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Example 6 with LinkInformation

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.LinkInformation in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddLinkManagerDialog method copyLink.

 * Copy the selected link(s) to one or more data streams. If a target stream already has a link
 * by the same name, or does not support the rate of the copied link, then the link is not
 * copied to that stream. Additionally, if a variable's rate isn't the same in the target
 * stream then the variable is removed from the link
private void copyLink() {
    // Check if there is more that one data stream
    if (rateHandler.getNumRateColumns() != 1) {
        List<Integer> disabledItems = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        String[][] arrayItemData = new String[rateHandler.getNumRateColumns()][2];
        // Get a reference to the current link tree in order to shorten subsequent calls
        CcddLinkTreeHandler currentTree = activeHandler.getLinkTree();
        // Get the selected link(s)
        String[] selected = currentTree.getTopLevelSelectedNodeNames();
        // Create a panel to contain the dialog components
        JPanel streamPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
        int rateIndex = 0;
        // Step through each data stream
        for (RateInformation rateInfo : rateHandler.getRateInformation()) {
            // Add the associated data stream name to the array
            arrayItemData[rateIndex][0] = rateInfo.getStreamName();
        // Add the index of the current data stream to the list of disabled selections
        // Get the name(s) of the link(s) to be copied, minus any HTML tags and rate/size
        // information
        String linkNames = currentTree.removeExtraText(Arrays.toString(selected).replaceAll("^\\[|\\]$", ""));
        // which to choose
        if (addCheckBoxes(null, arrayItemData, disabledItems, "Select target data stream(s)", streamPnl)) {
            // Create a panel to contain the dialog components
            JPanel dialogPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
            // Create the link copying dialog label and field
            GridBagConstraints gbc = addLinkNameField("Link(s) to copy:", linkNames, dialogPnl);
            // Add the data stream selection panel to the dialog
            gbc.insets.left = 0;
            gbc.insets.right = 0;
            dialogPnl.add(streamPnl, gbc);
            // Create the link copying dialog
            CcddDialogHandler linkDlg = new CcddDialogHandler() {

