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Example 6 with Blob

use of java.sql.Blob in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class BaseRowSetTests method testAdvancedParameters.

     * DataProvider used to set advanced parameters for types that are supported
@DataProvider(name = "testAdvancedParameters")
private Object[][] testAdvancedParameters() throws SQLException {
    byte[] bytes = new byte[10];
    Ref aRef = new SerialRef(new StubRef("INTEGER", query));
    Array aArray = new SerialArray(new StubArray("INTEGER", new Object[1]));
    Blob aBlob = new SerialBlob(new StubBlob());
    Clob aClob = new SerialClob(new StubClob());
    Reader rdr = new StringReader(query);
    InputStream is = new StringBufferInputStream(query);
    brs = new StubBaseRowSet();
    brs.setBytes(1, bytes);
    brs.setAsciiStream(2, is, query.length());
    brs.setRef(3, aRef);
    brs.setArray(4, aArray);
    brs.setBlob(5, aBlob);
    brs.setClob(6, aClob);
    brs.setBinaryStream(7, is, query.length());
    brs.setUnicodeStream(8, is, query.length());
    brs.setCharacterStream(9, rdr, query.length());
    return new Object[][] { { 1, bytes }, { 2, is }, { 3, aRef }, { 4, aArray }, { 5, aBlob }, { 6, aClob }, { 7, is }, { 8, is }, { 9, rdr } };
Also used : SerialArray(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray) StubBlob(util.StubBlob) SerialBlob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob) Blob(java.sql.Blob) StringBufferInputStream( InputStream( Reader( StringReader( SerialBlob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob) StubClob(util.StubClob) StubBlob(util.StubBlob) SerialClob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob) StubRef(util.StubRef) StubArray(util.StubArray) Array(java.sql.Array) SerialArray(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray) StubRef(util.StubRef) SerialRef(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialRef) Ref(java.sql.Ref) StringBufferInputStream( StringReader( StubBaseRowSet(util.StubBaseRowSet) SerialRef(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialRef) Clob(java.sql.Clob) StubClob(util.StubClob) SerialClob(javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob) StubArray(util.StubArray) DataProvider(org.testng.annotations.DataProvider)

Example 7 with Blob

use of java.sql.Blob in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class GridTable method readData.

//	setDeleteable
	 *	Read Data from Recordset
	 *  @param rs result set
	 *  @return Data Array
private Object[] readData(ResultSet rs) {
    int size = m_fields.size();
    Object[] rowData = new Object[size];
    String columnName = null;
    int displayType = 0;
    //	Types see also MField.createDefault
    try {
        //	get row data
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            //	Column Info
            GridField field = (GridField) m_fields.get(j);
            columnName = field.getColumnName();
            displayType = field.getDisplayType();
            //	Integer, ID, Lookup (UpdatedBy is a numeric column)
            if (displayType == DisplayType.Integer || (DisplayType.isID(displayType) && (columnName.endsWith("_ID") || columnName.endsWith("_Acct") || columnName.equals("AD_Key") || columnName.equals("AD_Display"))) || columnName.endsWith("atedBy")) {
                //	Integer
                rowData[j] = new Integer(rs.getInt(j + 1));
                if (rs.wasNull())
                    rowData[j] = null;
            } else //	Number
            if (DisplayType.isNumeric(displayType))
                //	BigDecimal
                rowData[j] = rs.getBigDecimal(j + 1);
            else //	Date
            if (DisplayType.isDate(displayType))
                //	Timestamp
                rowData[j] = rs.getTimestamp(j + 1);
            else //	RowID or Key (and Selection)
            if (displayType == DisplayType.RowID)
                rowData[j] = null;
            else //	YesNo
            if (displayType == DisplayType.YesNo) {
                String str = rs.getString(j + 1);
                if (field.isEncryptedColumn())
                    str = (String) decrypt(str);
                //	Boolean
                rowData[j] = new Boolean("Y".equals(str));
            } else //	LOB
            if (DisplayType.isLOB(displayType)) {
                Object value = rs.getObject(j + 1);
                if (rs.wasNull())
                    rowData[j] = null;
                else if (value instanceof Clob) {
                    Clob lob = (Clob) value;
                    long length = lob.length();
                    rowData[j] = lob.getSubString(1, (int) length);
                } else if (value instanceof Blob) {
                    Blob lob = (Blob) value;
                    long length = lob.length();
                    rowData[j] = lob.getBytes(1, (int) length);
                } else if (value instanceof String)
                    rowData[j] = value;
                else if (value instanceof byte[])
                    rowData[j] = value;
            } else
                //	String
                //	String
                rowData[j] = rs.getString(j + 1);
            //	Encrypted
            if (field.isEncryptedColumn() && displayType != DisplayType.YesNo)
                rowData[j] = decrypt(rowData[j]);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, columnName + ", DT=" + displayType, e);
    return rowData;
Also used : Blob(java.sql.Blob) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) Clob(java.sql.Clob)

