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Example 46 with InstanceDescription

use of in project sling by apache.

the class DummyTopologyView method removeInstance.

//    public SimpleTopologyView addInstance(InstanceDescription artefact) {
//        final String slingId = artefact.getSlingId();
//        final boolean isLeader = artefact.isLeader();
//        final boolean isLocal = artefact.isLocal();
//        DefaultClusterViewImpl cluster = (DefaultClusterViewImpl) artefact.getClusterView();
//        final DefaultInstanceDescriptionImpl instance = new DefaultInstanceDescriptionImpl(cluster, isLeader, isLocal, slingId, artefact.getProperties());
//        instances.add(instance);
//        return this;
//    }
public DummyTopologyView removeInstance(String slingId) {
    for (Iterator<InstanceDescription> it = instances.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        InstanceDescription id = (InstanceDescription);
        if (id.getSlingId().equals(slingId)) {
            DefaultClusterView cluster = (DefaultClusterView) id.getClusterView();
            if (!cluster.removeInstanceDescription(id)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("could not remove id: " + id);
            return this;
    throw new IllegalStateException("instance not found: " + slingId);
Also used : InstanceDescription(

Example 47 with InstanceDescription

use of in project sling by apache.

the class ClusterViewServiceImpl method getLocalClusterView.

public LocalClusterView getLocalClusterView() throws UndefinedClusterViewException {
    if (resourceResolverFactory == null) {
        logger.warn("getClusterView: no resourceResolverFactory set at the moment.");
        throw new UndefinedClusterViewException(Reason.REPOSITORY_EXCEPTION, "no resourceResolverFactory set");
    ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
    try {
        resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(null);
        View view = ViewHelper.getEstablishedView(resourceResolver, config);
        if (view == null) {
            logger.debug("getClusterView: no view established at the moment. isolated mode");
            throw new UndefinedClusterViewException(Reason.NO_ESTABLISHED_VIEW, "no established view at the moment");
        if (failedEstablishedViewId != null && failedEstablishedViewId.equals(view.getResource().getName())) {
            // SLING-5195 : the heartbeat-handler-self-check has declared the currently
            // established view as invalid - hence we should now treat this as
            // undefined clusterview
            logger.debug("getClusterView: current establishedView is marked as invalid: " + failedEstablishedViewId);
            throw new UndefinedClusterViewException(Reason.NO_ESTABLISHED_VIEW, "current established view was marked as invalid");
        EstablishedClusterView clusterViewImpl = new EstablishedClusterView(config, view, getSlingId());
        InstanceDescription local = clusterViewImpl.getLocalInstance();
        if (local != null) {
            return clusterViewImpl;
        } else {
  "getClusterView: the local instance (" + getSlingId() + ") is currently not included in the existing established view! " + "This is normal at startup. At other times is pseudo-network-partitioning is an indicator for repository/network-delays or clocks-out-of-sync (SLING-3432). " + "(increasing the heartbeatTimeout can help as a workaround too) " + "The local instance will stay in TOPOLOGY_CHANGING or pre _INIT mode until a new vote was successful.");
            throw new UndefinedClusterViewException(Reason.ISOLATED_FROM_TOPOLOGY, "established view does not include local instance - isolated");
    } catch (UndefinedClusterViewException e) {
        // pass through
        throw e;
    } catch (LoginException e) {
        logger.error("handleEvent: could not log in administratively: " + e, e);
        throw new UndefinedClusterViewException(Reason.REPOSITORY_EXCEPTION, "could not log in administratively: " + e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("handleEvent: got an exception: " + e, e);
        throw new UndefinedClusterViewException(Reason.REPOSITORY_EXCEPTION, "could not log in administratively: " + e);
    } finally {
        if (resourceResolver != null) {
Also used : ResourceResolver( LoginException( UndefinedClusterViewException( InstanceDescription( EstablishedClusterView( View( LocalClusterView( EstablishedClusterView( LoginException( UndefinedClusterViewException(

Example 48 with InstanceDescription

use of in project sling by apache.

the class UpgradeTask method moveJobFromPreviousVersion.

