpl method processConnect.

private void processConnect(SelectionKey key) throws Exception {
    SocketChannel ch = (SocketChannel);
    if (ch.finishConnect()) {
        key.interestOps(key.interestOps() ^ SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT);
        key.interestOps(key.interestOps() | SelectionKey.OP_READ);
        reconnectInterval = INITIAL_RECONNECT_INTERVAL;
Also used : SocketChannel(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel)

Example 27 with SocketChannel

use of java.nio.channels.SocketChannel in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SocketJoiner method requestForConnection.

public SocketChannel requestForConnection(InetSocketAddress hostAddr) throws IOException, JSONException {
    SocketChannel socket = connectToHost(hostAddr);
         * Get the clock skew value
    ByteBuffer currentTimeBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
    while (currentTimeBuf.hasRemaining()) {;
    assert currentTimeBuf.position() == 8 : "time buffer is at an unexpected position";
    JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject();
    jsObj.put(VERSION_STRING, m_acceptor.getVersionChecker().getVersionString());
    jsObj.put(HOST_ID, m_localHostId);
    jsObj.put(PORT, m_internalPort);
    jsObj.put(ADDRESS, m_internalInterface.isEmpty() ? m_reportedInternalInterface : m_internalInterface);
    byte[] jsBytes = jsObj.toString(4).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    ByteBuffer addConnection = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + jsBytes.length);
    while (addConnection.hasRemaining()) {
    // read the json response from socketjoiner with version info and validate it
    final String remoteAddress = socket.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress().toString();
    processJSONResponse(socket, remoteAddress, null, false);
    return socket;
Also used : SocketChannel(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel) ServerSocketChannel(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel) JSONObject(org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 28 with SocketChannel

use of java.nio.channels.SocketChannel in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class RegressionSuite method tearDown.

     * JUnit special method called to shutdown the test. This instance will
     * stop the VoltDB server using the VoltServerConfig instance provided.
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
    if (m_completeShutdown) {
    } else {
        Catalog currentCataog = getCurrentCatalog();
        if (currentCataog != null) {
            CatalogDiffEngine diff = new CatalogDiffEngine(m_config.getInitialCatalog(), currentCataog);
            // We will ignore this case.
            if (diff.commands().split("\n").length > 1) {
                fail("Catalog changed in test " + getName() + " while the regression suite optimization is on: \n" + diff.getDescriptionOfChanges(false));
        Client client = getClient();
        VoltTable tableList = client.callProcedure("@SystemCatalog", "TABLES").getResults()[0];
        ArrayList<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<>(tableList.getRowCount());
        int tableNameColIdx = tableList.getColumnIndex("TABLE_NAME");
        int tableTypeColIdx = tableList.getColumnIndex("TABLE_TYPE");
        while (tableList.advanceRow()) {
            String tableType = tableList.getString(tableTypeColIdx);
            if (!tableType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT")) {
        for (String tableName : tableNames) {
            try {
                client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", "DELETE FROM " + tableName);
            } catch (ProcCallException pce) {
                if (!pce.getMessage().contains("Illegal to modify a materialized view.")) {
                    fail("Hit an exception when cleaning up tables between tests: " + pce.getMessage());
    for (final Client c : m_clients) {
    synchronized (m_clientChannels) {
        for (final SocketChannel sc : m_clientChannels) {
            try {
            } catch (final IOException e) {
Also used : SocketChannel(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel) CatalogDiffEngine(org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogDiffEngine) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( Client(org.voltdb.client.Client) VoltTable(org.voltdb.VoltTable) Catalog(org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog) ProcCallException(org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException)

Example 29 with SocketChannel

use of java.nio.channels.SocketChannel in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TestMaliciousClientSuite method testManyClientsComingAndGoing.

public void testManyClientsComingAndGoing() throws Exception {
    for (int ii = 0; ii < 2000; ii++) {
        ArrayList<SocketChannel> channels = new ArrayList<SocketChannel>();
        for (int zz = 0; zz < 100; zz++) {
        for (SocketChannel sc : channels) {
        System.out.printf("Ran through testManyClientsComingAndGoing loop %d times.\n", ii);
Also used : SocketChannel(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 30 with SocketChannel

use of java.nio.channels.SocketChannel in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SocketJoiner method connectToPrimary.

