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Example 21 with GET

use of in project zeppelin by apache.

the class NotebookRestApi method getCronJob.

   * Get cron job REST API
   * @param noteId ID of Note
   * @return JSON with status.OK
   * @throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
public Response getCronJob(@PathParam("noteId") String noteId) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {"Get cron job note {}", noteId);
    Note note = notebook.getNote(noteId);
    checkIfUserCanRead(noteId, "Insufficient privileges you cannot get cron information");
    return new JsonResponse<>(Status.OK, note.getConfig().get("cron")).build();
Also used : Note(org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.Note) Path( ZeppelinApi(org.apache.zeppelin.annotation.ZeppelinApi) GET(

Example 22 with GET

use of in project zeppelin by apache.

the class InterpreterRestApi method getMetaInfo.

   * get the metainfo property value
public Response getMetaInfo(@Context HttpServletRequest req, @PathParam("settingId") String settingId) {
    String propName = req.getParameter("propName");
    if (propName == null) {
        return new JsonResponse<>(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();
    String propValue = null;
    InterpreterSetting interpreterSetting = interpreterSettingManager.get(settingId);
    Map<String, String> infos = interpreterSetting.getInfos();
    if (infos != null) {
        propValue = infos.get(propName);
    Map<String, String> respMap = new HashMap<>();
    respMap.put(propName, propValue);
    logger.debug("Get meta info");
    logger.debug("Interpretersetting Id: {}, property Name:{}, property value: {}", settingId, propName, propValue);
    return new JsonResponse<>(Status.OK, respMap).build();
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) InterpreterSetting(org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterSetting) Path( GET(

Example 23 with GET

use of in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class UserServiceLegacy method userSerivceRequest.

public Response userSerivceRequest() throws IOException {
    // Printwriter for writing out responses to browser
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    if (!plugin.getAllowedIPs().isEmpty()) {
        // Get client's IP address
        String ipAddress = request.getHeader("x-forwarded-for");
        if (ipAddress == null) {
            ipAddress = request.getHeader("X_FORWARDED_FOR");
            if (ipAddress == null) {
                ipAddress = request.getHeader("X-Forward-For");
                if (ipAddress == null) {
                    ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr();
        if (!plugin.getAllowedIPs().contains(ipAddress)) {
            Log.warn("User service rejected service to IP address: " + ipAddress);
            replyError("RequestNotAuthorised", response, out);
            return Response.status(200).build();
    String username = request.getParameter("username");
    String password = request.getParameter("password");
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    String email = request.getParameter("email");
    String type = request.getParameter("type");
    String secret = request.getParameter("secret");
    String groupNames = request.getParameter("groups");
    String item_jid = request.getParameter("item_jid");
    String sub = request.getParameter("subscription");
    // Check that our plugin is enabled.
    if (!plugin.isEnabled()) {
        Log.warn("User service plugin is disabled: " + request.getQueryString());
        replyError("UserServiceDisabled", response, out);
        return Response.status(200).build();
    // Check this request is authorised
    if (secret == null || !secret.equals(plugin.getSecret())) {
        Log.warn("An unauthorised user service request was received: " + request.getQueryString());
        replyError("RequestNotAuthorised", response, out);
        return Response.status(200).build();
    // Some checking is required on the username
    if (username == null && !"grouplist".equals(type)) {
        replyError("IllegalArgumentException", response, out);
        return Response.status(200).build();
    if ((type.equals("add_roster") || type.equals("update_roster") || type.equals("delete_roster")) && (item_jid == null || !(sub == null || sub.equals("-1") || sub.equals("0") || sub.equals("1") || sub.equals("2") || sub.equals("3")))) {
        replyError("IllegalArgumentException", response, out);
        return Response.status(200).build();
    // Check the request type and process accordingly
    try {
        if ("grouplist".equals(type)) {
            String message = "";
            for (String groupname : userServiceController.getAllGroups()) {
                message += "<groupname>" + groupname + "</groupname>";
            replyMessage(message, response, out);
        } else {
            username = username.trim().toLowerCase();
            username = JID.escapeNode(username);
            username = Stringprep.nodeprep(username);
            if ("add".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.createUser(username, password, name, email, groupNames);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("delete".equals(type)) {
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("enable".equals(type)) {
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("disable".equals(type)) {
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("update".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.updateUser(username, password, name, email, groupNames);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("add_roster".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.addRosterItem(username, item_jid, name, sub, groupNames);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("update_roster".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.updateRosterItem(username, item_jid, name, sub, groupNames);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("delete_roster".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.deleteRosterItem(username, item_jid);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("usergrouplist".equals(type)) {
                String message = "";
                for (String groupname : userServiceController.getUserGroups(username)) {
                    message += "<groupname>" + groupname + "</groupname>";
                replyMessage(message, response, out);
            } else {
                Log.warn("The userService servlet received an invalid request of type: " + type);
            // TODO Do something
    } catch (UserAlreadyExistsException e) {
        replyError("UserAlreadyExistsException", response, out);
    } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
        replyError("UserNotFoundException", response, out);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        replyError("IllegalArgumentException", response, out);
    } catch (SharedGroupException e) {
        replyError("SharedGroupException", response, out);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.error("Error: ", e);
        replyError(e.toString(), response, out);
    return Response.status(200).build();
Also used : UserNotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException) SharedGroupException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.SharedGroupException) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException) IOException( UserNotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException) SharedGroupException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.SharedGroupException) PrintWriter( Path( GET(

