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Example 91 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project liquibase by liquibase.

the class Main method configureClassLoader.

protected void configureClassLoader() throws CommandLineParsingException {
    final List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>();
    if (this.classpath != null) {
        String[] classpath;
        if (isWindows()) {
            classpath = this.classpath.split(";");
        } else {
            classpath = this.classpath.split(":");
        Logger logger = LogFactory.getInstance().getLog();
        for (String classpathEntry : classpath) {
            File classPathFile = new File(classpathEntry);
            if (!classPathFile.exists()) {
                throw new CommandLineParsingException(classPathFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist");
            try {
                if (classpathEntry.endsWith(".war")) {
                    addWarFileClasspathEntries(classPathFile, urls);
                } else if (classpathEntry.endsWith(".ear")) {
                    JarFile earZip = new JarFile(classPathFile);
                    Enumeration<? extends JarEntry> entries = earZip.entries();
                    while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                        JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                        if (entry.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
                            File jar = extract(earZip, entry);
                            URL newUrl = new URL("jar:" + jar.toURI().toURL() + "!/");
                            logger.debug("Adding '" + newUrl + "' to classpath");
                        } else if (entry.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("war")) {
                            File warFile = extract(earZip, entry);
                            addWarFileClasspathEntries(warFile, urls);
                } else {
                    URL newUrl = new File(classpathEntry).toURI().toURL();
                    logger.debug("Adding '" + newUrl + "' to classpath");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new CommandLineParsingException(e);
    if (includeSystemClasspath) {
        classLoader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<URLClassLoader>() {

            public URLClassLoader run() {
                return new URLClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]), Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
    } else {
        classLoader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<URLClassLoader>() {

            public URLClassLoader run() {
                return new URLClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]), null);
    ServiceLocator.getInstance().setResourceAccessor(new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(classLoader));
Also used : Logger(liquibase.logging.Logger) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) URL( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) PrivilegedAction( URLClassLoader( ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(liquibase.resource.ClassLoaderResourceAccessor) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile)

Example 92 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project liquibase by liquibase.

the class Main method addWarFileClasspathEntries.

private void addWarFileClasspathEntries(File classPathFile, List<URL> urls) throws IOException {
    Logger logger = LogFactory.getInstance().getLog();
    URL url = new URL("jar:" + classPathFile.toURI().toURL() + "!/WEB-INF/classes/");"adding '" + url + "' to classpath");
    JarFile warZip = new JarFile(classPathFile);
    Enumeration<? extends JarEntry> entries = warZip.entries();
    while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
        JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
        if (entry.getName().startsWith("WEB-INF/lib") && entry.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
            File jar = extract(warZip, entry);
            URL newUrl = new URL("jar:" + jar.toURI().toURL() + "!/");
  "adding '" + newUrl + "' to classpath");
Also used : Logger(liquibase.logging.Logger) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) URL(

Example 93 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project by linkedin.

the class TestParseqTraceDebugRequestHandler method testStaticContent.

   * Tests the static content retrieval from the parseq trace debug request handler. It enumerates through all
   * files imported into the JAR containing the parseq trace debug request handler, skips the ones that should
   * not be served and verifies the rest can be retrieved. This test makes sure all files we import are actually
   * servicable by the parseq trace debug request handler.
   * @throws IOException
public void testStaticContent() throws IOException {
    ClassLoader classLoader = ParseqTraceDebugRequestHandler.class.getClassLoader();
    //Collect all files under tracevis folder in the jar containing the parseq trace debug request handler.
    Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(ParseqTraceDebugRequestHandler.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class");
    List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>();
    while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
        URL url = resources.nextElement();
        URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();
        if (urlConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) {
            JarURLConnection jarURLConnection = (JarURLConnection) urlConnection;
            JarFile jar = jarURLConnection.getJarFile();
            Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();
            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                JarEntry currentEntry = entries.nextElement();
                if (!currentEntry.isDirectory()) {
                    String entry = currentEntry.getName();
                    if (entry.startsWith("tracevis/")) {
    Assert.assertTrue(files.size() > 0);
    // All other files should be retrievable from the parseq trace debug request handler.
    for (String file : files) {
        final String mimeType = determineMediaType(file);
        final URI uri = URI.create("http://host/abc/12/__debug/parseqtrace/" + file.substring(file.indexOf('/') + 1));
        executeRequestThroughParseqDebugHandler(uri, new RequestExecutionCallback<RestResponse>() {