                 * Verify that the dialog content is valid
                 * @return true if the input values are valid
                protected boolean verifySelection() {
                    return verifyLinkName(true);
            selectedStreams = new ArrayList<String>();
            // Display the link copying dialog
            if (linkDlg.showOptionsDialog(CcddLinkManagerDialog.this, dialogPnl, "Copy Link(s)", DialogOption.COPY_OPTION, true) == OK_BUTTON) {
                notCopiedList = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
                // Get the node path(s) that represent the links (skipping the link members)
                TreePath[] selectedLinks = currentTree.getTopLevelSelectedPaths();
                // Index of the next selected link node to copy
                int selectionIndex = 0;
                // selectedLinks)
                for (TreePath copyLinkPath : selectedLinks) {
                    // Get the node for this path
                    ToolTipTreeNode copyLink = (ToolTipTreeNode) copyLinkPath.getLastPathComponent();
                    // Remove any HTML tags and parenthetical text from the selected link name
                    String nameOnly = activeHandler.getLinkTree().removeExtraText(copyLink.getUserObject().toString());
                    // Step through each selected data stream name
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayItemData.length; index++) {
                        // Check if this data stream is selected as a target
                        if (selectedStreams.contains(arrayItemData[index][0])) {
                            // Get the reference to this stream's link manager handler to
                            // shorten subsequent calls
                            CcddLinkManagerHandler linkMgr = linkMgrs.get(index);
                            // Get a reference to the target's link tree to shorten subsequent
                            // calls
                            CcddLinkTreeHandler targetTree = linkMgr.getLinkTree();
                            // target data stream
                            if (targetTree.getLinkInformation(nameOnly) == null) {
                                // Get the link information for the link being copied
                                LinkInformation linkInfo = currentTree.getLinkInformation(nameOnly);
                                // Get the rate information for the copied link's data stream
                                RateInformation rateInfo = rateHandler.getRateInformationByStreamName(arrayItemData[index][0]);
                                // sample rate
                                if (linkInfo.getSampleRate().equals("0") || Arrays.asList(rateInfo.getSampleRates()).contains(linkInfo.getSampleRate())) {
                                    List<ToolTipTreeNode> removedNodes = new ArrayList<ToolTipTreeNode>();
                                    // Create a node for the new link
                                    ToolTipTreeNode newLinkNode = new ToolTipTreeNode(nameOnly, linkInfo.getDescription());
                                    // Copy the top-level nodes from the copied link to the new
                                    // link
                                    targetTree.copySubTree((ToolTipTreeNode) selectedLinks[selectionIndex].getLastPathComponent(), newLinkNode);
                                    // Update the target stream's variable tree to the copied
                                    // link's rate. The variable tree is used to validate the
                                    // variables in the new link
                                    // Step through each member of the new link
                                    for (Enumeration<?> element = newLinkNode.preorderEnumeration(); element.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                        // Get the node for this variable and convert it to a
                                        // string, removing the link name
                                        ToolTipTreeNode subNode = (ToolTipTreeNode) element.nextElement();
                                        String varPath = targetTree.convertLeafNodePath(subNode.getPath(), 1);
                                        // stream)
                                        if (!varPath.isEmpty() && varPath.contains(".") && !linkMgr.getVariableTree().isNodeInTree(varPath)) {
                                            // Add this node to the list of those to be removed
                                            // from the new link
                                            // Add the invalid link and data stream to the list
                                            notCopiedList.add(new Object[] { nameOnly, CcddUtilities.highlightDataType(subNode.getUserObject().toString()), arrayItemData[index][0], "Sample rate differs or variable unavailable in target" });
                                    // Step through the list of variable nodes to be removed
                                    for (ToolTipTreeNode removeNode : removedNodes) {
                                        // Remove the variable node from the tree, and its
                                        // ancestor nodes (up to the link level) if these have
                                        // no siblings
                                    // Insert the new link into the link tree
                                    ToolTipTreeNode targetNode = targetTree.addInformationNode(nameOnly, linkInfo.getDescription());
                                    // Copy the link members from the link being copied to the
                                    // copy in the target data stream
                                    targetTree.copySubTree(newLinkNode, targetNode);
                                    // Create the new link in the target data stream
                                    targetTree.addLinkInformation(rateInfo.getRateName(), linkInfo.getName(), linkInfo.getSampleRate(), linkInfo.getDescription());
                                    // Update the link tree node names in the target stream
                                    // (e.g., add the rate/size information)
                                    // Update the target stream's variable tree to gray out any
                                    // variables now assigned due to the new link
                                    // Update the link dialog's change indicator
                                } else // The stream does not support the rate of the copied link
                                    // Add the invalid link and data stream to the list
                                    notCopiedList.add(new Object[] { nameOnly, "", arrayItemData[index][0], "Sample rate unsupported in target" });
                            } else // The data stream already contains a link with this name
                                // Add the invalid link and data stream to
                                notCopiedList.add(new Object[] { nameOnly, "", arrayItemData[index][0], "Link name already exists in target" });
                // Check if any link or link member failed to copy
                if (!notCopiedList.isEmpty()) {
                    // Create a panel for the link copy failure dialog
                    JPanel notCopyPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
                    // Create the list label and add it to the dialog
                    JLabel notCopyLbl = new JLabel("Following link(s) and/or link " + "member(s) were not copied:");
                    gbc.insets.left = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2;
                    gbc.insets.right = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2;
                    gbc.gridy = 0;
                    notCopyPnl.add(notCopyLbl, gbc);
                    // Create the table to display the links & members not copied
                    CcddJTableHandler notCopiedTable = new CcddJTableHandler() {

                         * Allow multiple line display in the specified columns
                        protected boolean isColumnMultiLine(int column) {
                            return column == LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.MEMBER.ordinal() || column == LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.CAUSE.ordinal();

                         * Allow HTML-formatted text in the specified column(s)
                        protected boolean isColumnHTML(int column) {
                            return column == LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.MEMBER.ordinal();

