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Example 26 with TimeUnit

use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit in project pinot by linkedin.

the class AnomaliesResource method getFormattedDateTime.

   * Get formatted date time for anomaly chart
   * @param timestamp
   * @param datasetConfig
   * @param startEndDateFormatterHours
   * @param startEndDateFormatterDays
   * @return
private String getFormattedDateTime(long timestamp, DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig, DateTimeFormatter startEndDateFormatterHours, DateTimeFormatter startEndDateFormatterDays) {
    TimeSpec timeSpec = ThirdEyeUtils.getTimeSpecFromDatasetConfig(datasetConfig);
    TimeUnit dataGranularityUnit = timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getUnit();
    String formattedDateTime = null;
    if (dataGranularityUnit.equals(TimeUnit.MINUTES) || dataGranularityUnit.equals(TimeUnit.HOURS)) {
        formattedDateTime = startEndDateFormatterHours.print(timestamp);
    } else if (dataGranularityUnit.equals(TimeUnit.DAYS)) {
        formattedDateTime = startEndDateFormatterDays.print(timestamp);
    return formattedDateTime;
Also used : TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) TimeSpec(com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.TimeSpec)

Example 27 with TimeUnit

use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit in project pinot by linkedin.

the class DataCompletenessTaskUtils method getDateTimeFormatterForDataset.

   * Get date time formatter according to granularity of dataset
   * This is to store the date in the db, in the correct SDF
   * @param timeSpec
   * @return
public static DateTimeFormatter getDateTimeFormatterForDataset(TimeSpec timeSpec, DateTimeZone zone) {
    String pattern = null;
    TimeUnit unit = timeSpec.getDataGranularity().getUnit();
    switch(unit) {
        case DAYS:
            pattern = DAY_FORMAT;
        case MINUTES:
            pattern = MINUTE_FORMAT;
        case HOURS:
            pattern = HOUR_FORMAT;
    DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern).withZone(zone);
    return dateTimeFormatter;
Also used : TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) DateTimeFormatter(org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter)

Example 28 with TimeUnit

use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit in project pinot by linkedin.

the class MetricTransfer method rescaleMetric.

   * Use the scaling factor to normalize the input time series
   * @param metricsToModify the data MetricTimeSeries to be modified by scaling factor
   * @param windowStartTime the timestamp when the data belongs to current monitoring window
   * @param scalingFactorList list of scaling factors
   * @param metricName the metricName withing the timeseries to be modified
   * @param properties the properties for scaling the values
public static void rescaleMetric(MetricTimeSeries metricsToModify, long windowStartTime, List<ScalingFactor> scalingFactorList, String metricName, Properties properties) {
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(scalingFactorList)) {
        // no transformation if there is no scaling factor in
    List<ScaledValue> scaledValues = null;
    if (DEBUG) {
        scaledValues = new ArrayList<>();
    int seasonalSize = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(SEASONAL_SIZE, DEFAULT_SEASONAL_SIZE));
    TimeUnit seasonalUnit = TimeUnit.valueOf(properties.getProperty(SEASONAL_UNIT, DEFAULT_SEASONAL_UNIT));
    long seasonalMillis = seasonalUnit.toMillis(seasonalSize);
    int baselineSeasonalPeriod = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(BASELINE_SEASONAL_PERIOD, DEFAULT_BASELINE_SEASONAL_PERIOD));
    // The scaling model works as follows:
    // 1. If the time range of scaling factor overlaps with current time series, then the scaling
    //    factor is applied to all corresponding baseline time series.
    // 2. If the time range of scaling factor overlaps with a baseline time series, then baseline
    //    value that overlaps with the scaling factor is set to 0. Note that in current
    //    implementation of ThirdEye value 0 means missing data. Thus, the baseline value will be
    //    removed from baseline calculation.
    // The model is implemented as follows:
    // 1. Check if a timestamp located in any time range of scaling factor.
    // 2. If it is, then check if it is a current value or baseline value.
    // 3a. If it is a baseline value, then set its value to 0.
    // 3b. If it is a current value, then apply the scaling factor to its corresponding baseline
    //     values.
    Set<Long> timeWindowSet = metricsToModify.getTimeWindowSet();
    for (long ts : timeWindowSet) {
        for (ScalingFactor sf : scalingFactorList) {
            if (sf.isInTimeWindow(ts)) {
                if (ts < windowStartTime) {
                    // the timestamp belongs to a baseline time series
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        double originalValue = metricsToModify.get(ts, metricName).doubleValue();
                        scaledValues.add(new ScaledValue(ts, originalValue, 0.0));
                    // zero will be removed in analyze function
                    metricsToModify.set(ts, metricName, 0.0);
                } else {
                    // the timestamp belongs to the current time series
                    for (int i = 1; i <= baselineSeasonalPeriod; ++i) {
                        long baseTs = ts - i * seasonalMillis;
                        if (timeWindowSet.contains(baseTs)) {
                            double originalValue = metricsToModify.get(baseTs, metricName).doubleValue();
                            double scaledValue = originalValue * sf.getScalingFactor();
                            metricsToModify.set(baseTs, metricName, scaledValue);
                            if (DEBUG) {
                                scaledValues.add(new ScaledValue(baseTs, originalValue, scaledValue));
    if (DEBUG) {
        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(scaledValues)) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            String separator = "";
            for (ScaledValue scaledValue : scaledValues) {
                separator = ", ";
  "Transformed values: {}", sb.toString());
Also used : TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)

Example 29 with TimeUnit

use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit in project pinot by linkedin.

the class FieldSpecTest method testTimeFieldSpecConstructor.

