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Example 51 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project robovm by robovm.

the class JarFileTest method test_JarFile_Modified_Class.

     * The content of Test.class is modified, jarFile.getInputStream will not
     * throw security Exception, but it will anytime before the inputStream got
     * from getInputStream method has been read to end.
public void test_JarFile_Modified_Class() throws IOException {
    String modifiedJarName = "Modified_Class.jar";
    Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, null, modifiedJarName);
    JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(new File(resources, modifiedJarName), true);
    Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries();
    while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
        ZipEntry zipEntry = entries.nextElement();
    /* The content of Test.class has been tampered. */
    ZipEntry zipEntry = jarFile.getEntry("Test.class");
    InputStream in = jarFile.getInputStream(zipEntry);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    try {
        while (in.available() > 0) {
        fail("SecurityException expected");
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
    // desired
Also used : InputStream( ZipEntry( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) Support_PlatformFile( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File( ZipFile(

Example 52 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project robovm by robovm.

the class JarFileTest method testJarVerificationModifiedEntry.

     * The jar is intact, but the entry object is modified.
public void testJarVerificationModifiedEntry() throws IOException {
    Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, null, integrateJar);
    File f = new File(resources, integrateJar);
    JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(f);
    ZipEntry zipEntry = jarFile.getJarEntry(integrateJarEntry);
    zipEntry.setSize(zipEntry.getSize() + 1);
    jarFile = new JarFile(f);
    zipEntry = jarFile.getJarEntry(integrateJarEntry);
    zipEntry.setSize(zipEntry.getSize() - 1);
    try {
        jarFile.getInputStream(zipEntry).read(new byte[5000], 0, 5000);
        fail("SecurityException expected");
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
    // desired
Also used : ZipEntry( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) Support_PlatformFile( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File( ZipFile(

Example 53 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project robovm by robovm.

the class JarFileTest method test_ConstructorLjava_lang_String.

     * java.util.jar.JarFile#JarFile(java.lang.String)
public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_String() {
    try {
        JarFile jarFile = new JarFile("Wrong.file");
        fail("Should throw IOException");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // expected
    try {
        Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, null, jarName);
        String fileName = (new File(resources, jarName)).getCanonicalPath();
        JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(fileName);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        fail("Should not throw IOException");
Also used : IOException( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) Support_PlatformFile( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File( ZipFile(

Example 54 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project robovm by robovm.

the class JarFileTest method test_JarFile_Modified_Manifest_MainAttributes.

     * In the Modified.jar, the main attributes of META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is
     * tampered manually. Hence the RI 5.0 JarFile.getInputStream of any
     * JarEntry will throw security exception.
public void test_JarFile_Modified_Manifest_MainAttributes() throws IOException {
    String modifiedJarName = "Modified_Manifest_MainAttributes.jar";
    Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, null, modifiedJarName);
    JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(new File(resources, modifiedJarName), true);
    Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries();
    while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
        ZipEntry zipEntry = entries.nextElement();
        try {
            fail("SecurityException expected");
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
        // desired
Also used : ZipEntry( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) Support_PlatformFile( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File( ZipFile(

Example 55 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project robovm by robovm.

the class JarFileTest method test_close.

public void test_close() throws IOException {
    String modifiedJarName = "Modified_SF_EntryAttributes.jar";
    Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, null, modifiedJarName);
    JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(new File(resources, modifiedJarName), true);
    Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries();
// Can not check IOException
Also used : JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) Support_PlatformFile( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File( ZipFile(


JarFile (java.util.jar.JarFile)509 File ( JarEntry (java.util.jar.JarEntry)230 IOException ( URL ( ZipEntry ( InputStream ( Manifest (java.util.jar.Manifest)81 ZipFile ( FileOutputStream ( Test (org.junit.Test)66 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)54 JarURLConnection ( Attributes (java.util.jar.Attributes)43 JarOutputStream (java.util.jar.JarOutputStream)41 MalformedURLException ( FileInputStream ( Support_PlatformFile ( Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)24 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)20