     * Move a single job
private void moveJobFromPreviousVersion(final Resource jobResource) throws PersistenceException {
    final ResourceResolver resolver = jobResource.getResourceResolver();
    try {
        final ValueMap vm = ResourceHelper.getValueMap(jobResource);
        // check for binary properties
        Map<String, Object> binaryProperties = new HashMap<>();
        final ObjectInputStream ois = vm.get("slingevent:properties", ObjectInputStream.class);
        if (ois != null) {
            try {
                int length = ois.readInt();
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    final String key = (String) ois.readObject();
                    final Object value = ois.readObject();
                    binaryProperties.put(key, value);
            } catch (final ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                throw new PersistenceException("Class not found.", cnfe);
            } catch (final ice) {
                throw new PersistenceException("Invalid class.", ice);
            } catch (final IOException ioe) {
                throw new PersistenceException("Unable to deserialize job properties.", ioe);
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (final IOException ioe) {
                    throw new PersistenceException("Unable to deserialize job properties.", ioe);
        final Map<String, Object> properties = ResourceHelper.cloneValueMap(vm);
        final String topic = (String) properties.remove("slingevent:topic");
        properties.put(ResourceHelper.PROPERTY_JOB_TOPIC, topic);
        // and binary properties
        if (!properties.containsKey(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_RETRIES)) {
            // we put a dummy value here; this gets updated by the queue
            properties.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_RETRIES, 10);
        if (!properties.containsKey(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_RETRY_COUNT)) {
            properties.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_RETRY_COUNT, 0);
        final List<InstanceDescription> potentialTargets = caps.getPotentialTargets(topic);
        String targetId = null;
        if (potentialTargets != null && potentialTargets.size() > 0) {
            final QueueConfigurationManager qcm = configuration.getQueueConfigurationManager();
            if (qcm == null) {
            final QueueInfo info = qcm.getQueueInfo(topic);
            logger.debug("Found queue {} for {}", info.queueConfiguration, topic);
            targetId = caps.detectTarget(topic, vm, info);
            if (targetId != null) {
                properties.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_QUEUE_NAME, info.queueName);
                properties.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_TARGET_INSTANCE, targetId);
                properties.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_RETRIES, info.queueConfiguration.getMaxRetries());
        properties.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_CREATED_INSTANCE, "old:" + Environment.APPLICATION_ID);
        properties.put(ResourceResolver.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_TYPE, ResourceHelper.RESOURCE_TYPE_JOB);
        final String jobId = configuration.getUniqueId(topic);
        properties.put(ResourceHelper.PROPERTY_JOB_ID, jobId);
        final String newPath = configuration.getUniquePath(targetId, topic, jobId, vm);
        this.logger.debug("Moving 'old' job from {} to {}", jobResource.getPath(), newPath);
        ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resolver, newPath, properties);
    } catch (final InstantiationException ie) {
        throw new PersistenceException("Exception while reading reasource: " + ie.getMessage(), ie.getCause());
Also used : QueueInfo( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ValueMap( IOException( ResourceResolver( PersistenceException( QueueConfigurationManager( InstanceDescription( ObjectInputStream(

Example 49 with InstanceDescription

use of in project sling by apache.

the class InventoryPlugin method printText.

