use of java.text.ChoiceFormat in project j2objc by google.
the class ChoiceFormatTest method test_hashCode.
* @tests java.text.ChoiceFormat#hashCode()
public void test_hashCode() {
// Test for method int java.text.ChoiceFormat.hashCode()
ChoiceFormat f2 = new ChoiceFormat("0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");
assertTrue("Different hash", f1.hashCode() == f2.hashCode());
use of java.text.ChoiceFormat in project j2objc by google.
the class ChoiceFormatTest method test_clone.
* @tests java.text.ChoiceFormat#clone()
public void test_clone() {
// Test for method java.lang.Object java.text.ChoiceFormat.clone()
ChoiceFormat f = (ChoiceFormat) f1.clone();
assertTrue("Not equal", f.equals(f1));
f.setChoices(new double[] { 0, 1, 2 }, new String[] { "0", "1", "2" });
assertTrue("Equal", !f.equals(f1));
use of java.text.ChoiceFormat in project j2objc by google.
the class ChoiceFormatTest method test_equalsLjava_lang_Object.
* @tests java.text.ChoiceFormat#equals(java.lang.Object)
public void test_equalsLjava_lang_Object() {
// Test for method boolean
// java.text.ChoiceFormat.equals(java.lang.Object)
String patternString = "-2#Inverted Orange| 0#No Orange| 0<Almost No Orange| 1#Normal Orange| 2#Expensive Orange";
double[] appleLimits = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
String[] appleFormats = { "Tiny Apple", "Small Apple", "Medium Apple", "Large Apple", "Huge Apple" };
double[] orangeLimits = { -2, 0, ChoiceFormat.nextDouble(0), 1, 2 };
String[] orangeFormats = { "Inverted Orange", "No Orange", "Almost No Orange", "Normal Orange", "Expensive Orange" };
ChoiceFormat appleChoiceFormat = new ChoiceFormat(appleLimits, appleFormats);
ChoiceFormat orangeChoiceFormat = new ChoiceFormat(orangeLimits, orangeFormats);
ChoiceFormat orangeChoiceFormat2 = new ChoiceFormat(patternString);
ChoiceFormat hybridChoiceFormat = new ChoiceFormat(appleLimits, orangeFormats);
assertTrue("Apples should not equal oranges", !appleChoiceFormat.equals(orangeChoiceFormat));
assertTrue("Different limit list--should not appear as equal", !orangeChoiceFormat.equals(hybridChoiceFormat));
assertTrue("Different format list--should not appear as equal", !appleChoiceFormat.equals(hybridChoiceFormat));
assertTrue("Should be equal--identical format", appleChoiceFormat.equals(appleChoiceFormat));
assertTrue("Should be equals--same limits, same formats", orangeChoiceFormat.equals(orangeChoiceFormat2));
ChoiceFormat f2 = new ChoiceFormat("0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");
assertTrue("Not equal", f1.equals(f2));
use of java.text.ChoiceFormat in project j2objc by google.
the class ChoiceFormatTest method test_parseLjava_lang_StringLjava_text_ParsePosition.
* @tests java.text.ChoiceFormat#parse(java.lang.String,
* java.text.ParsePosition)
public void test_parseLjava_lang_StringLjava_text_ParsePosition() {
// Test for method java.lang.Number
// java.text.ChoiceFormat.parse(java.lang.String,
// java.text.ParsePosition)
ChoiceFormat format = new ChoiceFormat("1#one|2#two|3#three");
assertEquals("Case insensitive", 0, format.parse("One", new ParsePosition(0)).intValue());
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
Number result = f1.parse("Greater than two", pos);
assertTrue("Not a Double1", result instanceof Double);
assertTrue("Wrong value ~>2", result.doubleValue() == ChoiceFormat.nextDouble(2));
assertEquals("Wrong position ~16", 16, pos.getIndex());
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
assertTrue("Incorrect result", Double.isNaN(f1.parse("12one", pos).doubleValue()));
assertEquals("Wrong position ~0", 0, pos.getIndex());
pos = new ParsePosition(2);
result = f1.parse("12one and two", pos);
assertTrue("Not a Double2", result instanceof Double);
assertEquals("Ignored parse position", 1.0D, result.doubleValue(), 0.0D);
assertEquals("Wrong position ~5", 5, pos.getIndex());
use of java.text.ChoiceFormat in project j2objc by google.
the class ChoiceFormatTest method test_toPattern.
* @tests java.text.ChoiceFormat#toPattern()
public void test_toPattern() {
// Regression for HARMONY-59
ChoiceFormat cf = new ChoiceFormat("");
assertEquals("", cf.toPattern());
cf = new ChoiceFormat("-1#NEGATIVE_ONE|0#ZERO|1#ONE|1<GREATER_THAN_ONE");
assertEquals("-1.0#NEGATIVE_ONE|0.0#ZERO|1.0#ONE|1.0<GREATER_THAN_ONE", cf.toPattern());
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("CHOICE {1,choice}");
String ptrn = mf.toPattern();
assertEquals("Unused message format returning incorrect pattern", "CHOICE {1,choice,}", ptrn);
String pattern = f1.toPattern();
assertTrue("Wrong pattern: " + pattern, pattern.equals("0.0#Less than one|1.0#one|1.0<Between one and two|2.0<Greater than two"));
cf = new ChoiceFormat("-1#is negative| 0#is zero or fraction | 1#is one |1.0<is 1+|2#is two |2<is more than 2.");
String str = "";
ptrn = cf.toPattern();
assertEquals("Return value should be empty string for invalid pattern", 0, ptrn.length());