use of aQute.bnd.version.VersionRange in project bnd by bndtools.
the class Workspace method addExtensions.
* Add any extensions listed
* @param list
protected void addExtensions(Set<Object> list) {
// <bsn>; version=<range>
Parameters extensions = getMergedParameters(EXTENSION);
Map<DownloadBlocker, Attrs> blockers = new HashMap<DownloadBlocker, Attrs>();
for (Entry<String, Attrs> i : extensions.entrySet()) {
String bsn = removeDuplicateMarker(i.getKey());
String stringRange = i.getValue().get(VERSION_ATTRIBUTE);
logger.debug("Adding extension {}-{}", bsn, stringRange);
if (stringRange == null)
stringRange = Version.LOWEST.toString();
else if (!VersionRange.isVersionRange(stringRange)) {
error("Invalid version range %s on extension %s", stringRange, bsn);
try {
SortedSet<ResourceDescriptor> matches = resourceRepositoryImpl.find(null, bsn, new VersionRange(stringRange));
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
error("Extension %s;version=%s not found in base repo", bsn, stringRange);
DownloadBlocker blocker = new DownloadBlocker(this);
blockers.put(blocker, i.getValue());
resourceRepositoryImpl.getResource(matches.last().id, blocker);
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Failed to load extension %s-%s, %s", bsn, stringRange, e);
logger.debug("Found extensions {}", blockers);
for (Entry<DownloadBlocker, Attrs> blocker : blockers.entrySet()) {
try {
String reason = blocker.getKey().getReason();
if (reason != null) {
error("Extension load failed: %s", reason);
@SuppressWarnings("resource") URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { blocker.getKey().getFile().toURI().toURL() }, getClass().getClassLoader());
Enumeration<URL> manifests = cl.getResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
while (manifests.hasMoreElements()) {
try (InputStream is = manifests.nextElement().openStream()) {
Manifest m = new Manifest(is);
Parameters activators = new Parameters(m.getMainAttributes().getValue("Extension-Activator"), this);
for (Entry<String, Attrs> e : activators.entrySet()) {
try {
Class<?> c = cl.loadClass(e.getKey());
ExtensionActivator extensionActivator = (ExtensionActivator) c.getConstructor().newInstance();
customize(extensionActivator, blocker.getValue());
List<?> plugins = extensionActivator.activate(this, blocker.getValue());
if (plugins != null)
for (Object plugin : plugins) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
error("Loading extension %s, extension activator missing: %s (ignored)", blocker, e.getKey());
} catch (Exception e) {
error("failed to install extension %s due to %s", blocker, e);