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Example 96 with Node

use of javafx.scene.Node in project Gargoyle by callakrsos.

the class DockPane method undock.

	 * Detach the node from this dock pane removing it from the layout.
	 * @param node The node that is to be removed from this dock pane.
public void undock(DockNode node) {
    DockNodeEventHandler dockNodeEventHandler = dockNodeEventFilters.get(node);
    node.removeEventFilter(DockEvent.DOCK_OVER, dockNodeEventHandler);
    // depth first search to find the parent of the node
    Stack<Parent> findStack = new Stack<Parent>();
    findStack.push((Parent) root);
    while (!findStack.isEmpty()) {
        Parent parent = findStack.pop();
        ObservableList<Node> children = parent.getChildrenUnmodifiable();
        if (parent instanceof SplitPane) {
            SplitPane split = (SplitPane) parent;
            children = split.getItems();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
            if (children.get(i) == node) {
                // start from the root again and remove any SplitPane's with no children in them
                Stack<Parent> clearStack = new Stack<Parent>();
                clearStack.push((Parent) root);
                while (!clearStack.isEmpty()) {
                    parent = clearStack.pop();
                    children = parent.getChildrenUnmodifiable();
                    if (parent instanceof SplitPane) {
                        SplitPane split = (SplitPane) parent;
                        children = split.getItems();
                    for (i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
                        if (children.get(i) instanceof SplitPane) {
                            SplitPane split = (SplitPane) children.get(i);
                            if (split.getItems().size() < 1) {
                            } else {
            } else if (children.get(i) instanceof Parent) {
                findStack.push((Parent) children.get(i));
Also used : Parent(javafx.scene.Parent) Node(javafx.scene.Node) SplitPane(javafx.scene.control.SplitPane) Stack(java.util.Stack)

Example 97 with Node

use of javafx.scene.Node in project Gargoyle by callakrsos.

the class DockPane method dock.

	 * Dock the node into this dock pane at the given docking position relative to the sibling in the
	 * layout. This is used to relatively position the dock nodes to other nodes given their preferred
	 * size.
	 * @param node The node that is to be docked into this dock pane.
	 * @param dockPos The docking position of the node relative to the sibling.
	 * @param sibling The sibling of this node in the layout.
public void dock(Node node, DockPos dockPos, Node sibling) {
    DockNodeEventHandler dockNodeEventHandler = new DockNodeEventHandler(node);
    dockNodeEventFilters.put(node, dockNodeEventHandler);
    node.addEventFilter(DockEvent.DOCK_OVER, dockNodeEventHandler);
    SplitPane split = (SplitPane) root;
    if (split == null) {
        split = new SplitPane();
        root = split;
    // find the parent of the sibling
    if (sibling != null && sibling != root) {
        Stack<Parent> stack = new Stack<Parent>();
        stack.push((Parent) root);
        while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
            Parent parent = stack.pop();
            ObservableList<Node> children = parent.getChildrenUnmodifiable();
            if (parent instanceof SplitPane) {
                SplitPane splitPane = (SplitPane) parent;
                children = splitPane.getItems();
            for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
                if (children.get(i) == sibling) {
                    split = (SplitPane) parent;
                } else if (children.get(i) instanceof Parent) {
                    stack.push((Parent) children.get(i));
    Orientation requestedOrientation = (dockPos == DockPos.LEFT || dockPos == DockPos.RIGHT) ? Orientation.HORIZONTAL : Orientation.VERTICAL;
    // if the orientation is different then reparent the split pane
    if (split.getOrientation() != requestedOrientation) {
        if (split.getItems().size() > 1) {
            SplitPane splitPane = new SplitPane();
            if (split == root && sibling == root) {
                this.getChildren().set(this.getChildren().indexOf(root), splitPane);
                root = splitPane;
            } else {
                split.getItems().set(split.getItems().indexOf(sibling), splitPane);
            split = splitPane;
    // finally dock the node to the correct split pane
    ObservableList<Node> splitItems = split.getItems();
    double magnitude = 0;
    if (splitItems.size() > 0) {
        if (split.getOrientation() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
            for (Node splitItem : splitItems) {
                magnitude += splitItem.prefWidth(0);
        } else {
            for (Node splitItem : splitItems) {
                magnitude += splitItem.prefHeight(0);
    if (dockPos == DockPos.LEFT || dockPos == DockPos.TOP) {
        int relativeIndex = 0;
        if (sibling != null && sibling != root) {
            relativeIndex = splitItems.indexOf(sibling);
        splitItems.add(relativeIndex, node);
        if (splitItems.size() > 1) {
            if (split.getOrientation() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
                split.setDividerPosition(relativeIndex, node.prefWidth(0) / (magnitude + node.prefWidth(0)));
            } else {
                split.setDividerPosition(relativeIndex, node.prefHeight(0) / (magnitude + node.prefHeight(0)));
    } else if (dockPos == DockPos.RIGHT || dockPos == DockPos.BOTTOM) {
        int relativeIndex = splitItems.size();
        if (sibling != null && sibling != root) {
            relativeIndex = splitItems.indexOf(sibling) + 1;
        splitItems.add(relativeIndex, node);
        if (splitItems.size() > 1) {
            if (split.getOrientation() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
                split.setDividerPosition(relativeIndex - 1, 1 - node.prefWidth(0) / (magnitude + node.prefWidth(0)));
            } else {
                split.setDividerPosition(relativeIndex - 1, 1 - node.prefHeight(0) / (magnitude + node.prefHeight(0)));
Also used : Parent(javafx.scene.Parent) Node(javafx.scene.Node) SplitPane(javafx.scene.control.SplitPane) Orientation(javafx.geometry.Orientation) Stack(java.util.Stack)

