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Example 6 with LifecycleStrategy

use of org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy in project camel by apache.

the class DefaultCamelContext method doStop.

protected synchronized void doStop() throws Exception {
    stopWatch.restart();"Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") is shutting down");
    // stop route inputs in the same order as they was started so we stop the very first inputs first
    try {
        // force shutting down routes as they may otherwise cause shutdown to hang
        shutdownStrategy.shutdownForced(this, getRouteStartupOrder());
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        log.warn("Error occurred while shutting down routes. This exception will be ignored.", e);
    // shutdown await manager to trigger interrupt of blocked threads to attempt to free these threads graceful
    shutdownServices(getRouteStartupOrder().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(RouteStartupOrder::getStartupOrder).reversed()).map(DefaultRouteStartupOrder.class::cast).map(DefaultRouteStartupOrder::getRouteService).collect(Collectors.toList()), false);
    // do not clear route services or startup listeners as we can start Camel again and get the route back as before
    // but clear any suspend routes
    // which we need to stop after the routes, as a POJO consumer is essentially a route also
    for (Service service : servicesToStop) {
        if (service instanceof Consumer) {
    // shutdown default error handler thread pool
    if (errorHandlerExecutorService != null) {
        // force shutting down the thread pool
        errorHandlerExecutorService = null;
    // shutdown debugger
    try {
        for (LifecycleStrategy strategy : lifecycleStrategies) {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        log.warn("Error occurred while stopping lifecycle strategies. This exception will be ignored.", e);
    // shutdown services as late as possible
    // must notify that we are stopped before stopping the management strategy
    // stop the notifier service
    for (EventNotifier notifier : getManagementStrategy().getEventNotifiers()) {
    // shutdown executor service and management as the last one
    // do not clear lifecycleStrategies as we can start Camel again and get the route back as before
    // stop the lazy created so they can be re-created on restart
    // stop to clear introspection cache
    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") uptime {}", getUptime());"Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") is shutdown in " + TimeUtils.printDuration(stopWatch.taken()));
    // and clear start date
    startDate = null;
    // [TODO] Remove in 3.0
Also used : PollingConsumer(org.apache.camel.PollingConsumer) Consumer(org.apache.camel.Consumer) LifecycleStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy) EventNotifier(org.apache.camel.spi.EventNotifier) Service(org.apache.camel.Service) StatefulService(org.apache.camel.StatefulService) ScheduledExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService) SuspendableService(org.apache.camel.SuspendableService) RouteStartupOrder(org.apache.camel.spi.RouteStartupOrder)

Example 7 with LifecycleStrategy

use of org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy in project camel by apache.

the class DefaultExecutorServiceManager method doShutdown.

private boolean doShutdown(ExecutorService executorService, long shutdownAwaitTermination, boolean failSafe) {
    if (executorService == null) {
        return false;
    boolean warned = false;
    // we ought to shutdown much faster)
    if (!executorService.isShutdown()) {
        StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
        LOG.trace("Shutdown of ExecutorService: {} with await termination: {} millis", executorService, shutdownAwaitTermination);
        if (shutdownAwaitTermination > 0) {
            try {
                if (!awaitTermination(executorService, shutdownAwaitTermination)) {
                    warned = true;
                    LOG.warn("Forcing shutdown of ExecutorService: {} due first await termination elapsed.", executorService);
                    // we are now shutting down aggressively, so wait to see if we can completely shutdown or not
                    if (!awaitTermination(executorService, shutdownAwaitTermination)) {
                        LOG.warn("Cannot completely force shutdown of ExecutorService: {} due second await termination elapsed.", executorService);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                warned = true;
                LOG.warn("Forcing shutdown of ExecutorService: {} due interrupted.", executorService);
                // we were interrupted during shutdown, so force shutdown
        // if we logged at WARN level, then report at INFO level when we are complete so the end user can see this in the log
        if (warned) {
  "Shutdown of ExecutorService: {} is shutdown: {} and terminated: {} took: {}.", executorService, executorService.isShutdown(), executorService.isTerminated(), TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken()));
        } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Shutdown of ExecutorService: {} is shutdown: {} and terminated: {} took: {}.", executorService, executorService.isShutdown(), executorService.isTerminated(), TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken()));
    // let lifecycle strategy be notified as well which can let it be managed in JMX as well
    ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = null;
    if (executorService instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor) {
        threadPool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) executorService;
    } else if (executorService instanceof SizedScheduledExecutorService) {
        threadPool = ((SizedScheduledExecutorService) executorService).getScheduledThreadPoolExecutor();
    if (threadPool != null) {
        for (LifecycleStrategy lifecycle : camelContext.getLifecycleStrategies()) {
            lifecycle.onThreadPoolRemove(camelContext, threadPool);
    // remove reference as its shutdown (do not remove if fail-safe)
    if (!failSafe) {
    return warned;
Also used : SizedScheduledExecutorService(org.apache.camel.util.concurrent.SizedScheduledExecutorService) LifecycleStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy) ThreadPoolExecutor(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) StopWatch(org.apache.camel.util.StopWatch)

Example 8 with LifecycleStrategy

use of org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy in project camel by apache.

the class DefaultExecutorServiceManager method onThreadPoolCreated.

