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Example 71 with EJBException

use of javax.ejb.EJBException in project Payara by payara.

the class ActiveTxCache method removeBean.

 * container.preInvoke() must already be done.
 * So this will be called with the proper Tx context.
 * @exception RemoveException if an error occurs while removing the bean
protected void removeBean(EjbInvocation inv) throws RemoveException {
    try {
        ejbProbeNotifier.ejbBeanDestroyedEvent(getContainerId(), containerInfo.appName, containerInfo.modName, containerInfo.ejbName);
        // Note: if there are concurrent invocations/transactions in
        // progress for this ejbObject, they will be serialized along with
        // this remove by the database. So we optimistically do ejbRemove.
        // call ejbRemove on the EJB
        // the EJB is allowed to veto the remove by throwing RemoveException
        EntityBean ejb = (EntityBean) inv.ejb;
        EntityContextImpl context = (EntityContextImpl) inv.context;
        callEJBRemove(ejb, context);
        // inv.ejbObject could be a EJBObject or a EJBLocalObject
        Object primaryKey = getInvocationKey(inv);
        if (isRemote) {
        if (isLocal) {
            // Remove the EJBLocalObject from ejbLocalObjectStore
        // Mark EJB as removed. Now releaseContext will add bean to pool
        containerStateManager.markObjectRemoved(context, true);
        // Remove any timers for this entity bean identity.
    } catch (RemoveException ex) {
        if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "entitybean.container.local_remove_exception", logParams);
            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "", ex);
        throw ex;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "entitybean.container.remove_bean_exception", logParams);
            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "", ex);
        throw new EJBException(ex);
Also used : RemoveException(javax.ejb.RemoveException) EntityBean(javax.ejb.EntityBean) EJBLocalObject(javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject) EJBObject(javax.ejb.EJBObject) EJBLocalRemoteObject(com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalRemoteObject) EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) NoSuchEntityException(javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException) RemoveException(javax.ejb.RemoveException) RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) FinderException(javax.ejb.FinderException) SystemException(javax.transaction.SystemException) CreateException(javax.ejb.CreateException) NoSuchObjectLocalException(javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException)

Example 72 with EJBException

use of javax.ejb.EJBException in project Payara by payara.

the class ActiveTxCache method _getContext.

 * Called from BaseContainer.preInvoke which is called from the EJBObject
 * for local and remote invocations, and from the EJBHome for create/find.
protected ComponentContext _getContext(EjbInvocation inv) {
    if (inv.invocationInfo.isCreateHomeFinder) {
        // create*, find*, home methods
        // Note: even though CMP finders dont need an instance,
        // we still return a pooled instance, so that the Tx demarcation
        // in BaseContainer.pre+postInvoke can work.
        // get any pooled EJB
        EntityContextImpl context = getPooledEJB();
        // we're sure that no concurrent thread can be using this
        // context, so no need to synchronize.
        if (inv.invocationInfo.startsWithCreate)
            preCreate(inv, context);
        else if (inv.invocationInfo.startsWithFind)
            preFind(inv, context);
        return context;
    // If we came here, it means this is a business method
    // and there is an EJBObject/LocalObject.
    // If we would invoke the EJB with the client's Tx,
    // try to get an EJB with that incomplete Tx.
    EntityContextImpl context = null;
    if (willInvokeWithClientTx(inv))
        context = getEJBWithIncompleteTx(inv);
    if (context == null)
        context = getReadyEJB(inv);
    synchronized (context) {
        if (context.isInState(BeanState.INVOKING) && !isReentrant)
            throw new EJBException("EJB is already executing another request");
        if (context.isInState(BeanState.POOLED) || context.isInState(BeanState.DESTROYED)) {
            // this is an internal error.
            throw new EJBException("Internal error: unknown EJB state");
    // A business method may modify the bean's state
    return context;
Also used : EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException)

Example 73 with EJBException

use of javax.ejb.EJBException in project Payara by payara.

the class ActiveTxCache method getEJBObjectStub.

// called from postFind, getEJBObjectForPrimaryKey,
// EntityContextImpl.getEJBObject()
EJBObject getEJBObjectStub(Object primaryKey, byte[] streamKey) {
    // check if the EJBObject exists in the store.
    try {
        EJBObjectImpl ejbObjImpl = (EJBObjectImpl) ejbObjectStore.get(primaryKey);
        if ((ejbObjImpl != null) && (ejbObjImpl.getStub() != null)) {
            return (EJBObject) ejbObjImpl.getStub();
        // create a new stub without creating the EJBObject itself
        if (streamKey == null) {
            streamKey = EJBUtils.serializeObject(primaryKey, false);
        EJBObject ejbStub = (EJBObject) remoteHomeRefFactory.createRemoteReference(streamKey);
        return ejbStub;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        _logger.log(Level.FINE, "", ex);
        throw new EJBException(ex);
Also used : EJBObject(javax.ejb.EJBObject) EJBObjectImpl(com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBObjectImpl) EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) NoSuchEntityException(javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException) RemoveException(javax.ejb.RemoveException) RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) FinderException(javax.ejb.FinderException) SystemException(javax.transaction.SystemException) CreateException(javax.ejb.CreateException) NoSuchObjectLocalException(javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException)

Example 74 with EJBException

use of javax.ejb.EJBException in project Payara by payara.

the class ActiveTxCache method activateEJBFromPool.

