use of BasicCommonClasses.Ingredient in project SmartCity-Market by TechnionYP5777.
the class SQLDatabaseConnection method addIngredient.
public String addIngredient(Integer sessionID, String ingredientName) throws CriticalError, ClientNotConnected {
log.debug("SQL Public addIngredient: ingredient name: " + ingredientName + " (SESSION: " + sessionID + " )");
int $;
// START transaction
try {
// WRITE part of transaction
// get "fresh" id for the new ingredient
$ = allocateIDToTable(IngredientsTable.table, IngredientsTable.ingredientIDCol);
String insertQuery = new InsertQuery(IngredientsTable.table).addColumn(IngredientsTable.ingredientIDCol, PARAM_MARK).addColumn(IngredientsTable.ingredientNameCol, PARAM_MARK).validate() + "";
getParameterizedQuery(insertQuery, $, ingredientName).executeUpdate();
// END transaction
} catch (CriticalError | SQLException e) {
throw new CriticalError();
} finally {
return Serialization.serialize(new Ingredient($, ingredientName));
use of BasicCommonClasses.Ingredient in project SmartCity-Market by TechnionYP5777.
the class CommandExecuter method addNewIngredient.
private void addNewIngredient(SQLDatabaseConnection c) {
Ingredient ingredient = null;
String ingredientResult = null;"Add new ingredient from serderID " + inCommandWrapper.getSenderID() + " command called");
try {
ingredient = Serialization.deserialize(inCommandWrapper.getData(), Ingredient.class);
} catch (java.lang.RuntimeException e) {
log.fatal("Failed to parse data for Add New Ingredient command");
outCommandWrapper = new CommandWrapper(ResultDescriptor.SM_ERR);
}"Trying to add new ingredient " + ingredient + " to system");
try {
ingredientResult = c.addIngredient(inCommandWrapper.getSenderID(), ingredient.getName());
outCommandWrapper = new CommandWrapper(ResultDescriptor.SM_OK, ingredientResult);
} catch (CriticalError e) {
log.fatal("Add new ingredient command failed, critical error occured from SQL Database connection");
outCommandWrapper = new CommandWrapper(ResultDescriptor.SM_ERR);
} catch (ClientNotConnected e) {"Add new ingredient customer command failed, client is not connected");
outCommandWrapper = new CommandWrapper(ResultDescriptor.SM_SENDER_IS_NOT_CONNECTED);
}"Add new ingredient " + ingredient + " to system finished");
use of BasicCommonClasses.Ingredient in project SmartCity-Market by TechnionYP5777.
the class SQLJsonGenerator method ProductToJson.
* convert product from ResultSet to Json representation of product
* @param product
* - ResultSet of the product\s joined with manufactures table
* (assuming the ResultSet ordered by product barcode) the
* ResultSet need to point to the product to convert). this
* object will point the next product after returning.
* @param productIngredients
* - ResultSet of the product\s ingredients (assuming the
* ResultSet ordered by product barcode) the ResultSet should
* pointing the product to convert, if it has ingredients. if so,
* this object will point the next product after returning.
* @param productLocations
* - ResultSet of the product\s locations (assuming the ResultSet
* ordered by product barcode) the ResultSet should pointing the
* product to convert, if it has ingredients. if so, this object
* will point the next product after returning.
* @return
* @throws CriticalError
static String ProductToJson(ResultSet product, ResultSet productIngredients, ResultSet productLocations) throws CriticalError {
HashSet<Location> locations;
HashSet<Ingredient> ingredients;
try {
long productBarcode = product.getLong(ProductsCatalogTable.barcodeCol.getColumnNameSQL());
// adding all ingredients
ingredients = createIngredientsListByBarcode(productBarcode, productIngredients);
// adding all locations
locations = createLocationsList(productBarcode, productLocations);
// get product other details
String productManufacturerName = getStringFromResultset(product, ManufacturerTable.manufacturerNameCol);
int productManufacturerID = product.getInt(ManufacturerTable.manufacturerIDCol.getColumnNameSQL());
String productDescription = getStringFromResultset(product, ProductsCatalogTable.productDescriptionCol), productName = getStringFromResultset(product, ProductsCatalogTable.productNameCol), productPicture = getStringFromResultset(product, ProductsCatalogTable.productPictureCol);
double productPrice = product.getDouble(ProductsCatalogTable.productPriceCol.getColumnNameSQL());;
return Serialization.serialize(new CatalogProduct(productBarcode, productName, ingredients, new Manufacturer(productManufacturerID, productManufacturerName), productDescription, productPrice, productPicture, locations));
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new SQLDatabaseException.CriticalError();
use of BasicCommonClasses.Ingredient in project SmartCity-Market by TechnionYP5777.
the class SQLDatabaseConnection method setIngredientsForCustomer.
* update the ingredients of the user to the ones in the hashset.
* @param username The username of the customer to update.
* @param newSet The new set of ingredients to update to. cannot be null.
* @throws CriticalError
private void setIngredientsForCustomer(String username, HashSet<Ingredient> newSet) throws CriticalError {
PreparedStatement statement = null;
try {
//remove the old list of ingredients
String deleteIngredientsQuery = generateDeleteQuery(CustomersIngredientsTable.table, BinaryCondition.equalTo(CustomersIngredientsTable.customerUsernameCol, PARAM_MARK));
statement = getParameterizedQuery(deleteIngredientsQuery, username);
log.debug("updateIngredientsForCustomer: removing old ingredients of customer: " + username + "\nby running query: " + statement);
for (Ingredient ingredient : newSet) {
//add new ingredients
String insertIngredientQuery = new InsertQuery(CustomersIngredientsTable.table).addColumn(CustomersIngredientsTable.customerUsernameCol, PARAM_MARK).addColumn(CustomersIngredientsTable.ingredientIDCol, PARAM_MARK).validate() + "";
statement = getParameterizedQuery(insertIngredientQuery, username, ingredient.getId());
log.debug("updateIngredientsForCustomer: add igredient: " + ingredient + " to customer: " + username + "\nby running query: statement");
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CriticalError();
} finally {
use of BasicCommonClasses.Ingredient in project SmartCity-Market by TechnionYP5777.
the class Customer method getAllIngredients.
public List<Ingredient> getAllIngredients() throws CriticalError {
String serverResponse;"Creating getAllIngredients command wrapper");
establishCommunication(CustomerDefs.port,, CustomerDefs.timeout);
/* first: getting the product from the server */
try {
serverResponse = sendRequestWithRespondToServer(new CommandWrapper(id, CommandDescriptor.GET_ALL_INGREDIENTS).serialize());
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
log.fatal("Critical bug: failed to get respond from server");
throw new CriticalError();
CommandWrapper commandWrapper = getCommandWrapper(serverResponse);
try {
} catch (InvalidCommandDescriptor | CriticalError | AmountBiggerThanAvailable | ProductPackageDoesNotExist | GroceryListIsEmpty | AuthenticationError | CustomerNotConnected | ProductCatalogDoesNotExist | InvalidParameter | UsernameAlreadyExists | ForgotPasswordWrongAnswer ยข) {
log.fatal("Critical bug: this command result isn't supposed to return here");
throw new CriticalError();
}"getAllIngredients command succeed.");
return new Gson().fromJson(commandWrapper.getData(), new TypeToken<List<Ingredient>>() {