use of aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef in project bnd by bndtools.
the class Analyzer method doEEProfiles.
* Added for 1.8 profiles. A 1.8 profile is a set of packages so the VM can
* be delivered in smaller versions. This method will look at the
* {@link Constants#EEPROFILE} option. If it is set, it can be "auto" or it
* can contain a list of profiles specified as name="a,b,c" values. If we
* find a package outside the profiles, no profile is set. Otherwise the
* highest found profile is added. This only works for java packages.
private String doEEProfiles(JAVA highest) throws IOException {
String ee = getProperty(EEPROFILE);
if (ee == null)
return highest.getFilter();
ee = ee.trim();
Map<String, Set<String>> profiles;
profiles = highest.getProfiles();
if (profiles == null)
return highest.getFilter();
} else {
Attrs t = OSGiHeader.parseProperties(ee);
profiles = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : t.entrySet()) {
String profile = e.getKey();
String l = e.getValue();
SortedList<String> sl = new SortedList<String>(l.split("\\s*,\\s*"));
profiles.put(profile, sl);
SortedSet<String> found = new TreeSet<String>();
nextPackage: for (PackageRef p : referred.keySet()) {
if (p.isJava()) {
String fqn = p.getFQN();
for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : profiles.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().contains(fqn)) {
if (found.size() == profiles.size())
break nextPackage;
continue nextPackage;
return highest.getFilter();
String filter = highest.getFilter();
if (!found.isEmpty())
filter = filter.replaceAll("JavaSE", "JavaSE/" + found.last());
// TODO a more elegant way to build the filter, we now assume JavaSE
return filter;
use of aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef in project bnd by bndtools.
the class SpringComponent method analyzeJar.
public boolean analyzeJar(Analyzer analyzer) throws Exception {
Jar jar = analyzer.getJar();
Map<String, Resource> dir = jar.getDirectories().get("META-INF/spring");
if (dir == null || dir.isEmpty())
return false;
for (Iterator<Entry<String, Resource>> i = dir.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<String, Resource> entry =;
String path = entry.getKey();
Resource resource = entry.getValue();
if (SPRING_SOURCE.matcher(path).matches()) {
try {
Set<CharSequence> set;
try (InputStream in = resource.openInputStream()) {
set = analyze(in);
for (Iterator<CharSequence> r = set.iterator(); r.hasNext(); ) {
PackageRef pack = analyzer.getPackageRef((String);
if (!QN.matcher(pack.getFQN()).matches())
analyzer.warning("Package does not seem a package in spring resource (%s): %s", path, pack);
if (!analyzer.getReferred().containsKey(pack))
analyzer.getReferred().put(pack, new Attrs());
} catch (Exception e) {
analyzer.error("Unexpected exception in processing spring resources(%s): %s", path, e);
return false;
use of aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef in project bnd by bndtools.
the class Verifier method verifyUnresolvedReferences.
* Check for unresolved imports. These are referrals that are not imported
* by the manifest and that are not part of our bundle class path. The are
* calculated by removing all the imported packages and contained from the
* referred packages.
* @throws Exception
private void verifyUnresolvedReferences() throws Exception {
if (isFrombuilder())
Manifest m = analyzer.getJar().getManifest();
if (m == null) {
error("No manifest");
Domain domain = Domain.domain(m);
Set<PackageRef> unresolvedReferences = new TreeSet<PackageRef>(analyzer.getReferred().keySet());
for (String pname : domain.getImportPackage().keySet()) {
PackageRef pref = analyzer.getPackageRef(pname);
// Remove any java.** packages.
for (Iterator<PackageRef> p = unresolvedReferences.iterator(); p.hasNext(); ) {
PackageRef pack =;
if (pack.isJava())
else {
// Remove any dynamic imports
if (isDynamicImport(pack))
if (domain.getRequireBundle().isEmpty() && domain.get("ExtensionBundle-Activator") == null && (domain.getFragmentHost() == null || domain.getFragmentHost().getKey().equals("system.bundle"))) {
if (!unresolvedReferences.isEmpty()) {
// Now we want to know the
// classes that are the culprits
Set<String> culprits = new HashSet<String>();
for (Clazz clazz : analyzer.getClassspace().values()) {
if (hasOverlap(unresolvedReferences, clazz.getReferred()))
if (analyzer instanceof Builder)
warning("Unresolved references to %s by class(es) %s on the " + Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH + ": %s", unresolvedReferences, culprits, analyzer.getBundleClasspath().keySet());
error("Unresolved references to %s by class(es) %s on the " + Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH + ": %s", unresolvedReferences, culprits, analyzer.getBundleClasspath().keySet());
} else if (isPedantic())
warning("Use of " + Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE + ", ExtensionBundle-Activator, or a system bundle fragment makes it impossible to verify unresolved references");
use of aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef in project bnd by bndtools.
the class BaselineCommands method _schema.
* Create a schema of a set of jars outling the packages and their versions.