Example 8 with Blob

use of java.sql.Blob in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class PO method get_LOB.

//	getFindParameter
	 * 	Load LOB
	 * 	@param value LOB
	 * 	@return object
private Object get_LOB(Object value) {
    log.fine("Value=" + value);
    if (value == null)
        return null;
    Object retValue = null;
    long length = -99;
    try {
        //[ 1643996 ] Chat not working in postgres port
        if (value instanceof String || value instanceof byte[])
            retValue = value;
        else if (//	returns String
        value instanceof Clob) {
            Clob clob = (Clob) value;
            length = clob.length();
            retValue = clob.getSubString(1, (int) length);
        } else if (//	returns byte[]
        value instanceof Blob) {
            Blob blob = (Blob) value;
            length = blob.length();
            //	correct
            int index = 1;
            if (blob.getClass().getName().equals("oracle.jdbc.rowset.OracleSerialBlob"))
                //	Oracle Bug Invalid Arguments
                index = 0;
            //	at oracle.jdbc.rowset.OracleSerialBlob.getBytes(
            retValue = blob.getBytes(index, (int) length);
        } else
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown: " + value);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Length=" + length, e);
    return retValue;
Also used : Blob(java.sql.Blob) Clob(java.sql.Clob) Savepoint(java.sql.Savepoint) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) DBException(org.adempiere.exceptions.DBException) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException)

Example 9 with Blob

use of java.sql.Blob in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WMediaDialog method createMedia.

//  displayData
private AMedia createMedia() throws SQLException {
    AMedia media;
    String contentType = null;
    if (m_data instanceof byte[]) {
        media = new AMedia(this.getTitle(), null, contentType, (byte[]) m_data);
    } else if (m_data instanceof Blob) {
        media = new AMedia(this.getTitle(), null, contentType, ((Blob) m_data).getBinaryStream());
    } else if (m_data instanceof Clob) {
        Clob clob = (Clob) m_data;
        long length = clob.length() > 100 ? 100 : clob.length();
        String data = ((Clob) m_data).getSubString(1, new Long(length).intValue());
        if (data.toUpperCase().indexOf("<html>") >= 0) {
            contentType = "text/html";
        } else {
            contentType = "text/plain";
        media = new AMedia(this.getTitle(), null, contentType, ((Clob) m_data).getCharacterStream());
    } else {
        contentType = "text/plain";
        media = new AMedia(this.getTitle(), null, contentType, m_data.toString());
    return media;
Also used : Blob(java.sql.Blob) AMedia( Clob(java.sql.Clob)

Example 10 with Blob

use of java.sql.Blob in project cubrid-manager by CUBRID.

the class CUBRIDConnectionProxyTest method methodCreateBlob.

	 * Test method for
	 * {@link com.cubrid.jdbc.proxy.driver.CUBRIDConnectionProxy#createBlob()} .
public void methodCreateBlob(CUBRIDConnectionProxy conn) throws SQLException {
    Blob blob = conn.createBlob();
Also used : Blob(java.sql.Blob)


Blob (java.sql.Blob)337 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)130 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)109 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)106 InputStream ( Clob (java.sql.Clob)81 ByteArrayInputStream ( IOException ( Statement (java.sql.Statement)52 Connection (java.sql.Connection)36 Test (org.junit.Test)34 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)25 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)25 SQLXML (java.sql.SQLXML)22 OutputStream ( NClob (java.sql.NClob)21 Reader ( Date (java.sql.Date)18 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 List (java.util.List)17