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Example 6 with CustomURLLoader

use of CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class URLGetDifferentHelperTest method run.

public void run() {
    boolean resultURL = false;
    boolean resultToken = false;
    URLClassPathCreator pathCreator = new URLClassPathCreator("./Pets;");
    CustomURLLoader loader = new CustomURLLoader(pathCreator.createURLClassPath());
    try {
    } catch (HelperAlreadyDefinedException e) {
        resultURL = true;
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        resultToken = true;
    if ((resultURL == true) && (resultToken == true)) {
        System.out.println("\nTEST PASSED");
    } else {
        System.out.println("\nTEST FAILED");
Also used : CustomURLLoader(CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader) URLClassPathCreator(Utilities.URLClassPathCreator) HelperAlreadyDefinedException( HelperAlreadyDefinedException(

Example 7 with CustomURLLoader

use of CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class TokenIncompatibilityTest method run.

public void run() {
    boolean passed = true;
    URLClassPathCreator pathCreator = new URLClassPathCreator("./Pets;./Sports;");
    CustomTokenClassLoader loader = new CustomTokenClassLoader(pathCreator.createURLClassPath());
    String[] classesToLoad = new String[] { "Dog", "SpeedSkating" };
    String tok = "FindStore";
    for (int index = 0; index < classesToLoad.length; index++) {
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    for (int index = 0; index < classesToLoad.length; index++) {
        if (true != loader.isClassInSharedCache(tok, classesToLoad[index])) {
            System.out.println("\nClass: " + classesToLoad[index] + " not in cache");
            passed = false;
    pathCreator = new URLClassPathCreator("./Pets;");
    CustomURLClassLoader urlCl = new CustomURLClassLoader(pathCreator.createURLClassPath());
    if (true == urlCl.isClassInSharedCache("Dog")) {
        passed = false;
        System.out.println("\nURLClassLoader succesfully loaded class stored with token.");
    pathCreator = new URLClassPathCreator("./Sports;");
    CustomURLLoader urlL = new CustomURLLoader(pathCreator.createURLClassPath());
    if (true == urlL.isClassInSharedCache(0, "Dog")) {
        passed = false;
        System.out.println("\nURLLoader succesfully loaded class stored with token.");
    // Load with URLCP
    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    // Load with URLL
    urlL.loadClassFrom("Cricket", 0);
    // Find with Token
    if (true == loader.isClassInSharedCache(tok, "Cat")) {
        passed = false;
        System.out.println("\nTokenLoader found class loaded by URLClassLoader");
    if (true == loader.isClassInSharedCache(tok, "Cricket")) {
        passed = false;
        System.out.println("\nTokenLoader found class loaded by URLLoader");
    // Find with token == url
    pathCreator = new URLClassPathCreator("./Pets;");
    URL[] urlarray = pathCreator.createURLClassPath();
    String urlToken = urlarray[0].toString();
    if (true == loader.isClassInSharedCache(urlToken, "Cricket")) {
        passed = false;
        System.out.println("\nTokenLoader found class loaded by URLLoader using a token that looked like a url");
    if (passed) {
        System.out.println("\nTEST PASSED");
    } else {
        System.out.println("\nTEST FAILED");
Also used : CustomURLLoader(CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader) CustomTokenClassLoader(CustomCLs.CustomTokenClassLoader) URLClassPathCreator(Utilities.URLClassPathCreator) CustomURLClassLoader(CustomCLs.CustomURLClassLoader) URL(

Example 8 with CustomURLLoader

use of CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class URLClassPathHelperURLHelperStaleEntryCompatibilityTest method executeTest.

