use of won.owner.model.User in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class WonWebSocketHandler method handleTextMessage.
* User user = getCurrentUser();
*"New Need:" + needPojo.getTextDescription() + "/" +
* needPojo.getCreationDate() + "/" + needPojo.getLongitude() + "/" +
* needPojo.getLatitude() + "/" + (needPojo.getState() == NeedState.ACTIVE));
* //TODO: using fixed Facets - change this needPojo.setFacetTypes(new String[]{
* FacetType.OwnerFacet.getURI().toString()}); NeedPojo createdNeedPojo =
* resolve(needPojo); Need need =
* needRepository.findOne(createdNeedPojo.getNeedId());
* user.getNeeds().add(need);; HttpHeaders
* headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.setLocation(need.getNeedURI()); return
* new ResponseEntity<NeedPojo>(createdNeedPojo, headers, HttpStatus.CREATED);
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS, isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED)
public void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws IOException {
logger.debug("OA Server - WebSocket message received: {}", message.getPayload());
if (!message.isLast()) {
// we have an intermediate part of the current message.
session.getAttributes().putIfAbsent(SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_PARTIAL_MESSAGE, new StringBuilder());
// now check if we have the partial message string builder in the session.
// if we do, we're processing a partial message, and we have to append the
// current message payload
StringBuilder sb = (StringBuilder) session.getAttributes().get(SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_PARTIAL_MESSAGE);
// will hold the final message
String completePayload = null;
if (sb == null) {
// No string builder found in the session - we're not processing a partial
// message.
// The complete payload is in the current message. Get it and continue.
completePayload = message.getPayload();
} else {
// the string builder is there - we're processing a partial message. append the
// current piece
if (message.isLast()) {
// we've received the last part. pass it on to the next processing steps.
completePayload = sb.toString();
// also, we do not need the string builder in the session any longer. remove it:
} else {
// next part
WonMessage wonMessage = WonMessageDecoder.decodeFromJsonLd(completePayload);
// remember which user or (if not logged in) which needUri the session is bound
// to
User user = getUserForSession(session);
if (user != null) {
logger.debug("binding session to user {}", user.getId());
this.webSocketSessionService.addMapping(user, session);
// anyway, we have to bind the URI to the session, otherwise we can't handle
// incoming server->client messages
URI needUri = wonMessage.getSenderNeedURI();
logger.debug("binding session to need URI {}", needUri);
this.webSocketSessionService.addMapping(needUri, session);
try {
AuthenticationThreadLocal.setAuthentication((Authentication) session.getPrincipal());
} finally {
// be sure to remove the principal from the threadlocal
use of won.owner.model.User in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class WonWebSocketHandler method process.
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED)
public WonMessage process(final WonMessage wonMessage) {
String wonMessageJsonLdString = WonMessageEncoder.encodeAsJsonLd(wonMessage);
WebSocketMessage<String> webSocketMessage = new TextMessage(wonMessageJsonLdString);
URI needUri = wonMessage.getReceiverNeedURI();
User user = getUserForWonMessage(wonMessage);
Set<WebSocketSession> webSocketSessions = findWebSocketSessionsForWonMessage(wonMessage, needUri, user);
// check if we can deliver the message. If not, send email.
if (webSocketSessions.size() == 0) {"cannot deliver message of type {} for need {}, receiver {}: no websocket session found", new Object[] { wonMessage.getMessageType(), wonMessage.getReceiverNeedURI(), wonMessage.getReceiverURI() });
// send per email notifications if it applies:
notifyPerEmail(user, needUri, wonMessage);
return wonMessage;
// we can send it - pre-cache the delivery chain:
// send to owner webapp
for (WebSocketSession session : webSocketSessions) {
sendMessageForSession(wonMessage, webSocketMessage, session, needUri, user);
return wonMessage;
use of won.owner.model.User in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class KeystoreEnabledDaoAuthenticationProvider method authenticate.
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) {
String password = (String) authentication.getCredentials();
String username = (String) authentication.getPrincipal();
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken auth = (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) super.authenticate(authentication);
User user = (User) auth.getPrincipal();
// can't use that object as it's detached. load the user again:
user = userRepository.findOne(user.getId());
KeystorePasswordHolder keystorePasswordHolder = user.getKeystorePasswordHolder();
if (keystorePasswordHolder == null || keystorePasswordHolder.getEncryptedPassword() == null || keystorePasswordHolder.getEncryptedPassword().length() == 0) {
keystorePasswordHolder = new KeystorePasswordHolder();
// generate a password for the keystore and save it in the database, encrypted with a symmetric key
// derived from the user's password
keystorePasswordHolder.setPassword(KeystorePasswordUtils.generatePassword(KeystorePasswordUtils.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_BYTES), password);
// keystorePasswordHolder =;
// generate the keystore for the user
String keystorePassword = keystorePasswordHolder.getPassword(password);
KeystoreHolder keystoreHolder = user.getKeystoreHolder();
KeyStore keystore = null;
if (keystoreHolder == null || keystoreHolder.getKeystoreBytes() == null || keystoreHolder.getKeystoreBytes().length == 0) {
// new user or legacy user that has no keystore yet: create keystoreHolder
keystoreHolder = new KeystoreHolder();
keystore = openOrCreateKeyStore(keystorePassword, auth.getName(), keystoreHolder);
// keystoreHolder =;
} else {
try {
keystore = keystoreHolder.getKeystore(keystorePassword);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("could not open keystore for user " + username);
KeystoreEnabledUserDetails ud = new KeystoreEnabledUserDetails(user, keystore, keystorePassword);
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(ud, null, auth.getAuthorities());