private void printText(final PrintWriter pw) {
    pw.println("Apache Sling Job Handling");
    String topics = this.jobConsumerManager.getTopics();
    if (topics == null) {
        topics = "";
    Statistics s = this.jobManager.getStatistics();
    pw.println("Overall Statistics");
    pw.printf("Start Time : %s%n", formatDate(s.getStartTime()));
    pw.printf("Local topic consumers: %s%n", topics);
    pw.printf("Last Activated : %s%n", formatDate(s.getLastActivatedJobTime()));
    pw.printf("Last Finished : %s%n", formatDate(s.getLastFinishedJobTime()));
    pw.printf("Queued Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfQueuedJobs());
    pw.printf("Active Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfActiveJobs());
    pw.printf("Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfJobs());
    pw.printf("Finished Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfFinishedJobs());
    pw.printf("Failed Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfFailedJobs());
    pw.printf("Cancelled Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfCancelledJobs());
    pw.printf("Processed Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfProcessedJobs());
    pw.printf("Average Processing Time : %s%n", formatTime(s.getAverageProcessingTime()));
    pw.printf("Average Waiting Time : %s%n", formatTime(s.getAverageWaitingTime()));
    pw.println("Topology Capabilities");
    final TopologyCapabilities cap = this.configuration.getTopologyCapabilities();
    if (cap == null) {
        pw.print("No topology information available !");
    } else {
        final Map<String, List<InstanceDescription>> instanceCaps = cap.getInstanceCapabilities();
        for (final Map.Entry<String, List<InstanceDescription>> entry : instanceCaps.entrySet()) {
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (final InstanceDescription id : entry.getValue()) {
                if (sb.length() > 0) {
                    sb.append(", ");
                if (id.isLocal()) {
                } else {
            pw.printf("%s : %s%n", entry.getKey(), sb.toString());
    pw.println("Scheduled Jobs");
    final Collection<ScheduledJobInfo> infos = this.jobManager.getScheduledJobs();
    if (infos.size() == 0) {
        pw.print("No jobs currently scheduled");
    } else {
        for (final ScheduledJobInfo info : infos) {
            pw.printf("Job Topic< : %s%n", info.getJobTopic());
            pw.print("Schedules : ");
            boolean first = true;
            for (final ScheduleInfo si : info.getSchedules()) {
                if (!first) {
                    pw.print(", ");
                first = false;
                switch(si.getType()) {
                    case YEARLY:
                        pw.printf("YEARLY %s %s : %s:%s", si.getMonthOfYear(), si.getDayOfMonth(), si.getHourOfDay(), si.getMinuteOfHour());
                    case MONTHLY:
                        pw.printf("MONTHLY %s : %s:%s", si.getDayOfMonth(), si.getHourOfDay(), si.getMinuteOfHour());
                    case WEEKLY:
                        pw.printf("WEEKLY %s : %s:%s", si.getDayOfWeek(), si.getHourOfDay(), si.getMinuteOfHour());
                    case DAILY:
                        pw.printf("DAILY %s:%s", si.getHourOfDay(), si.getMinuteOfHour());
                    case HOURLY:
                        pw.printf("HOURLY %s", si.getMinuteOfHour());
                    case CRON:
                        pw.printf("CRON %s", si.getExpression());
                        pw.printf("AT %s", si.getAt());
    boolean isEmpty = true;
    for (final Queue q : this.jobManager.getQueues()) {
        isEmpty = false;
        pw.printf("Active JobQueue: %s %s%n", q.getName(), q.isSuspended() ? "(SUSPENDED)" : "");
        s = q.getStatistics();
        final QueueConfiguration c = q.getConfiguration();
        pw.printf("Start Time : %s%n", formatDate(s.getStartTime()));
        pw.printf("Last Activated : %s%n", formatDate(s.getLastActivatedJobTime()));
        pw.printf("Last Finished : %s%n", formatDate(s.getLastFinishedJobTime()));
        pw.printf("Queued Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfQueuedJobs());
        pw.printf("Active Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfActiveJobs());
        pw.printf("Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfJobs());
        pw.printf("Finished Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfFinishedJobs());
        pw.printf("Failed Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfFailedJobs());
        pw.printf("Cancelled Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfCancelledJobs());
        pw.printf("Processed Jobs : %s%n", s.getNumberOfProcessedJobs());
        pw.printf("Average Processing Time : %s%n", formatTime(s.getAverageProcessingTime()));
        pw.printf("Average Waiting Time : %s%n", formatTime(s.getAverageWaitingTime()));
        pw.printf("Status Info : %s%n", q.getStateInfo());
        pw.printf("Type : %s%n", formatType(c.getType()));
        pw.printf("Topics : %s%n", formatArrayAsText(c.getTopics()));
        pw.printf("Max Parallel : %s%n", c.getMaxParallel());
        pw.printf("Max Retries : %s%n", c.getMaxRetries());
        pw.printf("Retry Delay : %s ms%n", c.getRetryDelayInMs());
        pw.printf("Priority : %s%n", c.getThreadPriority());
    if (isEmpty) {
        pw.println("No active queues.");
    for (final TopicStatistics ts : this.jobManager.getTopicStatistics()) {
        pw.printf("Topic Statistics - %s%n", ts.getTopic());
        pw.printf("Last Activated : %s%n", formatDate(ts.getLastActivatedJobTime()));
        pw.printf("Last Finished : %s%n", formatDate(ts.getLastFinishedJobTime()));
        pw.printf("Finished Jobs : %s%n", ts.getNumberOfFinishedJobs());
        pw.printf("Failed Jobs : %s%n", ts.getNumberOfFailedJobs());
        pw.printf("Cancelled Jobs : %s%n", ts.getNumberOfCancelledJobs());
        pw.printf("Processed Jobs : %s%n", ts.getNumberOfProcessedJobs());
        pw.printf("Average Processing Time : %s%n", formatTime(ts.getAverageProcessingTime()));
        pw.printf("Average Waiting Time : %s%n", formatTime(ts.getAverageWaitingTime()));
    pw.println("Apache Sling Job Handling - Job Queue Configurations");
    this.printQueueConfiguration(pw, this.configuration.getQueueConfigurationManager().getMainQueueConfiguration());
    final InternalQueueConfiguration[] configs = this.configuration.getQueueConfigurationManager().getConfigurations();
    for (final InternalQueueConfiguration c : configs) {
        this.printQueueConfiguration(pw, c);
Also used : TopologyCapabilities( TopicStatistics( Statistics( TopicStatistics( ScheduleInfo( InternalQueueConfiguration( ScheduledJobInfo( QueueConfiguration( InternalQueueConfiguration( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) InstanceDescription( Map(java.util.Map) Queue(

