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Example 6 with Annotation

use of zipkin.Annotation in project zipkin by openzipkin.

the class CassandraUtil method annotationKeys.

   * Returns keys that concatenate the serviceName associated with an annotation or a binary
   * annotation.
   * <p>Note: in the case of binary annotations, only string types are returned, as that's the only
   * queryable type, per {@link QueryRequest#binaryAnnotations}.
   * @see QueryRequest#annotations
   * @see QueryRequest#binaryAnnotations
static Set<String> annotationKeys(Span span) {
    Set<String> annotationKeys = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (Annotation a : span.annotations) {
        // don't index core annotations as they aren't queryable
        if (Constants.CORE_ANNOTATIONS.contains(a.value))
        if (a.endpoint != null && !a.endpoint.serviceName.isEmpty()) {
            annotationKeys.add(a.endpoint.serviceName + ":" + a.value);
    for (BinaryAnnotation b : span.binaryAnnotations) {
        if (b.type == BinaryAnnotation.Type.STRING && b.endpoint != null && !b.endpoint.serviceName.isEmpty() && b.value.length <= LONGEST_VALUE_TO_INDEX * 4) {
            // UTF_8 is up to 4bytes/char
            String value = new String(b.value, UTF_8);
            if (value.length() > LONGEST_VALUE_TO_INDEX)
            annotationKeys.add(b.endpoint.serviceName + ":" + b.key + ":" + new String(b.value, UTF_8));
    return annotationKeys;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation) Annotation(zipkin.Annotation) BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation)

Example 7 with Annotation

use of zipkin.Annotation in project jaeger-client-java by jaegertracing.

the class ZipkinSenderTest method testFlushSendsSpan.

public void testFlushSendsSpan() throws Exception {
    Span expectedSpan = (Span) tracer.buildSpan("raza").startManual();
    assertEquals(0, sender.append(expectedSpan));
    assertEquals(1, sender.flush());
    List<List<zipkin.Span>> traces = zipkinRule.getTraces();
    assertEquals(traces.size(), 1);
    assertEquals(traces.get(0).size(), 1);
    zipkin.Span actualSpan = traces.get(0).get(0);
    SpanContext context = expectedSpan.context();
    assertEquals(context.getTraceId(), actualSpan.traceId);
    assertEquals(context.getParentId(), (long) actualSpan.parentId);
    for (BinaryAnnotation binaryAnnotation : actualSpan.binaryAnnotations) {
        assertEquals(tracer.getServiceName(), binaryAnnotation.endpoint.serviceName);
    for (Annotation annotation : actualSpan.annotations) {
        assertEquals(tracer.getServiceName(), annotation.endpoint.serviceName);
Also used : BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation) SpanContext(com.uber.jaeger.SpanContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Span(com.uber.jaeger.Span) Annotation(zipkin.Annotation) BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with Annotation

use of zipkin.Annotation in project brave by openzipkin.

the class V2SpanConverter method toSpan.