Example 98 with Node

use of javafx.scene.Node in project Gargoyle by callakrsos.

the class DockTitleBar method pickEventTarget.

	 * Traverse the scene graph for all open stages and pick an event target for
	 * a dock event based on the location. Once the event target is chosen run
	 * the event task with the target and the previous target of the last dock
	 * event if one is cached. If an event target is not found fire the explicit
	 * dock event on the stage root if one is provided.
	 * @param location
	 *            The location of the dock event in screen coordinates.
	 * @param eventTask
	 *            The event task to be run when the event target is found.
	 * @param explicit
	 *            The explicit event to be fired on the stage root when no event
	 *            target is found.
private void pickEventTarget(Point2D location, EventTask eventTask, Event explicit) {
    // RFE for public scene graph traversal API filed but closed:
    ObservableList<Stage> stages = FXCollections.unmodifiableObservableList(StageHelper.getStages());
    // fire the dock over event for the active stages
    for (Stage targetStage : stages) {
        // this continue behavior can be removed
        if (targetStage == this.dockNode.getStage())
        Node dragNode = dragNodes.get(targetStage);
        Parent root = targetStage.getScene().getRoot();
        Stack<Parent> stack = new Stack<Parent>();
        if (root.contains(root.screenToLocal(location.getX(), location.getY())) && !root.isMouseTransparent()) {
        // that intersects the point of interest
        while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
            Parent parent = stack.pop();
            // if this parent contains the mouse click in screen coordinates
            // in its local bounds
            // then traverse its children
            boolean notFired = true;
            for (Node node : parent.getChildrenUnmodifiable()) {
                if (node.contains(node.screenToLocal(location.getX(), location.getY())) && !node.isMouseTransparent()) {
                    if (node instanceof Parent) {
                        stack.push((Parent) node);
                    } else {
              , dragNode);
                    notFired = false;
            // fire it with the parent as the target to receive the event
            if (notFired) {
      , dragNode);
        if (explicit != null && dragNode != null && eventTask.getExecutions() < 1) {
            Event.fireEvent(dragNode, explicit.copyFor(this, dragNode));
            dragNodes.put(targetStage, null);
Also used : Parent(javafx.scene.Parent) Node(javafx.scene.Node) Stage(javafx.stage.Stage) Stack(java.util.Stack)

Example 99 with Node

use of javafx.scene.Node in project Gargoyle by callakrsos.

the class AbstractGoogleTrendChart method action.

