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Example 16 with Point3D

use of org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.

the class InterpolateBezier method calculateControlPoints.

private void calculateControlPoints() {
    if (isClosed) {
        List<Point3D> p1 = new ArrayList<>(numSplines);
        for (int j = 0; j < numSplines; j++) {
            p1.add(knots.get(j + 1).substract(j == 0 ? knots.get(numSplines - 1) : knots.get(j - 1)).multiply(1 / 3f).add(knots.get(j)));
        for (int j = 0; j < numSplines; j++) {
            Point3D p2 = j == numSplines - 1 ? knots.get(0).multiply(2f).substract(p1.get(0)) : knots.get(j + 1).multiply(2f).substract(p1.get(j + 1));
            splines.add(new BezierHelper(knots.get(j), p1.get(j), p2, knots.get(j + 1)));
    } else {
        for (int j = 0; j < numSplines; j++) {
            splines.add(new BezierHelper(knots.get(j), new Point3D(0f, 0f, 0f), new Point3D(0f, 0f, 0f), knots.get(j + 1)));
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            double[] p1 = new double[numSplines];
            double[] p2 = new double[numSplines];
            double[] ca = new double[numSplines];
            double[] cb = new double[numSplines];
            double[] cc = new double[numSplines];
            double[] cr = new double[numSplines];
            cb[0] = 2d;
            cc[0] = 1d;
            cr[0] = i == 0 ? knots.get(0).x + 2d * knots.get(1).x : i == 1 ? knots.get(0).y + 2d * knots.get(1).y : knots.get(0).z + 2d * knots.get(1).z;
            for (int j = 1; j < numSplines - 1; j++) {
                ca[j] = 1d;
                cb[j] = 4d;
                cc[j] = 1d;
                cr[j] = i == 0 ? 4d * knots.get(j).x + 2d * knots.get(j + 1).x : i == 1 ? 4d * knots.get(j).y + 2d * knots.get(j + 1).y : 4d * knots.get(j).z + 2d * knots.get(j + 1).z;
            ca[numSplines - 1] = 2d;
            cb[numSplines - 1] = 7d;
            cr[numSplines - 1] = i == 0 ? 8d * knots.get(numSplines - 1).x + knots.get(numSplines).x : i == 1 ? 8d * knots.get(numSplines - 1).y + knots.get(numSplines).y : 8d * knots.get(numSplines - 1).z + knots.get(numSplines).z;
            for (int j = 1; j < numSplines; j++) {
                double m = ca[j] / cb[j - 1];
                cb[j] -= m * cc[j - 1];
                cr[j] -= m * cr[j - 1];
            p1[numSplines - 1] = cr[numSplines - 1] / cb[numSplines - 1];
            for (int j = numSplines - 2; j >= 0; j--) {
                p1[j] = (cr[j] - cc[j] * p1[j + 1]) / cb[j];
            for (int j = 0; j < numSplines - 1; j++) {
                p2[j] = (i == 0 ? 2d * knots.get(j + 1).x : i == 1 ? 2d * knots.get(j + 1).y : 2d * knots.get(j + 1).z) - p1[j + 1];
            p2[numSplines - 1] = ((i == 0 ? knots.get(numSplines).x : i == 1 ? knots.get(numSplines).y : knots.get(numSplines).z) + p1[numSplines - 1]) / 2d;
            for (int j = 0; j < numSplines; j++) {
                BezierHelper bez = splines.get(j);
                if (i == 0) {
                    bez.getPoints().get(1).x = (float) p1[j];
                    bez.getPoints().get(2).x = (float) p2[j];
                } else if (i == 1) {
                    bez.getPoints().get(1).y = (float) p1[j];
                    bez.getPoints().get(2).y = (float) p2[j];
                } else if (i == 2) {
                    bez.getPoints().get(1).z = (float) p1[j];
                    bez.getPoints().get(2).z = (float) p2[j];
                splines.set(j, bez);
// splines.forEach(System.out::println);
Also used : Point3D(org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 17 with Point3D

use of org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.

the class KnotHelper method getKappa.

public double getKappa(double t) {
    // r'[t]
    Point3D dR = new Point3D((float) (-(p * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) * Math.sin(p * t)) - q * r * Math.cos(p * t) * Math.sin(q * t)), (float) (p * Math.cos(p * t) * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) - q * r * Math.sin(p * t) * Math.sin(q * t)), (float) (q * r * Math.cos(q * t)));
    // || r'[t] ||
    float nT = dR.magnitude();
    // r''[t]
    Point3D ddR = new Point3D((float) (-(q * q * r * Math.cos(p * t) * Math.cos(q * t)) - p * p * Math.cos(p * t) * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) + 2 * p * q * r * Math.sin(p * t) * Math.sin(q * t)), (float) (-(q * q * r * Math.cos(q * t) * Math.sin(p * t)) - p * p * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) * Math.sin(p * t) - 2 * p * q * r * Math.cos(p * t) * Math.sin(q * t)), (float) (-(q * q * r * Math.sin(q * t))));
    // || r''[t]xr'[t] ||
    float nddRxdR = ddR.crossProduct(dR).magnitude();
    // kappa[t] = || r''[t]xr'[t] || / || r'[t] ||^3
    return nddRxdR / (float) Math.pow(nT, 3d);
Also used : Point3D(org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D)

Example 18 with Point3D

use of org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.

the class KnotHelper method getTrihedron.