 * Converts the input, parsing {@link Span#kind()} into RPC annotations.
public static zipkin.Span toSpan(Span in) {
    String traceId = in.traceId();
    zipkin.Span.Builder result = zipkin.Span.builder().traceId(HexCodec.lowerHexToUnsignedLong(traceId)).parentId(in.parentId() != null ? HexCodec.lowerHexToUnsignedLong(in.parentId()) : null).id(HexCodec.lowerHexToUnsignedLong( avoid a NPE != null ? : "");
    if (traceId.length() == 32) {
        result.traceIdHigh(HexCodec.lowerHexToUnsignedLong(traceId, 0));
    long startTs = in.timestamp() == null ? 0L : in.timestamp();
    Long endTs = in.duration() == null ? 0L : in.timestamp() + in.duration();
    if (startTs != 0L) {
    zipkin.Endpoint local = in.localEndpoint() != null ? toEndpoint(in.localEndpoint()) : null;
    zipkin.Endpoint remote = in.remoteEndpoint() != null ? toEndpoint(in.remoteEndpoint()) : null;
    Kind kind = in.kind();
    Annotation cs = null, sr = null, ss = null, cr = null, ms = null, mr = null, ws = null, wr = null;
    String remoteEndpointType = null;
    boolean wroteEndpoint = false;
    for (int i = 0, length = in.annotations().size(); i < length; i++) {
        zipkin2.Annotation input = in.annotations().get(i);
        Annotation a = Annotation.create(input.timestamp(), input.value(), local);
        if (a.value.length() == 2) {
            if (a.value.equals(Constants.CLIENT_SEND)) {
                kind = Kind.CLIENT;
                cs = a;
                remoteEndpointType = SERVER_ADDR;
            } else if (a.value.equals(Constants.SERVER_RECV)) {
                kind = Kind.SERVER;
                sr = a;
                remoteEndpointType = CLIENT_ADDR;
            } else if (a.value.equals(Constants.SERVER_SEND)) {
                kind = Kind.SERVER;
                ss = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals(Constants.CLIENT_RECV)) {
                kind = Kind.CLIENT;
                cr = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals(Constants.MESSAGE_SEND)) {
                kind = Kind.PRODUCER;
                ms = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals(Constants.MESSAGE_RECV)) {
                kind = Kind.CONSUMER;
                mr = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals(Constants.WIRE_SEND)) {
                ws = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals(Constants.WIRE_RECV)) {
                wr = a;
            } else {
                wroteEndpoint = true;
        } else {
            wroteEndpoint = true;
    if (kind != null) {
        switch(kind) {
            case CLIENT:
                remoteEndpointType = Constants.SERVER_ADDR;
                if (startTs != 0L)
                    cs = Annotation.create(startTs, Constants.CLIENT_SEND, local);
                if (endTs != 0L)
                    cr = Annotation.create(endTs, Constants.CLIENT_RECV, local);
            case SERVER:
                remoteEndpointType = Constants.CLIENT_ADDR;
                if (startTs != 0L)
                    sr = Annotation.create(startTs, Constants.SERVER_RECV, local);
                if (endTs != 0L)
                    ss = Annotation.create(endTs, Constants.SERVER_SEND, local);
            case PRODUCER:
                remoteEndpointType = Constants.MESSAGE_ADDR;
                if (startTs != 0L)
                    ms = Annotation.create(startTs, Constants.MESSAGE_SEND, local);
                if (endTs != 0L)
                    ws = Annotation.create(endTs, Constants.WIRE_SEND, local);
            case CONSUMER:
                remoteEndpointType = Constants.MESSAGE_ADDR;
                if (startTs != 0L && endTs != 0L) {
                    wr = Annotation.create(startTs, Constants.WIRE_RECV, local);
                    mr = Annotation.create(endTs, Constants.MESSAGE_RECV, local);
                } else if (startTs != 0L) {
                    mr = Annotation.create(startTs, Constants.MESSAGE_RECV, local);
                throw new AssertionError("update kind mapping");
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> tag : in.tags().entrySet()) {
        wroteEndpoint = true;
        result.addBinaryAnnotation(BinaryAnnotation.create(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue(), local));
    if (cs != null || sr != null || ss != null || cr != null || ws != null || wr != null || ms != null || mr != null) {
        if (cs != null)
        if (sr != null)
        if (ss != null)
        if (cr != null)
        if (ws != null)
        if (wr != null)
        if (ms != null)
        if (mr != null)
        wroteEndpoint = true;
    } else if (local != null && remote != null) {
        // special-case when we are missing core annotations, but we have both address annotations
        result.addBinaryAnnotation(BinaryAnnotation.address(CLIENT_ADDR, local));
        wroteEndpoint = true;
        remoteEndpointType = SERVER_ADDR;
    if (remoteEndpointType != null && remote != null) {
        result.addBinaryAnnotation(BinaryAnnotation.address(remoteEndpointType, remote));
    // don't report server-side timestamp on shared or incomplete spans
    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(in.shared()) && sr != null) {
    if (local != null && !wroteEndpoint) {
        // create a dummy annotation
        result.addBinaryAnnotation(BinaryAnnotation.create(LOCAL_COMPONENT, "", local));
Also used : Span(zipkin2.Span) Annotation(zipkin.Annotation) BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation) Endpoint(zipkin2.Endpoint) Kind(zipkin2.Span.Kind) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 9 with Annotation

use of zipkin.Annotation in project zipkin by openzipkin.

the class CassandraSpanConsumer method storeSpan.