            public void onError(Throwable e, RequestExecutionReport executionReport, RestLiAttachmentReader requestAttachmentReader, RestLiResponseAttachments responseAttachments) {
      "Static content cannot be retrieved for " + uri.toString());

            public void onSuccess(RestResponse result, RequestExecutionReport executionReport, RestLiResponseAttachments responseAttachments) {
                Assert.assertEquals(result.getHeader(RestConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE), mimeType);
Also used : JarURLConnection( RestResponse( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ByteString( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) URI( URL( URLConnection( JarURLConnection( RestLiAttachmentReader(com.linkedin.restli.common.attachments.RestLiAttachmentReader) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 94 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project JessMA by ldcsaa.

the class PackageHelper method scanResourceNamesByJar.

	 * 在 jar 文件中扫描资源文件
	 * @param url				: jar 文件的 URL
	 * @param basePackagePath	: jar 文件中的包路径
	 * @param recursive			: 是否扫描子目录
	 * @param filter			: 资源文件过滤器,参考:{@link PackageHelper.ResourceFilter}
	 * @param names				: 扫描结果集合
public static final void scanResourceNamesByJar(URL url, String basePackagePath, final boolean recursive, final ResourceFilter filter, Set<String> names) {
    basePackagePath = adjustBasePackagePath(basePackagePath);
    try {
        JarFile jar = ((JarURLConnection) url.openConnection()).getJarFile();
        Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();
        while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
            JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
            String name = entry.getName();
            int nameIndex = name.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEP_CHAR);
            if (entry.isDirectory() || !name.startsWith(basePackagePath))
            if (!recursive && nameIndex != basePackagePath.length())
            String packagePath = (nameIndex != -1 ? name.substring(0, nameIndex) : EMPTY_STR);
            String simpleName = (nameIndex != -1 ? name.substring(nameIndex + 1) : name);
            if (filter != null && !filter.accept(packagePath, simpleName))
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : JarURLConnection( IOException( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry)

Example 95 with JarFile

use of java.util.jar.JarFile in project JessMA by ldcsaa.

the class PackageHelper method scanPackageNamesByJar.

	 * 在 jar 文件中扫描子包
	 * @param url				: jar 文件的 URL
	 * @param basePackagePath	: jar 文件中的包路径
	 * @param filter			: 包过滤器,参考:{@link PackageHelper.PackageFilter}
	 * @param names				: 扫描结果集合
public static final void scanPackageNamesByJar(URL url, String basePackagePath, final PackageFilter filter, Set<String> names) {
    basePackagePath = adjustBasePackagePath(basePackagePath);
    try {
        JarFile jar = ((JarURLConnection) url.openConnection()).getJarFile();
        Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();
        while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
            JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
            String name = entry.getName();
            if (!entry.isDirectory() || !name.startsWith(basePackagePath))
            if (name.endsWith(PATH_SEP_STR))
                name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1);
            if (name.equals(basePackagePath))
            String packageName = name.replace(PATH_SEP_CHAR, PACKAGE_SEP_CHAR);
            if (filter == null || filter.accept(packageName))
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : JarURLConnection( IOException( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry)


JarFile (java.util.jar.JarFile)509 File ( JarEntry (java.util.jar.JarEntry)230 IOException ( URL ( ZipEntry ( InputStream ( Manifest (java.util.jar.Manifest)81 ZipFile ( FileOutputStream ( Test (org.junit.Test)66 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)54 JarURLConnection ( Attributes (java.util.jar.Attributes)43 JarOutputStream (java.util.jar.JarOutputStream)41 MalformedURLException ( FileInputStream ( Support_PlatformFile ( Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)24 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)20