Search in sources :

Example 16 with Collector

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class JoinUtil method createJoinQuery.

   * Method for query time joining for numeric fields. It supports multi- and single- values longs, ints, floats and longs.
   * All considerations from {@link JoinUtil#createJoinQuery(String, boolean, String, Query, IndexSearcher, ScoreMode)} are applicable here too,
   * though memory consumption might be higher.
   * <p>
   * @param fromField                 The from field to join from
   * @param multipleValuesPerDocument Whether the from field has multiple terms per document
   *                                  when true fromField might be {@link DocValuesType#SORTED_NUMERIC},
   *                                  otherwise fromField should be {@link DocValuesType#NUMERIC}
   * @param toField                   The to field to join to, should be {@link IntPoint}, {@link LongPoint}, {@link FloatPoint}
   *                                  or {@link DoublePoint}.
   * @param numericType               either {@link java.lang.Integer}, {@link java.lang.Long}, {@link java.lang.Float}
   *                                  or {@link java.lang.Double} it should correspond to toField types
   * @param fromQuery                 The query to match documents on the from side
   * @param fromSearcher              The searcher that executed the specified fromQuery
   * @param scoreMode                 Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query
   * @return a {@link Query} instance that can be used to join documents based on the
   *         terms in the from and to field
   * @throws IOException If I/O related errors occur
public static Query createJoinQuery(String fromField, boolean multipleValuesPerDocument, String toField, Class<? extends Number> numericType, Query fromQuery, IndexSearcher fromSearcher, ScoreMode scoreMode) throws IOException {
    TreeSet<Long> joinValues = new TreeSet<>();
    Map<Long, Float> aggregatedScores = new HashMap<>();
    Map<Long, Integer> occurrences = new HashMap<>();
    boolean needsScore = scoreMode != ScoreMode.None;
    BiConsumer<Long, Float> scoreAggregator;
    if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Max) {
        scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> {
            Float currentValue = aggregatedScores.putIfAbsent(key, score);
            if (currentValue != null) {
                aggregatedScores.put(key, Math.max(currentValue, score));
    } else if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Min) {
        scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> {
            Float currentValue = aggregatedScores.putIfAbsent(key, score);
            if (currentValue != null) {
                aggregatedScores.put(key, Math.min(currentValue, score));
    } else if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Total) {
        scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> {
            Float currentValue = aggregatedScores.putIfAbsent(key, score);
            if (currentValue != null) {
                aggregatedScores.put(key, currentValue + score);
    } else if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Avg) {
        scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> {
            Float currentSore = aggregatedScores.putIfAbsent(key, score);
            if (currentSore != null) {
                aggregatedScores.put(key, currentSore + score);
            Integer currentOccurrence = occurrences.putIfAbsent(key, 1);
            if (currentOccurrence != null) {
                occurrences.put(key, ++currentOccurrence);
    } else {
        scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    LongFunction<Float> joinScorer;
    if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Avg) {
        joinScorer = (joinValue) -> {
            Float aggregatedScore = aggregatedScores.get(joinValue);
            Integer occurrence = occurrences.get(joinValue);
            return aggregatedScore / occurrence;
    } else {
        joinScorer = aggregatedScores::get;
    Collector collector;
    if (multipleValuesPerDocument) {
        collector = new SimpleCollector() {

            SortedNumericDocValues sortedNumericDocValues;

            Scorer scorer;

            public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
                if (doc > sortedNumericDocValues.docID()) {
                if (doc == sortedNumericDocValues.docID()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < sortedNumericDocValues.docValueCount(); i++) {
                        long value = sortedNumericDocValues.nextValue();
                        if (needsScore) {
                            scoreAggregator.accept(value, scorer.score());

            protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
                sortedNumericDocValues = DocValues.getSortedNumeric(context.reader(), fromField);

            public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
                this.scorer = scorer;

            public boolean needsScores() {
                return needsScore;
    } else {
        collector = new SimpleCollector() {

            NumericDocValues numericDocValues;

