use of scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration in project flink by apache.
the class CliFrontend method triggerSavepoint.
* Sends a {@link org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepoint}
* message to the job manager.
private int triggerSavepoint(SavepointOptions options, JobID jobId, String savepointDirectory) {
try {
ActorGateway jobManager = getJobManagerGateway(options);
logAndSysout("Triggering savepoint for job " + jobId + ".");
Future<Object> response = jobManager.ask(new TriggerSavepoint(jobId, Option.apply(savepointDirectory)), new FiniteDuration(1, TimeUnit.HOURS));
Object result;
try {
logAndSysout("Waiting for response...");
result = Await.result(response, FiniteDuration.Inf());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Triggering a savepoint for the job " + jobId + " failed.", e);
if (result instanceof TriggerSavepointSuccess) {
TriggerSavepointSuccess success = (TriggerSavepointSuccess) result;
logAndSysout("Savepoint completed. Path: " + success.savepointPath());
logAndSysout("You can resume your program from this savepoint with the run command.");
return 0;
} else if (result instanceof TriggerSavepointFailure) {
TriggerSavepointFailure failure = (TriggerSavepointFailure) result;
throw failure.cause();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown JobManager response of type " + result.getClass());
} catch (Throwable t) {
return handleError(t);
use of scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration in project zeppelin by apache.
the class FlinkInterpreter method cancelJobLocalMode.
private void cancelJobLocalMode(JobID jobID) {
FiniteDuration timeout = AkkaUtils.getTimeout(this.localFlinkCluster.configuration());
ActorGateway leader = this.localFlinkCluster.getLeaderGateway(timeout);
leader.ask(new JobManagerMessages.CancelJob(jobID), timeout);
use of scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration in project flink by apache.
the class FlinkClient method getTopologyJobId.
// Flink specific additional methods
* Package internal method to get a Flink {@link JobID} from a Storm topology name.
* @param id
* The Storm topology name.
* @return Flink's internally used {@link JobID}.
JobID getTopologyJobId(final String id) {
final Configuration configuration = GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration();
if (this.timeout != null) {
configuration.setString(ConfigConstants.AKKA_ASK_TIMEOUT, this.timeout);
try {
final ActorRef jobManager = this.getJobManager();
final FiniteDuration askTimeout = this.getTimeout();
final Future<Object> response = Patterns.ask(jobManager, JobManagerMessages.getRequestRunningJobsStatus(), new Timeout(askTimeout));
final Object result;
try {
result = Await.result(response, askTimeout);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not retrieve running jobs from the JobManager", e);
if (result instanceof RunningJobsStatus) {
final List<JobStatusMessage> jobs = ((RunningJobsStatus) result).getStatusMessages();
for (final JobStatusMessage status : jobs) {
if (status.getJobName().equals(id)) {
return status.getJobId();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("ReqeustRunningJobs requires a response of type " + "RunningJobs. Instead the response is of type " + result.getClass() + ".");
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not connect to Flink JobManager with address " + this.jobManagerHost + ":" + this.jobManagerPort, e);
return null;
use of scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration in project flink by apache.
the class JobClientActorTest method testRegistrationTimeout.
/** Tests that a {@link JobClientActorRegistrationTimeoutException} is thrown when the registration
* cannot be performed at the JobManager by the JobAttachmentClientActor. This is here the case, because the
* started JobManager never replies to a {@link RegisterJobClient} message.
@Test(expected = JobClientActorRegistrationTimeoutException.class)
public void testRegistrationTimeout() throws Exception {
FiniteDuration jobClientActorTimeout = new FiniteDuration(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
FiniteDuration timeout = jobClientActorTimeout.$times(2);
UUID leaderSessionID = UUID.randomUUID();
ActorRef jobManager = system.actorOf(Props.create(PlainActor.class, leaderSessionID));
TestingLeaderRetrievalService testingLeaderRetrievalService = new TestingLeaderRetrievalService(jobManager.path().toString(), leaderSessionID);
Props jobClientActorProps = JobAttachmentClientActor.createActorProps(testingLeaderRetrievalService, jobClientActorTimeout, false);
ActorRef jobClientActor = system.actorOf(jobClientActorProps);
Future<Object> jobExecutionResult = Patterns.ask(jobClientActor, new JobClientMessages.AttachToJobAndWait(testJobGraph.getJobID()), new Timeout(timeout));
Await.result(jobExecutionResult, timeout);
use of scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration in project flink by apache.
the class JobClientActorTest method testConnectionTimeoutWithoutJobManagerForRegistration.
/** Tests that a {@link org.apache.flink.runtime.client.JobClientActorConnectionTimeoutException}
* is thrown when the JobAttachmentClientActor attach to a job at the JobManager
* but has not connected to a JobManager.
@Test(expected = JobClientActorConnectionTimeoutException.class)
public void testConnectionTimeoutWithoutJobManagerForRegistration() throws Exception {
FiniteDuration jobClientActorTimeout = new FiniteDuration(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
FiniteDuration timeout = jobClientActorTimeout.$times(2);
TestingLeaderRetrievalService testingLeaderRetrievalService = new TestingLeaderRetrievalService();
Props jobClientActorProps = JobAttachmentClientActor.createActorProps(testingLeaderRetrievalService, jobClientActorTimeout, false);
ActorRef jobClientActor = system.actorOf(jobClientActorProps);
Future<Object> jobExecutionResult = Patterns.ask(jobClientActor, new JobClientMessages.AttachToJobAndWait(testJobGraph.getJobID()), new Timeout(timeout));
Await.result(jobExecutionResult, timeout);