     * Invoked when a new thread pool is created.
     * This implementation will invoke the {@link LifecycleStrategy#onThreadPoolAdd(org.apache.camel.CamelContext,
     * java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor, String, String, String, String) LifecycleStrategy.onThreadPoolAdd} method,
     * which for example will enlist the thread pool in JMX management.
     * @param executorService the thread pool
     * @param source          the source to use the thread pool
     * @param threadPoolProfileId profile id, if the thread pool was created from a thread pool profile
private void onThreadPoolCreated(ExecutorService executorService, Object source, String threadPoolProfileId) {
    // add to internal list of thread pools
    String id;
    String sourceId = null;
    String routeId = null;
    // extract id from source
    if (source instanceof NamedNode) {
        id = ((OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<?>) source).idOrCreate(this.camelContext.getNodeIdFactory());
        // and let source be the short name of the pattern
        sourceId = ((NamedNode) source).getShortName();
    } else if (source instanceof String) {
        id = (String) source;
    } else if (source != null) {
        if (source instanceof StaticService) {
            // the source is static service so its name would be unique
            id = source.getClass().getSimpleName();
        } else {
            // fallback and use the simple class name with hashcode for the id so its unique for this given source
            id = source.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + ObjectHelper.getIdentityHashCode(source) + ")";
    } else {
        // no source, so fallback and use the simple class name from thread pool and its hashcode identity so its unique
        id = executorService.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + ObjectHelper.getIdentityHashCode(executorService) + ")";
    // id is mandatory
    ObjectHelper.notEmpty(id, "id for thread pool " + executorService);
    // extract route id if possible
    if (source instanceof ProcessorDefinition) {
        RouteDefinition route = ProcessorDefinitionHelper.getRoute((ProcessorDefinition<?>) source);
        if (route != null) {
            routeId = route.idOrCreate(this.camelContext.getNodeIdFactory());
    // let lifecycle strategy be notified as well which can let it be managed in JMX as well
    ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = null;
    if (executorService instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor) {
        threadPool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) executorService;
    } else if (executorService instanceof SizedScheduledExecutorService) {
        threadPool = ((SizedScheduledExecutorService) executorService).getScheduledThreadPoolExecutor();
    if (threadPool != null) {
        for (LifecycleStrategy lifecycle : camelContext.getLifecycleStrategies()) {
            lifecycle.onThreadPoolAdd(camelContext, threadPool, id, sourceId, routeId, threadPoolProfileId);
    // now call strategy to allow custom logic
Also used : SizedScheduledExecutorService(org.apache.camel.util.concurrent.SizedScheduledExecutorService) RouteDefinition(org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinition) LifecycleStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy) ProcessorDefinition(org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition) NamedNode(org.apache.camel.NamedNode) ThreadPoolExecutor(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) StaticService(org.apache.camel.StaticService)

Example 9 with LifecycleStrategy

use of org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy in project camel by apache.

the class RouteDefinition method addRoutes.