            Scorer scorer;

            private int lastDocID = -1;

            private boolean docsInOrder(int docID) {
                if (docID < lastDocID) {
                    throw new AssertionError("docs out of order: lastDocID=" + lastDocID + " vs docID=" + docID);
                lastDocID = docID;
                return true;

            public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
                assert docsInOrder(doc);
                int dvDocID = numericDocValues.docID();
                if (dvDocID < doc) {
                    dvDocID = numericDocValues.advance(doc);
                long value;
                if (dvDocID == doc) {
                    value = numericDocValues.longValue();
                } else {
                    value = 0;
                if (needsScore) {
                    scoreAggregator.accept(value, scorer.score());

            protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
                numericDocValues = DocValues.getNumeric(context.reader(), fromField);
                lastDocID = -1;

            public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
                this.scorer = scorer;

            public boolean needsScores() {
                return needsScore;
    }, collector);
    Iterator<Long> iterator = joinValues.iterator();
    final int bytesPerDim;
    final BytesRef encoded = new BytesRef();
    final PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream stream;
    if (Integer.class.equals(numericType)) {
        bytesPerDim = Integer.BYTES;
        stream = new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream() {

            public BytesRef next() {
                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    long value =;
                    IntPoint.encodeDimension((int) value, encoded.bytes, 0);
                    if (needsScore) {
                        score = joinScorer.apply(value);
                    return encoded;
                } else {
                    return null;
    } else if (Long.class.equals(numericType)) {
        bytesPerDim = Long.BYTES;
        stream = new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream() {

            public BytesRef next() {
                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    long value =;
                    LongPoint.encodeDimension(value, encoded.bytes, 0);
                    if (needsScore) {
                        score = joinScorer.apply(value);
                    return encoded;
                } else {
                    return null;
    } else if (Float.class.equals(numericType)) {
        bytesPerDim = Float.BYTES;
        stream = new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream() {

            public BytesRef next() {
                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    long value =;
                    FloatPoint.encodeDimension(Float.intBitsToFloat((int) value), encoded.bytes, 0);
                    if (needsScore) {
                        score = joinScorer.apply(value);
                    return encoded;
                } else {
                    return null;
    } else if (Double.class.equals(numericType)) {
        bytesPerDim = Double.BYTES;
        stream = new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream() {

            public BytesRef next() {
                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    long value =;
                    DoublePoint.encodeDimension(Double.longBitsToDouble(value), encoded.bytes, 0);
                    if (needsScore) {
                        score = joinScorer.apply(value);
                    return encoded;
                } else {
                    return null;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported numeric type, only Integer, Long, Float and Double are supported");
    encoded.bytes = new byte[bytesPerDim];
    encoded.length = bytesPerDim;
    if (needsScore) {
        return new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery(scoreMode, fromQuery, multipleValuesPerDocument, toField, bytesPerDim, stream) {

            protected String toString(byte[] value) {
                return toString.apply(value, numericType);
    } else {
        return new PointInSetQuery(toField, 1, bytesPerDim, stream) {

            protected String toString(byte[] value) {
                return PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.toString.apply(value, numericType);
Also used : Query( LongPoint(org.apache.lucene.document.LongPoint) MatchNoDocsQuery( NumericDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) DoublePoint(org.apache.lucene.document.DoublePoint) PointInSetQuery( Locale(java.util.Locale) Map(java.util.Map) BiConsumer(java.util.function.BiConsumer) SortedSetDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.SortedSetDocValues) IntPoint(org.apache.lucene.document.IntPoint) LeafReaderContext(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext) SortedDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues) SimpleCollector( Scorer( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) LongFunction(java.util.function.LongFunction) FloatPoint(org.apache.lucene.document.FloatPoint) MultiDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.MultiDocValues) BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef) IOException( Collector( SortedNumericDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues) Function( DocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues) DocValuesType(org.apache.lucene.index.DocValuesType) LeafReader(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader) BinaryDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.BinaryDocValues) IndexSearcher( NumericDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues) SortedNumericDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues) SortedNumericDocValues(org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Scorer( SimpleCollector( TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) SimpleCollector( Collector( LeafReaderContext(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext) BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef) PointInSetQuery( IOException( LongPoint(org.apache.lucene.document.LongPoint) DoublePoint(org.apache.lucene.document.DoublePoint) IntPoint(org.apache.lucene.document.IntPoint) FloatPoint(org.apache.lucene.document.FloatPoint)

