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Example 71 with TreeMap

use of java.util.TreeMap in project hadoop by apache.

the class CommonNodeLabelsManager method normalizeNodeIdToLabels.

protected Map<NodeId, Set<String>> normalizeNodeIdToLabels(Map<NodeId, Set<String>> nodeIdToLabels) {
    Map<NodeId, Set<String>> newMap = new TreeMap<NodeId, Set<String>>();
    for (Entry<NodeId, Set<String>> entry : nodeIdToLabels.entrySet()) {
        NodeId id = entry.getKey();
        Set<String> labels = entry.getValue();
        newMap.put(id, normalizeLabels(labels));
    return newMap;
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) ImmutableSet( Set(java.util.Set) NodeId(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 72 with TreeMap

use of java.util.TreeMap in project hadoop by apache.

the class CapacityOverTimePolicy method validate.

   * The validation algorithm walks over the RLE encoded allocation and
   * checks that for all transition points (when the start or end of the
   * checking window encounters a value in the RLE). At this point it
   * checkes whether the integral computed exceeds the quota limit. Note that
   * this might not find the exact time of a violation, but if a violation
   * exists it will find it. The advantage is a much lower number of checks
   * as compared to time-slot by time-slot checks.
   * @param plan the plan to validate against
   * @param reservation the reservation allocation to test.
   * @throws PlanningException if the validation fails.
public void validate(Plan plan, ReservationAllocation reservation) throws PlanningException {
    // cluster limits, and 3) maxInst (via override of available)
    try {
        super.validate(plan, reservation);
    } catch (PlanningException p) {
        //wrap it in proper quota exception
        throw new PlanningQuotaException(p);
    //---- check for integral violations of capacity --------
    // Gather a view of what to check (curr allocation of user, minus old
    // version of this reservation, plus new version)
    RLESparseResourceAllocation consumptionForUserOverTime = plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(reservation.getUser(), reservation.getStartTime() - validWindow, reservation.getEndTime() + validWindow);
    ReservationAllocation old = plan.getReservationById(reservation.getReservationId());
    if (old != null) {
        consumptionForUserOverTime = RLESparseResourceAllocation.merge(plan.getResourceCalculator(), plan.getTotalCapacity(), consumptionForUserOverTime, old.getResourcesOverTime(), RLEOperator.add, reservation.getStartTime() - validWindow, reservation.getEndTime() + validWindow);
    RLESparseResourceAllocation resRLE = reservation.getResourcesOverTime();
    RLESparseResourceAllocation toCheck = RLESparseResourceAllocation.merge(plan.getResourceCalculator(), plan.getTotalCapacity(), consumptionForUserOverTime, resRLE, RLEOperator.add, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
    NavigableMap<Long, Resource> integralUp = new TreeMap<>();
    NavigableMap<Long, Resource> integralDown = new TreeMap<>();
    long prevTime = toCheck.getEarliestStartTime();
    IntegralResource prevResource = new IntegralResource(0L, 0L);
    IntegralResource runningTot = new IntegralResource(0L, 0L);
    // add intermediate points
    Map<Long, Resource> temp = new TreeMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<Long, Resource> pointToCheck : toCheck.getCumulative().entrySet()) {
        Long timeToCheck = pointToCheck.getKey();
        Resource resourceToCheck = pointToCheck.getValue();
        Long nextPoint = toCheck.getCumulative().higherKey(timeToCheck);
        if (nextPoint == null || toCheck.getCumulative().get(nextPoint) == null) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= (nextPoint - timeToCheck) / validWindow; i++) {
            temp.put(timeToCheck + (i * validWindow), resourceToCheck);
    // compute point-wise integral for the up-fronts and down-fronts
    for (Map.Entry<Long, Resource> currPoint : temp.entrySet()) {
        Long currTime = currPoint.getKey();
        Resource currResource = currPoint.getValue();
        //add to running total current contribution
        prevResource.multiplyBy(currTime - prevTime);
        integralUp.put(currTime, normalizeToResource(runningTot, validWindow));
        integralDown.put(currTime + validWindow, normalizeToResource(runningTot, validWindow));
        if (currResource != null) {
            prevResource.memory = currResource.getMemorySize();
            prevResource.vcores = currResource.getVirtualCores();
        } else {
            prevResource.memory = 0L;
            prevResource.vcores = 0L;
        prevTime = currTime;
    // compute final integral as delta of up minus down transitions
    RLESparseResourceAllocation intUp = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(integralUp, plan.getResourceCalculator());
    RLESparseResourceAllocation intDown = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(integralDown, plan.getResourceCalculator());
    RLESparseResourceAllocation integral = RLESparseResourceAllocation.merge(plan.getResourceCalculator(), plan.getTotalCapacity(), intUp, intDown, RLEOperator.subtract, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
    // define over-time integral limit
    // note: this is aligned with the normalization done above
    NavigableMap<Long, Resource> tlimit = new TreeMap<>();
    Resource maxAvgRes = Resources.multiply(plan.getTotalCapacity(), maxAvg);
    tlimit.put(toCheck.getEarliestStartTime() - validWindow, maxAvgRes);
    RLESparseResourceAllocation targetLimit = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(tlimit, plan.getResourceCalculator());
    // compare using merge() limit with integral
    try {
        RLESparseResourceAllocation.merge(plan.getResourceCalculator(), plan.getTotalCapacity(), targetLimit, integral, RLEOperator.subtractTestNonNegative, reservation.getStartTime() - validWindow, reservation.getEndTime() + validWindow);
    } catch (PlanningException p) {
        throw new PlanningQuotaException("Integral (avg over time) quota capacity " + maxAvg + " over a window of " + validWindow / 1000 + " seconds, " + " would be exceeded by accepting reservation: " + reservation.getReservationId(), p);
Also used : PlanningQuotaException(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.exceptions.PlanningQuotaException) Resource(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) PlanningException(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.exceptions.PlanningException) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map) NavigableMap(java.util.NavigableMap)

