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Example 6 with Identity

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class MarkController method formInnerEvent.

protected void formInnerEvent(UserRequest ureq, FormItem source, FormEvent event) {
    if (source == markLink) {
        Identity identity = ureq.getIdentity();
        if (marked) {
            if (mark == null) {
                markingService.getMarkManager().removeMark(ores, ureq.getIdentity(), subPath);
            } else {
                mark = null;
        } else {
            mark = markingService.getMarkManager().setMark(ores, identity, subPath, businessPath);
        marked = !marked;
        markLink.setIconLeftCSS(marked ? Mark.MARK_CSS_LARGE : Mark.MARK_ADD_CSS_LARGE);
Also used : Identity(

Example 7 with Identity

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class WebDAVAuthManager method authenticate.

public Identity authenticate(Identity identity, String login, String password) {
    List<String> providers = new ArrayList<>(3);
    if (userModule.isEmailUnique()) {
    List<Authentication> authentications = null;
    if (identity != null) {
        authentications = securityManager.findAuthentications(identity, providers);
    } else {
        authentications = securityManager.findAuthenticationByAuthusername(login, providers);
    if (authentications == null || authentications.isEmpty()) {
        // fallback to standard OLAT authentication
        return olatAuthenticationSpi.authenticate(identity, login, password);
    Identity authenticatedIdentity = authentications.get(0).getIdentity();
    boolean visible = securityManager.isIdentityVisible(authenticatedIdentity);
    if (!visible) {
        return null;
    for (Authentication authentication : authentications) {
        if (securityManager.checkCredentials(authentication, password)) {
            Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.find(authentication.getAlgorithm());
            if (Algorithm.md5.equals(algorithm)) {
                authentication = securityManager.updateCredentials(authentication, password, loginModule.getDefaultHashAlgorithm());
            return authentication.getIdentity();
    return null;
Also used : Authentication(org.olat.basesecurity.Authentication) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Identity( Algorithm(org.olat.core.util.Encoder.Algorithm)

Example 8 with Identity

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class WebDAVAuthManager method updateWebDAVPassword.

private void updateWebDAVPassword(Identity doer, Identity identity, String authUsername, String password, String provider, List<Authentication> authentications) {
    Authentication authentication = getAndRemoveAuthentication(provider, authentications);
    if (authentication == null) {
        // create new authentication for provider OLAT
        try {
            Identity reloadedIdentity = securityManager.loadIdentityByKey(identity.getKey());
            securityManager.createAndPersistAuthentication(reloadedIdentity, provider, authUsername, password, loginModule.getDefaultHashAlgorithm());
            log.audit(doer.getName() + " created new WebDAV authentication for identity: " + identity.getKey() + " (" + authUsername + ")");
        } catch (DBRuntimeException e) {
            log.error("Cannot create webdav password with provider " + provider + " for identity:" + identity, e);
    } else {
        try {
            securityManager.updateCredentials(authentication, password, loginModule.getDefaultHashAlgorithm());
            log.audit(doer.getName() + " set new WebDAV password for identity: " + identity.getKey() + " (" + authUsername + ")");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Cannot update webdav password with provider " + provider + " for identity:" + identity, e);
Also used : DBRuntimeException(org.olat.core.logging.DBRuntimeException) Authentication(org.olat.basesecurity.Authentication) Identity( AssertException(org.olat.core.logging.AssertException) DBRuntimeException(org.olat.core.logging.DBRuntimeException)

Example 9 with Identity

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class UserSession method valueUnbound.