Example 17 with Collector

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class SimpleFacets method getGroupedCounts.

public NamedList<Integer> getGroupedCounts(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, DocSet base, String field, boolean multiToken, int offset, int limit, int mincount, boolean missing, String sort, String prefix, Predicate<BytesRef> termFilter) throws IOException {
    GroupingSpecification groupingSpecification = rb.getGroupingSpec();
    final String groupField = groupingSpecification != null ? groupingSpecification.getFields()[0] : null;
    if (groupField == null) {
        throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Specify the group.field as parameter or local parameter");
    BytesRef prefixBytesRef = prefix != null ? new BytesRef(prefix) : null;
    final TermGroupFacetCollector collector = TermGroupFacetCollector.createTermGroupFacetCollector(groupField, field, multiToken, prefixBytesRef, 128);
    Collector groupWrapper = getInsanityWrapper(groupField, collector);
    Collector fieldWrapper = getInsanityWrapper(field, groupWrapper);
    // When GroupedFacetCollector can handle numerics we can remove the wrapped collectors, fieldWrapper);
    boolean orderByCount = sort.equals(FacetParams.FACET_SORT_COUNT) || sort.equals(FacetParams.FACET_SORT_COUNT_LEGACY);
    TermGroupFacetCollector.GroupedFacetResult result = collector.mergeSegmentResults(limit < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (offset + limit), mincount, orderByCount);
    CharsRefBuilder charsRef = new CharsRefBuilder();
    FieldType facetFieldType = searcher.getSchema().getFieldType(field);
    NamedList<Integer> facetCounts = new NamedList<>();
    List<TermGroupFacetCollector.FacetEntry> scopedEntries = result.getFacetEntries(offset, limit < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : limit);
    for (TermGroupFacetCollector.FacetEntry facetEntry : scopedEntries) {
        //:TODO:can we filter earlier than this to make it more efficient?
        if (termFilter != null && !termFilter.test(facetEntry.getValue())) {
        facetFieldType.indexedToReadable(facetEntry.getValue(), charsRef);
        facetCounts.add(charsRef.toString(), facetEntry.getCount());
    if (missing) {
        facetCounts.add(null, result.getTotalMissingCount());
    return facetCounts;
Also used : TermGroupFacetCollector( NamedList(org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList) FieldType(org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType) AllGroupHeadsCollector( LeafCollector( AllGroupsCollector( FilterCollector( TermGroupFacetCollector( Collector( CharsRefBuilder(org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRefBuilder) GroupingSpecification( SolrException(org.apache.solr.common.SolrException) BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)

Example 18 with Collector

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class GroupingSearch method groupByFieldOrFunction.