Example 73 with TreeMap

use of java.util.TreeMap in project hadoop by apache.

the class CapacityOverTimePolicy method availableResources.

public RLESparseResourceAllocation availableResources(RLESparseResourceAllocation available, Plan plan, String user, ReservationId oldId, long start, long end) throws PlanningException {
    // this only propagates the instantaneous maxInst properties, while
    // the time-varying one depends on the current allocation as well
    // and are not easily captured here
    Resource planTotalCapacity = plan.getTotalCapacity();
    Resource maxInsRes = Resources.multiply(planTotalCapacity, maxInst);
    NavigableMap<Long, Resource> instQuota = new TreeMap<Long, Resource>();
    instQuota.put(start, maxInsRes);
    RLESparseResourceAllocation instRLEQuota = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(instQuota, plan.getResourceCalculator());
    RLESparseResourceAllocation used = plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(user, start, end);
    // add back in old reservation used resources if any
    ReservationAllocation old = plan.getReservationById(oldId);
    if (old != null) {
        used = RLESparseResourceAllocation.merge(plan.getResourceCalculator(), Resources.clone(plan.getTotalCapacity()), used, old.getResourcesOverTime(), RLEOperator.subtract, start, end);
    instRLEQuota = RLESparseResourceAllocation.merge(plan.getResourceCalculator(), planTotalCapacity, instRLEQuota, used, RLEOperator.subtract, start, end);
    instRLEQuota = RLESparseResourceAllocation.merge(plan.getResourceCalculator(), planTotalCapacity, available, instRLEQuota, RLEOperator.min, start, end);
    return instRLEQuota;
Also used : Resource(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 74 with TreeMap

use of java.util.TreeMap in project hadoop by apache.

the class RLESparseResourceAllocation method merge.