   * Store the span in the underlying storage for later retrieval.
ListenableFuture<?> storeSpan(Span span, TraceIdUDT traceId, boolean isServerRecvSpan, Long timestamp) {
    try {
        if ((null == timestamp || 0 == timestamp) && !isServerRecvSpan && metadata.compactionClass.contains("TimeWindowCompactionStrategy")) {
            LOG.warn("Span {} in trace {} had no timestamp. " + "If this happens a lot consider switching back to SizeTieredCompactionStrategy for " + "{}.traces",, span.traceId, session.getLoggedKeyspace());
        List<AnnotationUDT> annotations = new ArrayList<>(span.annotations.size());
        for (Annotation annotation : span.annotations) {
            annotations.add(new AnnotationUDT(annotation));
        List<BinaryAnnotationUDT> binaryAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(span.binaryAnnotations.size());
        for (BinaryAnnotation annotation : span.binaryAnnotations) {
            binaryAnnotations.add(new BinaryAnnotationUDT(annotation));
        Set<String> annotationKeys = CassandraUtil.annotationKeys(span);
        if (!strictTraceId && traceId.getHigh() != 0L) {
            storeSpan(span, new TraceIdUDT(0L, traceId.getLow()), isServerRecvSpan, timestamp);
        BoundStatement bound = bindWithName(insertSpan, "insert-span").set("trace_id", traceId, TraceIdUDT.class).setUUID("ts_uuid", new UUID(UUIDs.startOf(null != timestamp ? (timestamp / 1000) : 0).getMostSignificantBits(), UUIDs.random().getLeastSignificantBits())).setLong("id","span_name","annotations", annotations).setList("binary_annotations", binaryAnnotations).setString("all_annotations", Joiner.on(',').join(annotationKeys));
        if (null != span.timestamp) {
            bound = bound.setLong("ts", span.timestamp);
        if (null != span.duration) {
            bound = bound.setLong("duration", span.duration);
        if (null != span.parentId) {
            bound = bound.setLong("parent_id", span.parentId);
        return session.executeAsync(bound);
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(ex);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BinaryAnnotationUDT( AnnotationUDT( Annotation(zipkin.Annotation) BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation) BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation) BinaryAnnotationUDT( UUID(java.util.UUID) BoundStatement(com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement) TraceIdUDT(

Example 10 with Annotation

use of zipkin.Annotation in project zipkin by openzipkin.

the class CassandraUtil method annotationKeys.

   * Returns keys that concatenate the serviceName associated with an annotation or a binary
   * annotation.
   * <p>Note: Annotations are delimited with colons while Binary Annotations are delimited with
   * semi-colons. This is because the returned keys are joined on comma and queried with LIKE. For
   * example, a span with the annotation "foo" and a binary annotation "bar" -> "baz" would end up
   * in a cell "service:foo,service:bar:baz". A query for the annotation "bar" would satisfy as
   * "service:bar" is a substring of that cell. This is imprecise. By joining binary annotations on
   * semicolon, this mismatch cannot happen.
   * <p>Note: in the case of binary annotations, only string types are returned, as that's the only
   * queryable type, per {@link QueryRequest#binaryAnnotations}.
   * @see QueryRequest#annotations
   * @see QueryRequest#binaryAnnotations
static Set<String> annotationKeys(Span span) {
    Set<String> annotationKeys = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (Annotation a : span.annotations) {
        // don't index core annotations as they aren't queryable
        if (Constants.CORE_ANNOTATIONS.contains(a.value))
        if (a.endpoint != null && !a.endpoint.serviceName.isEmpty()) {
            annotationKeys.add(a.endpoint.serviceName + ":" + a.value);
    for (BinaryAnnotation b : span.binaryAnnotations) {
        if (b.type != BinaryAnnotation.Type.STRING || b.endpoint == null || b.endpoint.serviceName.isEmpty() || b.value.length > LONGEST_VALUE_TO_INDEX * 4) {
            // UTF_8 is up to 4bytes/char
        String value = new String(b.value, UTF_8);
        if (value.length() > LONGEST_VALUE_TO_INDEX)
        annotationKeys.add(b.endpoint.serviceName + ";" + b.key + ";" + new String(b.value, UTF_8));
    return annotationKeys;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation) Annotation(zipkin.Annotation) BinaryAnnotation(zipkin.BinaryAnnotation)


Annotation (zipkin.Annotation)17 BinaryAnnotation (zipkin.BinaryAnnotation)14 Span (zipkin.Span)7 Test (org.junit.Test)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Endpoint (zipkin.Endpoint)5 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)3 Span (com.uber.jaeger.Span)2 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 List (java.util.List)2 BoundStatement (com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement)1 SpanContext (com.uber.jaeger.SpanContext)1 Connection (java.sql.Connection)1 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 DSLContext (org.jooq.DSLContext)1