    t [0,<=2Pi]
private Point3D[] getTrihedron(double t) {
    // r[t]
    Point3D vR = new Point3D((float) (Math.cos(p * t) * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t))), (float) ((R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) * Math.sin(p * t)), (float) (r * Math.sin(q * t)));
    // r'[t]
    Point3D dR = new Point3D((float) (-(p * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) * Math.sin(p * t)) - q * r * Math.cos(p * t) * Math.sin(q * t)), (float) (p * Math.cos(p * t) * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) - q * r * Math.sin(p * t) * Math.sin(q * t)), (float) (q * r * Math.cos(q * t)));
    // || r'[t] ||
    float nT = dR.magnitude();
    // r''[t]
    Point3D ddR = new Point3D((float) (-(q * q * r * Math.cos(p * t) * Math.cos(q * t)) - p * p * Math.cos(p * t) * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) + 2 * p * q * r * Math.sin(p * t) * Math.sin(q * t)), (float) (-(q * q * r * Math.cos(q * t) * Math.sin(p * t)) - p * p * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) * Math.sin(p * t) - 2 * p * q * r * Math.cos(p * t) * Math.sin(q * t)), (float) (-(q * q * r * Math.sin(q * t))));
    // (|| r'[t] ||^2)'[t]
    float dn = (float) (-2 * p * p * q * r * (R + r * Math.cos(q * t)) * Math.sin(q * t));
    // T'[t]=r''[t]/||r't||-r'[t]*(|| r'[t] ||^2)'[t]/2/|| r'[t] ||^3
    Point3D dT = ddR.multiply(1f / nT).substract(dR.multiply(dn / ((float) (Math.pow(nT, 3d) * 2d))));
    // T[t]=r'[t]/||r'[t]||
    Point3D T = dR.normalize();
    // N[t]=T'[t]/||T'[t]||
    Point3D N = dT.normalize();
    // B[t]=T[t]xN[t]/||T[t]xN[t]||
    Point3D B = T.crossProduct(N).normalize();
    // R,N,B
    return new Point3D[] { vR, N, B };
Also used : Point3D(org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D)

Example 19 with Point3D

use of org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.

the class SpringHelper method getTrihedron.

    t [0,<=2Pi]
private Point3D[] getTrihedron(double t) {
    // r[t]
    Point3D vR = new Point3D((float) (R * Math.cos(t)), (float) (R * Math.sin(t)), (float) (h * t));
    // r'[t]
    Point3D dR = new Point3D((float) (-R * Math.sin(t)), (float) (R * Math.cos(t)), (float) (h));
    // || r'[t] ||
    float nT = dR.magnitude();
    // r''[t]
    Point3D ddR = new Point3D((float) (-R * Math.cos(t)), (float) (-R * Math.sin(t)), (float) (0));
    // (|| r'[t] ||^2)'[t]
    float dn = 0f;
    // T'[t]=r''[t]/||r't||-r'[t]*(|| r'[t] ||^2)'[t]/2/|| r'[t] ||^3
    Point3D dT = ddR.multiply(1f / nT).substract(dR.multiply(dn / ((float) (Math.pow(nT, 3d) * 2d))));
    // T[t]=r'[t]/||r'[t]||
    Point3D T = dR.normalize();
    // N[t]=T'[t]/||T'[t]||
    Point3D N = dT.normalize();
    // B[t]=T[t]xN[t]/||T[t]xN[t]||
    Point3D B = T.crossProduct(N).normalize();
    // R,N,B
    return new Point3D[] { vR, N, B };
Also used : Point3D(org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D)

Example 20 with Point3D

use of org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.

the class Link method solve.

/* Option 2
        // Pseudo-code to satisfy (C2)
        delta = x2-x1;
        deltalength = sqrt(delta*delta);
        diff = (deltalength-restlength)
        x1 -= invmass1*delta*diff;
        x2 += invmass2*delta*diff;
public void solve() {
    // calculate the distance between the two PointMasss
    Point3D diff = new Point3D(p1.getPosition().x - p2.getPosition().x, p1.getPosition().y - p2.getPosition().y, p1.getPosition().z - p2.getPosition().z);
    double d = diff.magnitude();
    double difference = (distance - d) / d;
    double im1 = 1 / p1.getMass();
    double im2 = 1 / p2.getMass();
    double scalarP1 = (im1 / (im1 + im2)) * stiffness;
    double scalarP2 = stiffness - scalarP1;
    synchronized (this) {
        p1.position.x += ((float) (diff.x * scalarP1 * difference));
        p1.position.y += ((float) (diff.y * scalarP1 * difference));
        p1.position.z += ((float) (diff.z * scalarP1 * difference));
        p2.position.x -= ((float) (diff.x * scalarP2 * difference));
        p2.position.y -= ((float) (diff.y * scalarP2 * difference));
        p2.position.z -= ((float) (diff.z * scalarP2 * difference));
Also used : Point3D(org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D)


Point3D (org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D)48 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)16 List (java.util.List)12 Face3 (org.fxyz.geometry.Face3)12 Collectors ( IntStream ( Group (javafx.scene.Group)10 Translate (javafx.scene.transform.Translate)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Point2D (javafx.geometry.Point2D)9 PerspectiveCamera (javafx.scene.PerspectiveCamera)9 Scene (javafx.scene.Scene)9 KeyCode (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode)9 TriangleMesh (javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh)9 Rotate (javafx.scene.transform.Rotate)9 PointLight (javafx.scene.PointLight)8 MouseEvent (javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent)8 DoubleProperty ( IntegerProperty ( SimpleDoubleProperty (