 * called when the session is invalidated either by app. server timeout or manual session.invalidate (logout)
 * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener#valueUnbound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent)
public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent be) {
    try {
        // the identity can be null if an loginscreen only session gets invalidated
        // (no user was authenticated yet but a tomcat session was created)
        Identity ident = identityEnvironment.getIdentity();
        if (log.isDebug()) {
            log.debug("Closed UserSession: identity = " + (ident == null ? "n/a" : ident.getName()));
        // -> in this case we use the special empty activity logger
        if (ident == null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("exception while session was unbound!", e);
    } finally // called by tomcat's timer thread -> we need to close!! since the next unbound will be called from the same tomcat-thread
        // o_clusterNOK: put into managed transaction wrapper
Also used : UserSessionManager(org.olat.core.util.session.UserSessionManager) Identity(

Example 10 with Identity

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class UserActivityLoggerImpl method log.

public void log(ILoggingAction loggingAction, Class<?> callingClass, ILoggingResourceable... lriOrNull) {
    Long logStart = null;
    if (log_.isDebug()) {
        logStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final ActionType actionType = stickyActionType_ != null ? stickyActionType_ : loggingAction.getResourceActionType();
    // don't log entries with loggingAction type 'tracking'
    if (isLogAnonymous_ && actionType.equals(ActionType.tracking)) {
    // fetch some of the loggingAction fields - used for error logging below
    final CrudAction crudAction = loggingAction.getCrudAction();
    final ActionVerb actionVerb = loggingAction.getActionVerb();
    final String actionObject = loggingAction.getActionObject();
    // calculate the combined and ordered list of LoggingResourceables which should go
    // to the database below right away
    List<ILoggingResourceable> resourceInfos = getCombinedOrderedLoggingResourceables(lriOrNull);
    if (session_ == null) {
        // then I can't log - log information without session/user information isn't of much use
        // issue a log warn with a stacktrace for this
        log_.error("No session available to UserActivityLogger. Cannot write log entry: " + + ":" + + ", " + actionObject + ", " + convertLoggingResourceableListToString(resourceInfos), new Exception());
    final String sessionId;
    if (session_.getSessionInfo() != null && session_.getSessionInfo().getSession() == null) {
        // background taks
        sessionId = Thread.currentThread().getName();
    } else if (session_.getSessionInfo() == null) {
        // no session Id available - odd
        log_.error("No session information available to UserActivityLogger. Cannot write log entry: " + + ":" + + ", " + actionObject + ", " + convertLoggingResourceableListToString(resourceInfos), new Exception());
    } else {
        sessionId = Long.toString(session_.getSessionInfo().getCreationTime());
    Identity identity = session_.getIdentity();
    if (identity == null) {
        // no identity available - odd
        log_.error("No identity available to UserActivityLogger. Cannot write log entry: " + + ":" + + ", " + actionObject + ", " + convertLoggingResourceableListToString(resourceInfos), new Exception());
    Long identityKey = identity.getKey();
    if (actionType != ActionType.admin) {
        final String identityKeyStr = String.valueOf(identityKey);
        for (Iterator<ILoggingResourceable> it = resourceInfos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            ILoggingResourceable lr =;
            // we want this info as too much actionTypes are non-admin and log-entry will then be without value not containing targetIdent!, see FXOLAT-104
            if (lr.getResourceableType() == StringResourceableType.targetIdentity && lr.getId().equals(identityKeyStr)) {
                if (log_.isDebug()) {
                    // complain
                    final Writer strackTraceAsStringWriter = new StringWriter();
                    final PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(strackTraceAsStringWriter);
                    (new Exception("OLAT-4955 debug stacktrac")).printStackTrace(printWriter);
                    log_.debug("OLAT-4955: Not storing targetIdentity for non-admin logging actions. A non-admin logging action wanted to store a user other than the one from the session: action=" + loggingAction + ", fieldId=" + loggingAction.getJavaFieldIdForDebug(), strackTraceAsStringWriter.toString());
                // remove targetIdentity (fxdiff: only if same as executing identity!)
    // end of moved code
    if (resourceInfos != null) {