                         * Load the link & members not copied data into the table and format
                         * the table cells
                        protected void loadAndFormatData() {
                            // Place the data into the table model along with the column names,
                            // set up the editors and renderers for the table cells, set up the
                            // table grid lines, and calculate the minimum width required to
                            // display the table information
                            setUpdatableCharacteristics(notCopiedList.toArray(new Object[0][0]), LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.getColumnNames(), null, LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.getToolTips(), true, true, true);

                         * Override the table layout so that extra width is apportioned
                         * unequally between the columns when the table is resized
                        public void doLayout() {
                            // Get a reference to the column being resized
                            if (getTableHeader() != null && getTableHeader().getResizingColumn() == null) {
                                // Get a reference to the event table's column model to shorten
                                // subsequent calls
                                TableColumnModel tcm = getColumnModel();
                                // Calculate the change in the search dialog's width
                                int delta = getParent().getWidth() - tcm.getTotalColumnWidth();
                                // Get the reference to the link copy error table columns
                                TableColumn linkCol = tcm.getColumn(LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.LINK.ordinal());
                                TableColumn memCol = tcm.getColumn(LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.MEMBER.ordinal());
                                TableColumn strmCol = tcm.getColumn(LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.STREAM.ordinal());
                                TableColumn errCol = tcm.getColumn(LinkCopyErrorColumnInfo.CAUSE.ordinal());
                                // Set the columns' widths to its current width plus a
                                // percentage of the the extra width added to the dialog due to
                                // the resize
                                linkCol.setPreferredWidth(linkCol.getPreferredWidth() + (int) (delta * 0.125));
                                memCol.setPreferredWidth(memCol.getPreferredWidth() + (int) (delta * 0.375));
                                strmCol.setPreferredWidth(strmCol.getPreferredWidth() + (int) (delta * 0.125));
                                errCol.setPreferredWidth(errCol.getPreferredWidth() + delta - (int) (delta * 0.125) * 2 - (int) (delta * 0.375));
                            } else // Table header or resize column not available
                    // Place the table into a scroll pane
                    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(notCopiedTable);
                    // Set up the link copy error table parameters
                    notCopiedTable.setFixedCharacteristics(scrollPane, false, ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION, TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_CELL, true, ModifiableColorInfo.TABLE_BACK.getColor(), false, true, ModifiableFontInfo.OTHER_TABLE_CELL.getFont(), true);
                    // Define the panel to contain the table
                    JPanel resultsTblPnl = new JPanel();
                    resultsTblPnl.setLayout(new BoxLayout(resultsTblPnl, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
                    // Add the table to the dialog
                    gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
                    gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
                    gbc.weighty = 1.0;
                    gbc.gridx = 0;
                    notCopyPnl.add(resultsTblPnl, gbc);
                    // Inform the user that the link(s) can't be copied for the reason provided
                    new CcddDialogHandler().showOptionsDialog(CcddLinkManagerDialog.this, notCopyPnl, "Link Copy Failure", DialogOption.PRINT_OPTION, true);
Also used : JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) GridBagConstraints(java.awt.GridBagConstraints) GridBagLayout(java.awt.GridBagLayout) BoxLayout(javax.swing.BoxLayout) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TableColumnModel(javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel) RateInformation(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.RateInformation) LinkInformation(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.LinkInformation) ToolTipTreeNode(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode) JScrollPane(javax.swing.JScrollPane) JLabel(javax.swing.JLabel) TableColumn(javax.swing.table.TableColumn) TreePath(javax.swing.tree.TreePath)


LinkInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.LinkInformation)6 ToolTipTreeNode (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode)4 RateInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.RateInformation)1 UndoableTreeModel (CCDD.CcddUndoHandler.UndoableTreeModel)1 Component (java.awt.Component)1 GridBagConstraints (java.awt.GridBagConstraints)1 GridBagLayout (java.awt.GridBagLayout)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 BoxLayout (javax.swing.BoxLayout)1 JLabel (javax.swing.JLabel)1 JPanel (javax.swing.JPanel)1 JScrollPane (javax.swing.JScrollPane)1 JTree (javax.swing.JTree)1 TableColumn (javax.swing.table.TableColumn)1 TableColumnModel (javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel)1 TreePath (javax.swing.tree.TreePath)1