Example 24 with GET

use of in project pinot by linkedin.

the class TableSizeResource method getTableSize.

@ApiOperation(value = "Show table storage size", notes = "Lists size of all the segments of the table")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Table not found") })
public TableSizeInfo getTableSize(@ApiParam(value = "Table Name with type", required = true) @PathParam("tableName") String tableName, @ApiParam(value = "Provide detailed information", required = false) @DefaultValue("true") @QueryParam("detailed") boolean detailed) throws WebApplicationException {
    InstanceDataManager dataManager = (InstanceDataManager) serverInstance.getInstanceDataManager();
    if (dataManager == null) {
        throw new WebApplicationException("Invalid server initialization", Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
    TableDataManager tableDataManager = dataManager.getTableDataManager(tableName);
    if (tableDataManager == null) {
        throw new WebApplicationException("Table: " + tableName + " is not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
    TableSizeInfo tableSizeInfo = new TableSizeInfo();
    tableSizeInfo.tableName = tableDataManager.getTableName();
    tableSizeInfo.diskSizeInBytes = 0L;
    ImmutableList<SegmentDataManager> segmentDataManagers = tableDataManager.acquireAllSegments();
    try {
        for (SegmentDataManager segmentDataManager : segmentDataManagers) {
            IndexSegment segment = segmentDataManager.getSegment();
            long segmentSizeBytes = segment.getDiskSizeBytes();
            if (detailed) {
                SegmentSizeInfo segmentSizeInfo = new SegmentSizeInfo(segment.getSegmentName(), segmentSizeBytes);
            tableSizeInfo.diskSizeInBytes += segmentSizeBytes;
    } finally {
        // executes fast so duration of holding segments is not a concern
        for (SegmentDataManager segmentDataManager : segmentDataManagers) {
    //invalid to use the segmentDataManagers below
    return tableSizeInfo;
Also used : SegmentDataManager( WebApplicationException( IndexSegment(com.linkedin.pinot.core.indexsegment.IndexSegment) TableDataManager( InstanceDataManager( SegmentSizeInfo(com.linkedin.pinot.common.restlet.resources.SegmentSizeInfo) TableSizeInfo(com.linkedin.pinot.common.restlet.resources.TableSizeInfo) Path( Produces( GET( ApiOperation(io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation) ApiResponses(io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses)

Example 25 with GET

use of in project pinot by linkedin.

the class TablesResource method listTableSegments.

@ApiOperation(value = "List table segments", notes = "List segments of table hosted on this server")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success", response = TableSegments.class), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Server initialization error", response = ErrorInfo.class) })
public TableSegments listTableSegments(@ApiParam(value = "Table name including type", required = true, example = "myTable_OFFLINE") @PathParam("tableName") String tableName) {
    TableDataManager tableDataManager = checkGetTableDataManager(tableName);
    ImmutableList<SegmentDataManager> segmentDataManagers = tableDataManager.acquireAllSegments();
    List<String> segments = new ArrayList<>(segmentDataManagers.size());
    for (SegmentDataManager segmentDataManager : segmentDataManagers) {
    return new TableSegments(segments);
Also used : TableSegments(com.linkedin.pinot.common.restlet.resources.TableSegments) SegmentDataManager( TableDataManager( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Path( Produces( GET( ApiOperation(io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation) ApiResponses(io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses)


GET ( Path ( Produces ( ApiOperation (io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation)709 ApiResponses (io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses)558 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)468 IOException ( Response ( WebApplicationException ( Consumes ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)242 List (java.util.List)231 URI ( Map (java.util.Map)202 CheckPermission ( Timed (com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed)195 TimedResource (org.killbill.commons.metrics.TimedResource)121 TenantContext (org.killbill.billing.util.callcontext.TenantContext)117 MediaType ( ApiResponse (io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse)111