        // remove all ignorable resources
        for (Iterator<ILoggingResourceable> riIterator = resourceInfos.iterator(); riIterator.hasNext(); ) {
            if ( {
    if (loggingAction.getTypeListDefinition() == null) {
        // this is a foul!
        log_.warn("LoggingAction has no ResourceableTypeList defined: action=" + loggingAction + ", fieldId=" + loggingAction.getJavaFieldIdForDebug());
    } else {
        // good boy
        String errorMsg = loggingAction.getTypeListDefinition().executeCheckAndGetErrorMessage(resourceInfos);
        if (errorMsg != null) {
            // we found an inconsistency
            // lets make this a warn
            log_.warn("LoggingAction reported an inconsistency (" + errorMsg + ") while logging: " + loggingAction.getActionVerb() + " " + loggingAction.getActionObject() + ", action=" + loggingAction + ", fieldId=" + loggingAction.getJavaFieldIdForDebug() + ", expected: " + loggingAction.getTypeListDefinition().toString() + ", actual: " + convertLoggingResourceableListToString(resourceInfos), new Exception("OLAT-4653"));
    String identityName;
    if (isLogAnonymous_ && (actionType != ActionType.admin)) {
        identityName = "";
    } else {
        identityName = identity.getName();
    // start creating the LoggingObject
    final LoggingObject logObj = new LoggingObject(sessionId, identityKey, identityName,, 1),, actionObject);
    if (resourceInfos != null && resourceInfos.size() != 0) {
        if (resourceInfos.size() > 4) {
            log_.warn("More than 4 resource infos set on a user activity log. Can only have 4. Having: " + resourceInfos.size());
            int diff = resourceInfos.size() - 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
        // get the target resourceable
        ILoggingResourceable ri = resourceInfos.get(resourceInfos.size() - 1);
        // now set parent - if applicable
        if (resourceInfos.size() > 1) {
            ri = resourceInfos.get(resourceInfos.size() - 2);
        // and set the grand parent - if applicable
        if (resourceInfos.size() > 2) {
            ri = resourceInfos.get(resourceInfos.size() - 3);
        // and set the great grand parent - if applicable
        if (resourceInfos.size() > 3) {
            ri = resourceInfos.get(resourceInfos.size() - 4);
    // fill the remaining fields
    logObj.setResourceAdminAction(actionType.equals(ActionType.admin) ? true : false);
    Locale locale = I18nManager.getInstance().getLocaleOrDefault(identity.getUser().getPreferences().getLanguage());
    // prepare the user properties, set them at once
    List<String> tmpUserProperties = new ArrayList<>(12);
    for (Iterator<String> iterator = userProperties_.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        String userPropString = identity.getUser().getPropertyOrIdentityEnvAttribute(, locale);
        boolean shorten = false;
        try {
            if (userPropString != null && userPropString.getBytes("UTF-8").length > 254) {
                shorten = true;
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
            log_.error("error while calculating real string length: unsupported encoding: ", uee);
            shorten = true;
        if (shorten) {
            log_.error("Userproperty was too long for logging-table (shortened automatically). check that nothing valueable is lost! value before cut: " + userPropString);
            userPropString = userPropString.substring(0, 255);
    // and store it
    DB db = DBFactory.getInstance();
    if (db != null && db.isError()) {
        // then we would run into an ERROR when we'd do more with this DB
        // hence we just issue a here with the details
        // @TODO: lower to once we checked that it doesn't occur very often (best for 6.4)
        log_.warn("log: DB is in Error state therefore the UserActivityLoggerImpl cannot store the following logging action into the loggingtable: " + logObj);
    } else {
    if (log_.isDebug()) {
        Long logEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
        log_.debug("log duration = " + (logEnd - logStart));
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UnsupportedEncodingException( UnsupportedEncodingException( StringWriter( Identity( PrintWriter( StringWriter( Writer( DB(org.olat.core.commons.persistence.DB) PrintWriter(


Identity ( Test (org.junit.Test)1956 RepositoryEntry (org.olat.repository.RepositoryEntry)898 BusinessGroup ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)550 Date (java.util.Date)312 URI ( ICourse (org.olat.course.ICourse)266 HttpResponse (org.apache.http.HttpResponse)260 File ( AssessmentManager (org.olat.course.assessment.AssessmentManager)210 Path ( OLATResource (org.olat.resource.OLATResource)172 OLATResourceable ( Roles ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)151 RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)136 List (java.util.List)132 Produces (