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
protected TopGroups groupByFieldOrFunction(IndexSearcher searcher, Query query, int groupOffset, int groupLimit) throws IOException {
    int topN = groupOffset + groupLimit;
    final FirstPassGroupingCollector firstPassCollector = new FirstPassGroupingCollector(grouper, groupSort, topN);
    final AllGroupsCollector allGroupsCollector = allGroups ? new AllGroupsCollector(grouper) : null;
    final AllGroupHeadsCollector allGroupHeadsCollector = allGroupHeads ? AllGroupHeadsCollector.newCollector(grouper, sortWithinGroup) : null;
    final Collector firstRound = MultiCollector.wrap(firstPassCollector, allGroupsCollector, allGroupHeadsCollector);
    CachingCollector cachedCollector = null;
    if (maxCacheRAMMB != null || maxDocsToCache != null) {
        if (maxCacheRAMMB != null) {
            cachedCollector = CachingCollector.create(firstRound, cacheScores, maxCacheRAMMB);
        } else {
            cachedCollector = CachingCollector.create(firstRound, cacheScores, maxDocsToCache);
        }, cachedCollector);
    } else {, firstRound);
    matchingGroups = allGroups ? allGroupsCollector.getGroups() : Collections.emptyList();
    matchingGroupHeads = allGroupHeads ? allGroupHeadsCollector.retrieveGroupHeads(searcher.getIndexReader().maxDoc()) : new Bits.MatchNoBits(searcher.getIndexReader().maxDoc());
    Collection<SearchGroup> topSearchGroups = firstPassCollector.getTopGroups(groupOffset, fillSortFields);
    if (topSearchGroups == null) {
        return new TopGroups(new SortField[0], new SortField[0], 0, 0, new GroupDocs[0], Float.NaN);
    int topNInsideGroup = groupDocsOffset + groupDocsLimit;
    TopGroupsCollector secondPassCollector = new TopGroupsCollector(grouper, topSearchGroups, groupSort, sortWithinGroup, topNInsideGroup, includeScores, includeMaxScore, fillSortFields);
    if (cachedCollector != null && cachedCollector.isCached()) {
    } else {, secondPassCollector);
    if (allGroups) {
        return new TopGroups(secondPassCollector.getTopGroups(groupDocsOffset), matchingGroups.size());
    } else {
        return secondPassCollector.getTopGroups(groupDocsOffset);
Also used : Collector( CachingCollector( MultiCollector( CachingCollector(

Example 19 with Collector

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class CommandHandler method execute.

public void execute() throws IOException {
    final int nrOfCommands = commands.size();
    List<Collector> collectors = new ArrayList<>(nrOfCommands);
    for (Command command : commands) {
    ProcessedFilter filter = searcher.getProcessedFilter(queryCommand.getFilter(), queryCommand.getFilterList());
    Query query = QueryUtils.makeQueryable(queryCommand.getQuery());
    if (truncateGroups) {
        docSet = computeGroupedDocSet(query, filter, collectors);
    } else if (needDocset) {
        docSet = computeDocSet(query, filter, collectors);
    } else if (!collectors.isEmpty()) {
        searchWithTimeLimiter(query, filter, MultiCollector.wrap(collectors.toArray(new Collector[nrOfCommands])));
    } else {
        searchWithTimeLimiter(query, filter, null);
Also used : Query( BooleanQuery( QueryCommand( ProcessedFilter( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DocSetCollector( TimeLimitingCollector( AllGroupHeadsCollector( MultiCollector( TotalHitCountCollector( Collector(

Example 20 with Collector

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class SearchGroupsFieldCommand method create.

public List<Collector> create() throws IOException {
    final List<Collector> collectors = new ArrayList<>(2);
    final FieldType fieldType = field.getType();
    if (topNGroups > 0) {
        if (fieldType.getNumberType() != null) {
            ValueSource vs = fieldType.getValueSource(field, null);
            firstPassGroupingCollector = new FirstPassGroupingCollector<>(new ValueSourceGroupSelector(vs, new HashMap<>()), groupSort, topNGroups);
        } else {
            firstPassGroupingCollector = new FirstPassGroupingCollector<>(new TermGroupSelector(field.getName()), groupSort, topNGroups);
    if (includeGroupCount) {
        if (fieldType.getNumberType() != null) {
            ValueSource vs = fieldType.getValueSource(field, null);
            allGroupsCollector = new AllGroupsCollector<>(new ValueSourceGroupSelector(vs, new HashMap<>()));
        } else {
            allGroupsCollector = new AllGroupsCollector<>(new TermGroupSelector(field.getName()));
    return collectors;
Also used : ValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AllGroupsCollector( Collector( FirstPassGroupingCollector( ValueSourceGroupSelector( TermGroupSelector( FieldType(org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType)


Collector ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 IndexSearcher ( Query ( IOException ( LeafReaderContext (org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext)6 MultiCollector ( Sort ( TopFieldCollector ( Document (org.apache.lucene.document.Document)5 BytesRef (org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 StringField (org.apache.lucene.document.StringField)4 BooleanQuery ( LeafCollector ( ScoreDoc ( Directory ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 List (java.util.List)3 AtomicBoolean (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean)3