Example 50 with InstanceDescription

use of in project sling by apache.

the class CheckTopologyTask method reassignStaleJobs.

     * Reassign stale jobs from this instance
private void reassignStaleJobs() {
    if (caps.isActive()) {
        this.logger.debug("Checking for stale jobs...");
        final ResourceResolver resolver = this.configuration.createResourceResolver();
        if (resolver != null) {
            try {
                final Resource jobsRoot = resolver.getResource(this.configuration.getLocalJobsPath());
                // this resource should exist, but we check anyway
                if (jobsRoot != null) {
                    final Iterator<Resource> topicIter = jobsRoot.listChildren();
                    while (caps.isActive() && topicIter.hasNext()) {
                        final Resource topicResource =;
                        final String topicName = topicResource.getName().replace('.', '/');
                        this.logger.debug("Checking topic {}...", topicName);
                        final List<InstanceDescription> potentialTargets = caps.getPotentialTargets(topicName);
                        boolean reassign = true;
                        for (final InstanceDescription desc : potentialTargets) {
                            if (desc.isLocal()) {
                                reassign = false;
                        if (reassign) {
                            final QueueConfigurationManager qcm = this.configuration.getQueueConfigurationManager();
                            if (qcm == null) {
                            final QueueInfo info = qcm.getQueueInfo(topicName);
                  "Start reassigning stale jobs");
                            JobTopicTraverser.traverse(this.logger, topicResource, new JobTopicTraverser.ResourceCallback() {

                                public boolean handle(final Resource rsrc) {
                                    try {
                                        final ValueMap vm = ResourceHelper.getValueMap(rsrc);
                                        final String targetId = caps.detectTarget(topicName, vm, info);
                                        final Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>(vm);
                                        final String newPath;
                                        if (targetId != null) {
                                            newPath = configuration.getAssginedJobsPath() + '/' + targetId + '/' + topicResource.getName() + rsrc.getPath().substring(topicResource.getPath().length());
                                            props.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_QUEUE_NAME, info.queueName);
                                            props.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_TARGET_INSTANCE, targetId);
                                        } else {
                                            newPath = configuration.getUnassignedJobsPath() + '/' + topicResource.getName() + rsrc.getPath().substring(topicResource.getPath().length());
                                        try {
                                            ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resolver, newPath, props);
                                            final String jobId = vm.get(ResourceHelper.PROPERTY_JOB_ID, String.class);
                                            if (targetId != null) {
                                                configuration.getAuditLogger().debug("REASSIGN OK {} : {}", targetId, jobId);
                                            } else {
                                                configuration.getAuditLogger().debug("REUNASSIGN OK : {}", jobId);
                                        } catch (final PersistenceException pe) {
                                            logger.warn("Unable to move stale job from " + rsrc.getPath() + " to " + newPath, pe);
                                    } catch (final InstantiationException ie) {
                                        // something happened with the resource in the meantime
                                        logger.warn("Unable to move stale job from " + rsrc.getPath(), ie);
                                    return caps.isActive();
            } finally {
Also used : QueueInfo( ValueMap( Resource( ResourceResolver( PersistenceException( QueueConfigurationManager( InstanceDescription( ValueMap( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) JobTopicTraverser(


InstanceDescription ( ClusterView ( DefaultInstanceDescription ( Map (java.util.Map)10 PersistenceException ( TopologyView ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)8 LoginException ( ResourceResolver ( Test (org.junit.Test)8 Announcement ( UndefinedClusterViewException ( DefaultClusterView ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 Resource ( ValueMap ( LocalClusterView ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)4 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)4