   * Test {@link TimeFieldSpec} constructors.
public void testTimeFieldSpecConstructor() {
    String incomingName = "incoming";
    DataType incomingDataType = DataType.LONG;
    TimeUnit incomingTimeUnit = TimeUnit.HOURS;
    int incomingTimeUnitSize = 1;
    TimeGranularitySpec incomingTimeGranularitySpec = new TimeGranularitySpec(incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnitSize, incomingTimeUnit, incomingName);
    String outgoingName = "outgoing";
    DataType outgoingDataType = DataType.INT;
    TimeUnit outgoingTimeUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS;
    int outgoingTimeUnitSize = 1;
    TimeGranularitySpec outgoingTimeGranularitySpec = new TimeGranularitySpec(outgoingDataType, outgoingTimeUnitSize, outgoingTimeUnit, outgoingName);
    int defaultNullValue = 17050;
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec1 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingName, incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnit);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec2 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingName, incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnit, defaultNullValue);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec3 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingName, incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnit, outgoingName, outgoingDataType, outgoingTimeUnit);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec4 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingName, incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnit, outgoingName, outgoingDataType, outgoingTimeUnit, defaultNullValue);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec5 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingName, incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnitSize, incomingTimeUnit);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec6 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingName, incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnitSize, incomingTimeUnit, defaultNullValue);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec7 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingName, incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnitSize, incomingTimeUnit, outgoingName, outgoingDataType, outgoingTimeUnitSize, outgoingTimeUnit);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec8 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingName, incomingDataType, incomingTimeUnitSize, incomingTimeUnit, outgoingName, outgoingDataType, outgoingTimeUnitSize, outgoingTimeUnit, defaultNullValue);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec9 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingTimeGranularitySpec);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec10 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingTimeGranularitySpec, defaultNullValue);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec11 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingTimeGranularitySpec, outgoingTimeGranularitySpec);
    TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec12 = new TimeFieldSpec(incomingTimeGranularitySpec, outgoingTimeGranularitySpec, defaultNullValue);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec1, timeFieldSpec5);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec1, timeFieldSpec9);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec2, timeFieldSpec6);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec2, timeFieldSpec10);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec3, timeFieldSpec7);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec3, timeFieldSpec11);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec4, timeFieldSpec8);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec4, timeFieldSpec12);
    // Before adding default null value.
    // After adding default null value.
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec1, timeFieldSpec2);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec3, timeFieldSpec4);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec5, timeFieldSpec6);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec7, timeFieldSpec8);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec9, timeFieldSpec10);
    Assert.assertEquals(timeFieldSpec11, timeFieldSpec12);
Also used : DataType( TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 30 with TimeUnit

use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit in project pinot by linkedin.

the class AutoAddInvertedIndex method runQueryStrategy.