 * Called from getContext and getEJBWithIncompleteTx
 * Get an EJB in the ready state (i.e. which is not doing any
 * invocations and doesnt have any incomplete Tx), for the
 * ejbObject provided in the EjbInvocation.
 * Concurrent invocations should get *different* instances.
protected EntityContextImpl activateEJBFromPool(Object primaryKey, EjbInvocation inv) {
    EntityContextImpl context = null;
    // get a pooled EJB and activate it.
    context = getPooledEJB();
    // set EJBObject/LocalObject for the context
    if (inv.isLocal) {
        EJBLocalObjectImpl localObjImpl = internalGetEJBLocalObjectImpl(primaryKey, true);
        containerStateManager.attachObject(inv, context, null, localObjImpl);
    // No need to create/set EJBObject if this EJB isRemote too.
    // This saves remote object creation overhead.
    // The EJBObject and stub will get created lazily if needed
    // when EntityContext.getEJBObjectImpl is called.
    } else {
        // remote EjbInvocation
        EJBObjectImpl ejbObjImpl = internalGetEJBObjectImpl(primaryKey, null, true);
        containerStateManager.attachObject(inv, context, ejbObjImpl, null);
        if (isLocal) {
            // Create EJBLocalObject so EntityContext methods work
            containerStateManager.attachObject(inv, context, null, internalGetEJBLocalObjectImpl(primaryKey, true));
    EntityBean ejb = (EntityBean) context.getEJB();
    EjbInvocation inv2 = super.createEjbInvocation(ejb, context);
    inv2.method = ejbActivateMethod;
    try {
    // Note: ejbLoad will be called during preInvokeTx
    // since this EJB instance is being associated with
    // a Tx for the first time.
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        // Error during ejbActivate, discard bean: EJB2.0 18.3.3
        throw new EJBException(ex);
    } finally {
    // recycler.initSoftRef(context);
    return context;
Also used : EJBLocalObjectImpl(com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalObjectImpl) EjbInvocation(com.sun.ejb.EjbInvocation) EntityBean(javax.ejb.EntityBean) EJBObjectImpl(com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBObjectImpl) EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) NoSuchEntityException(javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException) RemoveException(javax.ejb.RemoveException) RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) FinderException(javax.ejb.FinderException) SystemException(javax.transaction.SystemException) CreateException(javax.ejb.CreateException) NoSuchObjectLocalException(javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException)

Example 75 with EJBException

use of javax.ejb.EJBException in project Payara by payara.

the class ReadOnlyBeanContainer method forceDestroyBean.

protected void forceDestroyBean(EJBContextImpl context) {
    try {
        ReadOnlyContextImpl readOnlyCtx = (ReadOnlyContextImpl) context;
        if (readOnlyCtx.getReadOnlyBeanInfo() != null) {
            robCache.remove(readOnlyCtx.getPrimaryKey(), true);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "entitybean.container.forceDestroyBean", ex);
        EJBException ejbEx = new EJBException();
        throw ejbEx;
    } finally {
Also used : EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) FinderException(javax.ejb.FinderException) NoSuchEntityException(javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException) RemoveException(javax.ejb.RemoveException) RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) EJBException(javax.ejb.EJBException) CreateException(javax.ejb.CreateException) NoSuchObjectLocalException(javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException)


EJBException (javax.ejb.EJBException)169 CreateException (javax.ejb.CreateException)51 RemoteException (java.rmi.RemoteException)45 RemoveException (javax.ejb.RemoveException)40 InitialContext (javax.naming.InitialContext)40 NoSuchObjectLocalException (javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException)37 SystemException (javax.transaction.SystemException)37 FinderException (javax.ejb.FinderException)30 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)24 OpenEJBException (org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException)24 EJBObject (javax.ejb.EJBObject)18 NoSuchEntityException (javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException)17 IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)16 EjbInvocation (com.sun.ejb.EjbInvocation)14 ConcurrentAccessException (javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessException)14 IllegalLoopbackException (javax.ejb.IllegalLoopbackException)14 NamingException (javax.naming.NamingException)14 NotSerializableException ( ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException (javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException)13