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Example 41 with Nonnull

use of javax.annotation.Nonnull in project Railcraft by Railcraft.

the class InvTools method findMatchingItems.

     * Returns all items from the inventory that match the
     * filter, but does not remove them.
     * The resulting set will be populated with a single instance of each item type.
     * @param inv    the inventory    The inventory
     * @param filter EnumItemType to match against
     * @return A Set of ItemStacks
public static Set<StackKey> findMatchingItems(IInventoryComposite inv, Predicate<ItemStack> filter) {
    Set<StackKey> items = CollectionTools.createItemStackSet();
    for (IInventoryObject inventoryObject : inv) {
        for (IInvSlot slot : InventoryIterator.getRailcraft(inventoryObject)) {
            ItemStack stack = slot.getStack();
            if (!isEmpty(stack) && filter.test(stack)) {
                stack = stack.copy();
                stack.stackSize = 1;
    return items;
Also used : IInvSlot(mods.railcraft.common.util.inventory.iterators.IInvSlot) IInventoryObject(mods.railcraft.common.util.inventory.wrappers.IInventoryObject) StackKey(mods.railcraft.common.util.collections.StackKey) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 42 with Nonnull

use of javax.annotation.Nonnull in project Overloaded by CJ-MC-Mods.

the class ItemEnergyShield method onItemUse.

public EnumActionResult onItemUse(EntityPlayer player, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) {
    if (!worldIn.isRemote) {
        System.out.println("On Item Use");
        IHyperHandlerEnergy handler = player.getHeldItem(hand).getCapability(HYPER_ENERGY_HANDLER, null);
        LongEnergyStack energy = handler.take(new LongEnergyStack(constantUseCost), true);
        if (energy.amount == constantUseCost) {
            System.out.println("On Item Use Success");
            return EnumActionResult.SUCCESS;
        return EnumActionResult.FAIL;
    return EnumActionResult.PASS;
Also used : LongEnergyStack( IHyperHandlerEnergy( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 43 with Nonnull

use of javax.annotation.Nonnull in project Overloaded by CJ-MC-Mods.

the class AbstractBlockInfiniteContainer method getDrops.

public final List<ItemStack> getDrops(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, @Nonnull IBlockState state, int fortune) {
    IHyperType stack = getHyperStack(world, pos);
    if (stack != null && stack.getAmount() != 0) {
        ItemStack toDrop = new ItemStack(this, 1);
        NBTTagCompound compound = new NBTTagCompound();
        return Collections.singletonList(toDrop);
    return super.getDrops(world, pos, state, fortune);
Also used : NBTTagCompound(net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) IHyperType( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 44 with Nonnull

use of javax.annotation.Nonnull in project Overloaded by CJ-MC-Mods.

the class ItemMultiTool method breakAndUseEnergy.

     * @return True if the break was successful, false otherwise
private BlockResult breakAndUseEnergy(@Nonnull World worldIn, @Nonnull BlockPos blockPos, @Nonnull IEnergyStorage energy, EntityPlayerMP player, int efficiency, int unbreaking) {
    IBlockState state = worldIn.getBlockState(blockPos);
    if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
        float hardness = state.getBlockHardness(worldIn, blockPos);
        if (hardness < 0) {
            return BlockResult.FAIL_UNBREAKABLE;
        float floatBreakCost = getBreakCost(hardness, efficiency, unbreaking, getDistance(player, blockPos));
        if (Float.isInfinite(floatBreakCost) || Float.isNaN(floatBreakCost))
            return BlockResult.FAIL_ENERGY;
        int breakCost = Math.round(floatBreakCost);
        if (breakCost < 0 || energy.getEnergyStored() < breakCost) {
            return BlockResult.FAIL_ENERGY;
    BlockEvent.BreakEvent event = new BlockEvent.BreakEvent(worldIn, blockPos, state, player);;
    if (event.isCanceled())
        return BlockResult.FAIL_REMOVE;
    boolean result = PlayerInteractionUtil.tryHarvestBlock(player, worldIn, blockPos);
    return result ? BlockResult.SUCCESS : BlockResult.FAIL_REMOVE;
Also used : IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) BlockEvent( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 45 with Nonnull

use of javax.annotation.Nonnull in project Overloaded by CJ-MC-Mods.

the class LongItemStorage method take.

public LongItemStack take(@Nonnull LongItemStack stack, boolean doAction) {
    if (longItemStack.getItemStack() == null)
        return LongItemStack.EMPTY_STACK;
    long result = Math.min(stack.getAmount(), longItemStack.getAmount());
    LongItemStack toReturn = new LongItemStack(longItemStack.getItemStack(), result);
    if (doAction) {
        if (longItemStack.getAmount() == 0L)
    return toReturn;
Also used : LongItemStack( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)


Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)2624 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)338 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)336 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)327 List (java.util.List)305 Map (java.util.Map)229 Layer (com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.Layer)188 Tensor (com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.Tensor)185 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)182 Collectors ( IOException ( JsonObject ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)145 IntStream ( Test (org.junit.Test)143 LoggerFactory (org.slf4j.LoggerFactory)138 Logger (org.slf4j.Logger)137 Result (com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.Result)130 TensorList (com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.TensorList)123 DeltaSet (com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.DeltaSet)111