Search in sources :

Example 76 with Filter

use of org.osgi.framework.Filter in project rt.equinox.framework by eclipse.

the class Storage method listEntryPaths.

 * Returns the names of resources available from a list of bundle files.
 * No duplicate resource names are returned, each name is unique.
 * @param bundleFiles the list of bundle files to search in
 * @param path The path name in which to look.
 * @param filePattern The file name pattern for selecting resource names in
 *        the specified path.
 * @param options The options for listing resource names.
 * @return a list of resource names.  If no resources are found then
 * the empty list is returned.
 * @see BundleWiring#listResources(String, String, int)
public static List<String> listEntryPaths(List<BundleFile> bundleFiles, String path, String filePattern, int options) {
    // Use LinkedHashSet for optimized performance of contains() plus
    // ordering guarantees.
    LinkedHashSet<String> pathList = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    Filter patternFilter = null;
    Hashtable<String, String> patternProps = null;
    if (filePattern != null) {
        // Avoid pattern matching and use BundleFile.getEntry() if recursion was not requested.
        if ((options & BundleWiring.FINDENTRIES_RECURSE) == 0 && filePattern.indexOf('*') == -1 && filePattern.indexOf('\\') == -1) {
            if (path.length() == 0)
                path = filePattern;
                path += path.charAt(path.length() - 1) == '/' ? filePattern : '/' + filePattern;
            for (BundleFile bundleFile : bundleFiles) {
                if (bundleFile.getEntry(path) != null && !pathList.contains(path))
            return new ArrayList<>(pathList);
        // For when the file pattern includes a wildcard.
        try {
            // create a file pattern filter with 'filename' as the key
            // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
            patternFilter = FilterImpl.newInstance("(filename=" + sanitizeFilterInput(filePattern) + ")");
            // create a single hashtable to be shared during the recursive search
            patternProps = new Hashtable<>(2);
        } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
            // eventPublisher.publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, b, e);
            return new ArrayList<>(pathList);
    // find the entry paths for the datas
    for (BundleFile bundleFile : bundleFiles) {
        listEntryPaths(bundleFile, path, patternFilter, patternProps, options, pathList);
    return new ArrayList<>(pathList);
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Filter(org.osgi.framework.Filter) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InvalidSyntaxException(org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException) NestedDirBundleFile( ZipBundleFile( DirBundleFile( BundleFile(

Example 77 with Filter

use of org.osgi.framework.Filter in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class OsgiUtils method waitForSerice.

public static void waitForSerice(Class type, String filter, long timeout) {
    BundleContext bundleContext = getBundleContext();
    ServiceTracker tracker = null;
    try {
        String flt;
        if (filter != null) {
            if (filter.startsWith("(")) {
                flt = "(&(" + org.osgi.framework.Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + type.getName() + ")" + filter + ")";
            } else {
                flt = "(&(" + org.osgi.framework.Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + type.getName() + ")(" + filter + "))";
        } else {
            flt = "(" + org.osgi.framework.Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + type.getName() + ")";
        Filter osgiFilter = FrameworkUtil.createFilter(flt);
        tracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext, osgiFilter, null);;
        if (tracker.waitForService(timeout) == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Gave up waiting for service " + flt);
    } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid filter", e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
Also used : ServiceTracker(org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker) Filter(org.osgi.framework.Filter) InvalidSyntaxException(org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException) BundleContext(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)

Example 78 with Filter

use of org.osgi.framework.Filter in project eclipse-integration-commons by spring-projects.

the class DescriptorMatcher method match.

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public boolean match(Descriptor descriptor) {
    if (version != null && descriptor.getRequires() != null) {
        try {
            VersionRange versionRange = new VersionRange(descriptor.getRequires());
            if (!versionRange.isIncluded(version)) {
                return false;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // ignore
    if (descriptor.getFilter() != null) {
        try {
            Filter filter = FrameworkUtil.createFilter(descriptor.getFilter());
            // TODO e3.7 remove cast and use expected typesObject
            return filter.match((Dictionary) environment);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // ignore
        } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
        // ignore
    if (descriptor.isLocal()) {
        File baseDirectory = installDirectory == null ? manager.getInstallDirectory() : installDirectory;
        File directory = new File(baseDirectory, descriptor.getId() + "-" + descriptor.getVersion());
        if (!directory.exists()) {
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : Filter(org.osgi.framework.Filter) VersionRange(org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.VersionRange) InvalidSyntaxException(org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException) File(

Example 79 with Filter

use of org.osgi.framework.Filter in project acs-aem-commons by Adobe-Consulting-Services.

the class CustomPollingImporterListServlet method activate.

protected void activate(ComponentContext ctx) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
    final BundleContext bundleContext = ctx.getBundleContext();
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    Filter filter = bundleContext.createFilter(builder.toString());
    this.tracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext, filter, null);;
Also used : Filter(org.osgi.framework.Filter) ServiceTracker(org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker) BundleContext(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext) Activate(org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate)

Example 80 with Filter

use of org.osgi.framework.Filter in project ecf by eclipse.

the class EventHandlerWrapper method handleEvent.

 * Dispatch event to handler. Perform final tests before actually calling
 * the handler.
 * @param event
 *            The event to dispatch
 * @param perm
 *            The permission to be checked
public void handleEvent(Event event, Permission perm) {
    Bundle bundle = reference.getBundle();
    // is service unregistered?
    if (bundle == null) {
    // filter match
    Filter eventFilter = getFilter();
    if ((eventFilter != null) && !event.matches(eventFilter)) {
    // permission check
    if ((perm != null) && (!bundle.hasPermission(perm))) {
    // get handler service
    EventHandler handlerService = getHandler();
    if (handlerService == null) {
    try {
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // log/handle any Throwable thrown by the listener
        log.log(LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Exception while dispatching event " + event + " to handler " + handlerService, t);
Also used : Filter(org.osgi.framework.Filter) Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) EventHandler(org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler)


Filter (org.osgi.framework.Filter)167 InvalidSyntaxException (org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException)63 ServiceTracker (org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker)42 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)41 ServiceReference (org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference)36 BundleContext (org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)27 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)25 List (java.util.List)23 Bundle (org.osgi.framework.Bundle)21 Dictionary (java.util.Dictionary)20 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)17 Test (org.junit.Test)17 Map (java.util.Map)15 IOException ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)9 Properties (java.util.Properties)8 SharePolicy (org.apache.aries.subsystem.scope.SharePolicy)7 Configuration ( URL ( Collection (java.util.Collection)6