// Implementation methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected RouteContext addRoutes(CamelContext camelContext, Collection<Route> routes, FromDefinition fromType) throws Exception {
    RouteContext routeContext = new DefaultRouteContext(camelContext, this, fromType, routes);
    // configure tracing
    if (trace != null) {
        Boolean isTrace = CamelContextHelper.parseBoolean(camelContext, getTrace());
        if (isTrace != null) {
            if (isTrace) {
                log.debug("Tracing is enabled on route: {}", getId());
            // tracing is added in the DefaultChannel so we can enable it on the fly
    // configure message history
    if (messageHistory != null) {
        Boolean isMessageHistory = CamelContextHelper.parseBoolean(camelContext, getMessageHistory());
        if (isMessageHistory != null) {
            if (isMessageHistory) {
                log.debug("Message history is enabled on route: {}", getId());
    // configure stream caching
    if (streamCache != null) {
        Boolean isStreamCache = CamelContextHelper.parseBoolean(camelContext, getStreamCache());
        if (isStreamCache != null) {
            if (isStreamCache) {
                log.debug("StreamCaching is enabled on route: {}", getId());
    // configure handle fault
    if (handleFault != null) {
        Boolean isHandleFault = CamelContextHelper.parseBoolean(camelContext, getHandleFault());
        if (isHandleFault != null) {
            if (isHandleFault) {
                log.debug("HandleFault is enabled on route: {}", getId());
                // only add a new handle fault if not already a global configured on camel context
                if (HandleFault.getHandleFault(camelContext) == null) {
                    addInterceptStrategy(new HandleFault());
    // configure delayer
    if (delayer != null) {
        Long delayer = CamelContextHelper.parseLong(camelContext, getDelayer());
        if (delayer != null) {
            if (delayer > 0) {
                log.debug("Delayer is enabled with: {} ms. on route: {}", delayer, getId());
            } else {
                log.debug("Delayer is disabled on route: {}", getId());
    // configure route policy
    if (routePolicies != null && !routePolicies.isEmpty()) {
        for (RoutePolicy policy : routePolicies) {
            log.debug("RoutePolicy is enabled: {} on route: {}", policy, getId());
    if (routePolicyRef != null) {
        StringTokenizer policyTokens = new StringTokenizer(routePolicyRef, ",");
        while (policyTokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String ref = policyTokens.nextToken().trim();
            RoutePolicy policy = CamelContextHelper.mandatoryLookup(camelContext, ref, RoutePolicy.class);
            log.debug("RoutePolicy is enabled: {} on route: {}", policy, getId());
    if (camelContext.getRoutePolicyFactories() != null) {
        for (RoutePolicyFactory factory : camelContext.getRoutePolicyFactories()) {
            RoutePolicy policy = factory.createRoutePolicy(camelContext, getId(), this);
            if (policy != null) {
                log.debug("RoutePolicy is enabled: {} on route: {}", policy, getId());
    // configure auto startup
    Boolean isAutoStartup = CamelContextHelper.parseBoolean(camelContext, getAutoStartup());
    if (isAutoStartup != null) {
        log.debug("Using AutoStartup {} on route: {}", isAutoStartup, getId());
    // configure shutdown
    if (shutdownRoute != null) {
        log.debug("Using ShutdownRoute {} on route: {}", getShutdownRoute(), getId());
    if (shutdownRunningTask != null) {
        log.debug("Using ShutdownRunningTask {} on route: {}", getShutdownRunningTask(), getId());
    // should inherit the intercept strategies we have defined
    // force endpoint resolution
    for (LifecycleStrategy strategy : camelContext.getLifecycleStrategies()) {
    // validate route has output processors
    if (!ProcessorDefinitionHelper.hasOutputs(outputs, true)) {
        RouteDefinition route = routeContext.getRoute();
        String at = fromType.toString();
        Exception cause = new IllegalArgumentException("Route " + route.getId() + " has no output processors." + " You need to add outputs to the route such as to(\"log:foo\").");
        throw new FailedToCreateRouteException(route.getId(), route.toString(), at, cause);
    List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> list = new ArrayList<ProcessorDefinition<?>>(outputs);
    for (ProcessorDefinition<?> output : list) {
        try {
            output.addRoutes(routeContext, routes);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            RouteDefinition route = routeContext.getRoute();
            throw new FailedToCreateRouteException(route.getId(), route.toString(), output.toString(), e);
    return routeContext;
Also used : DefaultRouteContext(org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultRouteContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RoutePolicy(org.apache.camel.spi.RoutePolicy) NoSuchEndpointException(org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException) FailedToCreateRouteException(org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException) DefaultRouteContext(org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultRouteContext) RouteContext(org.apache.camel.spi.RouteContext) FailedToCreateRouteException(org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) LifecycleStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy) RoutePolicyFactory(org.apache.camel.spi.RoutePolicyFactory) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) HandleFault(org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.HandleFault)

Example 10 with LifecycleStrategy

use of org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy in project camel by apache.

the class ProcessorDefinition method wrapInErrorHandler.

     * Wraps the given output in an error handler
     * @param routeContext the route context
     * @param output the output
     * @return the output wrapped with the error handler
     * @throws Exception can be thrown if failed to create error handler builder
protected Processor wrapInErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor output) throws Exception {
    ErrorHandlerFactory builder = routeContext.getRoute().getErrorHandlerBuilder();
    // create error handler
    Processor errorHandler = builder.createErrorHandler(routeContext, output);
    // invoke lifecycles so we can manage this error handler builder
    for (LifecycleStrategy strategy : routeContext.getCamelContext().getLifecycleStrategies()) {
        strategy.onErrorHandlerAdd(routeContext, errorHandler, builder);
    return errorHandler;
Also used : InterceptEndpointProcessor(org.apache.camel.processor.InterceptEndpointProcessor) Processor(org.apache.camel.Processor) LifecycleStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy) ErrorHandlerFactory(org.apache.camel.ErrorHandlerFactory)


LifecycleStrategy (org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy)20 Service (org.apache.camel.Service)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 Endpoint (org.apache.camel.Endpoint)4 Route (org.apache.camel.Route)4 HandleFault (org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.HandleFault)4 EventNotifier (org.apache.camel.spi.EventNotifier)4 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)3 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)3 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)3 ScheduledExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService)3 ThreadPoolExecutor (java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor)3 Consumer (org.apache.camel.Consumer)3 FailedToStartRouteException (org.apache.camel.FailedToStartRouteException)3 NoSuchEndpointException (org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException)3 RoutePolicy (org.apache.camel.spi.RoutePolicy)3 IOException ( CopyOnWriteArrayList (java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList)2