     * If this node failed to bind to the leader address
     * it must connect to the leader which will generate a host id and
     * advertise the rest of the cluster so that connectToPrimary can connect to it
private void connectToPrimary(InetSocketAddress coordIp, ConnectStrategy mode) throws Exception {
    // collect clock skews from all nodes
    List<Long> skews = new ArrayList<Long>();
    // collect the set of active voltdb version strings in the cluster
    // this is used to limit simulatanious versions to two
    Set<String> activeVersions = new TreeSet<String>();
    try {
        LOG.debug("Non-Primary Starting & Connecting to Primary");
        SocketChannel socket = createLeaderSocket(coordIp, mode);
        // in probe mode
        if (socket == null)
        if (!coordIp.equals(m_coordIp)) {
            m_coordIp = coordIp;
        socket.socket().setPerformancePreferences(0, 2, 1);
        // blocking call, send a request to the leader node and get a host id assigned by the leader
        RequestHostIdResponse response = requestHostId(socket, skews, activeVersions);
        // check if the membership request is accepted
        JSONObject responseBody = response.getResponseBody();
        if (!responseBody.optBoolean(ACCEPTED, true)) {
            if (!responseBody.optBoolean(MAY_RETRY, false)) {
                org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Request to join cluster is rejected: " + responseBody.optString(REASON, "rejection reason is not available"));
            throw new CoreUtils.RetryException(responseBody.optString(REASON, "rejection reason is not available"));
             * Get the generated host id, and the interface we connected on
             * that was echoed back
        m_localHostId = responseBody.getInt(NEW_HOST_ID);
        m_reportedInternalInterface = responseBody.getString(REPORTED_ADDRESS);
        ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, JSONObject> cmbld = ImmutableMap.builder();
        cmbld.put(m_localHostId, m_acceptor.decorate(responseBody, Optional.<Boolean>empty()));
             * Loop over all the hosts and create a connection (except for the first entry, that is the leader)
             * and publish the host id that was generated. This finishes creating the mesh
        JSONArray otherHosts = responseBody.getJSONArray(HOSTS);
        int[] hostIds = new int[otherHosts.length()];
        SocketChannel[] hostSockets = new SocketChannel[hostIds.length];
        InetSocketAddress[] listeningAddresses = new InetSocketAddress[hostIds.length];
        for (int ii = 0; ii < otherHosts.length(); ii++) {
            JSONObject host = otherHosts.getJSONObject(ii);
            String address = host.getString(ADDRESS);
            int port = host.getInt(PORT);
            final int hostId = host.getInt(HOST_ID);
  "Leader provided address " + address + ":" + port);
            InetSocketAddress hostAddr = new InetSocketAddress(address, port);
            if (ii == 0) {
                //Leader already has a socket
                hostIds[ii] = hostId;
                listeningAddresses[ii] = hostAddr;
                hostSockets[ii] = socket;
                cmbld.put(ii, response.getLeaderInfo());
            // connect to all the peer hosts (except leader) and advertise our existence
            SocketChannel hostSocket = connectToHost(hostAddr);
            JSONObject hostInfo = publishHostId(hostAddr, hostSocket, skews, activeVersions);
            hostIds[ii] = hostId;
            hostSockets[ii] = hostSocket;
            listeningAddresses[ii] = hostAddr;
            cmbld.put(ii, hostInfo);
             * The max difference of clock skew cannot exceed MAX_CLOCKSKEW, and the number of
             * active versions in the cluster cannot be more than 2.
        checkActiveVersions(activeVersions, m_acceptor.getVersionChecker().getVersionString());
             * Notify the leader that we connected to the entire cluster, it will then go
             * and queue a txn for our agreement site to join the cluster
        ByteBuffer joinCompleteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);
        while (joinCompleteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
             * Let host messenger know about the connections.
             * It will init the agreement site and then we are done.
        m_joinHandler.notifyOfHosts(m_localHostId, hostIds, hostSockets, listeningAddresses,;
    } catch (ClosedByInterruptException e) {
    //This is how shutdown is done
Also used : SocketChannel(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel) ServerSocketChannel(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel) InetSocketAddress( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONArray(org.json_voltpatches.JSONArray) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) ImmutableMap(com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableMap) ClosedByInterruptException(java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException) JSONObject(org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean)


SocketChannel (java.nio.channels.SocketChannel)759 ServerSocketChannel (java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel)337 IOException ( InetSocketAddress ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)188 SelectionKey (java.nio.channels.SelectionKey)126 Socket ( Test (org.junit.Test)87 ClosedChannelException (java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException)63 ServerSocket ( Selector (java.nio.channels.Selector)48 SocketAddress ( ClosedSelectorException (java.nio.channels.ClosedSelectorException)33 ConnectException ( CancelledKeyException (java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException)27 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)27 SocketTimeoutException ( SelectableChannel (java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel)23 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)23 OutputStream (