	 * @작성자 : KYJ
	 * @작성일 : 2016. 11. 4.
private void action() {
    Line e = new Line();
    //		getChildren().add(e);
    Text label = new Text("               \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n     ");
    //		label.setStyle("-fx-fill:red");
    //		StackPane s = new StackPane(label);
    VBox s = new VBox(label);
    //		s.getStyleClass().add("google-chart-guide-box");
    //		s.setStyle("-fx-background-color : green;");
    s.setPadding(new Insets(10));
    s.setBorder(new Border(new BorderStroke(Color.GREEN, BorderStrokeStyle.DASHED, CornerRadii.EMPTY, new BorderWidths(3d))));
    s.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.GREEN, CornerRadii.EMPTY, new Insets(5))));
    this.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, ev -> {
        if (ev.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) {
            List<Node> collect = lookupAll(".chart-line-symbol").stream().filter(v -> v != null).filter(n -> {
                if (n instanceof StackPane) {
                    StackPane sp = (StackPane) n;
                    if (e.intersects(n.getBoundsInParent())) {
                        return true;
                return false;
            }).filter(v -> v.getUserData() != null).collect(Collectors.toList());
            if (!collect.isEmpty()) {
                GoogleTrendChartEvent intersectNodeClickEvent = new GoogleTrendChartEvent(this, GoogleTrendChartEvent.NULL_SOURCE_TARGET, GoogleTrendChartEvent.GOOGLE_CHART_INTERSECT_NODE_CLICK, ev.getX(), ev.getY(), ev.getScreenX(), ev.getScreenY(), null, ev.getClickCount(), collect);
                Event.fireEvent(this, intersectNodeClickEvent);
    this.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED, ev -> {
        double sceneX = Math.abs(getYAxis().getLayoutX() + getYAxis().getWidth() - ev.getX() - getYAxis().getPadding().getLeft() - getYAxis().getPadding().getRight() - getYAxis().getInsets().getLeft() - getYAxis().getInsets().getRight());
        Optional<String> reduce = lookupAll(".chart-line-symbol").stream().filter(v -> v != null).filter(n -> {
            if (n instanceof StackPane) {
                StackPane sp = (StackPane) n;
                if (e.intersects(n.getBoundsInParent())) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        }).filter(v -> v.getUserData() != null).map(v -> v.getUserData().toString()).reduce((a, b) -> {
            return a + "\n" + b;
        if (reduce.isPresent()) {
            if ((label.getBoundsInParent().getWidth() + label.getBoundsInParent().getMaxX() + sceneX) > this.getWidth()) {
                s.setLayoutX(sceneX - label.getBoundsInParent().getWidth() - label.getBoundsInParent().getMinX());
            } else {
            if ((label.getBoundsInParent().getMaxY() + label.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight() + ev.getSceneY()) > getYAxis().getBoundsInParent().getMaxY()) {
                s.setLayoutY(getYAxis().getBoundsInParent().getMaxY() - label.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight() - label.getBoundsInParent().getMaxY());
            } else {
        } else
Also used : MouseButton(javafx.scene.input.MouseButton) SimpleStringProperty( MouseEvent(javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent) IGargoyleChartAdapter(com.kyj.fx.voeditor.visual.framework.adapter.IGargoyleChartAdapter) FXCollections(javafx.collections.FXCollections) StackPane(javafx.scene.layout.StackPane) VBox(javafx.scene.layout.VBox) LineChart(javafx.scene.chart.LineChart) Line(javafx.scene.shape.Line) Insets(javafx.geometry.Insets) BorderWidths(javafx.scene.layout.BorderWidths) BackgroundFill(javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill) Color(javafx.scene.paint.Color) ObjectProperty( Node(javafx.scene.Node) Border(javafx.scene.layout.Border) Event(javafx.event.Event) Rectangle(javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle) ValueUtil(com.kyj.fx.voeditor.visual.util.ValueUtil) CategoryAxis(javafx.scene.chart.CategoryAxis) Collectors( Background(javafx.scene.layout.Background) BorderStrokeStyle(javafx.scene.layout.BorderStrokeStyle) BorderStroke(javafx.scene.layout.BorderStroke) Platform(javafx.application.Platform) Text(javafx.scene.text.Text) List(java.util.List) SimpleObjectProperty( Optional(java.util.Optional) ObservableList(javafx.collections.ObservableList) NumberAxis(javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis) StringProperty( CornerRadii(javafx.scene.layout.CornerRadii) Insets(javafx.geometry.Insets) Background(javafx.scene.layout.Background) BackgroundFill(javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill) Node(javafx.scene.Node) Text(javafx.scene.text.Text) Line(javafx.scene.shape.Line) BorderWidths(javafx.scene.layout.BorderWidths) BorderStroke(javafx.scene.layout.BorderStroke) VBox(javafx.scene.layout.VBox) Border(javafx.scene.layout.Border) StackPane(javafx.scene.layout.StackPane)