private void runQueryStrategy() throws Exception {
    // Get all resources in cluster
    List<String> resourcesInCluster = _helixAdmin.getResourcesInCluster(_clusterName);
    for (String tableName : resourcesInCluster) {
        // Skip non-table resources
        if (!tableName.endsWith("_OFFLINE") && !tableName.endsWith("_REALTIME")) {
        // Skip tables that do not match the defined name pattern
        if (_tableNamePattern != null && !tableName.matches(_tableNamePattern)) {
        }"Table: {} matches the table name pattern: {}", tableName, _tableNamePattern);
        // Get the inverted index config
        AbstractTableConfig tableConfig = getTableConfig(tableName);
        IndexingConfig indexingConfig = tableConfig.getIndexingConfig();
        List<String> invertedIndexColumns = indexingConfig.getInvertedIndexColumns();
        boolean autoGeneratedInvertedIndex = indexingConfig.isAutoGeneratedInvertedIndex();
        // Handle auto-generated inverted index
        if (autoGeneratedInvertedIndex) {
            Preconditions.checkState(!invertedIndexColumns.isEmpty(), "Auto-generated inverted index list is empty");
            // NEW mode, skip
            if (_mode == Mode.NEW) {
      "Table: {}, skip adding inverted index because it has auto-generated inverted index and under NEW mode", tableName);
            // REMOVE mode, remove the inverted index and update
            if (_mode == Mode.REMOVE) {
                if (updateIndexConfig(tableName, tableConfig)) {
          "Table: {}, removed auto-generated inverted index", tableName);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.error("Table: {}, failed to remove auto-generated inverted index", tableName);
            // REFRESH mode, remove auto-generated inverted index
            if (_mode == Mode.REFRESH) {
        } else {
            // Handle null inverted index columns
            if (invertedIndexColumns == null) {
                invertedIndexColumns = new ArrayList<>();
            // Remove empty strings
            int emptyStringIndex;
            while ((emptyStringIndex = invertedIndexColumns.indexOf("")) != -1) {
            // Skip non-empty non-auto-generated inverted index
            if (!invertedIndexColumns.isEmpty()) {
      "Table: {}, skip adding inverted index because it has non-auto-generated inverted index", tableName);
        // Skip tables without a schema
        Schema tableSchema = getTableSchema(tableName);
        if (tableSchema == null) {
  "Table: {}, skip adding inverted index because it does not have a schema", tableName);
        // Skip tables without dimensions
        List<String> dimensionNames = tableSchema.getDimensionNames();
        if (dimensionNames.size() == 0) {
  "Table: {}, skip adding inverted index because it does not have any dimension column", tableName);
        // Skip tables without a proper time column
        TimeFieldSpec timeFieldSpec = tableSchema.getTimeFieldSpec();
        if (timeFieldSpec == null || timeFieldSpec.getDataType() == FieldSpec.DataType.STRING) {
  "Table: {}, skip adding inverted index because it does not have a numeric time column", tableName);
        String timeColumnName = timeFieldSpec.getName();
        TimeUnit timeUnit = timeFieldSpec.getOutgoingGranularitySpec().getTimeType();
        if (timeUnit != TimeUnit.DAYS) {
            LOGGER.warn("Table: {}, time column {] has non-DAYS time unit: {}", timeColumnName, timeUnit);
        // Only add inverted index to table larger than a threshold
        JSONObject queryResponse = sendQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName);
        long numTotalDocs = queryResponse.getLong("totalDocs");"Table: {}, number of total documents: {}", tableName, numTotalDocs);
        if (numTotalDocs <= _tableSizeThreshold) {
  "Table: {}, skip adding inverted index because the table is too small", tableName);
        // Get each dimension's cardinality on one timestamp's data
        queryResponse = sendQuery("SELECT Max(" + timeColumnName + ") FROM " + tableName);
        int maxTimeStamp = queryResponse.getJSONArray("aggregationResults").getJSONObject(0).getInt("value");"Table: {}, max time column {}: {}", tableName, timeColumnName, maxTimeStamp);
        // Query DISTINCTCOUNT on all dimensions in one query might cause timeout, so query them separately
        List<ResultPair> resultPairs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String dimensionName : dimensionNames) {
            String query = "SELECT DISTINCTCOUNT(" + dimensionName + ") FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + timeColumnName + " = " + maxTimeStamp;
            queryResponse = sendQuery(query);
            JSONObject result = queryResponse.getJSONArray("aggregationResults").getJSONObject(0);
            resultPairs.add(new ResultPair(result.getString("function").substring("distinctCount_".length()), result.getLong("value")));
        // Sort the dimensions based on their cardinalities
        // Add the top dimensions into inverted index columns
        int numInvertedIndex = Math.min(_maxNumInvertedIndexAdded, resultPairs.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < numInvertedIndex; i++) {
            ResultPair resultPair = resultPairs.get(i);
            String columnName = resultPair._key;
            long cardinality = resultPair._value;
            if (cardinality > _cardinalityThreshold) {
                // Do not append inverted index if already exists
                if (!invertedIndexColumns.contains(columnName)) {
      "Table: {}, add inverted index to column {} with cardinality: {}", tableName, columnName, cardinality);
            } else {
      "Table: {}, skip adding inverted index to column {} with cardinality: {}", tableName, columnName, cardinality);
        // Update indexing config
        if (!invertedIndexColumns.isEmpty()) {
            if (updateIndexConfig(tableName, tableConfig)) {
      "Table: {}, added inverted index to columns: {}", tableName, invertedIndexColumns);
            } else {
                LOGGER.error("Table: {}, failed to add inverted index to columns: {}", tableName, invertedIndexColumns);
        } else {
            if (autoGeneratedInvertedIndex) {
                Preconditions.checkState(_mode == Mode.REFRESH);
                // Remove existing auto-generated inverted index because no column matches all the conditions
                if (updateIndexConfig(tableName, tableConfig)) {
          "Table: {}, removed auto-generated inverted index", tableName);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.error("Table: {}, failed to remove auto-generated inverted index", tableName);
Also used : IndexingConfig(com.linkedin.pinot.common.config.IndexingConfig) Schema( TimeFieldSpec( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) AbstractTableConfig(com.linkedin.pinot.common.config.AbstractTableConfig)


TimeUnit (java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)190 Test (org.junit.Test)28 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)16 IOException ( TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)11 Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)10 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 TimeSpec (com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.TimeSpec)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 TimeValue (org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue)6 DataType ( File ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)5 WaitUntilGatewaySenderFlushedCoordinatorJUnitTest (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.wan.WaitUntilGatewaySenderFlushedCoordinatorJUnitTest)5 IntegrationTest (org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.IntegrationTest)5 TimeGranularity (com.linkedin.thirdeye.api.TimeGranularity)4 GwtIncompatible ( RestException ( Map (java.util.Map)3