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Example 16 with SimpleDateFormat

use of java.text.SimpleDateFormat in project flink by apache.

the class StaticFileServerHandler method setDateHeader.

	 * Sets the "date" header for the HTTP response.
	 * @param response HTTP response
private static void setDateHeader(FullHttpResponse response) {
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(HTTP_DATE_FORMAT, Locale.US);
    Calendar time = new GregorianCalendar();
    response.headers().set(DATE, dateFormatter.format(time.getTime()));
Also used : GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 17 with SimpleDateFormat

use of java.text.SimpleDateFormat in project groovy by apache.

the class InvokeMethodTest method testSetLenientOnDateFormat.

public void testSetLenientOnDateFormat() throws Throwable {
    SimpleDateFormat a = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    Object value = invoke(a, "setLenient", new Object[] { Boolean.FALSE });
    assertEquals("void method", null, value);
Also used : SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 18 with SimpleDateFormat

use of java.text.SimpleDateFormat in project groovy by apache.

the class DefaultGroovyStaticMethods method parse.

     * Parse a String into a Date instance using the given pattern and TimeZone.
     * This convenience method acts as a wrapper for {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat}.
     * <p>
     * Note that a new SimpleDateFormat instance is created for every
     * invocation of this method (for thread safety).
     * @param self   placeholder variable used by Groovy categories; ignored for default static methods
     * @param format pattern used to parse the input string.
     * @param input  String to be parsed to create the date instance
     * @param zone   TimeZone to use when parsing
     * @return a new Date instance representing the parsed input string
     * @throws ParseException if there is a parse error
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat#parse(java.lang.String)
     * @since 2.4.1
public static Date parse(Date self, String format, String input, TimeZone zone) throws ParseException {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
    return sdf.parse(input);
Also used : SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 19 with SimpleDateFormat

use of java.text.SimpleDateFormat in project groovy by apache.

the class DateGroovyMethods method format.

     * <p>Shortcut for {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} to output a String representation
     * of this calendar instance.  This method respects the Calendar's assigned
     * {@link java.util.TimeZone}, whereas calling <code>cal.time.format('HH:mm:ss')</code>
     * would use the system timezone.
     * <p>Note that Calendar equivalents of <code>date.getDateString()</code>
     * and variants do not exist because those methods are Locale-dependent.
     * Although a Calendar may be assigned a {@link java.util.Locale}, that information is
     * lost and therefore cannot be used to control the default date/time formats
     * provided by these methods.  Instead, the system Locale would always be
     * used.  The alternative is to simply call
     * {@link java.text.DateFormat#getDateInstance(int, java.util.Locale)} and pass the same Locale
     * that was used for the Calendar.
     * @param self    this calendar
     * @param pattern format pattern
     * @return String representation of this calendar with the given format.
     * @see java.text.DateFormat#setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone)
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat#format(java.util.Date)
     * @see #format(java.util.Date, String)
     * @since 1.6.0
public static String format(Calendar self, String pattern) {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
    return sdf.format(self.getTime());
Also used : SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 20 with SimpleDateFormat

use of java.text.SimpleDateFormat in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestKeyProvider method testMetadata.

public void testMetadata() throws Exception {
    //Metadata without description
    DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("y/m/d");
    Date date = format.parse("2013/12/25");
    KeyProvider.Metadata meta = new KeyProvider.Metadata("myCipher", 100, null, null, date, 123);
    assertEquals("myCipher", meta.getCipher());
    assertEquals(100, meta.getBitLength());
    assertEquals(date, meta.getCreated());
    assertEquals(123, meta.getVersions());
    KeyProvider.Metadata second = new KeyProvider.Metadata(meta.serialize());
    assertEquals(meta.getCipher(), second.getCipher());
    assertEquals(meta.getBitLength(), second.getBitLength());
    assertEquals(meta.getCreated(), second.getCreated());
    assertEquals(meta.getVersions(), second.getVersions());
    int newVersion = second.addVersion();
    assertEquals(123, newVersion);
    assertEquals(124, second.getVersions());
    assertEquals(123, meta.getVersions());
    //Metadata with description
    format = new SimpleDateFormat("y/m/d");
    date = format.parse("2013/12/25");
    Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
    attributes.put("a", "A");
    meta = new KeyProvider.Metadata("myCipher", 100, "description", attributes, date, 123);
    assertEquals("myCipher", meta.getCipher());
    assertEquals(100, meta.getBitLength());
    assertEquals("description", meta.getDescription());
    assertEquals(attributes, meta.getAttributes());
    assertEquals(date, meta.getCreated());
    assertEquals(123, meta.getVersions());
    second = new KeyProvider.Metadata(meta.serialize());
    assertEquals(meta.getCipher(), second.getCipher());
    assertEquals(meta.getBitLength(), second.getBitLength());
    assertEquals(meta.getDescription(), second.getDescription());
    assertEquals(meta.getAttributes(), second.getAttributes());
    assertEquals(meta.getCreated(), second.getCreated());
    assertEquals(meta.getVersions(), second.getVersions());
    newVersion = second.addVersion();
    assertEquals(123, newVersion);
    assertEquals(124, second.getVersions());
    assertEquals(123, meta.getVersions());
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat(java.text.DateFormat) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Date(java.util.Date) Test(org.junit.Test)


SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)2847 Date (java.util.Date)1590 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)463 DateFormat (java.text.DateFormat)425 Calendar (java.util.Calendar)307 Test (org.junit.Test)305 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)232 File ( IOException ( GregorianCalendar (java.util.GregorianCalendar)139 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)121 Locale (java.util.Locale)70 DateField (edu.uci.ics.textdb.api.field.DateField)64 DoubleField (edu.uci.ics.textdb.api.field.DoubleField)64 IField (edu.uci.ics.textdb.api.field.IField)64 IntegerField (edu.uci.ics.textdb.api.field.IntegerField)64 StringField (edu.uci.ics.textdb.api.field.StringField)63 TextField (edu.uci.ics.textdb.api.field.TextField)63 Map (java.util.Map)63 Tuple (edu.uci.ics.textdb.api.tuple.Tuple)61