private static NavigableMap<Long, Resource> merge(ResourceCalculator resCalc, Resource clusterResource, NavigableMap<Long, Resource> a, NavigableMap<Long, Resource> b, long start, long end, RLEOperator operator) throws PlanningException {
    // handle special cases of empty input
    if (a == null || a.isEmpty()) {
        if (operator == RLEOperator.subtract || operator == RLEOperator.subtractTestNonNegative) {
            return negate(operator, b);
        } else {
            return b;
    if (b == null || b.isEmpty()) {
        return a;
    // define iterators and support variables
    Iterator<Entry<Long, Resource>> aIt = a.entrySet().iterator();
    Iterator<Entry<Long, Resource>> bIt = b.entrySet().iterator();
    Entry<Long, Resource> curA =;
    Entry<Long, Resource> curB =;
    Entry<Long, Resource> lastA = null;
    Entry<Long, Resource> lastB = null;
    boolean aIsDone = false;
    boolean bIsDone = false;
    TreeMap<Long, Resource> out = new TreeMap<Long, Resource>();
    while (!(curA.equals(lastA) && curB.equals(lastB))) {
        Resource outRes;
        long time = -1;
        // curA is smaller than curB
        if (bIsDone || (curA.getKey() < curB.getKey() && !aIsDone)) {
            outRes = combineValue(operator, resCalc, clusterResource, curA, lastB);
            time = (curA.getKey() < start) ? start : curA.getKey();
            lastA = curA;
            if (aIt.hasNext()) {
                curA =;
            } else {
                aIsDone = true;
        } else {
            // curB is smaller than curA
            if (aIsDone || (curA.getKey() > curB.getKey() && !bIsDone)) {
                outRes = combineValue(operator, resCalc, clusterResource, lastA, curB);
                time = (curB.getKey() < start) ? start : curB.getKey();
                lastB = curB;
                if (bIt.hasNext()) {
                    curB =;
                } else {
                    bIsDone = true;
            } else {
                // curA is equal to curB
                outRes = combineValue(operator, resCalc, clusterResource, curA, curB);
                time = (curA.getKey() < start) ? start : curA.getKey();
                lastA = curA;
                if (aIt.hasNext()) {
                    curA =;
                } else {
                    aIsDone = true;
                lastB = curB;
                if (bIt.hasNext()) {
                    curB =;
                } else {
                    bIsDone = true;
        // add to out if not redundant
        addIfNeeded(out, time, outRes);
    addIfNeeded(out, end, null);
    return out;
Also used : Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Resource(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 75 with TreeMap

use of java.util.TreeMap in project hadoop by apache.

the class RLESparseResourceAllocation method toIntervalMap.

   * Returns the representation of the current resources allocated over time as
   * an interval map (in the defined non-null range).
   * @return the representation of the current resources allocated over time as
   *         an interval map.
public Map<ReservationInterval, Resource> toIntervalMap() {
    try {
        Map<ReservationInterval, Resource> allocations = new TreeMap<ReservationInterval, Resource>();
        // Empty
        if (isEmpty()) {
            return allocations;
        Map.Entry<Long, Resource> lastEntry = null;
        for (Map.Entry<Long, Resource> entry : cumulativeCapacity.entrySet()) {
            if (lastEntry != null && entry.getValue() != null) {
                ReservationInterval interval = new ReservationInterval(lastEntry.getKey(), entry.getKey());
                Resource resource = lastEntry.getValue();
                allocations.put(interval, resource);
            lastEntry = entry;
        return allocations;
    } finally {
Also used : Resource(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) NavigableMap(java.util.NavigableMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map)


TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)4400 Map (java.util.Map)1245 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)930 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)871 Test (org.junit.Test)614 List (java.util.List)542 Before (org.junit.Before)505 IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)301 Set (java.util.Set)268 File ( SortedMap (java.util.SortedMap)240 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)213 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)196 Key ( Value ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)149 NavigableMap (java.util.NavigableMap)124 Collection (java.util.Collection)115 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)111