use of aQute.bnd.version.Version in project bnd by bndtools.
the class ProjectBuilder method getBaselineJar.
* This method attempts to find the baseline jar for the current project. It
* reads the -baseline property and treats it as instructions. These
* instructions are matched against the bsns of the jars (think sub
* builders!). If they match, the sub builder is selected.
* <p>
* The instruction can then specify the following options:
* <pre>
* version :
* baseline version from repository file : a file path
* </pre>
* If neither is specified, the current version is used to find the highest
* version (without qualifier) that is below the current version. If a
* version is specified, we take the highest version with the same base
* version.
* <p>
* Since baselining is expensive and easily generates errors you must enable
* it. The easiest solution is to {@code -baseline: *}. This will match all
* sub builders and will calculate the version.
* @return a Jar or null
public Jar getBaselineJar() throws Exception {
String bl = getProperty(Constants.BASELINE);
if (bl == null || Constants.NONE.equals(bl))
return null;
Instructions baselines = new Instructions(getProperty(Constants.BASELINE));
if (baselines.isEmpty())
// no baselining
return null;
RepositoryPlugin repo = getBaselineRepo();
if (repo == null)
// errors reported already
return null;
String bsn = getBsn();
Version version = new Version(getVersion());
SortedSet<Version> versions = removeStagedAndFilter(repo.versions(bsn), repo, bsn);
if (versions.isEmpty()) {
// We have a repo
Version v = Version.parseVersion(getVersion()).getWithoutQualifier();
if (v.compareTo(Version.ONE) > 0) {
warning("There is no baseline for %s in the baseline repo %s. The build is for version %s, which is higher than 1.0.0 which suggests that there should be a prior version.", getBsn(), repo, v);
return null;
for (Entry<Instruction, Attrs> e : baselines.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().matches(bsn)) {
Attrs attrs = e.getValue();
Version target;
if (attrs.containsKey("version")) {
// Specified version!
String v = attrs.get("version");
if (!Verifier.isVersion(v)) {
error("Not a valid version in %s %s", Constants.BASELINE, v);
return null;
Version base = new Version(v);
SortedSet<Version> later = versions.tailSet(base);
if (later.isEmpty()) {
error("For baselineing %s-%s, specified version %s not found", bsn, version, base);
return null;
// First element is equal or next to the base we desire
target = later.first();
// Now, we could end up with a higher version than our
// current
// project
} else if (attrs.containsKey("file")) {
// Can be useful to specify a file
// for example when copying a bundle with a public api
File f = getProject().getFile(attrs.get("file"));
if (f != null && f.isFile()) {
Jar jar = new Jar(f);
return jar;
error("Specified file for baseline but could not find it %s", f);
return null;
} else {
target = versions.last();
if (target.getWithoutQualifier().compareTo(version.getWithoutQualifier()) > 0) {
error("The baseline version %s is higher than the current version %s for %s in %s", target, version, bsn, repo);
return null;
if (target.getWithoutQualifier().compareTo(version.getWithoutQualifier()) == 0) {
if (isPedantic()) {
warning("Baselining against jar");
File file = repo.get(bsn, target, attrs);
if (file == null || !file.isFile()) {
error("Decided on version %s-%s but cannot get file from repo %s", bsn, version, repo);
return null;
Jar jar = new Jar(file);
return jar;
// Ignore, nothing matched
return null;
use of aQute.bnd.version.Version in project bnd by bndtools.
the class PackageInfo method replace.
* Replace a version in a file based on a pattern. We search the pattern and
* if found we replace group 1 with the new version. If the found version
* matches the new version we bail out early.
private boolean replace(File target, final Version newVersion, Pattern pattern) throws IOException {
String content = IO.collect(target);
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(content);
if (!m.find()) {
return false;
Version oldVersion = new Version(;
if (newVersion.compareTo(oldVersion) == 0) {
return true;
return replace(newVersion, content, m, target);
use of aQute.bnd.version.Version in project bnd by bndtools.
the class PackageInfo method getVersion.
* Get the version from the file using the pattern
private Version getVersion(File source, Pattern pattern) throws IOException {
if (!source.isFile())
return null;
String content = IO.collect(source);
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(content);
if (!m.find())
return null;
return new Version(;
use of aQute.bnd.version.Version in project bnd by bndtools.
the class PackageInfo method getPackageInfo.
* Get the version for a package name. This traverse the source paths and
* will stop at the first source directory that has a packageinfo or
* @param packageName
* @throws Exception
public Version getPackageInfo(String packageName) throws Exception {
File target = getFile(packageName);
if (target != null && target.isFile()) {
Version v = getVersion(target, getPattern(target));
if (v == null && isModern(target)) {
target = new File(target.getParentFile(), PACKAGEINFO);
v = getVersion(target, getPattern(target));
if (v != null)
return v;
return Version.emptyVersion;
use of aQute.bnd.version.Version in project bnd by bndtools.
the class ResourceImpl method compareTo.
public int compareTo(Resource o) {
IdentityCapability me = ResourceUtils.getIdentityCapability(this);
IdentityCapability them = ResourceUtils.getIdentityCapability(o);
String myName = me.osgi_identity();
String theirName = them.osgi_identity();
if (myName == theirName)
return 0;
if (myName == null)
return -1;
if (theirName == null)
return 1;
int n = myName.compareTo(theirName);
if (n != 0)
return n;
Version myVersion = me.version();
Version theirVersion = them.version();
if (myVersion == theirVersion)
return 0;
if (myVersion == null)
return -1;
if (theirVersion == null)
return 1;
return myVersion.compareTo(theirVersion);