private boolean executeTest(String classPath, String[] classesToLoad, String[] urls, String[][] classesToFind, String[][] results, String batchFile, String javacpath) {
    URLClassPathCreator creator = new URLClassPathCreator(classPath);
    URL[] urlPath;
    urlPath = creator.createURLClassPath();
    CustomURLClassLoader cl = new CustomURLClassLoader(urlPath, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
    for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < classesToLoad.length; classIndex++) {
        String classToLoad = classesToLoad[classIndex];
        if (classToLoad != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
    runBatchFile(batchFile, javacpath);
    String urlsString = urls[0];
    for (int index = 1; index < urls.length; index++) {
        urlsString = new StringBuffer(urls[index].length() + 1).append(urlsString).append(urls[index]).toString();
    System.out.println("\n** urlsString: " + urlsString);
    URLClassPathCreator creator2 = new URLClassPathCreator(urlsString);
    URL[] urlPath2;
    urlPath2 = creator2.createURLClassPath();
    CustomURLLoader urlcl = new CustomURLLoader(urlPath2, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
    boolean result = true;
    for (int urlIndex = 0; urlIndex < urls.length; urlIndex++) {
        for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < classesToFind[urlIndex].length; classIndex++) {
            String classToFind = classesToFind[urlIndex][classIndex];
            String expectedResult = results[urlIndex][classIndex];
            if (classToFind != null) {
                String testResult = String.valueOf(urlcl.isClassInSharedCache(urlIndex, classToFind));
                if (!(expectedResult.equals(testResult))) {
                    System.out.println("\nFailure finding class: " + classToFind + " on path: " + urls[urlIndex] + " which is index: " + urlIndex + " result: " + testResult + " expecting: " + expectedResult);
                    result = false;
    return result;
Also used : CustomURLLoader(CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader) URLClassPathCreator(Utilities.URLClassPathCreator) CustomURLClassLoader(CustomCLs.CustomURLClassLoader) URL(

Example 9 with CustomURLLoader

use of CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class NullURLStoreTest method run.

public void run() {
    boolean result = false;
    URLClassPathCreator pathCreator = new URLClassPathCreator("./Pets;");
    URL[] urls = pathCreator.createURLClassPath();
    CustomURLLoader loader = new CustomURLLoader(urls);
    result = loader.isClassInSharedCache(0, "Dog");
    if (result != true) {
        System.out.println("\nTEST PASSED");
    } else {
        System.out.println("\nTEST FAILED");
Also used : CustomURLLoader(CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader) URLClassPathCreator(Utilities.URLClassPathCreator) URL(

Example 10 with CustomURLLoader

use of CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class MultiLoadURLClassPathMatchingTest method executeTest.

public boolean executeTest(String[] urls, String[][] classesToLoad, String[][] classesToFind, String[][] results) {
    String urlsString = urls[0];
    for (int index = 0; index < urls.length; index++) {
        urlsString = new StringBuffer(urls[index].length() + 1).append(urlsString).append(urls[index]).append(File.pathSeparatorChar).toString();
    URLClassPathCreator creator = new URLClassPathCreator(urlsString);
    URL[] urlPath;
    urlPath = creator.createURLClassPath();
    CustomURLLoader[] loaderArray = new CustomURLLoader[urls.length];
    for (int urlIndex = 0; urlIndex < urls.length; urlIndex++) {
        for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < classesToLoad[urlIndex].length; classIndex++) {
            loaderArray[urlIndex] = new CustomURLLoader(urlPath, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
            String classToLoad = classesToLoad[urlIndex][classIndex];
            if (classToLoad != null) {
                loaderArray[urlIndex].loadClassFrom(classToLoad, urlIndex);
    boolean result = true;
    for (int urlIndex = 0; urlIndex < urls.length; urlIndex++) {
        for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < classesToFind[urlIndex].length; classIndex++) {
            String classToFind = classesToFind[urlIndex][classIndex];
            String expectedResult = results[urlIndex][classIndex];
            if (classToFind != null) {
                String testResult = String.valueOf(loaderArray[urlIndex].isClassInSharedCache(urlIndex, classToFind));
                if (!(expectedResult.equals(testResult))) {
                    System.out.println("\nFailure finding class: " + classToFind + " on path: " + urls[urlIndex] + " which is index: " + urlIndex + " result: " + testResult + " expecting: " + expectedResult);
                    result = false;
    return result;
Also used : CustomURLLoader(CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader) URLClassPathCreator(Utilities.URLClassPathCreator) URL(


CustomURLLoader (CustomCLs.CustomURLLoader)13 URLClassPathCreator (Utilities.URLClassPathCreator)13 URL ( CustomURLClassLoader (CustomCLs.CustomURLClassLoader)5 CustomTokenClassLoader (CustomCLs.CustomTokenClassLoader)1 HelperAlreadyDefinedException (