* This will create a list of packages with multiple versions, link to their
* specifications, and the deltas between versions.
* <pre>
* bnd package schema
* <file.jar>*
* </pre>
* @param opts
* @throws Exception
public void _schema(schemaOptions opts) throws Exception {
MultiMap<String, PSpec> map = new MultiMap<String, PSpec>();
Tag top = new Tag("jschema");
int n = 1000;
for (String spec : opts._arguments()) {
File f = bnd.getFile(spec);
if (!f.isFile()) {
} else {
// For each specification jar we found
logger.debug("spec {}", f);
// spec
Jar jar = new Jar(f);
Manifest m = jar.getManifest();
Attributes main = m.getMainAttributes();
Tag specTag = new Tag(top, "specification");
specTag.addAttribute("jar", spec);
specTag.addAttribute("name", main.getValue("Specification-Name"));
specTag.addAttribute("title", main.getValue("Specification-Title"));
specTag.addAttribute("jsr", main.getValue("Specification-JSR"));
specTag.addAttribute("url", main.getValue("Specification-URL"));
specTag.addAttribute("version", main.getValue("Specification-Version"));
specTag.addAttribute("vendor", main.getValue("Specification-Vendor"));
specTag.addAttribute("id", n);
Parameters exports = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(m.getMainAttributes().getValue(Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE));
// Create a map with versions. Ensure import ranges overwrite
// the
// exported versions
Parameters versions = new Parameters();
Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer();
Tree tree = differ.tree(analyzer);
for (Entry<String, Attrs> entry : exports.entrySet()) {
// For each exported package in the specification JAR
Attrs attrs = entry.getValue();
String packageName = entry.getKey();
PackageRef packageRef = analyzer.getPackageRef(packageName);
String version = attrs.get(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE);
PSpec pspec = new PSpec();
pspec.packageName = packageName;
pspec.version = new Version(version); = n;
pspec.attrs = attrs;
pspec.tree = tree;
Collection<PackageRef> uses = analyzer.getUses().get(packageRef);
if (uses != null) {
for (PackageRef x : uses) {
if (x.isJava())
String imp = x.getFQN();
if (imp.equals(packageName))
String v = null;
if (versions.containsKey(imp))
v = versions.get(imp).get(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE);
pspec.uses.put(imp, v);
map.add(packageName, pspec);
// We now gather all the information about all packages in the map.
// Next phase is generating the XML. Sorting the packages is
// important because XSLT is brain dead.
SortedList<String> names = new SortedList<String>(map.keySet());
Tag packagesTag = new Tag(top, "packages");
Tag baselineTag = new Tag(top, "baseline");
for (String pname : names) {
// For each distinct package name
SortedList<PSpec> specs = new SortedList<PSpec>(map.get(pname));
PSpec older = null;
Parameters olderExport = null;
for (PSpec newer : specs) {
// For each package in the total set
Tag pack = new Tag(packagesTag, "package");
pack.addAttribute("name", newer.packageName);
pack.addAttribute("version", newer.version);
Parameters newerExport = new Parameters();
newerExport.put(pname, newer.attrs);
if (older != null) {
String compareId = newer.packageName + "-" + + "-" +;
pack.addAttribute("delta", compareId);
logger.debug(" newer={} older={}", newerExport, olderExport);
Set<Info> infos = baseline.baseline(newer.tree, newerExport, older.tree, olderExport, new Instructions(pname));
for (Info info : infos) {
Tag tag = getTag(info);
tag.addAttribute("id", compareId);
older.tree = null;
older.attrs = null;
older = newer;
for (Entry<String, String> uses : newer.uses.entrySet()) {
Tag reference = new Tag(pack, "import");
reference.addAttribute("name", uses.getKey());
reference.addAttribute("version", uses.getValue());
older = newer;
olderExport = newerExport;
String o = opts.output("schema.xml");
File of = bnd.getFile(o);
File pof = of.getParentFile();
try (PrintWriter pw = IO.writer(of, UTF_8)) {
pw.print("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n");
top.print(0, pw);
if (opts.xsl() != null) {
URL home = bnd.getBase().toURI().toURL();
URL xslt = new URL(home, opts.xsl());
String path = of.getAbsolutePath();
if (path.endsWith(".xml"))
path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 4);
path = path + ".html";
File html = new File(path);
logger.debug("xslt {} {} {} {}", xslt, of, html, html.exists());
try (OutputStream out = IO.outputStream(html);
InputStream in = xslt.openStream()) {
Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(in));
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(of), new StreamResult(out));
use of aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef in project bnd by bndtools.
the class ClassParserTest method testSimple.
public void testSimple() throws Exception {
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("WithAnnotations.jclass");
Clazz clazz = new Clazz(a, "test", null);
Set<PackageRef> set = clazz.getReferred();
PackageRef test = a.getPackageRef("test");
PackageRef testAnnotations = a.getPackageRef("test/annotations");