Example 100 with Node

use of javafx.scene.Node in project Gargoyle by callakrsos.

the class AttachedTextValuePieChart method layoutChartChildren.

/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see javafx.scene.chart.PieChart#layoutChartChildren(double, double, double, double)
protected void layoutChartChildren(double top, double left, double contentWidth, double contentHeight) {
    if (getLabelsVisible()) {
        getData().forEach(d -> {
            if (tooltipConverter != null || customAction != null) {
                d.getNode().lookupAll(".chart-pie").stream().forEach(v -> {
                    if (tooltipConverter != null)
                        FxUtil.installTooltip(v, tooltipConverter.toString(d));
                    if (customAction != null) {
                        customAction.accept(d, v);
            if (labelConverter != null) {
                Optional<Node> opTextNode = this.lookupAll(".chart-pie-label").stream().filter(n -> n instanceof Text && ((Text) n).getText().contains(d.getName())).findAny();
                if (opTextNode.isPresent()) {
                    Text text = (Text) opTextNode.get();
    //			Legend legend = (Legend) getLegend();
    //			legend.getItems().forEach(item->{
    //				item.
    //			});
    //			if (isLegendVisible() && seriesLegendLabelCustomAction != null) {
    //				this.lookupAll(".chart-legend-item").stream().forEach(v -> {
    //					System.out.println(v);
    //				});
    //			}
    super.layoutChartChildren(top, left, contentWidth, contentHeight);
Also used : Text(javafx.scene.text.Text) FxUtil(com.kyj.fx.voeditor.visual.util.FxUtil) PieChart(javafx.scene.chart.PieChart) Legend(com.sun.javafx.charts.Legend) Node(javafx.scene.Node) BiConsumer(java.util.function.BiConsumer) Optional(java.util.Optional) StringConverter(javafx.util.StringConverter) Node(javafx.scene.Node) Text(javafx.scene.text.Text)


Node (javafx.scene.Node)118 Label (javafx.scene.control.Label)18 Stage (javafx.stage.Stage)17 Parent (javafx.scene.Parent)16 Button (javafx.scene.control.Button)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 ObservableList (javafx.collections.ObservableList)14 FXML (javafx.fxml.FXML)14 List (java.util.List)12 BorderPane (javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane)12 HBox (javafx.scene.layout.HBox)11 IOException ( Platform (javafx.application.Platform)10 Insets (javafx.geometry.Insets)10 Color (javafx.scene.paint.Color)10 FXCollections (javafx.collections.FXCollections)9 MouseEvent (javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent)9 VBox (javafx.scene.layout.VBox)9 FadeTransition (javafx.animation.FadeTransition)8 MenuItem (javafx.scene.control.MenuItem)8